Report of the President Islam Karimov at the joint session of the Legislative Chamber and Senate of Oliy Majlis of Uzbekistan

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January 27, 2015

Report of the President Islam Karimov at the joint session of the Legislative Chamber and Senate of Oliy Majlis of Uzbekistan

uzbek_prez_speechDear Deputies!


Dear Senators!


Dear friends!

It gives me great pleasure to congratulate you on your victory in the recent elections to the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan, and high confidence that our people have helped you, and wish you all health, happiness and new successes in your activity.

The absolute majority of the more than 70,000 domestic and more than 340 foreign observers, representatives of reputable international organizations that participated in the election observation, they were held in an atmosphere of openness, transparency, in full accordance with the norms and standards of international law.

First of all, these elections have demonstrated significantly increased social and political activity of our society and the people, credibility and maturity of political parties, civic institutions.

At the same time, they have become a vivid reflection of the practical results of democratic changes and reforms in our country in order to protect the rights, freedoms and interests, building a democratic state and strong civil society.

Convincing proof of all this is the very course of preparation and holding of elections and their outcome. They were attended by nearly 18.5 million people, or 88.9 percent of the voters.

Thus attracts attention the fact that in 22 of the 135 constituencies where the election campaign of candidates for deputies of the Legislative Chamber held particularly acute, the deputies were not elected in the first round, and in these districts had to hold a second vote, indicating that the democratic elections took place .

I would like to take this opportunity to thank the Central Election Commission of Uzbekistan, local election committees, thousands of activists who did everything to ensure that the elections passed in accordance with the law, rules of our Constitution, generally accepted democratic principles and requirements.

It gives me great satisfaction on behalf of our people and myself, I express my deep gratitude especially representatives of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe, the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, the Commonwealth of Independent States, the National Electoral Commission of many countries, as well as experts and observers to foreign countries, under the charge of a mission election observation.

Dear friends!

Today, summarizing the activities of the Oliy Majlis of the former, we should objectively evaluate the performance of our Parliament, which has become a worthy contribution to the achievement of our practical results in the further deepening of democratic reforms and building civil society.

Over the past period, a total of more than 140 was adopted laws and legal acts.

Strategic program of political and economic reforms that define our tomorrow, no doubt, was adopted by Parliament in November 2010. The Concept of further deepening democratic reforms and formation of civil society in the country.

Adopted under the laws of the Concept 27, the procedure of their wide discussion and decision were an important factor and effective contribution to the further democratization and liberalization of state power and administration, ensuring the independence and autonomy of the judiciary, freedom of expression and information, freedom of choice and the development of the electoral system, civil institutions.

The amendments made in accordance with the concept of the Constitution in 2011 and 2014, in a number of other legislative acts adopted in the field of state-building, provided further optimization of the main subjects of the powers of state power – the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the Oliy Majlis, the government of the country, the development of mechanisms of checks and balances between the legislative, executive and judicial branches of government.

The essence of reforms in this area has been a significant increase in the role of the Oliy Majlis, representative bodies on the ground in the government, expanding the independence, authority and at the same time the government’s responsibility, executive authorities for the unconditional implementation and further strengthening the effectiveness of the adopted laws.

It should be noted the special role of parliament in the country carried out systematic work on further democratic reform, liberalization of the judicial sphere.

About 30 acts of legislation adopted by the Parliament have become an important factor in ensuring the rule of law, strengthening the independence of the judiciary, improve the efficiency of the law enforcement system in the protection of the rights and freedoms.

A significant contribution was made by the Parliament in the development of civil society, strengthening the autonomy and independence of the media. About 10 acts of legislation adopted in this area, including the Law “On Civil Society” in the new edition of the Law “On social partnership” and other regulations, significantly increased the role and importance of civil institutions in solving the major problems of social and economic development, increasing social activity of people, providing a balance of interests in society.

I would like to note the activities of the Ecological Movement of Uzbekistan. Life itself has proved correctness of the 2008 decision to grant the fifteen seats in the Legislative Chamber of representatives of this movement.

Parliamentary group motion in the Legislative Chamber in recent years was initiated 9 laws, including the Law “On Environmental Protection”, which play an important role in ensuring the protection of public health, environmental protection, natural resource management, active involvement in this area of civil institutions.

Parliament has adopted more than 30 acts of legislation that have become an important foundation for the further deepening of democratic and market reforms, liberalization, economic restructuring, the extensive development of small business, entrepreneurship, farming movement.

