In accordance with the Decree of the Head of the state “On encouraging the participants of the Second World War” of April 16, 2018, war veterans in Syrdarya region are also given monetary rewards and valuable gifts on behalf of the President of Uzbekistan.
A 97 years old Boynazar Kholikov is from “Mustakillik” makhalla of Gulistan district, went through the whole war from start to finish. He is a liberation participant of Belarus, Ukraine, Poland, Kaliningrad, the fall of Berlin. After the war, he worked for many years as the brigadier of the cotton brigade. In the years of independence, he started farming. At present he is surrounded by care of his loved ones.
– I am grateful to fate for these happy days, – said Boynazar Kholikov. – The care and attention of the President about us, participants of the war, add years to our life. May there never be war again. May there be peace in our country, and people live in prosperity and well-being.