“Investment portal of Uzbekistan”

Citizens of 76 countries will be able to get an electronic visa to Uzbekistan (List)

Uzbekistan announces visa waiver for citizens of 45 countries (List)

Important Visa Information for Indian Citizens Travelling to Uzbekistan

May 22, 2017



In the near future, the regions of Uzbekistan will follow the example of the Bukhara region and adopt regional programs for the development of physical culture and sports, and inter-regional sports games Umid Nihollari and Barkamol Avlod will continue to be held not as before, every three years, but annually.

This was announced at a briefing for journalists by the chairman of the State Committee for Physical Culture and Sports Rustam Kurbanov. He noted that each region will develop such a program for itself.

“We started with the Bukhara region, where the program was worked out taking into account the preferences of the population and the existing problems, and reported to the President. Shavkat Mirziyoyev approved it and instructed that all regions elaborate similar documents. Previously, everything went from above, decisions were made, and then downwards vertically – under the carbon paper,” the head of the sports agency said, adding that the development of mass sports requires no less attention than the Olympic types.

The main task of the State Sports Committee is to start all-round work on the development of mass sports. To fully use the available potential, each federation and its regional branches must work out two programs designed for the preparation for the Olympic Games in Tokyo and the development of mass sports and selection “from below.”

Separately, Rustam Kurbanov expounded on the role of youth three-layer games in the development of mass sports. At present, preparation for the games Barkamol Avlod is completed among students of colleges and lyceums in Jizzakh. This year, they will compete for 186 sets of awards in 17 sports. The final stage of the competition will be attended by 1,655 people, including 901 athletes, 210 trainers and 175 referees.

Now the preparation of facilities for the reception of participants of the competitions is being completed, the sports arenas are outfitted with modern equipment.