On June 16, President of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev visited Tashkent district Uchtepa. 1
Shavkat Mirziyoyev expresses condolences in connection with death of Helmut Kohl 3
Uzbek Govn’t directs US$500 million to recapitalize commercial banks. 3
JV Uzbekistan Peugeot Citroen Automotive receives number of benefits. 5
Meeting with Ambassadors of Turkmenistan and Afghanistan. 5
Foreign Minister of Uzbekistan receives new Ambassador of Ireland. 6
On June 16, President of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev visited Tashkent district Uchtepa
On June 16, the head of our country Shavkat Mirziyoyev visited Uchtepa district of the city of Tashkent for getting directly acquainted with the ongoing constructive and prosperous work, the course of socio-economic reforms at places, as well as for conducting a dialogue with people.
The President of our country got acquainted with the project planned for construction of the park of culture and recreation in the district.
Installation of modern, safe, energy-saving attractions, gaming machines that increase the intellectual potential of children, construction of a swimming pool, fountains, a special zone for book lovers, a skate arena, floral gardens, shopping centers, parking lots and other infrastructure facilities on an area of almost 6 hectares is envisaged in this park.
The head of our country noted the need of further improving the project of the park of culture and recreation, construction of a modern hypermarket in the adjacent territory, which should have a modern cinema, library and other necessary institutions. President Shavkat Mirziyoyev emphasized the need of using experience in construction of such countries as South Korea and Japan, gave necessary instructions to officials.
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President of our country Shavkat Mirziyoyev attended the general educational school No.78 in Uchtepa district of the city of Tashkent.
In Uzbekistan, special attention is paid to education of harmoniously developed young generation. Activities on creating necessary conditions for youth in receiving modern education is being consistently continued.
School No.78 of Uchtepa district was built in 1967. Now it is planned to reconstruct and strengthen its material and technical base.
President of our country noted the need to strengthen relations between schools and colleges, in particular, reconstitution in the experimental order of the 11-year educational system in this school, establishment of an vocational training under the school.
Children are formed as individuals, unifying in a team in high school classes, said the head of our state. During this period they should not be excommunicated from an adapted, habitual for them environment. This can negatively affect the psychology of youth, their attendance at school, and ultimately – on the level of education and upbringing. Therefore, it is necessary to ensure the continuity of the educational process, improve training programs.
Shavkat Mirziyoyev in his speech of June 15 in Tashkent conference that was dedicated to issues of ensuring social justice, preserving the true essence and significance of our sacred religion of Islam, drew special attention to issues of educating the younger generation.
As the head of our state noted, one of the most important issues always worrying us, concern the moral image of our youth, their worldview. Time is rapidly changing today. Who is most aware of these changes? Of course, the youth. Certainly, let the youth keep up with the times. However, at the same time, they should not lose their national identity. Let the idea, of who we are, the descendants of what great ancestors we are always echo in their hearts and call for being committed to national self-consciousness. How will we achieve this? Only through upbringing, upbringing and only upbringing.
These tasks place great responsibility on school, family, makhalla, the entire community. Activities carried out in our country on improving all links in the sphere of education and upbringing – the system of preschool, school, secondary special and higher education, construction of new and reconstruction of existing educational institutions will give its results in formation of young generation as harmoniously developed individuals.
Set of “President’s gifts” for the 1st grade students, literature for schoolchildren, a plan for preparation of public educational institutions for the new academic year were presented at school.
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Shavkat Mirziyoyev, during his visit to Uchtepa district, got acquainted with activities of “Vatanparvar inok kommunalchi” private homeowners’ association in the territory of “Vatanparvar” makhalla.
The association that was established in 2010 is one of the most exemplary homeowners’ associations in the district. The entrances of the house No.38, where the association is located, have been renovated in a modern style. The territory adjacent to the house is landscaped. Video surveillance is installed on the facade and at the entrances of the multi-storey building. The association, which serves 60 apartments, have developed optimal communal tariffs for the population.
