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January 30, 2014


January 30, 2014


Sports and Healthy Family as Backbone for Fostering Sound Children and Society.. 2

economy.. 4

Uzbekistan commissions over 10,000 individual houses in 2013. 4

Uzbekistan Airways transports 2.677m passengers in 2013. 4






Press-service of MFA


Sports and Healthy Family as Backbone for Fostering Sound Children and Society

At the Oqsaroy on January 28, President Islam Karimov chaired a regular session of the Board of Trustees of Uzbekistan’s Fund for the Development of Children’s Sports.

The head of our state expounded on achievements made during the activities of the Fund as well as the significance and practical effects of the wide-ranging efforts undertaken.

“Today, the life itself confirms the correctness and aptitude of the system we have spearheaded and directed at the comprehensive physical and spiritual development of children and youths,” Islam Karimov suggested.

“Our children have been regular in sports and hence boosting their health in modern sport complexes built across towns and villages. They are growing up healthy, robust and strong-willed. Sports harden the character of our children and transform their lifestyle and world outlook.”

“Nurturing a sound generation implies laying out a foundation for a great nation and is bedrock of a prosperous life.” These words, delivered by President Islam Karimov in the wake of state independence, defined a principal goal for the nation and a priority for government policy for years to come. Thus, as early as the initial stages in the independent development, Uzbekistan tasked itself with an underlying aim for a long-term period, namely, to ensure that our children be smarter, stronger, wiser and certainly happier than us.

During independence years, endeavors dubbed tremendous in terms of scales and significance have been marshaled to further that gracious end. An environment conducive for fostering healthy children has therefore been created in our country.

Proposed by the leader of our nation, the Fund for the Development of Children’s Sports in Uzbekistan was instituted along with a unique system for the popularization of sports among children and teenagers, for an extensive consolidation of healthy lifestyle and formation of a comprehensively advanced generation. Children’s sport has become an integral part of the process of education and upbringing.

The efforts continued in 2013 to build, reconstruct and cardinally overhaul the sporting facilities and children’s music and arts schools. Notably, 113 sports facilities, including swimming pools, and 55 children’s music and arts schools were erected and commissioned in the past year. 132 of them were put into operation in rural areas. 210 billion and 400 million soums (Currency rates of CB from 30.01.2014  1$=2203.49 soums) were earmarked for these objectives to be met.

The President noted that it is imperative to build quality sports complexes and children’s music and arts schools, and hence increase the number of specialized contract organizations and boost their economic and technical capacities.

The construction of children’s sports facilities is to be continued steadily. It is essential that we build, the head of our state stressed, such beautiful and robust complexes to bring up our dear and beloved children, and that those facilities always remind them of our great love for them and become a peculiar reflection of that. The children and youths training there will enjoy such opportunities and live with noble goals and aspirations. To gladden the kids and create conditions for them to advance is our obligation.

Owing to the supply of all sports complexes with contemporary sporting equipment and hardware as well as highly qualified coaches, the schoolchildren regularly going in for sports have been growing in number. Some 2 million children in our country are currently regular in more than 30 sports. The average daily use of one sporting facility reaches 9.5 hours.

Children’s sports facilities are outfitted by and large with locally manufactured equipment and hardware. Currently, Uzbek enterprises produce 116 out of the total 120 types of such equipment and tools.

A great significance is attached in our country to making sports appealing for girls. Sporting uniforms meeting the national mentality of our people are being sewn for them. Extensive opportunities are being created to train women coaches and sports teachers.

At the initiative of President Islam Karimov, sporting uniform is distributed among schoolgirls every year on the eve of the International Women’s Day, 8 March. That serves as an important factor in the further popularization of sports among girls and in their development as healthy, strong-willed and physically well-built personalities. Today, around 842 thousand girls across the nation are regular in sports.

The head of our state underscored in particular that it is necessary to bolster the efforts aimed at making physical culture and sports even more appealing for girls, and thus raise the activeness of mahallas and women’s committees on this front and constantly work with individual families.

One may ask as to when a family is happy. A response is to follow: it is happy if the woman is happy. And when is the woman happy? She is happy if her children are healthy. To this end, it is essential to shape a sound environment in families, whereby it is primarily the parents who are the very people who ought to be in sports, Islam Karimov said.

Instrumental in securing a comprehensive development of our children have been the diversity of sporting competitions organized across the country. Our youths manifest a growing interest in sports and embark on healthy lifestyle.

The three-tier system of sports games – the Umid Nihollari, the Barkamol Avlod and the Universaide – has been playing an enormous role in the extensive engagement of children and youths in sports and nurturing professional athletes.

Achievements were great in the sporting life of the nation also in 2013. In particular, Tashkent hosted the 4th weightlifting world championship among juniors, the international Grand-Prix judo tournament and the artistic gymnastics Asian championship.

Notably, the six-year-old chess player Islombek Sindorov won three gold medals at the Asian championship in Iran. Nafisa Muminova was first among Uzbek girls to earn the title of FIDE international grandmaster.

The weightlifter Ruslan Nurudinov was second to no one in the world championship in Poland, while the judoka Yahyo Imamov proved triumphant at the Grand Slam international tournament in France.

