Uzbekistan will develop aeronautic sports. This will newly registered Federation of Aeronautics.
Flights by air crafts lighter than air are not something unique; however, in Uzbekistan this type of recreational sports brand is underdeveloped. About 10 years ago, businessmen from Samarkand launched balloons for commercial purposes, but the initiative did not develop further.
In early January, the Ministry of Justice registered the Federation of Aeronautics – a non-governmental non-profit organization that aims the development of aeronautics and aeronautical sports.
Ballooning can soon become a reality for everyone in Uzbekistan.
By the end of this year will be able to soar up into the sky in a balloon is just in the spurs of Chimgan, which planned to create a “territory of active rest.” But in the future this kind of fascinating travel will become popular all over the country.
The federation head Tahir Saliev thoroughly examined the ballooning experience in neighboring countries, found a suitable producer to develop and manufacture goods of filled air – the Russian Scientific-Production Enterprise RUSBAL, and has already made an order for the first three sets of aeronautical vehicles.
“We continue to solve organizational issues and actively looking for sponsors, people who want to invest in a company that promises not only profits, but also a great opportunity for active promotion of our country’s image as a world tourist attraction,” Tahir Saliev said.
The first launches of balloons, so far tethered ones, is planned to produce in the autumn on the banks of the Charvak reservoir. Ahead is of a lot of job – it is bоth the training of technicians, service vehicles, and coordination with the various committees and departments of safety regulations.
In future plans is the organization of the Asian championship on aeronautics in 2018 or 2019. The spectacle is an amazing beauty, which should bring new tourist flows into the country.
As stressed by Tahir Saliev, different types of aerostatic ships and drones huge opportunities: monitoring the state of natural objects and complexes for predicting, monitoring and control of possible emergencies, environmental and physical state of nature, wildlife, wetlands, identification of pollution sources air and others.