Today, the Oliy Majlis on the proposal of the government annually reviews and approves the program to create jobs and employment, exercise parliamentary control over its implementation. Only on the basis of implementation of the program in 2014 in the country created more than 980,000 jobs, including for young people, graduates of professional colleges.

In general, to create a legal base has become, especially in the context of the ongoing worldwide financial and economic crisis, an important factor for sustainable socio-economic development of the country. In Uzbekistan – among the few countries in the world – over the last 10 years the growth rate of gross domestic product is no less than 8 percent. Thus industrial production, investment and real incomes are dynamically growing.

And we can be proud of these results.

Of particular note is the work of the Oliy Majlis for the introduction of new, modern forms of legislative activity.

Legislative Chamber first conducted an experiment on testing the legal provisions of the Law “On the openness of state power and control.” Experiment, according to foreign experts, wore a unique character and allowed to work the modern methods of preparation and adoption of quality, meeting the requirements of today’s legislative acts.

I want to mention a great contribution to improving the efficiency of parliamentary activities in a timely manner we created the Institute for Monitoring of legislation. As independent structure it has a serious impact on the qualitative improvement of the legal, legislative work. Of particular importance are conducted by the Institute work on the comparative analysis of the current legislation, the study of international experience rulemaking. Undoubtedly, these works allow us to find the best solution to a legislative task that requires their further development, creation of necessary organizational and technical conditions.

Today we can say with confidence that the goal we set for ourselves exactly ten years ago, creating a bicameral parliament, which constantly works on a professional basis Legislative Chamber, as well as acts of territorial representation Legislature – Senate fully achieved. Significantly increased the quality of laws more effectively ensure a balance of regional, sectoral and national interests.

Based on the fact that we want to improve the work of parliament, crucially, to meet modern standards, improve the quality of law-making, legislation, I think it would be appropriate, objectively assessing the work of the Oliy Majlis of the intervening period, to dwell on some of the shortcomings occurred.

In fact, of course, we are all well aware that, without recognizing and realizing the essence admitted flaws and shortcomings, we can not eliminate them.

First. I must admit that the Oliy Majlis pays insufficient attention to zakonoprimeneniyu, law enforcement practice.

We are a small wonder: what has changed with the adoption of these laws in our lives, how they affect the development progress of the socio-political, socio-economic and judicial reforms. So, we are talking about the liberalization of legislation, together with the results of this work can best be evaluated by how they felt liberalization people in their daily lives that talking about it, journalists, columnists. At the same time we must recognize that a feedback mechanism allowing Parliament to build its work considering how to make them laws affect people’s lives, economic and political development, practically does not work.

Therefore, it seems that the actual problem today should be enshrined in the laws governing the legislative activity of the Oliy Majlis of such legal mechanisms that would provide for the compulsory study of the process of bringing legislation to the performers as well as the effectiveness of enforcement and on this basis – ensuring prompt corrective action in the program of legislative, control and analytical work of the House of Parliament.

Second. As the results of the analysis are often adopted laws, changes and additions to them do not work due to the fact that, firstly, do not contain specific mechanisms for the implementation of existing standards in them, and secondly – not published or untimely issue appropriate regulations acts without which the provisions of these laws simply do not work.

In this regard, the question arises why framework laws that “likes” to make our Parliament, not the “land” is not communicated to the end, to law enforcement.

I think one of the main reasons here is that, given the law, we do not ask the question that should be posed in the process of its development. That is, to what extent, how the law will work in real life. This causes duplication and inconsistencies encountered in our legislation, reduces its effectiveness.

Here is an example. In accordance with the concept we in May 2014 adopted the new edition of the Law “On Joint Stock Companies and the protection of shareholder rights.” We must frankly admit that, becoming an important act of legislation in the field of corporate governance, the law in full force and effect until earned. Shareholders, especially minority shareholders, in practice, their rights are not fully used, the Company’s operations are not affected.

In this case, one of the main reasons here is that in other areas of law, in particular – administrative, criminal, economic legislation, were not simultaneously with the adoption of this law provides legal and administrative, judicial and legal mechanisms to ensure its implementation. In particular, the administrative responsibility of officials for violation of the rights of shareholders.

At the same time, as the experience of countries with a developed system of corporate governance and responsibility in their legislation, judicial protection cover almost the entire field of corporate relations and related procedures.

We must clearly understand that the measures taken in the field of deepening market reforms, in particular, those incentives, preferences that we set in the laws of development of small business, private enterprise, will work only if they are supported by other legal institutions the above-mentioned areas of law and, above all, judicial and legal mechanisms of action.

In modern conditions it is important to ensure that the laws of direct action, codified acts of legislation, the timely publication of regulations to ensure full implementation of the newly adopted laws.

