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January 28, 2014


January 28, 2014

economy.. 2

Uzbekistan: Projects for US$150m implemented in special economic zones. 2

Employment in Spotlight. 2


Communication sector sums up results of 2013. 3



Press-service of MFA of the Republic of Uzbekistan


Uzbekistan: Projects for US$150m implemented in special economic zones

Some 27 projects with total cost of US$150 million were implemented in special economic zones of Uzbekistan, the President of Uzbekistan Islam Karimov said at the session of the Cabinet of Ministers of Uzbekistan on 17 January 2014.

Islam Karimov said that production capacities have been launched within 19 investment projects for over US$100 million in special industrial zone Navoi since its creation.

He said that modems, TV-set boxes, electronic electricity meters, power cables, boilers, mobile handsets and fixed phones, medicaments and other products are manufactured in the zone. He added that the enterprises in the zone produced goods for 100 billion soums (Currency rates of CB from 28.01.2014  1$=2203.49 soums) in 2013, which grew by 25.8% compared to 2012.

Capacities on production of high technologic products within five projects for US$44 million were launched in short period of time in special industrial zone Angren. He said that the enterprises in the zone produce energy saving LED lamps, copper pipes of various diameters, briquette coal. He added construction of new sugar plant was completed.

He said that taking into account accumulated experience, Uzbekistan launched another special industrial zone Jizzakh in Jizzakh region in March 2013 with the branch in Syrdarya region. He said that the works on developing transport, production and engineering and communication infrastructure are underway here.

Islam Karimov said that three first projects with participation of Chinese companies for US$6 million were launched in SIZ Jizzakh. The capacities on production of 100,000 mobile phones a year, processing of cattle products and production of forage were opened in the zone.



Employment in Spotlight

The review report of President Islam Karimov at the extended meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers last week stressed that the creation of new jobs and employment had always been and would be in the spotlight.

Annually, Uzbekistan accepts employment program aimed at the rational use of labor resources. Last year, for example, it provided for the creation of about 973 thousand jobs. Ministry of Labor and Social Welfare and other departments conducted monitoring, which revealed some shortcomings in its implementation, but allowed to give practical help to mobilize all the reserves in this matter.

This year’s program includes creation of nearly one million jobs in seven main areas.

“Increased investment in the economy, expansion of benefits for small businesses, allocation of loans by commercial banks to entrepreneurs will strengthen the financial basis for the creation of new jobs,” said Erkin Avezov, senior official at the Ministry of Labor and Social Welfare. “One of the main focuses will be the further development of private entrepreneurship, small and micro enterprises, where more than 482 thousand people are expected to find job. Expansion of home-based work will provide employment for more than 221 thousand citizens, primarily to women with children.

In 2014, more than 570,000 graduates of professional colleges and universities will come to the job market for the first time. Each city and region is developing special programs for their employment. This important work will involve ministries and departments, local authorities, businesses and organizations. Everything will be done to involve younger generation in the national economy.

Successful implementation of the job creation and employment program will contribute to the development of the job market in our country and to further improvement of the welfare of the people.

(Source: “Uzbekistan Today” newspaper)




Communication sector sums up results of 2013

The State Committee for Communication, Information and Telecommunication Technologies of Uzbekistan held a meeting of its board to sum up 2013 results.

It was underlined that the sector increased to render services by 22% and the growth of services, rendered to population, made up 21%.

The forecast on projects, implemented due to attraction of foreign direct investments and loans, and own resources of the enterprises of industry, was fulfilled with 213%.

Within the project on backup and expansion trunk, zonal and local networks, as well as modernization of subscriber networks based on FTTx architecture, Uzbekistan constructed optic communication lines with a total length of 2,100 km. In order to expand broadband transmission network, the device, which is capable of providing 128,000 broadband connections simultaneously, was installed.

For storing frequently used data Uzbekistan last year was launched Center caching with the capacity of 4 Gbps, which is able to store and process data. Caching efficiency is 35-42%, saving up to 500 Mbit/s total Internet channel.

Total speed of use of international information networks reached 10.3 Gbps in 2013, which rose 1.3 times compared to 2012. The tariffs for ISPs to access to international center for package communication rose by 26% year-on-year to US$312.58 per 1 Mbps.

Total number of ports, installed to provide broadband internet (FTTx and xDSL), reached 575,000 at the end of 2013 compared to 378,000 at the beginning of 2013.

Uzbekistan continues stage-by-stage introduction of digital television, which will be completed by the end of 2017. Currently, the level of coverage of population with digital television makes up 45% against 42% at the end of 2012.

On 1 July 2013, Uzbekistan launched single portal of interactive state services and some 5,800 appeals of legal entities and individuals were received in past period of 2013.

The growth of services in software sector made up 130.4% in 2013. Some 3,521 employees of regional and district administrations and 3,978 employees of state and economic bodies undergo training on ICT in 2013.

The session considered introduction of ICT in various areas. The heads of departments and branches of the committee, as well as enterprises were ordered to move to electronic form of issuing licenses and permissions, as well as submitting statistic reports.

The participants also put task to speed up number and quality of interactive services, expand number of broadband boards, increasing capacities of telecommunication devices, introduction of ICT in postal communication, dissemination of print mass media, etc.

The board of the Committee adopted necessary decisions on considered issues.
