Solemn opening ceremony of the Educational Center on training Afghan citizens at the Ministry of Higher and Secondary Special Education of the Republic of Uzbekistan, organized at the initiative of the President of Uzbekistan, was held in Termez district.
This modern educational institution, established according to the idea of the Head of our state, will be engaged in training qualified specialists with higher and secondary special education for socio-economic and other spheres of Afghanistan.

In the new training center, based on the needs of the Afghan side, curriculum modules have been developed on 17 areas of higher and 16 areas of secondary special, professional education. The most qualified professors and teachers of national universities are involved in the training process of the center. In addition, opportunity has been created for access to the “Electronic Education System” through a corporate network, so that leading scientists and specialists of any higher education institution of our country would be able to conduct distance classes through videoconferencing.

The first students of the educational center were accepted in the direction of Uzbek language and literature. They will study a two-year course.

The complex includes a multi-storey educational building, a dormitory for 110 people, an information and resource center, a sports hall and sports grounds, a dining room. There are also linguaphone rooms, chemical and physical laboratories, as well as a laboratory for studying subjects related to rail transport. There are also centers of rendering household, trade and other services. The information and resource center is equipped with all necessary textbooks and teaching aids, art and socio-political literature, more than 50 feature films and documentaries shot in Uzbekistan, and audio collections. There are more than 700 e-books in Latin in the electronic library.

In the future, it is planned to expand the center, build a summer canteen, a bakery, a laundry, an additional dormitory for 300 people. The training and production workshop will be reconstructed. In short, additional conditions will be created so that Afghan students could study and acquire professions at the level of modern requirements.