Info tour to Khorezm

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March 18, 2019

Info tour to Khorezm

Info tour to Khorezm

State Committee for Tourism Development of the Republic of Uzbekistan organized an info tour for media representatives and tour operators of the country. The journalists visited the historical complex of Urgench district “Ulli Khovli”.
This sacred fortress was built by Khorezmshah Ulul-Ghazi Bakhodirkhan at the request of Salyr of Turkmen aksakal Khojamberdi Shermatbai.
“Ulli Khovli” (Big Yard) is a historical place of Uzbeks and Turkmen. The fortress, erected in the seventeenth century, preserved ancient courtyards, ancient objects of Turkmen culture, the complex is walled.
Restoration and landscaping activities were carried out here at the initiative of President Shavkat Mirziyoyev. A hotel for 20 places is built, Turkmen yurts are installed, all conditions for tourism are created.
During the info tour, the complex hosted Navruz celebrations. Performances of folk ensembles and solo performers, theatrical performances on the work of the Turkmen poet Makhtumkuli and national fairs were organized.
As reported by the Press Service of the State Committee for Tourism Development of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the event participants became familiar with tourism facilities located here – artisanal workshops and a modern photo gallery dedicated to the life of the Turkmen in the Middle Ages, as well as visited a stable.