March 7, 2014
Number of registered legal entities in Uzbekistan exceeds 266,400. 2
Uzbekistan and South Korea enhance partnership. 2
Whisper of Wind and Spring Thunder. 3
Press-service of MFA of the Republic of Uzbekistan
Number of registered legal entities in Uzbekistan exceeds 266,400
Number of registered legal entities in Uzbekistan (without dekhan farms and farmers) made up 266,400 units as of 1 January 2014, of which 241,200 units or 90.5% are operating, the State Statistics Committee of Uzbekistan said quoting the Single State Registrar of Enterprises and Organizations.
Largest number of the enterprises is registered in trade and catering (28.3% of total registered enterprises), industry (16.6%), construction (8.6%) and agriculture and forestry (8.5%).
Share of non-governmental enterprises in total number of registered companies made up 85.2%, of which 35.9% – private enterprises, 1.8% – enterprises with foreign capital and 47.5% – other enterprises.
The committee said that number of registered enterprises made up 27,800 units in January-December 2013 (including 26,300 units of small businesses), of which 24.6% of them registered in Tashkent city, 10.8% – Ferghana region, 8.8% – Tashkent region and 7% in Samarkand region.
About 28.1% of newly registered enterprises fell to share of trade and catering, 26.4% – industry, and 10% – construction.
In the reporting period, about 21,300 enterprises and organizations were liquidated, of which 5,600 were liquidated on voluntary bases.
international cooperation
Uzbekistan and South Korea enhance partnership
Foreign investment is one of the main priorities of the economic model of Uzbekistan. These financial flows allow to commission modern industrial facilities equipped with the latest technology.
Today, when the investment vector gradually shifted from developing to advanced nations, the struggle for financial flows is becoming increasingly difficult whereby every country seeks to create the most favorable conditions for foreign businesspeople. It is particularly the case in developing countries, who are now the leaders in GDP growth, who embark on large-scale infrastructure projects that require high investment costs. To address these issues, in Uzbekistan multi- set of measures is carried out, which for 20 years has demonstrated its effectiveness and relevance. Visits of business communities of foreign countries interested in developing bilateral relations with our country played a special role.
Last week, a business delegation of South Korea paid a visit to Uzbekistan, held a business forum and cooperative exchange. By tradition, before discussing promising joint projects, during the plenary sessions of the forum guests were presented with domestic investment beacons: the SIZ Angren and the Navoi FIEZ. It is here today is the implementation of joint projects with foreign partners, created the necessary engineering and communication infrastructure. As noted by Korean investors during a business forum, they were impressed by what they saw. Before the trip, many had doubts whether it is worth investing in Uzbekistan? But after their own eyes saw the conditions created, learned about and preferences for companies implementing technological projects doubt changed the desire to find new partners and to organize production.
“The trade turnover between Uzbekistan and Korea is growing rapidly. More and more companies interested in joint projects, especially in technological fields. This business trip is not only a symbol of an already established mutually beneficial cooperation, but also marks a new stage in the expansion of the partnership, will allow concluding contracts, to start new endeavors,” Deputy Chairman of the Korea International Trade Association An Hyunho said.
The forum discussed the further deepening of economic cooperation between the two countries, especially in the automotive industry, the electrical industry and agricultural engineering. At its outcome, a memorandum of understanding between the Fund support for exports of small business and entrepreneurship, and the Korea International Trade Association. According to the Korean side, this document is primarily intended to facilitate the establishment of business cooperation between businessmen of the two countries.
Today Korea is one of the leading investors in the economy of Uzbekistan. Over the past 15 years under the Investment Program disbursed more than US$1.5b Korean investments. In collaboration with KOGAS, STX, HONAM Petrochemical Corporation, Shindong Resources Co.Ltd., Textile Technologies Group major investment projects are being carried out – “Construction Ustyurt Gas Chemical Complex at Surgil Deposit”, “Development of Tungsten Mine Sautboy”, “Organization of Textile Complex in Tashkent region” and etc. In 2013, the trade volume exceeded US$2.1b. There are 418 joint Uzbek-Korean enterprises in Uzbekistan, of which 70 – with 100% Korean capital. And judging by the intentions that representatives of the Korean delegation expressed during the cooperative exchange, their number will grow in the coming years.
Whisper of Wind and Spring Thunder
Distinctive and picturesque, the music in Uzbekistan has always secured a special place in the life of people. And, doira is undoubtedly one of favorite musical instruments of the Uzbek people.
One side of the wooden rim of 50 cm in diameter is covered with a hard leather membrane and 60 metal rings are fastened on the other. Usually, diameter of the instrument is 40 cm. Stroking on the tight leather with fingers of both hands a musician plays the tunes, rhythmically shaking the instrument so that melodic sounds accompany the strokes. In the hands of a virtuoso performing usul – rhythmic accompaniment to dancing and singing, doira could be soft as the wind’s whisper, or argue with the first spring thunder. Doira has five basic strokes – katta boum, katta bak, kichik boum, kichik bak and nohun. But during the play it seems that there are at least fifty.
Leather of the instruments is dried on fire or high-voltage lamps. Heating up, it turns ringing and elastic.
This instrument is also known as dap and childirma. In the mountains of the Farghona Valley in many houses one can see the pictures depicting a woman playing the doira accompanied by one or more dancers.
In the past, this instrument was considered as women’s due to its connections with women’s rituals. It was used in the palaces together with rubob and dutor. Already in those days any music was accompanied by the rhythms of percussion instruments. This order of the rhythm in the Uzbek music called is usul. Its rhythmic formation has two sounds: low, which is made by stroking on the middle of doira, second sound relatively high, produced by stroking on doira’s sides.
All different types of high and low sounds a musician produces with four fingers of his right hand. In his left hand he holds the instrument. To not forget the usul, in the early 19th century the first note was written on the paper.
“Our ancestors made fires, played doira and sang,” tells a renowned doira player, musician at the Doni Zokirov National Orchestra of Folk Instruments Abror Mansurov. “Doira at any music company is the ringleader. It sets the rhythm in many works. Unfortunately, with upgrading it somewhat lost its historical functions. For example, in the past the people after gathering grain shook it in doira to clean it from husk. And all this process was accompanied by singing. My grandmother, who was a good doira player had told me all this.”
Doira for men is heavier and its leather thinner. Now men play at weddings and other festive events. But if a woman plays it, this ancient instrument rings with clatter of heels and jingling of rings. And braids scatter around in rhytmic dance. Withawhisperofwind, withaspringthunder…
(Source: “Uzbekistan Today” newspaper)