Three years ago, the roof of the house was repaired, modern doors were installed in the entrances at the expense of the company’s own funds. The parking lot of the house is free of charge for car owners. Children’s playground with various attractions, gaming devices pleases not only children, but also adults.
The President of our country talked with the head of the private homeowners’ association Svetlana Orlova about activities of the association, the work carried out on improving the living conditions of the population in multi-storey buildings. The need to study experience of such associations, which, due to efforts of their employees and apartment owners, created such well-maintained and comfortable conditions, as well as widespread popularization of such practice in other districts, was noted.
A person who is focused on work, creation and improvement does not need many things, said the head of our state. It is gratifying that ranks of our compatriots are replenished by those who spare no effort, labor, time for improvement and creation of coziness on their territory.
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President of our country Shavkat Mirziyoyev got acquainted with the technopark project that will be created on the basis of the former “Signal” plant in Uchtepa district of the city of Tashkent.
Large-scale construction and repair work is being conducted in this area with a total area of 5,1 hectares. There are buildings and structures, communication networks on the territory. Installation and commissioning of production equipment on various projects is envisaged for the first quarter of 2018.
Plastic products, energy saving lamps, transformer substations, sewing and knitting products, modern furniture and other goods will be produced in small enterprises that are planned to be established in this zone. More than 400 workplaces will be created in 17 enterprises.
Modern system of financing by commercial banks of manufacturing enterprises, providing them with preferential loans is created at the initiative of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev.
About 1000 workplaces will be created in the spheres of medical services, producing construction materials, furniture, leather and footwear products, the chemical industry, pharmaceuticals within the framework of nearly 70 promising projects financed in 2017 in Uchtepa district by the National bank for foreign economic activity of the Republic of Uzbekistan. “Yurxas” LLC will put into operation the workshop for painting fabrics and canvases at the level of world standards. 60 workplaces will be created at the production, which is scheduled for launch in the third quarter of 2017.
“Baykal-KMU” LLC will also start its activities by the end of this year. Export of enterprise products – microbiological fertilizers “Baykal EM-1” for improving fertility of lands in Turkey, the UAE, India and Pakistan is expected. “Avikon tex” and “Urologic complex” LLCs will provide medical services for promoting public health, prevention of various diseases.
Decorative paper will be produced for furniture industry in the project planned for implementation with participation of “Ipoteka bank” JSCB. The enterprise, which will be equipped with modern technologies from China and Turkey, will start its operation in 2018. In addition, 1200 tons of fish products will be processed with the bank’s participation.
60 people will be employed in the “Art Dekor Group” LLC, which is specialized in production of 148 tons of pipes and 400 thousand fittings per year.
The head of our state especially noted the need for preliminary market search before the production process begins.
President Shavkat Mirziyoyev was provided information on investment projects for development of industry and services in Uchtepa district for 2017. It reflects information on activities of enterprises, types of services, workplaces, amount of allocated funds, range of products.
“Artikor” LLC that is financed by “Halk Bank” is specialized in production of sewing products. 60 people will be employed at the enterprise, where 150 thousand pieces of products will be produced per year.
The President of our country gave appropriate instructions to officials on further improvement of new projects, increasing workplaces.
(Source: UzA)
Shavkat Mirziyoyev expresses condolences in connection with death of Helmut Kohl
President of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev expressed his condolences to Germany in connection with the demise of the former Federal Chancellor of Germany Helmut Kohl.
According to the press service of the Uzbek Foreign Ministry, the head of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev sent a message of condolences to the Federal President of Germany Frank-Walter Steinmeier.
In his message, the President of Uzbekistan noted: “In our memory Mr. Kohl will forever remain as a major political leader of the world scale and an outstanding statesman of Germany, whose name is inseparably linked with the most important political events in world history, including the unification of Germany and the creation of the European Union.
