A workshop was organized in cooperation with Navoi regional customs administration and the regional khokimiyat for informing business entities about the benefits, conveniences and preferences in the customs sphere.
– Granting a number of opportunities for business entities participating in foreign exhibitions and fairs since January 1 of this year plays an important role in further development of their activities, – says the head of the regional customs administration B.Kutlimurodov. – So, in accordance with the resolution of the President “On measures of simplifying the procedure for exporting goods intended for holding exhibitions abroad” of December 29, 2017, goods worth less than $5 thousand can be exported without drawing up an export contract and a customs cargo declaration.
Explanations on customs privileges for individuals were provided at the workshop. In particular, since this year, a written mandatory declaration is not required when importing a foreign currency in the amount up to 2 thousand dollars. In addition, only a written declaration is provided when exporting a currency in the amount up to 5 thousand dollars from the territory of Uzbekistan. Creation of “green” and “red” corridors system at international airports has contributed to reducing the time for entry and exit from our country from 2,5 hours to 21 minutes.