Independence is the greatest and most precious assets of the people. Celebrating Independence Day allows people to analyze path, which Uzbekistan passed, and its achievements, feel gratitude, pride and joy of the great successes of the country.
Political Council of Liberal-Democratic Party of Uzbekistan and its faction at the Legislative Chamber of Oliy Majlis of Uzbekistan are holding various cultural-educational and propaganda events within the execution of the presidential resolution on celebration of the 24th anniversary of Uzbekistan’s Independence Day. One of such evens was held in Ferghana city.
At the event, the participants underlined that Uzbekistan conducted great creative work and wide-scale democratic reforms during the independence years.
Muradjon Ahmedov, chairperson of Dangari district council of UzLiDeP, said that the electorate of the party – entrepreneurs, farmers and industrialists contributed to development of Uzbekistan. He noted that thinking of people fully changed during 24 years.
The participants of the events familiarized with activities of Imkon, Yetti Kamalak Farm, Abu-Bak Ar-Roziy, Real Gold Forvard and others.