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March 6, 2014


March 6, 2014

Business climate.. 2

In 2013 in Uzbekistan were registered 27.8 thousand new enterprises. 2

exhibitions. 2

Big Building.. 2


What the Excavations Tell. 3




Press-service of MFA of the Republic of Uzbekistan

Business climate

In 2013 in Uzbekistan were registered 27.8 thousand new enterprises

According to the data of the Unified State Register of enterprises and organizations, as of January 1, 2014 the number of registered legal entities amounted to 266.4 thousand, of which operating – 241.2 thousand, or 90.5% of the total number.

The largest number of companies and organizations are registered in trade and catering (28.3% of the total number), industry (16.6%), construction (8.6%), agriculture and forestry (8.5%).

In the total number, the share of non-public owned entities is 85.2%, including 35.9% – private enterprises, 1.8% – enterprises with foreign capital, 47.5% – other enterprises.

According to the information service of the State Statistics Committee of Uzbekistan in January-December 2013 27.8 thousand enterprises and organizations were newly registered (including 26.3 thousand small businesses). A significant number of newly established enterprises and organizations are based in Tashkent city (24.6% of the total), Fergana (10.8%), Tashkent (8.8%) and Samarkand (7.0%) regions.

In the sectoral structure of newly registered enterprises and organizations, the share of trade and catering – 28.1%, industry – 26.4%, construction – 10%.

In the reporting period 21.3 thousand enterprises and organizations were liquidated, including 5.6 thousand on voluntarily basis.




Big Building

A spring exhibition season has started in Tashkent. Traditionally, it was opened by three exhibitions devoted to the building materials industry, the furniture industry as well as the heating and ventilation.

Experts note that it is not accidentally that the exhibition season in Uzbekistan begins with the three exhibitions, one way or another connected with the new facilities construction, their arrangement and design. Significant policy documents were adopted in the last months of 2013 and beginning of 2014 in the country aimed at the development of regions, construction of new industrial, social and cultural facilities. They do become benchmarks for many industries in the implementation of specific investment projects and plans. And one of the key roles in these processes is given to the complex of industries responsible for production of building materials, construction, decoration and equipment facilities. We should also note another important promise of the fairs: “To build means to develop”. Today, there are unique projects are ongoing across the country – creation of the Ustyurt Gas Chemical Complex, a new railway Angren-Pop, the Kandym Gas Processing Plant and a dozen others. And this is only the largest projects – in all regions there are thousands of them. Their successful implementation requires not only technological, industrial equipment, but also high-quality construction materials, technologies and equipment, on which our country always focused.

And by this fairs are good– there are businessmen, representatives of various enterprises and specialists at one single site can both learn from experiences and achievements of its competitors and also to review the entire range of equipment by selecting the best option. Often, treaties are signed on joint projects, which resulted in the country there are new facilities that produce quality and competitive products. The constant increase in the number of participants – this year’s joint exhibitions involve more than 200 companies, clearly demonstrates the attractiveness of the domestic market for the world’s leading manufacturers and at the same time striving Uzbek businessmen to buy only the most modern equipment.

“For the second year the exhibition will receive the National Manufacturers Group of Italy,” representative of the Chamber of Commerce of Novara Alberto Kalderano said. “There are more and more Italian companies each year willing both to offer goods the Uzbek market and also to invest in new facilities.”

This year’s press conference was no less interesting than the fair. Akbar Mukhitdinov, Senior Manager at SC Uzstroymateriali announced a number of significant initiatives planned to be implemented in the coming years. The country will soon adopt a special program on modernization of the industry for building materials production for 2014-2016, under which manufacturing of about 400 types of new products is planned.

There is a significant growth in the cement industry is planned. A number of capacities to be launched this year, bringing the total production of this building material in the country from 6.8 million tons in 2013 to 10 million tons. In particular, in Jizzakh region is planned to start production of Portland cement plant worth over US$114m. Foreign investors actively manifest themselves. Worldwide Known German company Knauf in the coming years is going to invest an additional US$45-50m in the expansion of their businesses in Uzbekistan and development of new products. It has already launched two plants in Bukhara region that specializes in production of gypsum boards and dry mortars.

The furniture industry show no less activity, which has become almost a textbook example of the development of the industry from scratch. Just 10 years ago, 90% of raw materials for furniture production were imported from abroad. Within a short period capacities were established, allowing most of the materials needed to produce in the country. There are more companies that meet the needs not only domestic but also foreign markets.

