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January 23, 2014


January 23, 2014

economy.. 2

Share of small businesses in GDP of Uzbekistan hit 56%… 2

Foreign trade surplus reaches US$1.3 billion in 2013. 2

International cooperation.. 2

A business delegation of South Korea visits Uzbekistan.. 2

Society.. 3

The National Army of Uzbekistan is the guarantor of peace, tranquility and prosperity.. 3




Press-service of MFA of the Republic of Uzbekistan


Share of small businesses in GDP of Uzbekistan hit 56%

Share of small businesses in the gross domestic product (GDP) of Uzbekistan grew from 31% in 2000 to 55.8% in 2013, the President of Uzbekistan Islam Karimov said at the session of the Cabinet of Ministers of Uzbekistan on 17 January 2014.

The session summed up results of social-economic development of Uzbekistan for 2013 and approved main priorities of economic programmes for 2014.

Speaking at the session, Islam Karimov said that small businesses and private entrepreneurship is taking more important role in the economy of Uzbekistan. Last year, over 26,000 small businesses were opened and their total number of existing enterprises in the sector made up 190,000 units as of the end of 2013.

Uzbek President stated that the share of the sector produced about 55.8% of the gross domestic product (GDP) against 31% in 2000.

President Islam Karimov the small businesses currently account about 23% of industrial production, almost all volume of market services, 18% of exports. About 75% of all employed in economy work in small business sector.

He said that despite its small forms, the sector plays great role in sustainable development of Uzbek economy, solving problems with employment and growth of well-being of population.



Foreign trade surplus reaches US$1.3 billion in 2013

Foreign trade surplus of Uzbekistan made up US$1.3 billion in 2013, the President of Uzbekistan Islam Karimov said at the session of the Cabinet of Ministers of Uzbekistan on 17 January 2014.

The session summed up results of social-economic development of Uzbekistan for 2013 and approved main priorities of economic programmes for 2014.

Speaking at the session, Islam Karimov said despite unstable conditions in global markets, the exports of Uzbekistan grew by 10.9% in 2013.

Foreign trade surplus of Uzbekistan made up US$1.3 billion in 2013. Gold-currency reserves of Uzbekistan rose by 2% in 2013 despite sharp fall of prices to precious metals, Uzbek head said.

He said that the share of ready competitive products is increasing in the exports of Uzbekistan. About 72% of exports fell to share of non-raw goods in 2013, which shows diversification of the economy.

The President of Uzbekistan Islam Karimov said that over 450 new enterprises started to export their products and services due to adopted measures on stimulating of exports. He recalled that the Fund on support of small and private entrepreneurship was created in Uzbekistan in 2013, which helped 153 businesses to sign export contacts for over US$56 million.



International cooperation

A business delegation of South Korea visits Uzbekistan

Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Uzbekistan hosted a business meeting between entrepreneurs of Uzbekistan and South Korea on 22 January 2014.

The meeting was organized within the visit of the delegation of business circles of South Korea led by the CEO of R&D Centre for Valuable Recycling Bong-Gyu Cho.

The meeting was aimed at discussing perspective directions of bilateral cooperation in processing and utilization of waste with participation of the Uzbek and Korean businesses.

The delegation includes heads of Korean companies, working in processing valuable waste, automated sorting, processing waste of automobile industry, electronics, home appliances, PET bottles, tires, etc.

At the meeting, the sides discussed Korean experience and their wastless technology on complex utilization of solid waste, introduction of which will help to improve waste management in Uzbekistan.

Bong-Gyu Cho, CEO of R&D Centre for Valuable Recycling, said that the event is continuation of cooperation of Uzbekistan and South Korea in sphere of processing and utilizing waste. He expressed hope that the Uzbek-Korean cooperation in the sphere will develop further.

At the end of the forum, the Uzbek and South Korean companies signed several documents, which will help to development of cooperation in processing and utilizing of waste.




The National Army of Uzbekistan is the guarantor of peace, tranquility and prosperity

The nation has celebrated the Day of Homeland Defenders and the twenty second anniversary of the establishment of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Uzbekistan. Over this short period, they have passed a difficult stage of development and are now small in number but modern and well-prepared army.



Traditionally, on the eve of the day President of Uzbekistan issued a decree on awarding a group of officers of law enforcement bodies, ministries of defense and emergency situations in connection with the Day of Homeland Defenders. According to the document, 117 people received state awards. All of them are rewarded for their great contribution to the improvement of country’s defense capability, national security and inviolability of the state borders, education of youth in the spirit of national independence and loyalty to the nation, for the courage, bravery and dedication while protecting national interests and ensuring peace, stability and public order.

Moreover, festive events took place across Uzbekistan on the occasion of the Day of Homeland Defenders. In particular, in a solemn meeting in the palace of Turkistan brought together senators, members of parliament and the government, soldiers, sergeants, officers, generals, veterans of the Armed Forces, their families and community representatives. Defense Minister Kabul Berdiyev delivered a congratulatory message by President of the Republic of Uzbekistan and Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces Islam Karimov.

The Head of State stressed that in recent years Uzbekistan had taken deep and large-scale systemic and phased measures to build a mobile and well equipped national army. It now meets the highest standards and is capable of efficiently and reliably ensuring the security and territorial integrity of the country, of protecting the peaceful life of our people. Uzbekistan has managed to provide significant growth in combat capabilities, firepower and maneuverability of the Armed Forces.

In today’s environment our army needs further reforming and strengthening the defensive powers, its combat potential and readiness to defend the sovereignty of the republic, border security and peaceful life of citizens. In this context, Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces said that the main threats to the country were still coming from the negative impact of radicalism, conflicts and confrontations occurring today in the world and the immediate neighborhood, the ongoing war in Afghanistan and uncertainty in its decision, growth of terrorism threats and religious extremism, expanding scale of aggressive drug trafficking, increasing threats in the immediate vicinity of our borders.