All these issues should be the subject of intense, daily attention of the Oliy Majlis. I want to reiterate that, first of all, it is the supreme legislative body to enact laws should be interested not only in its absolute performance, but also to ensure consistency, systematic legislation, a complete system of legal regulation in general.

Third. It is important to ensure broad, efficient discussion of draft laws at various levels of government, civil society institutions. It should be noted that we do not deal with this practically any deal formally.

There are many reasons – apparently afraid that the bill in the course of such discussions “will acquire” new provisions against which it must be changed to process. At the same time we have the ambition and, inadequate training developers bills.

It is no secret that the practice of having a lot of experience in their field of activity, sometimes better than legislators, own laws subject. In the name of the case, in the name of improving the quality, efficiency legislation, I think it is mandatory to carry out a thorough discussion of bills involving a wide range of scientists, highly qualified experts.

To discuss the draft laws, especially those of legislative acts and decisions that directly affect the vital interests of the social rights of the population, it is necessary to attract wide public, representatives of civil institutions.

It is primarily a question of the full increase the role of citizens in government. And since the foundation of government is the law, the legislative activity of the most active part should take the institutions of civil society. In this context, an important task is to ensure the transparency of the Houses of Parliament, a comprehensive public awareness of its legislative, control and analytical work.

Fourth. Its necessary to raise to a qualitatively higher level of work on discussion, elaboration of draft laws on the basis of a comprehensive, in-depth comparative analysis of foreign jurisprudence. We must admit that this issue, we also do not pay enough attention.

At the same time, this trend – holding various conferences, seminars, “round tables” devoted to the study of the experience of legislative activity of democratic countries, as well as a comparative analysis of upcoming bills with a model for similar laws adopted in developed foreign countries – would give us new material for enrichment of a specific draft law and our legislation as a whole. That is why the work should be in our hands an effective tool in improving the legislative work.

All this, in turn, requires a significant increase in the efficiency of the analytical work carried out in Parliament, the level of training, knowledge, competence, in other words, the professionalism of the deputies themselves. In this svyaziobespechenie continuously improve the level of professionalism of the deputies should be the most important thing in the next five years, all the work of the Oliy Majlis.

Fifth. The most important task becomes all-round increase in the activity of the Legislative Chamber of the role and importance of political party factions, further gradual development of a multi-party system as a whole. Today we have every reason to emphasize the importance in this respect of the 2007 Constitutional Law “On strengthening the role of political parties in the renewal and further democratization of state governance and modernization of the country.”

The law clearly defined the legal status of the faction, including for the first time – the status of the parliamentary majority and the parliamentary opposition, its exclusive rights and guarantees efficient operation. Greatly enhanced the role of deputy groups in representative bodies to monitor the activities of government in the field. These and a number of other key provisions of the law had a huge impact on the development and strengthening of a real multi-party system in the country.

It is important that it is in the Oliy Majlis – Parliament, local representative bodies do not obscure the contradictions between factions or individual MPs, and it is here that there was a heated discussion, a tough fight, based on the promotion of the interests of, program goals of political parties, eventually opinions deputies.

Of course, we all understand that the debate competition of ideas and programs, alternative drafts should be conducted by the principal, the most important socio-economic, political and substantive issues on a professional basis.

Sixth. I would especially like to stay at the initiative, the activity of political factions and individual deputies.

Can not be considered normal that in the past five years from 140 Acts of Parliament, only 19 were initiated by the deputies of the Legislative Chamber. However, only 3 of them are new, holistic legislative acts, and the remaining 16 were associated with the introduction of the existing laws of certain changes and additions, which were mostly legal-technical nature.

I think you will agree with me that in modern conditions the activity of fractions, their deputies on the initiation and promotion of laws, the country needs to be fundamentally revised. It must become more active and meaningful, built around the interests and attitudes of political parties of these fractions, their electorate.

Thus the position of the parties and their fractions, for whatever laws are factional debates on vital issues of socio-political, socio-economic razvitiyadolzhny in its entirety communicated to the general public, to the voters. This is the essence of the democratic organization of power, democracy, parliamentary system.

I think it will be useful to note that the activity of the media in this matter is not up to par.

There are those instances where some deputies simply avoid meetings with representatives of the media, including television.

Seventh. In the context of constitutional reforms on a new basis must be built chambers of the Oliy Majlis, and above all factions in the implementation of parliamentary control over the activities of government, unconditional execution of laws, the most important state programs of socio-economic, socio-political development.

