On May 24-26, Bukhara will host the 18th Silk and Spices Traditional Festival.The festival is held annually by Bukhara region’s khokimiyat (administration), the State Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan for Tourism Development, Regional Department of Hunarmand Association and other ministries and agencies in order to preserve Uzbekistan’s cultural heritage and maintain folk crafts such as gold embroidery, hand weaving, fine arts and others.
The program of the festival includes performances of folk ensembles from regions of Uzbekistan, national games, master classes, tasting of Uzbek pilaf at Palov Sayli (Pilaf Festival), fashion shows from young designers of Uzbekistan.
The atmosphere of Eastern fairy tales recreates the colorful procession, which takes guests back thousands of years ago, when caravans loaded with silk and spices travelled from China to Europe, passing through mountains and deserts, stayed in blooming oases.