“Our company is one of the leading furniture market, Senior manager of the Keng Macon Najmiddin Shamsutdinov said. – We have been working for more than 21 years and produce products from local sycamore. It is valued by both domestic and foreign buyers. In late 2013 a contract was signed with Russian companies for the supply of furniture. In the future, we plan to enter the markets of neighbouring countries. In the Year of Healthy child the enterprise will expand ecological furniture production.

(Source: “Uzbekistan Today” newspaper)



What the Excavations Tell

With Quqon, which in the 10th century was known as Huvaqon or Hvaqon are associated the names of prominent scholars, poets, politicians and masters of the arts. However, the people of science have always been keen to know: when did life appear on the territory of the present town?

Many years, archaeologists could not say anything about the origins of the city, because then the remains of ancient buildings had not been discovered yet. In the mid 1990s, members of the Farghona Regional Museum of Local History made ​​a small excavation at the site of the late medieval monument of Muyi Muborak and found a few clay crocks belonging to the 5th – 6th centuries AD. There was an assumption of existence of pre-Islamic Quqon. However, at that time archaeological work was stopped and renewed after 15 years.

“Carefully cleaning layer after layer the walls of monumental buildings and stone laying of a large yard, we reached the clay platform, which, apparently, in the 5th – 7th centuries was a foundation of a monumental building,” says Abdulhamid Anarbaev, head of the Tashkent affiliate of the Institute of Archaeology of the Academy of Sciences of Uzbekistan. “The deeper we dig the more we learn about the life of the people who inhabited this territory. We discovered the remains of the fortress wall, built in the 1st – 2nd centuries from clay and mud bricks. Clearing the lower layers, we found the fragments of crocks with red engobe, which could served as the evidence of the date of the town’s emergence. It is impossible to establish the chronology of ancient periods without them. Archaeologists believe that it is not that important to find a large number of precious artifacts, which will be displayed in museums. Much more important is tracing the path of development of history and culture of the people.

At a depth of five meters there was the lowest cultural layer with artifacts of 2000 years old, and beneath them were agricultural and irrigation layers. Attempts to dig deeper led to groundwater. The obtained materials indicate that long before the emergence of Quqon, no later than in the 7th century BC, people here used irrigated cropping. The main source of water was the Quqonsoy river, which watered from the Sohsoy river.

The other object of the research was Tepaqo’rghon monument in the center of Quqon. Preliminary studies showed that its the upper layers also belong to the late medieval period. Under them, as in Muyi Muborak, was discovered a platform of early medieval period, which had been the basis of monumental construction like a castle with semicircular towers. Here, apparently, lived the ruler of a small ownership.

In the lower layers a rich collection of pottery with red engobe was gathered, which belonged to the 2nd – 1st centuries BC and the 1st – 4th centuries AD. The tems were made on a potter’s wheel by local craftsmen. Images of mountains, rivers and rain were the favorite motifs of the Quqon masters. . Interestingly, a mountain in the mythology of most nations of Central Asia is viewed as a model of the universe, the image of the world, which reflects the main elements of space. It should be mentioned, that according to ethnographic data, such pre-Islamic elements as rainmaking and belief in the special spirit of the rain was common among the Farghona Uzbeks.

Archaeologists believed that under the hills of Muyi Muborak and Tepaqo’rghon the ancient Quqon is hidden. But, to reveal all the secrets of the town, several more years of work has to be carried out. The task is quite challenging because the modern town is densely built. Nevertheless, the materials obtained provide a basis to state that Quqon is a city with two thousand years of history. It is assumed that at in late 7th century BC some parts of the town had irrigated agriculture. Development of irrigated agriculture in the 2nd – 1st centuries BC leads to the emergence of urban settlements of Muyi Muborak and Tepaqo’rghon that became the basis of the ancient Quqon. At the turn of our era Quqon emerged on Tepaqo’rghon. The caravans with fabrics, precious stones, gold and silver ornaments, medicines and dyes passed through the town. With them traveled artisans, artists, musicians and dancers; the palace feasts of the Chinese emperors were always accompanied with performances of dancers and singers from Sogd, Choch and Farghona.

On the eve of the Arab conquest in Sogd and Farghona the political power was at the hands of primarily the representatives of the Turkic people. But economic and cultural life was organized on the basis of equality and cooperation between the people who spoke different languages ​​and belonged to different religions. Private property, as well as state and public one was under protection of the state, strengthening its power.

Expansion of trade along the Great Silk Road, development of crafts, rapid growth of mining industry led to the comprehensive development of the town culture. Gradually,the ancient history of Quqon is formed. But at the present stage one can state for sure that this legendary town emerged not later than two thousand years ago.

(Source: “Uzbekistan Today” newspaper)