“Investment portal of Uzbekistan”

Citizens of 76 countries will be able to get an electronic visa to Uzbekistan (List)

Uzbekistan announces visa waiver for citizens of 45 countries (List)

Important Visa Information for Indian Citizens Travelling to Uzbekistan

April 23, 2014


April 23, 2014




Moody’s: Uzbekistan’s Banking System Remains Stable. 2

In January-March, Uzbek motor-vehicle industry enterprises output reached 2.9 trillion soums. 2

Society.. 3

In Uzbekistan, 533.8 thousand first graders learn foreign languages. 3

The International Conference “The historical heritage of scientists and thinkers of the Medieval East, its role and significance for the modern civilization”. 3

Abu Ali ibn Sina.. 3





































Press-service of MFA of the Republic of Uzbekistan



Moody’s: Uzbekistan’s Banking System Remains Stable

Moody’s international rating agency published 15 April 2014 a report with forecasts on the development of the Uzbek banking system whereby the agency has confirmed the system’s progress as “stable” for the fifth year in a row.

According to Moody’s, the stable forecast is provided by the high rates of economic growth in Uzbekistan accompanied by considerable volumes of investments. The factors cited as positively influencing the forecast include the steadfast incomes of Uzbek banks that ensure the capital for funding the growth in loans.

The agency experts point out to the high rates of annual growth in Uzbekistan’s economy for as long as ten years, which have exhibited considerably lower volatility than that in other CIS nations, since Uzbekistan’s export configuration remains comparatively diversified.

Moody’s stresses the steady dynamics in the quality of assets of Uzbek banks, notably the encouraging trends in capital investments, affording every reason to suggest that the value of assets will remain at the stable level.

In 2013, the total sum of assets of Uzbekistan’s commercial banks grew by 30 percent, while for the last five years this indicator has multiplied 3.6 times.

Targeted measures geared to boost the capitalization of the banking system have helped secure a 3.5-times growth in the aggregate capital of banks within the last five years, and in the year 2013 alone the aggregate capital increased by 25.1 percent. In the meantime, the level of capital adequacy in the banking system is three times as high as the universal international standards.

In the view of the rating agency, those banks of Uzbekistan, who receive rating from Moody’s, ought to take measures to bolster the capital in order to secure the current factor of capital adequacy amid the growth in loaning during 2014-2015 by 20 percent.

The level of current liquidity of Uzbek banks constitutes one of the factors in the assessment of sustainability of the banking system, which for the last few years has exceeded 65 percent – twice as much as the fixed minimum.

It is noteworthy that the deposits of corporate bodies and those of private individuals as well as other funding sources will continue to uphold the liquidity of the banking system. Thus, the aggregate deposits in commercial banks have increased 4.1 times within the last five years, and in 2013 they grew by 30.2 percent.

Moody’s anticipates that the liquidity indicators and profitability of Uzbek banks will remain stable within the forecast period.

In general, the agency suggests that the nation’s high economic growth rates will ensure a favorable operational environment for the banks for the forecast interlude that encompasses 12-18 months.



In January-March, Uzbek motor-vehicle industry enterprises output reached 2.9 trillion soums

In January-March 2014, the Uzbek motor-vehicle industry enterprises output was 2933.7 billion soums , which is at 126% of the corresponding period of the previous year, according to the information service of the State Committee on Statistics of Uzbekistan.

(Currency rates of CB from 23.04.2014  1$=2276.19soums)

During the reporting period, the industry’s share in total industrial output made up 18%, which is 2.7 percentage points higher than the corresponding period of the previous year (15.3%).

Manufacture of trucks increased by 20.7%, passenger cars (excluding specialized) – by 15.7%, buses – by 12.0%; production of GM Gentra passenger car with HVA significantly increased compared to last year (11,017), manufacture of GM Orlando minivans has been launched.

At the same time, there was an increase in the production of lead-acid batteries for starting piston engines (103% compared to January – March 2013), motor vehicles (132.5 %), radiators, silencers, exhaust pipes, clutches, steering wheels (2.3 times), road wheels and their parts and accessories (4.1 times).

Also, in Q1 of this year, production increased of such electrical products as circuit breakers (for voltage up to 1 kV) by 14.8 times, stranded aluminum wire (without electrical isolation)- by 2.2 times, electric conductors, for a voltage exceeding 1 kV – by 1.8 times, insulated winding wires – by 19.9%, switch boards and other panels, fitted with equipment for switching or protecting electrical circuits for a voltage of less than 1 kV – by 9.9%.

