“Investment portal of Uzbekistan”

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Uzbekistan announces visa waiver for citizens of 45 countries (List)

Important Visa Information for Indian Citizens Travelling to Uzbekistan

January 8, 2014


January 08, 2014

 economy.. 2

Aiming at further prosperity and welfare. 2


Uzbekistan Railways Company offers original travel packages. 4




Press-service of MFA


Aiming at further prosperity and welfare

2013 came to an end. This year, the Republic of Uzbekistan has managed to make appreciable progress in the economy, politics and social life, notwithstanding the persistent instability in the global economy. The efficient purposeful steps taken by the nation’s leaders have paved the way for a stable rate of economic growth and filled the population’s life with a new content, while positively transforming their consciousness and thought. Many modern industrial enterprises have been built and commissioned across Uzbekistan. A lot of cultural, educational, social and other projects have been accomplished. Radical changes have occurred in both the outward appearance and economy of the countryside. Large-scale creative work is under way throughout the Republic.

In keeping with a Presidential decree, a big group of Uzbek citizens have been honoured with high titles and awarded different orders and medals for the weighty contribution they have made to the country’s prosperity and for their active participation in its public life. The decoration ceremonies have taken place on the threshold of Uzbekistan’s Independence Day and on the eve of the 21st anniversary of its Constitution. As the head of the nation stressed, speaking at the recent decoration ceremony at the Oksaray Residence on 6th December, “A chief factor of all the gains and advances we make covers our compatriots themselves, the transformation of their world outlook and frame of mind alike, their deep comprehension of such things as for whose sake they work as well as the growth of their political and spiritual culture.”

Indeed, the gains and advances made in the Republic of Uzbekistan in 2013 are not small. More than that, they are taking on special weight and significance against a background of prolonged economic instability in the world. Over the nine months of the current year, as official statistical figures show, the nation’s GDP has grown by 8.1 per cent, industrial output – 9.4 per cent, farm produce 6.8 per cent and consumer goods 15.9 per cent.

Taken together, factors such as the implementation of active investment policy, the improvement of the entire investment environment and the attraction of larger volumes of overseas investments, have ensured the achievement of high growth rates in sectors such as construction and capital investment. In the period under review, these indicators have increased by 19.2 per cent and 12.5 per cent, respectively. More than US $1.8 billion worth of foreign investments and credits have been implemented in the Republic, of which FDI accounts for US $1.4 billion, or 77.5 per cent of the total amount of foreign investments and credits implemented in Uzbekistan.

If we want to define concretely the investment successes scored and a rise in the nation’s economic potential at large, the following accomplishments should be mentioned: in the period in question, some 2,200 new industrial facilities have been put into operation; more than 3,600 units of morally and physically obsolete equipment have been replaced at big enterprises; many projects to introduce the co-generational gas-turbine technology at OAO Tashkent Heating and Power Plant have been finalized; the Samantepe and Yuzhny Urtabulak deposits have been outfitted with gas pipelines and decompression stations; outdated capacities (sulphur purification blocks No 16, 17) at the Mubarek Gas-processing Plant have been removed and replaced by up-to-date capacities; a new cement production line has been built at OAO Bekabadcement; a textile complex has come on stream at OOO Nanimpex Textile; production capacities at OOO Indorama Kokand Textile JV and Peshkutex JV have been expanded etc.

New construction, expansion, reconstruction and modernization of existing enterprises have contributed enormously and go on contributing to the improvement of the Uzbek economy’s sectoral structure, on the one hand, while giving a big boost to the rise and solidification of the industrial potential of Uzbekistan, on the other. In the nine months of 2013, the growth rate of production in the mechanical engineering and metalworking industries has come to 124.7 per cent, production of building materials – 112.1 per cent, the light industry – 115.3 per cent and the food industry – 108.6 per cent. The total share of these sectors in the structure of industrial production has reached 51.4 per cent, compared with the rate of 47.4 per cent recorded in the similar period a year ago.

The territorial distribution of all these achievements is also noteworthy. In the Navoi Free Industrial-Economic Zone, Stage 1 of a new project to turn out heating and water heating boilers has been put into service. As well as that, the implementation of 6 investment projects, to the total tune of US $53 million, is in full swing there. In the Angren Free Industrial Zone, 6 investment projects are being realized, to make basic oils out of waste technical oils, technical silicon, copper pipes of different diameter and energy-saving light-diode lamps. In addition, work is under way on the preparation of documentation for another package of 24 projects.

The similar path of economic development and striking successes is taken by the Djizak Free Industrial Zone, where 4 investment projects are being implemented to date. Besides, within the framework of a visit by a Chinese delegation, necessary documents are prepared for the implementation of upwards of 20 projects. When brought to completion, they will undoubtedly be conducive to the development of interstate business linkages, while favouring the expansion of the scope of economic potentialities in the country itself and the region as a whole.

Analysis shows that the intensification of investment activity and the development and renovation of the national manufacturing industry are accompanied by certain changes in both the look and economy of the countryside and the entire agrarian sector, which is increasingly assuming an industrial character. Subject to radical transformation is the very technology of agricultural production. Rural houses enjoy, apart from electricity, gas and water supply, such modern amenities as television, the internet and telephone communication and the like. Asphaltic roads crisscross the rural areas of Uzbekistan. The architectural expressiveness and constructive solutions of rural houses are second to none of those erected in towns, because they are built in keeping with modern designs.

