“Investment portal of Uzbekistan”

Citizens of 76 countries will be able to get an electronic visa to Uzbekistan (List)

Uzbekistan announces visa waiver for citizens of 45 countries (List)

Important Visa Information for Indian Citizens Travelling to Uzbekistan

May 1, 2014


May 1, 2014



the special industrial zone “Jizzakh”. 2

Chinese investors implement six projects at SIZ Jizzakh. 2


Two Countries, One Approach. 2

culture.. 4

Glorifying the Motherland and Independence. 4




































Press-service of MFA of the Republic of Uzbekistan



the special industrial zone “Jizzakh”

Chinese investors implement six projects at SIZ Jizzakh

Chinese companies are planning to implement six projects in textile industry in the territory of the special industrial zone “Jizzakh” in Uzbekistan by the end of 2015.

Chinese firms Nan Yang Mulanhu, Henan Sine, Pinmian Co. Ltd и Hebey An Feng Da Group are participating in implementation of these projects.

Pravda Vostoka newspaper said that after the launch, these enterprises annually will produce 30 million square meters of cotton fabrics, 13,000 tonnes of stockinet and 15 million ready garments. It is expected that 80% of products will be exported.

According to the state joint stock company Uzbekyengilsanoat, total cost of the projects is US$56 million and they will be implemented by the end of 2015.

President of Uzbekistan Islam Karimov signed a decree for creation of new special industrial zone Jizzakh on 18 March 2013.

The zone was created in line with a memorandum of understanding on implementation of project on creation of Uzbek-Chinese industrial park in Uzbekistan. It was created to form favourable conditions for attracting foreign and local investments to creation of high technologic industrial capacities, production of competitive products with high added price, complex and effective use production and resource potential of Jizzakh and Syrdarya regions.

The special zone was created for 30 years with possibility of extension. The decree set tax and customs preferences for enterprises, operating in the zone. The enterprises, located in the zone, will be exempted from payment of income tax, property tax, tax for accomplishment and social infrastructure, single tax, and mandatory payments to Road Fund.

They will be also exempted from payment of customs duties for imported materials, equipment and spare parts, which are not produced in Uzbekistan.

The preferences will be provided from three to seven years based on the volume of investments. The investors will be get these preferences for three years, if they invest US$300,000, five years – for investments from US$3 to US$10 million and seven years – for investments for above US$10 million.

This is the third special zone in Uzbekistan. Uzbekistan also created free industrial-economic zone and Angren special industrial zone.



Two Countries, One Approach

Italy. How many sounds in this word… If one makes a ranking of countries, which are ideal for recreation, Italy, certainly, is not only on the top three, but would claim the first place. This result is quite understandable, because for centuries the country has created a unique system development, where finance, industry and new technologies are closely intertwined with culture, arts, history and religion. So, when the subject comes up about Italy and Italians, each silhouetted images and their understanding of the country.

The economic models of Uzbekistan and Italy have one important similarity – in their basis is small business and entrepreneurship. For example, the Italian small and medium enterprises provide more than 80% of employment. In Uzbekistan, last year, representatives of small economy produced 55.8% of GDP and provided employment for 9.5 million people, or 76% of total employment in the economy. Both states are part of the so-called by economists a cohort “of small companies countries”, where national culture and economic philosophy encourages and stimulates the creation of small businesses.

A huge role in these processes both in Uzbekistan and Italy play non-state non-profit organizations – various associations of businessmen, industrialists and experts providing advice, legal and other assistance to entrepreneurs. It is no coincidence that in Milan in 2002 was an Italy-Uzbekistan Chamber of Commerce was founded. Over the past years the organization has become an effective tool for the development of trade and economic relations, informing entrepreneurs of the two countries on the potential for cooperation. Actually, Chamber’s role is a reference point for Italian and representatives of business circles of Uzbekistan and it solves various issues on the organization of the Uzbek-Italian projects.

Today, Italy is taking giant steps to resolve the prolonged recession and political crisis. This year, according to experts, the country’s economy for the first time in recent years, will be able to achieve growth of 1-2%. International rating agencies confirm this. In mid-February 2014 Moody’s Investors Service raised the outlook on Italy’s credit rating from “negative” to “stable”. Behind these figures lies a lot of work to implement a set of measures to revive the economy, which has absorbed the experience of other countries to combat the negative manifestations of global instability. It is not superfluous to note that many European and Asian countries are actively exploring the experience of Uzbekistan in overcoming the consequences of the global crisis and building your own model of economic development, which has allowed the country to achieve high performance even in comparison with the leading developed countries. For example, in recent years the growth of the country’s GDP has been 8%.

