The city of Khiva hosted the First International Tournament “Strongmen Games” named after Pahlavon Mahmud.
The tournament, organized by the State Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan for Tourism Development together with the Ministry of Physical Culture and Sports, the World Strongman Federation, and Khorezm regional khokimiyat, was attended by 20 athletes from India, Iran, Turkey, Pakistan, Latvia, Russia and other countries.
Thousands of local residents and foreign visitors with great interest watched the performances of the world strongmen, held in various places of the city of Khiva.
According to the program of the tournament, on the first day of the championship, the strongmen performed such difficult exercises as rickshaw carry, placing Sangijuman stones weighing 140, 160, 180, 200 kilograms on a platform of a certain height, lifting and carrying a 360-kilogram installation on the shoulders.
On the second day of the championships, the strongmen tested themselves in dragging a locomotive at Khiva railway station. Not every strongman was able to perform this difficult exercise. It is not easy to move the locomotive weighing almost 160 tons. In this kind of competition there were no equal to the Ukrainian strongman Pavlo Kordiyaka. Uzbekistan’s Sergey Trubicin took the second place, and the representative from Brazil Wagner Mezenes Dos Santos became the third place winner.
Within the framework of the tournament, initiated by the khokimiyat of Khorezm region, Khorezm Mamun Academy and Urgench State University, an international scientific conference was organized on “Pahlavon Mahmud – a great scientist and strongman”. The conference, held at Khorezm Mamun Academy, was attended by employees of scientific-research institutions, professors and teachers of higher education institutions, representatives of public organizations, as well as media workers who came to cover the tournament “Strongmen Games”, dedicated to the memory of Pahlavon Mahmud.
In accordance with the program of games, participants also competed in lifting and dragging the “Muynak anchor” weighing 270 kilograms, brought from the “Ship Graveyard” in the Aral Sea, holding the “Khiva pillars”, as well as sustained holding of Jaloliddin Manguberdi and Amir Temur’s swords, each of which weighs 20 kilograms.
According to the final results, the Ukrainian strongman Pavlo Kordiyaka was declared the absolute winner of the First International Tournament “Strongmen Games” named after Pahlavon Mahmud and was awarded the grand prize – a cash prize in the amount of 5,000 dollars, a diploma and special gifts.
Iranian strongman Reza Gheitasi took the second place. Two strongmen received the third place at once – Sergey Trubicin, who defended the honor of Uzbekistan, and Alexander Kuzmin from the Russian Federation.