“Investment portal of Uzbekistan”

Citizens of 76 countries will be able to get an electronic visa to Uzbekistan (List)

Uzbekistan announces visa waiver for citizens of 45 countries (List)

Important Visa Information for Indian Citizens Travelling to Uzbekistan

May 8, 2014


May 8, 2014




Islam Karimov Receives US Deputy Secretary of State. 2

MPs consider new draft laws. 2


Prospects Determined. 2































Press-service of MFA of the Republic of Uzbekistan


Islam Karimov Receives US Deputy Secretary of State


President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Islam Karimov at the Oqsaroy on May 7 met with William Burns, the United States Deputy Secretary of State, who has been in our country on a working visit.

The parties to talks said they appreciate the progressive dynamics in the bilateral interaction in political, economic, humanitarian and other spheres the two sides share interest.

The established systemic dialogue across diverse areas, including regular contacts at the level of legislatures and foreign affairs agencies of our two nations, has allowed the two sides to build relations of fruitful and constructive cooperation.

A particular significance has been attached at the meeting to the current state and prospects in the enhancement of trade-economic and investment interaction.

190 enterprises with the engagement of American companies, including 53 with a hundred percent foreign capital, operate currently in the Uzbek market, while 40 leading corporations of the United States have their offices accredited in this country.

During the thorough-going conversation, Uzbekistan’s leader and the high-ranking US diplomat discussed also issues pertaining to regional and international affairs and exchanged views on the developments in Afghanistan in the context of regional security and stability.

William Burns expressed gratitude to the head of our state for a warm reception and, on behalf of the leadership of the United States, confirmed the willingness of the country he represents to keep advancing its relations with Uzbekistan across a variety of spheres.

(Source: Press Service of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan)


MPs consider new draft laws


Legislative Chamber of Oliy Majlis of Uzbekistan considered a draft law “On introduction of changes and amendments to law “On securities market” on 6 May 2014.

The document was developed in line with the presidential resolution “On programme measures on deepening and expanding wide-scale reforms in economy of Uzbekistan in 2011-2015, determining and implementing system of criteria and assessment on forming business climate in the country”, the press service of the lower house of the Uzbek parliament said.

The document is directed at improving role and place of securities market in financial market and economy of the country as a whole, as well as its competitiveness.

The draft law envisages modernization of securities market in the country through transfer to modern information technologies and introduction of modern experience in regulation of securities market.

The draft law includes norms directed at simplifying procedures related to emission of securities market, including launch of new financial tools, conducting deals with use of ICT, improving activities of the professional players of the market, etc.

MPs also discussed a draft law, which was introduced by Supreme Court of Uzbekistan, directed at further improving separate norms of legal, legal-procedural and criminal-executive legislation, envisaging liberalization of criminal punishment, order of serving of the punishment, etc.

MPs passed the draft laws after discussions in the first reading and entrusted corresponding committees to prepare them for the second reading. (Source:



Prospects Determined

Results of the 7th Republican Fair of Innovative Ideas, Technologies and Projects have been summed up.

Over 1,500 people participated in the fair, which consisted of practical scientists, representatives of enterprises and organizations, who seek for a solution of their problem. Around 500 pilot items, innovative ideas and projects.

For 3 days participants signed over 320 agreements and protocols of intents on introduction of innovations created by the scientists and specialists of our Republic almost on 14.1 bln. soums. (Currency rates of CB from 8.05.2014  1$=2284.42soums)

National Holding Company Uzbekneftegaz is one of the leaders in signing most of the agreements. Institute of Biology signed agreements on ecologically pure biological technology of soil and oil product cleanup. Institute of Chemistry and Physics and Polymers, Tashkent State Technical University and State Unitary Enterprise Fan va Taraqqiyot gained a lot from this fair.

Within a framework of the fair there were discussed a matters of development of innovative activity. Issues of improvement of information support of the innovative activity reviewed at the conference, at the round tables prospects on development of alternative energetics and extension of drawing young scientists and students to the innovative activity discussed.(Source: “Uzbekistan Today” newspaper)