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Important Visa Information for Indian Citizens Travelling to Uzbekistan

June 12, 2017



In the capital’s Palace of Youth Creativity, the annual Republican Children’s Fashion Festival Bolajonlar-Shirintoylar organized by the Association of Designers of Uzbekistan OSIYO RAMZI has come to the end.

This unique project, which has no analogues in the world, was for the first time organized in Tashkent in 2000 and has since become the main review of children’s clothing in the country. Many of the models presented here over the years have been put into production and are being used successfully not only within the country, but also exported by Uzbek textile enterprises to Russia and other CIS countries.

The festival has an educational value, contributes to the formation of good taste in children and youth. Demonstrating national costumes, it allows expanding knowledge about traditions, customs, culture and historical heritage of Uzbekistan. After all, as is known, each region of the republic has its own distinctive styles, ornaments, patterns, embroideries and forms of finished products.

The program of the festival of children’s fashion includes such events as ‘Fashion Industry show’ – show of industrial collections, ‘Be young for baby’ – the fashion show of young designers, and the final ‘Gala-fashion show’ with a festive concert of Uzbek pop stars.

More than 450 sets of clothes are demonstrated here. Their selection was carried out in three stages. As a result, 42 collections of 60 designers were admitted to the show, shown in a single ensemble with the necessary additions and accessories.

More than 220 young models from two to thirteen years old took part in the demonstration of collections. They are students of creative studios “Tantana”, Fashion Lab, art-bureau “Colibri” and school “Oltin Qanot”.

“Each time our children are eagerly awaiting the festival,” the participant of the event, Head of the “Design and Suit” department of the Tashkent Institute of Textile and Light Industry Umida Vahidova said. “It has long been a holiday for us, which we are preparing for the whole year.

On the first day of the show, there was a demonstration of seasonal collections of various assortments for children from the leading sewing and knitting enterprises of the country, who presented sets of denim and knitwear for sports and daily use, as well as uniforms for pupils of schools and academic lyceums.

The next day young designers, students of profile institutes and students of colleges were given the opportunity to express themselves by participating in the ‘Be young for baby’ fashion show and offering their work. The created collections vividly reflected the flight of creative imagination, the desire for non-standard approaches and the versatile interest of beginning talents.

The final stage of the festival of children’s fashion today, on the International Children’s Day, will be an unforgettable Gala-fashion show. This is a general show of models of Uzbek designers who use the richness and diversity of traditions and modern trends in the design of children’s fashion in the country.