In addition, there was an uplift in production of refrigerators and freezers – by 50 time, LCD and LED TVs – by 4.1 times, centrifugal submersible pumps for liquids – by 2.7 times, HID lamps – 1.5 times.




In Uzbekistan, 533.8 thousand first graders learn foreign languages

Tashkent hosted a press conference dedicated to the work implemented in the educational system on the basis of the Presidential Resolution “On measures to further improve learning of foreign languages”.

Note that this Resolution, dated December 10, 2012, was the beginning of large-scale reforms, radically changing the system of teaching of foreign languages ​​in Uzbek secondary schools.

New state educational standards and curriculum have been developed for the system of continuing education, providing foreign language teaching in primary (1-4) grades of secondary schools, two hours per week, which have been approved by the Cabinet of Ministers of Uzbekistan, dated May 8, 2013, Information Service of the Ministry of Public Education of Uzbekistan reported.

From 2013-2014 school year, foreign languages will be taught from 1st grade, with currently 533845 1stgraders learning foreign languages​​, of which 502,432 (94.1%) – English language, 18756 (3.5%) – German, 12 657 (2.4%) – French.

In 2013, 144 hour training courses were organized, in which 243 foreign languages teacher-trainers from all regions of the country were prepared. With their help 25310 teachers have improved their skills in their fields.

In total, 26344 foreign language teachers are working in the country in 2014-2015 academic year ​​, including 20365 of English language, 3506 – German, 2345 – French and 128 – other languages. In 2013-2014 academic year alone, 1464 young foreign language teacher were employed by secondary schools.

30 per cent payrise was set to monthly base salaries of teachers working in rural schools, and to the rest – 15 percent.

537,786 study kits were awarded to first-graders as the President’s gift in the beginning of the school year. Manuals in Uzbek, 446084 copies and in Russian, 59974 were published for teachers and parents in addition to the study kit.

Foreign language teaching programs are monitored on a regular basis​​, professional skills of teachers and the psychological state of children are being analyzed in order to evaluate pupils’ learning of knowledge in accordance with the state educational standards.




The International Conference “The historical heritage of scientists and thinkers of the Medieval East, its role and significance for the modern civilization”

Abu Ali ibn Sina

(980. village Afshana-1037, Hamadan) 

Abu Ali al-Huseyn ibn Abdallah ibn Sina  was born in Afshana near Bukhara. He got primary education by his father, then he learned sciences at Abu Abdallah an- Natili in Bukhara. For special achievements in 996 the young Huseyn was invited to emir Nuha ibn Mansura as-Samani’s palace (976-997). But soon the rulling of Samanids ended and after 1002 year Ibn Sino moved to Gurganj – to the khorezmshah Abu-l-Hasana Ali ibn Mamun (997-1009). Here he becoms one of the most active members of Mamun academy. In 1011 Ibn Sino, leave Gurganj with masihi, avoiding the chase of sultan Mahmud Gaznevi. He going  to Abivard at thee north of Horasan, then – to the Nishapur and then – to the Gurgan and then – from 1014 to 1037 he live in Re, Isfahan. Ibn Sino died in 1037 year in Hamadanl. His grave saved here till our days.

Main science works

Ibn Sino was the real encyclopedia-scientist successfully worked almost all kinds of subjects of knowledge of his times. There are more than 450 his works, and about 240 of them saved till our days, they are written mainly in Arabic.

Scientific opinion of Ibn Sino  is well considered in his following works: al-kanun fi-t-tibb (Canons of Medicine) – medical encyclopedia, in which organized all the questions of theoretical and practical medicine of that period of time; it consists of 5 books. Kitab ash-shifa (the book of healing) – philosophical encyclopedia, which contain of 4 parts: logic, extact sciences, mathematic sciences, metaphysics (theology). Kitab an-najat (the book of saving) – the short version of book on healing. Danish-name (the book of knowledge) – philosophic work in Persian, in which he considered many question of theoretic philosophy, and logic as well. Risala al-iksir (tract of elixir) – honored to chemistry, to practical ways of transmutation of steels, al-Aydviyat al-kalbiya (medicine for heart) – philosophic-medicine work, honored of healing heart diseases, in which giving the authors opinion about a soul. Salaman va Ibsal (Salaman and Ibsal), (Alive son of Awake) – literature-philosophic stories. Correspondence with Ibn Sino and Beruni on physics and philosophy.