As the results of the study, over the past five years by both houses of the various organs of state administration was directed only 7 queries on specific social issues. Today there is no need to say that the new constitutional conditions of parliamentary hearings, systematic reports of the members of the government, heads of state and economic management on the status of execution of legal requirements, detailed answers to questions deputies should become everyday parliamentary practice.

The most important task is a radical improvement of the deputies with voters, the introduction to the work of the chambers of modern methods of parliamentary control, including the formation and implementation of the State budget – this is an important economic document of the country.

These and a host of other modern forms and methods to exercise control of the Oliy Majlis of the need to systematically and clearly fixed in the law “On parliamentary control”, a project that is now widely discussed in the expert community of the country.

Eighth. The most important task is to further increase the efficiency of interaction between the Legislative Chamber and the Senate of the Oliy Majlis.

Speaking of which, I consider it necessary to emphasize that the two Houses of Parliament – it is a complete system, a single legislative body. We must frankly admit that in the past, at the beginning of practice bicameral parliament have been instances when, instead of to work together, to achieve common goals, defining the meaning of legislative activity, often between the chambers was a lawsuit which of the chambers of a competent, better understand the essence and meaning of laws.

As a result of the creation of the Coordinating Council on the organization of interaction chambers of Oliy Majlis, consisting of their representatives, and a number of other legal measures taken in recent years, this problem today removed from the agenda. I think it would be appropriate to continue the work in this direction, so that in the future between the deputies and senators of the parliament did not arise such misunderstandings.

Dear People’s Deputies and Senators, participants of the meeting!

Objectively assessing the events taking place in the world, it should be noted that we can not disturb the growing tensions and risks, growing geopolitical confrontation, amplifying the struggle for spheres of influence, radicalism, terrorism and extremism.

In this ever escalating situation in Uzbekistan, we, like many other states, in order to prevent real threats to peace and security, preservation of the country’s climate of peace and stability, the atmosphere of mutual understanding and harmony, in order to be prepared for any possible challenges of our time, clearly and clearly define its position of principle and policy.

Along with this, the international community is well aware of the principles and position in providing security as enshrined in the 2012 adopted the Constitutional Law “On approval of the Concept of foreign policy of the Republic of Uzbekistan”.

In this regard, it is necessary to stress once again that we consider it our top priority to further strengthen the friendly relations and mutually beneficial cooperation with all countries, especially with our neighbors. The most important thing – Uzbekistan has been and remains a supporter of the peace policy, which in the first place, is to not join any military blocs, avoiding placement on our territory of foreign military bases and stay of our troops abroad.

When the prevailing international situation today this approach is for us the most correct and optimal.


Dear deputies and senators!


Once again I congratulate you, be worthy of the high trust of the people. I wish you health, new strength and success in parliamentary activities, happiness and prosperity to your families.


Dear Deputies!


Dear Senators!


Now we have to exchange views with you on one more important issue.

As you know, Article 98 of our Constitution and acting upon the relevant laws clearly defined procedure for nominating candidates for the post of Prime Minister, political parties receiving at the end of the election the largest number of seats in the Legislative Chamber of Parliament, the President of the consideration of the candidates, discussion and approval by the chambers Oliy Majlis.

However, the Basic Law sets forth the functions, powers and responsibilities of the legitimate Prime Minister.

We all know that, in accordance with the amended Constitution of the latest changes and additions are much expanded tasks, powers, in a word, the responsibility of the Prime Minister and the executive.

It’s no secret that when it comes to the nomination and approval of candidates for the post of Prime Minister, we all understand that it is – a very difficult and important question.

Nominate for this position a person with deep knowledge, broad thinking, great life and managerial experience, tempered in various trials, in a word, a man demanding and competent in the development of the country, ready to take responsibility for the implementation of large-scale projects, most importantly, able to all situations to engage in dialogue with people, able to gain authority other than his human qualities – of course, all this is quite complex and difficult task.

In this regard, I believe that the proposed candidature for your discussion – it should be a person who is the actual results of its activities made a significant contribution to achieving today our people and country high goals.

And no matter how it was difficult to find a man that meets all these requirements, taking into account the views expressed, conclusions, I suggest to this post Mirziyoyev Shavkat Miromonovich actively working in the office of the Prime Minister of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

I think you, dear deputies and senators are well aware of this nomination.

Shaukat Mirziyoyev during his leadership positions he held various positions of responsibility, authority won his great organizational skills and practical experience. He is well known hokims all regions and districts, leaders at all levels, all of our people.

I am sure you, the people’s representatives – dear deputies and senators, also support the nomination.