Events on studying and discussing the draft State program on implementation of the Strategy of actions on five priority areas of development of the Republic of Uzbekistan in 2017-2021 in the Year of supporting active entrepreneurship, innovative ideas and technologies are being held.
UzLiDeP and its territorial departments are taking an active part in this process. Proposals were received from entrepreneurs, farmers, representatives of other segments of the population on the draft program. More than two thousand people took part in the organized meetings, who expressed about a hundred proposals. This shows that the population participates in the ongoing reforms not as an observer, but as a decisive force.
The meeting organized at the initiative of UzLiDeP political council was attended by members of the expert group created under the party, entrepreneurs and farmers, deputies elected to the district Kengashes of people’s deputies of Tashkent city, representatives of regional organizations.
It was noted that the draft State program is based on ideas forwarded in the Address of the Head of our state to the Oliy Majlis and other speeches, embodies issues important for the population, important for the development of the country, it focuses on the idea “People must not serve the Government bodies, rather the Government bodies must serve the people”.
At the meeting it was noted that issues of improving legal foundations of innovation activity in Uzbekistan acquire even more urgent significance, a number of activities are planned in the draft program in this direction and UzLiDeP should develop constructive and efficient proposals on their implementation using the capabilities of its deputy corps.