The range of interests of the scientist is very wide: medicine, philosophy, logic, psychology, physics, astronomy, math, music, chemistry, ethics, literature, linguistics and etc. But Ibn Sino became famous mainly because of his works for medicine and philosophy. The “Canons of Medicine” and philosophic encyclopedia “the book of healing”, which includes not only philosophic questions, but also of natural knowledge.

Contribution to the World Science

Ibn Sino has taken an active part in many kinds of science, offering very modern scientific ideas of his period of time.

In astronomy, in one of his works, quoting by Beruni, Ibn Sino give his specific way of calculating of length of a city, using the watching of shadowing of the moon; he firstly made a tool, which from XVI cent. Was known as “nonius” (radial astronomic tool for calculating of some spherihic coordinates of suns), By the name of Portugal scientist Nonius who was the second to explored it.

He made some theories in natural knowledge about the origin of earthquakes, volcanoes, appearance of mountains, which was set in modern geology, made classification of a things, classification of a sciences, in which he set the natural sciences for the first place

In medicine he made new and effective methods of diagnosis, therapeutical and surgeon healing, most of which was secondly discovered in Europe. Also Ibn Sino brought much new in anatomy. For example he fixed prescription of the eye and its functions, gave a new explanation of viewing process, close to the modern imagination. Famous historian, academic V.N. Ternovsky, prescription of structure and function of vessels, nerves and muscles give the link between anatomy and practic, which let to consider the basist of Russian practic anatomy N. Pirogov as a follower of Avicenna.

Avicenna was a good diagnosis. Some of his methods of diagnosis doesn’t lose its meaning to the nowadays.

For example, precussion – understanding of diseases by knocking to the gland. This method was secondly discovered By Venice doctor Leopold Auenbrugger (1722-1809) after 600 years after Avicenna. This method began practiced only after 50 years. Firstly in the history of medicine Avicenna differed cholera from plague; exactly prescript the symptoms and continuation of meningitis, stomach ulcer, hepatitis, plevritis, leprosy, chicken pox and another illnesses. He understood the rabies, its transmissibility, symptoms and state of patient at this illness.

Avicenna made a lot in developing of surgery. In his medical works, for example, in famous “Canons of Medicine” Avicenna prescript   the methods, which nowadays are using in modern surgery. For example, knitting of h(a)emorrhoidal node, stopping the bleeding with tampon, caustic or sewing up, tracheotomy (cut and putting a pipe in the throat for breathing), and also Fixing of  dislocation of shoulder with simple pressing on is known as “Avicenna’s method” till nowadays. Besides, Avicenna got a big attention to anesthesia while operations. For this goal he used the plants with narcotic action.

Avicenna took a big part in developing of pharmacy. He ended the formation of new pharmacy, which appeared in the Muslim East based on formation of ancient scientists. His methods of taking, keeping, processing of medical plants are very close to the modern one.

Today many medicines, used by Avicenna, are using in modern pharmacopeia.

In his works Ibn Sino developed the classic Greek philosophy, added it with new ideas. His philosophic correspondence with Beruni the researchers named as «correspondence of the century». In it Ibn Sino had a discuss with Beruni about the teachings of Aristotle (384-322 year BC) for some question of physics (natural place of bodies and substances, the centrifugal force of bodies,, divisibility of tiny particles of a variety of worlds, self-fix in substances questions optics, vacuum availability, etc. The content of correspondence indicates advanced for their time views of these scientists in many of current issues of science.

World Recognition

Ibn Sino is one of those great persons, whose service to humanity is difficult to convey.

His name is associated with one of the most demand at all times a branch of science medicine: his works since the 12th century were translated into Latin and from the 15thcentury were published about 40 times. Until the 18th century in all the universities of Europe medicine were taught by “canon” and the name of the scientist became famous in Western Europe in the Latinized form as “Avicenna”.

Scientific, philosophical outlook of such prominent European thinkers and cultural figures like Roger Bacon (1214-1291), Dante (!265-1221), Leonardo Da Vinci (1452-1519) Michelangelo (1475-1564), Vesalius (1514-1564),Volterra (1694-1778), Goethe (1749-1832) were influenced by the works of Avicenna.

Writings of Ibn Sino on various sciences translated and published repeatedly in many western and eastern languages, including Russian and Uzbek.  His name have been immortalized in the names of: tropical plants as Avicenna, mineral avisennit as well as great number of street names, educational and medical institutions, and monuments all around the world.