Italy is a birthplace of the famous “haute couture houses”. Armani, Versace, Valentino, Dolce & Gabbana and many other brands is mellifluous and attracting tens of thousands of visitors to Milan’s Via Montenapoleone, the famous fashion district. No less known in the world various Italian manufacturers of textile machinery, which the same quality as competitors from Switzerland and Germany. It is therefore logical that Uzbekistan actively develops cotton processing and production of finished textile products, collaborates with the Italian side in this direction. Italian investors to invest in creation of modern full-cycle production of cotton processing to finished garments, industrialists and several times a year come to show samples of their equipment. And representatives of our country visit production sites of leading textile companies in Italy to learn about the latest technologies and developments in textile industries, exploring the possibilities of their application in Uzbekistan. This is promoted by a 2011 memorandum of understanding and cooperation between SSC Uzbekyengilsanoat and the Italian Association of Textile Machinery Manufacturers, the Italy-Uzbekistan Chamber of Commerce.

One of the pillars of the bilateral cooperation is training for the automotive industry and, in general, industrial sectors in Uzbekistan. In 2009 was established the Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent, which in a short time become a regional training center for high-tech, industrial and civil engineering and construction. Today here there are trained future professionals in four areas: engineering technology, energy, industrial and civil engineering and architecture, information technology and automation control systems in the industry. After training specialists go to work for a leading domestic industrial enterprises – GM Uzbekistan, SamAvto, JV MAN Auto – Uzbekistan, GM Powertrain Uzbekistan, TTZ, enterprises of the Joint Stock Company Uzeltehsanoat and design institutes.

It is in the tech industry today there are most interesting joint projects concentrated. For instance, the Italian company BRC and Landi Renzo implement in FIEZ Navoi a project on production equipment to transfer the engine compartment of vehicles to compressed natural gas. After reaching full production capacity, the company will be able to produce up to 20.000 sets of equipment per year. This choice was not accidental. Italy is a pioneer in production of LPG equipment, and these two companies are among the world leaders, especially in innovative developments.

Ariston Thermo International Company and Uztransgaz organized a joint venture Ariston Thermo – UTG, which in the FIEZ last year has begun producing modern household heating and hot water boilers. In the first phase of the project, the joint venture will invest EUR 2 million and plans to increase production to 10.000 boilers a year. Maximum capacity – up to 60.000 annually. Under the project, a localization of the production is provided, with a gradual increase in its share in the development of production and the creation of new jobs.

The Italian side is interested in development of partnerships in the petroleum sector. In February of this year, NHC Uzbekneftegaz held talks with leaders of ENERCO Distribuzione SpA, during which representatives of the Italian sides stressed the high interest of the leading companies in the market of Uzbekistan and especially in the very promising industry as fuel and energy. The company, operating in gas transportation, implementation of accounting systems of its consumption, maintenance, service, construction and repair of gas networks, is considering a number of promising projects to be implemented in our country.

Speaking of the Uzbek-Italian partnership, one should mention products of the unique enterprise that every New Year makes happy residents of the country with artificial beauties – firs, New Year decorations and gift items. Already in 1987, based on NGO Uzbytplastik and the Italian company Alma Rose crated a joint venture Sovplastital. In 2007 it was transformed into a joint stock company. Today it is one of the modern enterprises of the republic specializing in the production of plastic consumer goods and industrial goods. The product mix increases more than eight thousand names. The geography of exports – more than 40 countries.

With all the prospects of the bilateral relations, the countries today even do not use half of the mortgaged building. How to change the situation and to expand trade – these issues are constantly in the spotlight experts, representatives of business and government on both sides. The main thing here – understanding and desire to deal with it, that in the future is sure to bring to fruition.

(Source: “UzbekistanToday” newspaper)




Glorifying the Motherland and Independence

The national literature is instrumental in nurturing a comprehensively advanced, highly ethical-spiritual, independently thinking individual dedicated to the humanistic ideas. Issues in the further promotion of culture and the well-deserved encouragement of the work of its representatives, including the creativity of literary people, are being attached with constant and immense significance under the leadership of President Islam Karimov. The memory of those who have fallen but made a huge input into the development of national literature is approached with reverence and honor.

