“We glorify you, contemporary!”

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June 17, 2015

“We glorify you, contemporary!”

glorify_youThe Uzbek National Academic Drama Theatre hosted a ceremony of awarding the winners of the III republican review-theater festival in Uzbekistan “We glorify you, contemporary!”, according to news agency Uzbekistan Today.

The festival, dedicated to the 24 anniversary of independence of the country, is held annually by the Ministry of Culture and Sports of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Creative and Production Association “O’zbekteatr”.

For five days, the general public and members of the expert jury were presented with new performances that demonstrate images of the modern hero.

In the unanimous opinion of the jury, awarded the honorary first place performance “Orol bobo” Kashkadarya regional musical drama theater. Second place went to Bukhara Regional Musical Drama Theatre with the play “Duty”. Third place awarded to the staging of “Roots” Karakalpak State Theater of Young Spectator and “Joy” Uzbek State Musical Theatre Mukimi.
