Looking back on the whole range of informative, inspiring, interesting, memorable cultural events in 2016, what comes to mind first and foremost are the enchanting melodies of the 1st International Festival of Arts ‘Golden Autumn’.
This festival of arts held within 40 days turned a truly grandiose and major event. Uzbekistan welcomed one after another world-class musicians who gave concerts in the capital. Those included conductor Vladimir Gorbik, pianist Vladimir Sverdlov-Ashkenazy and violinist Igor Kalnin of Russia, pianists Yuri Gandelsman from Israel and Rochelle Sennett from the United States. A real gift for music connoisseurs were the concerts of the famous Italian singer Toto Cutugno and famous Italian opera singer Alessandro Safina with the National Symphony Orchestra hosted by the Uzbekistan International Forums Palace. Concerts of classical music took place outside the capital as well.
Before the beginning of the concert season of the artistic director of the National Association of Symphonic, Chamber and National Instrument Orchestras of Uzbekistan Davlat Alimov spoke about the necessity of touring of musicians to the regions. According to him, with the help of world classics it would be able to foster the audience, especially young people, to raise their spiritual and intellectual awareness. This idea got implemented within the Festival of Arts. All the teams had the opportunity to perform in different regions of the country. The capital orchestras gave concerts in 10 regions. Foreign musicians also got the opportunity to perform outside of Tashkent.
“It was our dream – to travel to regional centers so that local population enjoyed serious academic music,” Davlat Alimov said. “We are glad that we have managed to begin this activity. Most of the spectators were young people. As it turned out, many people were familiar with the works of world and national classics, so live performance they listened with pleasure. This festival has demonstrated that we have to continue to hold such events. The audience of the regions wanted only one thing – never spot visiting them with concerts. Therefore, we are planning another music festival in the spring, which will be held in all regions of the country. For the upcoming festival we will actively involve the world musicians.”
Not only wonderful music evenings were held within the International Festival of Arts. The capital theater troupes met again with the audience all throughout the country. Tours of the Tashkent theaters to the regions were held earlier. Moreover, the Ministry of Culture and Sports in collaboration with the Uzbekteatr Creative Production Association conducted an experiment in which the well-known actors of the capital got involved in the production of ‘Mirzo Ulugbek’ play at the Hamid Olimjon Samarkand Regional Theater of Drama and Music. The capital theater troupes were traditionally warmly welcomed by the audience in the regions.
The Festival of Arts turned useful for the performers as well. They were able to exchange experience with colleagues from the regions, share their knowledge with the novice actors in different parts of the country, and learn a lot from the invited guests.