The People’s Poet of Uzbekistan Muhammad Yusuf earned universal love and respect with his multifaceted and ardent creativity, poems glorifying the Motherland and its independence, as well as its diligent people.

The 60th jubilee celebrations of the poet are currently in full swing across the nation. Meetings, conferences, spiritual-enlightenment events, and Literature Days in tribute to the life and activities of the poet are taking place at education institutions, industrial enterprises and organizations, work teams and mahallas as well as military units.

On April 25, a creative reading took place at the Turkiston Palace to pay tribute to the People’s Poet of Uzbekistan Muhammad Yusuf timed to his 60th anniversary celebration. The occasion was attended by members of parliament, poets and writers, literary critics, propagandists of spiritual development, teachers, students and the wider public.

Kh.Sultanov, State Adviser to President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Chairman of the Writers’ Union of Uzbekistan M.Ahmedov, Director General of the Uzbekkino National Agency J.Kasimov, the People’s Actor of Uzbekistan A.Rafikov noted the wide-ranging efforts being undertaken under the leadership of President Islam Karimov to promote literature – itself a constituent and important part of the national culture – and to encourage the work of writers and poets have been affording remarkable outcomes.

The presidential resolution on the celebration of the 60th birthday anniversary of the People’s Poet of Uzbekistan Muhammad Yusuf, signed 27 December 2013, constitutes a practical manifestation of the emphasis being placed on glorifying the memory of poets and authors who have made a worthwhile contribution to the development of literature.

With his brilliant talent, peculiar poetic creativity, Muhammad Yusuf made an enormous input into bolstering the spiritual-enlightenment quality of our people, into boosting the sense of national self-realization, national pride, patriotic and esthetic upbringing of the younger generation. His poems and dastans that ardently and insightfully glorify independence and love for the native land have entered by right the treasury of spirituality of our nation.

Collected poems of Muhammad Yusuf like “Tanish Teraklar” (Familiar Poplars), “Ishq Kemasi” (A Ship of Love), “Erka Kiyik” (A Tender Deer), “Uzingdan Quymasin, Khalqim” (My Love – My People) have occupied a well-deserved niche in the history of national literature. Immensely popular are the songs composed on his poems, which venerate the native Uzbekistan, our magnanimous people, clear and sincere feelings.

The poet’s contribution to the evolution of literature was appreciated by right. President Islam Karimov’s decree awarded Muhammad Yusuf with the Dustlik Order and the honorable title “People’s Poet of Uzbekistan”.

In accordance with the resolution of the head of our state to celebrate the sixtieth birthday anniversary of the poet, a documentary has been released narrating his life and creative path. The publishing and printing stock company Sharq has published selected works of the poet, the Adib publishers of the Writers’ Union of Uzbekistan has presented the collected essays “Muhammad Yusuf in the Memories of His Contemporaries”. A museum has been founded at the Uzbek University of World Languages, alma mater of the poet, in tribute to his life and creative path. The book of his collected poems translated into foreign languages by students of that university.

At the creative event in homage to Muhammad Yusuf at the Turkiston Palace, the poet’s widow Nazira Salomova expressed gratefulness to the President of our country for the high consideration and care.

“Owing to independence, Muhammad-aka, like other representatives of creative intelligentsia, enjoyed an opportunity to create freely and productively,” Nazira Salomova said. “We are infinitely grateful to the head of our state for the high acknowledgement of the creative achievements of the poet, for the care and attention to uphold his memory.”

The literary evening participants were demonstrated the new documentary released in duty to the life and creativity of Muhammad Yusuf. The ensuing gala concert comprised songs composed to the poems of the poet.

Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Uzbekistan A.Ikramov took part in the creative evening.

* * *

On that same day, a memorial board in tribute to the People’s Poet of Uzbekistan Muhammad Yusuf was installed at 1, Pushkin-Salar Street in the metropolitan Mirzo Ulugbek district where he lived.

Creative and literary evenings, enlightenment events, poetry contests in homage to the beloved people’s poet are in progress throughout the nation.

(Source: Uzbekistan National news Agency)