June 13, 2014
President of the Republic of Korea to visit Uzbekistan. 2
Uzbekistan prepares concept of light industry development2
Enterprises of Uzbekcharmpoyabzali exports goods for US$38.7m.. 2
Press-service of MFA of the Republic of Uzbekistan
President of the Republic of Korea to visit Uzbekistan
President of the Republic of Korea Park Geun-hye is to pay her first state visit to the Republic of Uzbekistan on 16-18 June, 2014, on the invitation of President Islam Karimov.
Meetings and talks at the highest level are expected to include discussions of the current state and priority aspects in the enhancement of multifaceted Uzbek-South Korean cooperation in the long-term prospects, along with pressing issues in regional and international affairs.
The visit is anticipated to produce a joint declaration by the heads of our two states on the further development and enhancement of strategic partnership, as well as a package of documents to lay a robust foundation for the two nations to step up interaction across a variety of areas.
(Source: Press-service of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan)
Uzbekistan prepares concept of light industry development
Uzbekistan prepared a concept of development of light industry of the country for 2015-2020.
The document was developed by Uzbekyengilsanoat state joint stock company in cooperation with the Ministry of Economy, Ministry of Foreign Economic Relations, Investment and Trade of Uzbekistan in cooperation with interested ministries and departments.
In line with the concept, Uzbekyengilsanoat is planning to increase production of industrial goods to 6.97 trillion soums by 2020. The company plans to produce industrial goods for 2.59 trillion soums in 2014 and consumer goods – 1.036 trillion soums. (Currency rates of CB from 10.06.2014 1$=2304.44 soums).
In particular, Uzbekistan is planning to increase production of cotton yarn from 218,300 tonnes to 562,800 tonnes and cotton fabrics – from 120 million square meters to 340 million square meters.
Uzbekyengilsanoat will increase production of stockinet from 40,600 tonnes to 110,500 tonnes, knitted products from 138.6 million units to 296 million units, ready garments – from 6.1 million units to 20.1 million units.
In line with the programme for 2010-2013, approved with the resolution of the President of Uzbekistan, the company implemented 108 investment projects with attraction of foreign direct investments for US$620.8 million.
According to Uzbekyengilsanoat, about 65 large enterprises of the company carried out audit of technological equipment.
Over 21,916 technological equipments of the companies were audited and it was revealed that 20,252 equipments o 92.4% can be used in production. About 989 equipments should be replaced and 675 equipments cannot be used at production process.
In 2012-2014, about 711 units of knitting, spinning and sewing equipment for US$13.346 million were replaced to new ones.
Uzbekyengilsanoat increased number of exported items from 21 to 27 in 2010-2013. Number of importer countries rose from 43 to 50 and number of exports increased from 123 to 250 units.
Currently, about 54% of light industry exports are directed to Russia, 12% – to Turkey, 10% – states of the European Union, 8% – China, 5% – South Korea, 3% – Ukraine and 3.5% – to other states.
(Source: UzDaily.uz)
Enterprises of Uzbekcharmpoyabzali exports goods for US$38.7m
The volume of exports of the enterprises of leather-footwear industry of Uzbekistan made up US$38.7 million in five months of 2014, according to Association Uzbekcharmpoyabzali.
The enterprises of the industry produced goods for about 130 billion soums and consumer goods for 50 billion soums in five months of 2014.
In the reporting period, enterprises of Uzbekcharmpoyabzali used investments for about US$2 million, which were directed to opening new enterprises and expanding assortment of products.
Within investment programme of Uzbekistan for 2014, the Association implements nine projects on creation of new enterprises on processing leather, production of leather clothes, brake shoes, consumer goods, etc.
New enterprises will be created at the special industrial zones Angren and Jizzakh, Namangan, Kashkadarya and Bukhara regions.
Currently, the industry localized and produced four new products for 28 billion soums.
There are 75 enterprises, which specializes on production and processing leather products in Uzbekistan.
