According to the 2nd part of Article 117 of the Constitution of Uzbekistan and Article 1 of the Constitutional Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan “On regular elections to representative bodies of state authority and the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan” elections to the Legislative Chamber of the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan, representative bodies of state authority of regions, districts, cities will take place on December 21, 2014.
With a view to ensuring the elections to the Legislative Chamber of the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan, regional, district and city Kengashes of people’s deputies to be in full compliance with the electoral legislation, generally recognized international norms and standards, as well creating the necessary organizational and legal conditions for political parties, citizens in the implementation of the constitutional right to participate in the formation of representative bodies of state authority, from September 15, 2014 the Central Election Commission of the Republic of Uzbekistan announced the beginning of the election campaign to the Legislative Chamber of Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan, regional, district and city Kengashes of people’s deputies.
The relevant resolution was adopted at the session of the Central Election Commission, which established the norm of voters per constituency for the election of deputies of the Legislative Chamber of the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan, at an average of 154 thousand voters.
On this basis, the Jokargy Kenes of the Republic of Karakalpakstan and regional and city mayors’ offices of Tashkent have to make a submission to the CEC on the formation of electoral constituencies for the elections to the Legislative Chamber of Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan until September 27, 2014.
In accordance with requirements of the election legislation, lists of 135 constituencies for elections to the Legislative Chamber of the Oliy Majlis of Uzbekistan with their borders and number of voters will be announced until October 7, 2014.
The Jokargy Kenes of Karakalpakstan, regional and Tashkent city Kengashes of people’s deputies must also make recommendations to the CEC on candidates for the district election commissions on the elections to the Legislative Chamber of the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan until October 2, 2014.
In accordance with submitted recommendations, the CEC until October 12, 2014 will approve the personal composition of the district election commissions for elections to the Legislative Chamber of the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
In addition, the Resolution of the Central Electoral Commission provides that the district election commissions for elections to the Legislative Chamber of the Oliy Majlis of Uzbekistan will be formed until October 22, 2014 and divisional election commissions up to November 11, 2014.
Mayors’ offices of districts, cities, as well as district and city Kengashes of people’s deputies must submit to the Legislative Chamber of the Oliy Majlis of Uzbekistan for approval to the relevant district election commissions until October 12, 2014 and recommendations on candidates for members of divisional election commissions up to November 1, 2014, respectively.
The ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Uzbekistan in the established procedure and in time will have to submit to present to the CEC the information on the formation of election centers at the representative offices of the Republic of Uzbekistan in foreign states.
Taking into account that the elections to representative bodies of state authority are carried out in one day, the election centers and election commissions, formed in the prescribed order, are the same for the elections to the Legislative Chamber of the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan, to regional, district and city Kengashes of people’s deputies.
Political parties have to present the relevant documents to the Central Election Commission until October 12, 2014 to participate in the elections to the Legislative Chamber of the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
Nomination of candidates by political parties to the Legislative Chamber of the Oliy Majlis of Uzbekistan will start on October 17 and end on November 6, 2014.
Admission of documents from political parties to register the candidates for deputies of the Legislative Chamber of the Oliy Majlis of Uzbekistan will stop on November 9, 2014, and their registration ends November 16, 2014.
The interested organizations must submit their observers to the district election commission for elections to the Legislative Chamber of the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan up to December 6, 2014.
The Resolution of the Central Election Commission takes note that the divisional election commissions:
until December 6, 2014 are open for public inspection of voter’s lists and election centers formed at representative offices the Republic of Uzbekistan in foreign states, health resorts, hospitals and other medical institutions in remote and hard to reach areas, correctional institutions until 14 December 2014;
provide timely notification of voters on the place and time of familiarization with voter lists;
notify voters about the time and place of voting till 11 December, 2014;
conduct early voting from 11 to 19 December, 2014.
The participants of the electoral process should pay attention to the fact that, in accordance with the Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan “On election to the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan”:
the election campaign starts from the day of registration of candidates for deputies and ends on December 19, 2014. Campaigning on election day and the day before the voting is not allowed;
voting is to be held from 6.00 a.m. to 20.00 p.m. on 21 December, 2014;
The Resolution of the Central Election Commission also provides that:
at the end of voting on December 21, 2014, the divisional electoral commissions start summation of voting results, upon the results of consideration at the meeting of the commission, they draft a report and submit it to the district electoral commission on elections to the Legislative Chamber of the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan in the prescribed order.
In accordance with the requirements of the electoral legislation, the protocol is announced by the chairman or deputy chairman of the divisional electoral commission, and a copy of the report is posted at the divisional electoral commission for public inspection for a period of not less than 48 hours.
The district electoral commission on elections to the Legislative Chamber of the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan on the basis of submitted protocols of divisional electoral commissions shall determine the election results in the constituency and report to the Central Election Commission in the prescribed manner until 25 December, 2014.
Information on the election results and the list of the elected deputies to the Legislative Chamber of the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan, regional, district and municipal Kengashes (Councils) of people’s deputies will be published in mass media till 31 December, 2014.
If more than two candidates for deputies in the electoral district are elected and none of them has been elected, the district electoral commission should make a decision on conducting the second round of voting until January 4, 2015 in the district.
All activities related to the preparing and conducting elections are held by the Central Election Commission, election commissions to be formed in strict compliance with the Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan, laws on the elections and the Program of measures on preparing and conducting elections to the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan, regional, district and municipal Kengashes (Councils) of people’s deputies in 2014.
The Central Election Commission is a main organizer of the election campaign. No one, first of all, bodies of state power at the center and in the field, may interfere in the electoral process. Any attempts to intervene in the election campaign and violate the requirements of the law, as well facts of protection will be deterred and punished in accordance with law.
The respective decree of the Central Election Commission will be published in the mass media.