Uzbekistan has a modern national army able to effectively address the tactical and strategic objectives of security, territorial integrity and inviolability of borders, protection of peaceful life. At the initial stage the Armed Forces established military districts and border regions and forces in the key areas. Air defense and air forces have been combined in one unit. New organizational structures have been established. The structure of the Armed Forces has been optimized.

The army will continue to improve the system of defense of the country, taking into account the features of each operational area, paying particular attention to the implementation of effective measures to ensure the continued readiness of units of military districts and border troops to conduct their coordinated joint operations to pre-empt emerging threats to national security, in the first place in the border areas. Experts believe comprehensive interoperability and high level of interaction of units involved in protecting the state border, as well as their joint combat training should play a decisive role.

A fundamentally new organizational structure has been introduced in the Armed Forces and their main combat units, which allowed them to radically rebuild the system of army management, increase their mobility, efficiency and firing capabilities. And most importantly, this enabled to ensure the independence and responsibility of commanders at all levels.

In key operational areas there are Special Operation Forces. A special system of training and equipping with modern types of weapons, make them a powerful tool that can rebuff any aggressive aspirations of the potential enemy.

At the present stage, the main task of the Armed Forces, Ministry of Defense, the General Staff and the staffs of military districts is in-depth, focused and systematic analysis and forecasting of the rapidly changing situation in the neighboring territories and the region as a whole. However, they are required to ensure timely identification of possible risks associated with the possible mobilization of terrorist and extremist forces, which could seriously complicate the situation on our borders.

Extremely important becomes the combat training of troops, which seeks to respond adequately to the current military and political situation in the region in the short and medium term. From now on, training will focus on the various models and options of interaction of border troops and units of the Ministry of Defense, air assault and special units and other types of troops involved in joint operations, taking into account the detailed study of the experience of foreign countries.

Much has been done for equipping troops with modern types of weapons and military equipment. The main objective is the full and timely implementation of the plans and programs for equipping of units with modern types of weapons and military equipment that can significantly improve their combat capabilities.

In his congratulation message President Islam Karimov noted that Uzbekistan would pay more attention to the development of domestic production and repair facilities to maintain combat readiness, and to joint ventures for the production of new and modernization of existing weapons and military equipment.



It is quite obvious that the progress and success of the reforms in the field of defense, the level of combat readiness and effectiveness largely depends on the level of moral and psychological training of personnel, on their spiritual and moral qualities, active life position and firm convictions, sense of responsibility for the fate of the nation. That is why in recent years the attention is focused on the living and working conditions provided to the military personnel.

In recent years, particular attention has been paid to the accumulation of experience, improvement and deepening of knowledge of basic principles and methods of modern combat operations, training the ability to quickly navigate and make decisions in extreme and difficult conditions, as well as basic knowledge of the use of modern and high-precision weapons and other features of combat operations. The most serious attention of the Armed Forces was concentrated on improving the efficiency of planning, organizing and conducting command and tactical exercises, which should become a school for testing different models of combat operations in the modern theater of war.

President of Uzbekistan stressed that the Armed Forces must focus more on comprehensive training of combatants and units, meaning the increasing demands to the commanders of these units, and training of all personnel. This work will pay attention to cultivating special skills on comprehensive assessment and analysis of the situation, non-standard decisions, and skillful management of units when performing independent combat tasks, mastering related professions, new equipment and weapons. As a result this should ensure interchangeability of specialists and high coherence of actions.

In this connection, crucial importance is given to effective training of erudite and modern-minded, intellectually developed military personnel with high professional and moral qualities, able in modern conditions of brief military actions to effectively perform their tasks.

At the present stage, special attention is given to the further development of the unified multi-level system of training noncommissioned officers, providing for comprehensive update in training programs in accordance with the new modern requirements. Professionally trained NCOs, not in words but in deeds should become a mainstay and backbone of our army, who largely shape the moral and psychological moods in each military unit.



Thanks to shortening of military service to one year, and once-in-a-year conscription, significant increase in the proportion of contracted NCO personnel, and introduction of mobilization conscription service have drastically changed the face, essence, content and combat capabilities of the Uzbek army and moods in military units.

Today there is no need to emphasize the special role and place of the pre-conscription training of future officers and soldiers of our army, their conscious choice of this difficult occupation. Special role in the implementation of these urgent and long-term objectives is given to a Public Council under the Ministry of Defense and the general public, figures of culture, arts and sports.

Public Council, which includes representatives of creative unions, foundations, non-profit organizations, media, culture and arts conducts extensive awareness-raising campaigns. This job touches on topical issues relating to conscription for military service, attraction of wannabe servicemen on contract basis, the conditions and the opportunities created for the military personnel, as well as measures taken to help discharged persons in their civilian life.

In his greeting message President stressed that any military and political events should be actively covered in the media and the national segment of the Internet to inform citizens about the military service, and training of military personnel and ongoing large-scale reforms in the army. The Head of State pointed out that these measures must avoid formalism and superficial approach, and educate young people in the deep feelings of love for the country, pride for the Armed Forces and respect for military service.



Social protection of servicemen is considered in Uzbekistan as a task of special importance, since in modern conditions social security of servicemen, as well as well-trained, strong and fully-equipped armed forces are capable of ensuring national security.

Another important component of a strong social policy is the implementation of government programs of comfortable housing for the servicemen, including modern social conditions, quality health care. In the near future, this work will become even more widespread and better in quality.

(Source: “Uzbekistan Today” newspaper)