(Source: UzDaily.uz)
New legislative documents designed to further improve the investment climate and business environment in the Republic of Uzbekistan
On April 15th 2014, the Presidential Resolution, “On measures to further improve the procedures associated with the carrying out of entrepreneurial activity and the provision of state services” No ПП-2164 (hereinafter to be referred to as the “Resolution”) has been passed in the Republic of Uzbekistan within the framework of the Program of measures to implement the priorities specified in the Concept of Further Intensification of Democratic Reforms and Formation of Civil Society in the Country. Aimed at deepening democratic market reforms and liberalizing the national economy, the Concept has been approved by the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan (No P-3357) as of 14th January 2011, following the analysis of laws that regulate the improvement of entrepreneurial activity.
A given Resolution has been worked out in keeping with the Presidential Decree No УП-4609 “On additional measures to further improve the investment climate and business environment in the Republic of Uzbekistan” dated 7th April 2014, with a view to simplifying and reducing the price of such procedures as licensing and issuance of permitting documents. Another purpose of this document is to grant more freedoms to entrepreneurs.
The Resolution approves a package of proposals elaborated by the Ministry of Economy, the Ministry of Justice, the Ministry of Finance, the State Committee on Privatization, Demonopolization and Development of Competition, the State Committee on Communications, Informatization and Telecommunication Technologies, the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Republic of Uzbekistan and other interested ministries and departments. These proposals include:
The lifting, since 1st June 2014, of several lines of licensed activities and permitting documents in the field of entrepreneurship;
The reduction of the time and rates of duties charged for the registration of licensed lines of activities and the execution of permitting procedures;
The further reduction and simplification of procedures associated with the issuance of permitting documents and licences.
It is directly relevant to mention the lifting, since 1st June 2014, of the obligation to obtain a resolution from OAO Uzbekekspertiza on the possibility of exporting used machinery, equipment and mechanisms. This change in the field of foreign economic activity covers the CN FEA 84 – 89 groups of codes.
As well as that, the Uzbek government has approved the following measures to reduce and simplify such procedures as the issuance of licences and permitting documents in the field of foreign economic activity:
The requirement to obtain a permit for exportation of used machinery, equipment and mechanisms (CN FEA 84 – 89 codes) by legal entities without a state share in their authorized capital has been lifted. A given requirement applies in the following cases:
The complete wear and tear of machinery, equipment and mechanisms;
5 years passed from the date of acquisition of machinery, equipment and mechanisms.
The requirement to obtain a resolution on coordination of a technical-and-economic assessment of a commodity processing process on/outside the customs territory has been lifted. A given requirement doesn’t apply to enterprises with a state share in their authorized capital.
Additionally, starting 1st June 2014, the Resolution in question establishes a procedure, according to which entrepreneurs are entitled to perform the following procedures electronically:
– the submission and consideration of applications from entrepreneurs asking for their inclusion into the Localization Program – to the Ministry of Economy, the Ministry of Foreign Economic Relations, Investments and Trade and the State Committee on Privatization, Demonopolization and Development of Competition of the Republic of Uzbekistan;
– the submission of documents required to receive credits in national currency for the term of up to 1 year – to the commercial banks that provide services to entrepreneurs.
Besides, in order to guarantee the implementation of this Resolution, the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan, in conjunction with other authorities, such as the Ministry of Economy, the Ministry of Justice and the State Committee on Communications, Informatization and Telecommunication Technologies of the Republic of Uzbekistan, are commissioned with realizing the following special measures:
To ensure, till 1st January 2015, the introduction, at legislative level, of the “one-counter” principle when it comes to licensing several lines of activities;
To finalize, by the end of 2014, the development and introduction of software products for entrepreneurs to be able to present, in electronic form, their periodical accounts on how the terms of licensing agreements are executed.
At the same time, the government has approved the List of Projects to introduce priority interactive services for entrepreneurs through the Single Portal of Interactive State Services. In addition, the authorized body is charged with ensuring, starting 1st October 2014, the functioning of an entrepreneur’s personal room in the Single Portal of Interactive State Services of the Republic of Uzbekistan, which makes it possible to perform the following operations:
The interactive registration and presentation of financial, tax, statistical and other accounts;
Payment of taxes and other obligatory duties, payments for municipal services, deductions and state duties charged for consideration and registration of permitting documents and licences via the Internet-Banking System;
Receipt of information and other types of interactive state services.
(Source: “Business partner” newspaper)