Shavkat Mirziyoyev noted that Helmut Kohl made an invaluable contribution to formation and development of long-term partnership and friendly relations between Uzbekistan and Germany, as well as two nations.
“I ask you to accept my condolences and convey to the family and friends of Mr. Kohl, the entire German people, the words of sincere sympathy,” the President said.
(Source: UzDaily.com)
Uzbek Govn’t directs US$500 million to recapitalize commercial banks
Government of Uzbekistan will direct US$500 million for recapitalization of commercial banks of the country.
On 16 June 2017, the President of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev signed a corresponding resolution.
The resolution is aimed at maintaining the level of capitalization of commercial banks, enhancing financial stability of the banking system and expanding their participation in financing investment projects and entrepreneurship.
According to the document, the Fund for Reconstruction and Development (FRDU) will allocate US$500 million in 2017 to increase the state share in the authorized capitals of commercial banks of Uzbekistan.
Commercial banks will use the funds, received from the FRDU to form and increase state stake in their authorized capital, to finance and co-finance programs of social-economic development of the regions of Uzbekistan in 2017-2018 and financial support for business entities, the resolution said.
Uzbek leader instructed the Central Bank to introduce a mechanism for providing loans to commercial banks with acute shortage of liquidity. The credits will be provided for up to three months and without collateral, the document added.
The resolution noted that banks should use these funds only to maintain liquidity in order to ensure the continuity of payments. The banks do not have the right to use these resources for providing loans.
President Shavkat Mirziyoyev also granted the right to the Central Bank to introduce a guardianship regime over a commercial bank, which did not ensure uninterrupted payment for customers after receiving the loan without collateral from the regulator.
(Source: UzDaily.com)
Uzbekistan expects to implement 15 major investment projects in the light industry totaling over $178 million by the end of this year
In Uzbekistan, light industry is the fundamental, multi-profile, investment and innovation-attractive sector of the economy. It contributes to the effectiveness of large-scale production of economically viable and environmentally safe goods, import substitution, and enhancement of the country’s export capacity.
Along with that, it plays a significant role in addressing policy objectives on the improvement of the demographic situation and meets essential interests of many regions not only in urban, but also in remote agricultural or mountainous areas. The industry contributes to balanced development of the republic’s territories, ensuring employment of the population and improvement of its well-being, and helps in the establishment and development of small businesses.
The objectives set by the Actions Strategy along Five Priority Development Areas for Uzbekistan in 2017-2021, lay a special emphasis on the increase of the country’s export capacity; scale up of volumes and expansion of the range of exported products with high added value. With this in mind, the efforts will be focused on enhanced processing of raw materials, and thereby will allow bringing the industry to a drastically new level. The 15 projects, which total $178 million and are scheduled for 2017, are aimed at the production of finished textile, garment and knitted articles.
In accordance with the Program of Measures on the Further Development of Textile, Garment and Knitting Industries for 2017-2019, it is planned to implement 132 investment projects by 2020, half of which will be financed through foreign investments and loans. The total cost of projects will be nearly $2.2 billion.
The projects will result in the establishment of 112 cutting edge, high-tech manufactures. Expansion, upgrade and technological extension of 20 active facilities will be continued. These measures should scale up the export capacity of the industry to $2.5 billion a year, and create more than 25,000 jobs.
The participation of domestic producers in international exhibitions and organization of national fairs has been an important factor in the development of textile industry. That promotes cooperation with foreign partners, and conclusion of profitable transactions. In 2016, the abovementioned events contributed to signing contracts for over $1 billion. This year, it is planned to ensure the participation of Uzbek entrepreneurs in 26 international exhibitions, as well as hold annual exhibitions and fairs in Uzbekistan.
