“Investment portal of Uzbekistan”

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Important Visa Information for Indian Citizens Travelling to Uzbekistan

April 29, 2014


April 29, 2014



economy.. 2

Points for Growth.. 2

Society.. 3

Uzbekistan creates 227,900 new jobs in 1Q.. 3

International Conference “About main food programme implementation of reserves in Uzbekistan”. 3

An international conference on food to be held in Uzbekistan.. 3





































Press-service of MFA of the Republic of Uzbekistan



Points for Growth

Tashkent hosted a meeting of the Government devoted to discussion of the results of socio-economic development in the first quarter of 2014 and evaluating the implementation of the most important tasks and priorities of economic program for 2014.

The meeting analyzed the progress made in the implementation of the adopted strategy of development and modernization of the economy, providing a consistently high growth rates, mobilization of available resources and possibilities, primarily due to a radical improvement of the investment climate and business environment, speed up technological renovation of production, strengthening the country’s export potential and advanced infrastructure. The focus of the meeting was also on issues of further increase employment and welfare.

During the first quarter of 2014, the GDP grew by 7.5%. Volume of industrial production increased by 8.9%, agriculture – 6.2%, services – 11.8%. The State budget surplus was of 0.2% of GDP. Inflation has not exceeded the forecast parameters.

Implementation of development priorities industries, as well as measures to stimulate domestic demand balanced and more complete saturation of the domestic market competitiveness of domestic goods and services contributed to the increase in production of consumer goods by 12.8%, retail trade – 14.3% and paid services – 9.1%. The share of consumer goods in the total volume of industrial production increased to 34.4% versus 29.5% for the first quarter of 2013.

The country has started implementation of the activities envisaged in the State program “Year of Healthy Child” for the future development of physically healthy, spiritually mature and harmoniously developed generation, for which funding in the first quarter from all sources received funds in the amount of about UZS 1 trillion.

A particular attention was paid to the analysis and development of practical measures aimed at creating a business environment on the principle of “do business” in these acceleration for introduction of modern information and communication technologies in the sectors of the economy, increasing the delivery of online public services. It was noted that the measures taken to further improve the business environment contributed to the creation in the first quarter of this year of 7.3 thousand new small businesses. As a result, the active introduction of contactless forms of deposit accounts through electronic communication channels to date was 95% of tax statements businesses submitted electronically, statistical reports – 88.6%. About 95% of customs declarations were made electronically.

The meeting carefully analyzed implementation of protocol instructions to accelerate the modernization and renewal of production in sectors of the economy, as well as the implementation of the “road maps” for financial recovery of unprofitable and marginally profitable economically insolvent enterprises. It was noted that as a result of measures taken in the first quarter the volume of capital investments increased by 12.4%. The share of foreign investments and loans in the implemented capital investments increased to 23.3%. Commissioned 510 new facilities, completed implementation of 37 major investment projects. The growth of investment activity contributes to increased contract construction by 15.5%.

The meeting also reviewed the status of implementation of the programs to accelerate the development of infrastructure, transport and communications construction, ensuring quality and timely construction of individual housing on standard projects in rural areas. During the first quarter of the works on construction and reconstruction of roads, part of the Uzbek national highway worth UZS63.5 billion. More than 150 km of fiber-optic broadband networks by modern technology was created.

An attention was drawn to the need to accelerate work this year on the construction and commissioning of 11.000 new comfortable houses on model projects in rural residential areas, as well as their modern arrangement of objects of social and market infrastructure. The Council of Ministers of the Republic of Karakalpakstan, regional and Tashkent city administrations to take the necessary measures to establish in 2014 in the regions of 20 powerful specialized building contractors, equipped with modern appliances, given the increasing volume of construction works in the sectors of the economy.

The meeting’s special attention was paid to a comprehensive analysis of the status of implementation of regional programs to create new jobs and provide employment, employment of graduates of professional colleges, as well as to improve health services for the rural population. It was noted that in the framework of a Program of creation of new jobs and increase employment in 2014 approved by the Chambers of Oliy Majlis of Uzbekistan, from the beginning of the year 227.9 thousands new jobs were created, including more than 137.000 or 60.3% – in the countryside.

Following a discussion of the issues at a government’s meeting, relevant decisions were adopted, which identifies measures to ensure the implementation of the most important priorities of socio-economic development in 2014.

(Source: “Uzbekistan Today” newspaper)




Uzbekistan creates 227,900 new jobs in 1Q

Uzbekistan created 227,900 jobs in the first quarter of 2014 within the implementation of the programme on creating jobs and employment of population, the article, published by Ministry of Economy and State Statistics Committee of Uzbekistan said.

The publication said over 137,000 works were created in rural areas, or about 60.3% from total number.

About 145,000 new jobs were created by small and private businesses, 11,800 – expansion and reconstruction of existing capacities, 50,4000 – further development of work-out, 2,900 jobs – reconstruction of insolvent and unused enterprises, 14,400 – objects of production, social and market infrastructure, etc.

Largest number of jobs was created in Ferghana region (22,100 jobs), Samarkand region (20,100 jobs), Kashkadarya region (20,400), Andijan region (19,100), Tashkent region (19,400) and Tashkent city (20,800).

Economic activity of population helped to growth of salaries by 18.4% in the country and average size of pensions increased by 19.3%.



 International Conference “About main food programme implementation of reserves in Uzbekistan”

An international conference on food to be held in Uzbekistan

On 5-6 June 2014, Tashkent will host the International Conference “About main food programme implementation of reserves in Uzbekistan”.

The aim of this conference is conducting extensive discussion and development, taking into account best international practices, proposals on full use of reserves and opportunities of meeting the growing demand of the global food market for providing complete and balanced nutrition, accelerated introduction of advanced technologies to improve productivity and yield of fruit and vegetables, modern systems of storage, transport and delivery to the consumer.

The conference will be attended by a number of representatives of international financial institutions and organizations, foundations, academic institutions, the diplomatic corps and others, Jahon news agency reported.

Along with the study of international experience on supporting food security during the event potential, reserve, capabilities and experience of Uzbekistan will be also highlighted.

The program of conference includes plenary meeting, after which five sessions will take place in the format of sections:

– development trends in the world food market. Growth of demand for the products of vegetables, horticulture and viticulture in domestic and foreign markets, the use of existing reserves in Uzbekistan and its opportunities;

– achieving full and balanced nutrition, formation of an optimal structure of consumer basket for the harmonious development of mankind, as well as their impact on health and life expectancy of population;

– developing cooperation with international financial institutions and investors to implement projects aimed at attracting modern agricultural technologies, increase yield and productivity of fruit crops and grapes, improving infrastructure and logistics;

– introduction of advanced scientific research and technologies on improving of efficiency and productivity, breeding, seed production and development of new disease-resistant varieties of vegetables and grapes, improving their useful properties, taste and consumer qualities;

– actual problems of storage, packaging and industrial processing of vegetables and grapes, organizing the logistics, transport and delivery of products to customers in fresh and processed form.

In order to exchange experiences and opinions it will be organized for participants visits for small businesses, including specialized agricultural companies, farmers, processors, storage and other objects.

This conference plays an important role in establishing close scientific and industrial relations between domestic and foreign leading representatives.

At the end of conference it is planned to publish materials, including the texts of the main lectures of the participants, final documents and other conference resources.