Another practical manifestation of the great attention and care for children and youths was the 3 December 2013 Decree of the President to reward a group of talented young people with high state awards for their remarkable contribution to upholding Uzbekistan’s standing in the international arena.

The final round of competitions “Barkamol Avlod” is due later this year in Namangan region. To this end, a range of new sports complexes are being built in the province.

The scales of these efforts are going to expand further in the current year announced in our country as the Year of the Health of the Child. The works are to be continued consistently to consolidate the healthy lifestyle in the society, boost the medical culture of the population and promote mass sports, children’s in particular.

“We have declared the year 2014 as the one of the Health of the Child in our country. This requires a new approach to issues related to the promotion of children’s sports. When we speak of fostering a healthy generation, it is appropriate to recall the saying well known among the people and which has turned into a noble appeal, namely, that a healthy child is normally born to a sound and friendly family. Sport is the best possible method of shaping such families,” President Karimov said.

“Those young people and women going in for sports are distinct with their robust health and sound mind. In the years to come, they will nurture their children in that very spirit. The greater the number of such families, the more consolidated is the sound atmosphere in society.”

The session has served for a detailed scrutiny of the progress made in meeting the tasks and challenges outlined at the assembly of the Board of Trustees held 15 March 2013. A special emphasis has been placed on construction, reconstruction and cardinal repair works undertaken in sports facilities and swimming pools, on their equipment with necessary hardware and tools, on the elevation of effectiveness in making use of sport complexes and training highly qualified coaches and specialists, especially women.

The head of our state noted that it is vital to attach significance to issues related to the effective use of sporting facilities, to the extensive engagement of girls into sports, the further enlargement of the range and quality of sporting equipment and hardware manufactured in our country, and to the comprehensive support for domestic producers operating in this sphere.

During the meeting, due tasks on this front were identified for the year 2014, including priority challenges in the construction and reconstruction of 115 sports facilities and 48 children’s music and arts schools, along with the supply of essential equipment and tools for them. Attention was drawn to some shortcoming in the sphere, and that due measures have been taken to eliminate them.

The session participants also discussed the course of preparations for the 31st Olympics to take place in Brazil in 2016.

We are all delighted to see the Fund for the Development of Children’s Sports in Uzbekistan turn into an organization that stirs admiration in many countries. The youths regular in sports grow up comprehensively sophisticated. This constitutes another vital confirmation of the fact that our nation has never been inferior to anyone, and that this will be true for generations to come, the President stressed.

On issues discussed, the meeting participants were presented a report by the First Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Uzbekistan – Minister of Finance R.Azimov, the Deputy Prime Ministers E.Basitkhanova, B.Zakirov, A.Ikramov, President of the National Olympic Committee of Uzbekistan M.Usmanov, the heads of a number of ministries and other government agencies as well as hokims of regions.

Meeting participants adopted relevant decisions on issues considered during the occasion.

(Source: Press Service of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan)



Uzbekistan commissions over 10,000 individual houses in 2013

About 10,000 houses on standard projects were constructed at 353 blocks in rural areas in 2013, the President of Uzbekistan Islam Karimov said at the session of the Cabinet of Ministers of Uzbekistan on 17 January 2014.

He said that Uzbekistan pays great attention to improving living conditions of population in rural areas and constructs new houses on standard projects and form new infrastructure there.

Uzbek leader said that over 33,500 individual houses with total area of 4.5 million square meters have been constructed at 900 blocks in 159 rural areas of Uzbekistan since 2009.

He added that about 732 asphalt automobile roads and over thousands objects of social and market infrastructure were built.

Islam Karimov said that about 10,000 houses on standard projects were constructed at 353 blocks in rural areas in 2013 with total area of over 1.5 million square meters, which rose by 17% year-on-year.

Uzbekistan directed about US$650 million to construction of these houses, of which US$106 million were loan of the Asian Development Bank (ADB).

He said that Uzbekistan plans to construct 11,000 houses at 388 rural blocks with total area of 1.5 million square meters, President Islam Karimov underlined.



Uzbekistan Airways transports 2.677m passengers in 2013

Uzbekistan Havo Yollari national airline transported over 2.677 million passengers in 2013, the press release of the company said.

Uzbekistan Havo Yollari said in its statement that it carried out 24,559 flights in 2013.

The company said that it is working on expanding routes network. The international flights are carried out from almost all regional centers of Uzbekistan.

The airline underlined that it opened new flight Tashkent-Volgograd and it is planned to launch new flight from Urgench to Volgograd (Russia). The airline is planning to open new flights to Singapore and Vladivostok (Russia).

According to the company, it transported 41,000 tonnes of cargoes, including paid correspondence and paid luggage.

The production capacities of Intermodal Logistic Center at international airport Navoi is expanding. Currently, the center is cooperating with logistic centers of Eurasia, including Incheon, Milan, Brussels, Milan, Istanbul, Dubai, Dehli, and Tianjin. Some 25,000 tonnes of cargoes were transported via the center in 2013.

Uzbekistan Havo Yollari said that it received an award “The most punctual airline” in the prestigious competition of the airport “Domodedovo”. Rating agency SkyTrax carried out assessed the airline and assigned the rating.

In January 2014, the airline received a certificate “Exemplary taxpayer” for its contribution to development of economy of Uzbekistan.