The increase in exports and satisfaction of the needs of the domestic market rank among the most important indicators of sustainable development and high competitiveness of the industry. Every year the map of sales directions is expanding. In 2016, enterprises of Uzbekyengilsanoat company, the largest textile company, exported products totaling $1.14 billion to 60 countries. The volume of investments disbursed by 460 enterprises under the company exceeded $2.5 billion. More than 200 enterprises were established with the participation of foreign investors. The scheduled increase in the number of Uzbekyengilsanoat trading houses abroad to 49 should also contribute to the growth of exports.
(Source: «Uzbekistan Today» newspaper)
International cooperation
JV Uzbekistan Peugeot Citroen Automotive receives number of benefits
The President of the Republic of Uzbekistan signed a Decree “On establishment of the enterprise with foreign investment “Uzbekistan Peugeot Citroen Automotive”.
The document was adopted for further sustainable development of automotive industry of the Republic of Uzbekistan on the basis of integration with one of the world’s leading manufacturers, to expand the range of manufactured automotive products through the organization of production of light commercial vehicles “Peugeot Citroen”, ensuring the growth of their sales on the domestic and foreign markets.
The regulation approved the Investment agreement entered into between the Government of the Republic of Uzbekistan in the person of the State Committee of Republic Uzbekistan on investments, Peugeot Citroen Automobiles S. A. and JSC Uzavtosanoat.
The State Committee of Republic Uzbekistan on investments together with JSC Uzavtosanoat are tasked to ensure the control over the absolute execution of commitments by foreign investor according to the signed Investment agreement.
The Djizakh region is mandated to ensure the allocation of 45 hectares of land area on the territory of FEZ “Djizakh” for construction of a facility for production of light commercial vehicles.
Taking into account the composition and structure of technological equipment, technological concept of the investment project, and given the short terms for implementation, the investment project is permitted as an exception:
- a) to develop design documentation within the framework of the investment project without pre-feasibility study, with the approval of the feasibility study of the investment project;
- b) By May 1, 2018, to carry out construction and assembly works under the investment project with the simultaneous development of design and estimate documentation;
- c) to conclude direct contracts without holding tenders, on the basis of the selection of the best proposals and etc.
(Source: UzReport.uz)
Meeting with Ambassadors of Turkmenistan and Afghanistan
On June 16, 2017, a meeting with Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Turkmenistan Shiri Shiriyev and Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan Sayed Shahabuddin Timori was held at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
At the meeting the topical aspects of interaction between three countries in the framework of multilateral organizations were discussed.
The ambassadors on behalf of the foreign ministers of Turkmenistan and Afghanistan handed the official invitation for the Uzbek part to the upcoming 7th Regional Economic Cooperation Conference for Afghanistan (RECCA-VII), which will be held in Ashgabat.
(Source: Press Service of the MFA of the Republic of Uzbekistan)
Foreign Minister of Uzbekistan receives new Ambassador of Ireland
On June 16, Foreign Minister Abdulaziz Kamilov received the newly appointed Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Ireland with residence in Moscow Adrian McDade.
The Minister received credentials of the Ambassador and congratulated him on his appointment.
The parties exchanged opinions on prospects of further deepening Uzbek-Irish relations in political, trade-economic, cultural-humanitarian and other spheres, on certain pressing international and regional issues.
(Source: UzReport.uz)
The uzbek motion picture “She” has been announced to be included in the program of the 12th Cyprus International Festival, due June 14-24 in Paphos
The Cyprus International Film Festival is held since 2006 and is one of the 100 largest festivals in the world (from the existing 5,500 film festivals). Winners are traditionally given the main prize – “Golden Aphrodite”.
A total of about 100 full-length and short films created by young filmmakers from various countries will take part in the festival.
Uzbekistan will be represented by the film “She” by a young filmmaker, student of the State Institute of Arts and Culture of Uzbekistan Mukhlisa Azizova. The plot of the film tells about the story of a writer who turns his wife into the heroine of the novel. As the book is created, the conflict between fictional history and reality becomes stronger. The hero of the film understands that instead of the original design he writes about his own life.
(Source: «Uzbekistan Today» newspaper)
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