Any country, as the world experience suggests, develops or, at least, may develop successfully enough, only when its economy functions efficiently, both vertically and horizontally, and when all enterprises, firms and even the entire industries themselves operate profitably and participate in the home and foreign markets. Put differently, all achievements become more tangible and efficacious, when they are supplemented with the expansion of a country’s export potential, in a move to only to derive profit, but also to win a certain positive image. It is this very course that is pursued by numerous enterprisesand associations and that is welcomed and supported by the state.

The results of the Republic’s development in the nine months of the current years testify to the correctness of such statements. The exports volume of indigenous goods and services during theindicated period has grown by 13 per cent, on the similar period of 2012. At the same time, involved in exports activity are now 469 Uzbek enterprises, which have never exported their produce as yet. Of great importance is also the fact that the share of regional enterprises in the overall volume of exports from Uzbekistan has almost doubled. A positive factor per se, this achievement points to a rise in the scope of regional opportunities as well as to the increasing role of provinces in the changes taking place nationwide.

It is necessary to observe at this point that the exportation of homemade goods and services not only generates a continuous inflow of hard-currency receipts, but also makes it possible to substitute imports and to utilize local raw materials that are cheaper and thereby much more profitable. Over the nine months of 2013, the rated effect of import-substitution has almost doubled, amounting to US $4 billion, whereas the positive balance of the foreign trade turnover, which in practice is unthinkable without export and import, has exceeded US $1 billion. These are considerable additions to the country’s economic potential. All the more so, if we take into consideration the fact that no appreciable extra effort or material expenditure is required. As the economists put it, these additions literarily lie on the common surface of production and economy.

Now is the moment to stress the high dynamics of the small-scale economy, which is represented by small enterprises and firms in manufacturing and by farms and dekhkan establishments in agriculture. They are often called the subjects of small business. As the practice of many years’ standing shows, it is typical of them to carry out more intensive entrepreneurial activity. In addition, they are more mobile, resilient,manageable andresponsive to whatever changes in the market situation than their bigger counterparts. While demonstrating more efficient and productive performance, small-scale enterprises these days are becoming increasingly competitive with the latter. This is particularly obvious in such industries as the processing of farm produce and utility waste, and production of several types of building materials, clothes, footwear and furniture. Needless to say, the state backs the sector in every possible way, creates the most propitious conditions for the development of small business and entrepreneurship, and encourages the elaboration and implementation of business projects of every description. In the current year, the total number of new small businesses (excluding farms and dekhkan establishments) set out countrywide comes to 21,200. 67 units of state assets, worth a total of 27 billion Soum, (Currency rates of CB from 08.01.2014  1$=2203.22 soums) have been sold to privately-run enterprises, and 21,800 unused units of state property have been leased to them. At present, the sector’s share of the nation’s GDP amounts to 52 per cent, against a mere 1.5-2 per cent between 1990 and 1995. In a word, the Republic of Uzbekistan is resolutely following the path of spectacular achievements and continuous economic progress. The country is painstakingly building a democratic state and civil society and reinforcing both the status and inviolability of legally created private property. Uzbekistan is part and parcel of the world space and the global financial-economic market. It is a member of the UN with equal rights. The national model of economic development, dubbed the”Uzbek model” in the international community, demonstrates and proves not only its solid vital capacity, but underlies all the country’s current and future successes. 2014 has been proclaimed by President Islam Karimov as the Year of Healthy Child. The Uzbek deputies have already approved the 2014 State Budget, which among other things, stipulates the growth of GDP by 8.1 per cent, industrial output – 8.3 per cent, agricultural products – 6 per cent and capital investment – 9.5 per cent. Tax cuts are envisaged for legal entities and individuals alike. Social security related expenditure will be increased.

(Source: “Business” newspaper)


Uzbekistan Railways Company offers original travel packages

Country’s tourist potential is not only about historical attractions but also about travel and transport infrastructure. Comfort and velocity are the two important conditions for any traveler. That’s why many tourists evaluate country’s attractiveness in terms of efficiency and safety of its transport system.

Railways play great role in this regard. Over recent years national railway company introduced many interesting services which have received positive feedbacks from tourists. It electrified railway system, and launched the first high-speed route in Central Asia en route Tashkent-Samarqand. Tens of thousands of tourists travel on this route each year in a comfortable Spanish train Talgo named in the country Afrosiyob. Electrification operations are going on now en route Maroqand-Qarshi and Qarshi-Termiz. In the future, it will open up the unique corners of Uzbekistan to tourists from around the world.

Uzbekistan Railways Company provides tourists with comprehensive package of services, including transportation, hotel, cultural and entertainment services. For this purpose in 2013 the company put on two special tourist trains – Afsona and Orient Silk Road Express.

The first train started to ply between Tashkent-Samarqand-Bukhoro-Qarshi-Urganch since April 11, 2013. It was established to develop domestic tourism in the country, and to promote rail tours to historical objects in the Khorazm region. The trains consist of 8 comfortable cars. The project quickly became popular both domestically and abroad. That’s why two more trains were allocated to this route in May.

Last September Uzbekistan Railways Company together with German company Lernidee Erlebnisreisen GmbH launched tourist train Orient Silk Road Express en route Tashkent-Qamashi-Kitob-Bukhoro-Urganch-Samarqand-Tashkent.

“The practice of organizing such comfortable route is quite widespread today,” the president and founder of the German company Hans Engberding told Uzbekistan Today. The tourist trains such as Trans-Siberian Express (Russia), Maharaja (India), El Transcantabrico (Spain) and many others are famous world-wide. Now they are not just trains, but global brands that attract hundreds of tourists from all over the world. Orient Silk Road Express is going to be one of such trains.

This joint project has also proved its appeal to tourists therefore in October another train was put on the route of Almaty-the cities of Uzbekistan-Ashgabat. Several projects covering not only Uzbekistan, but also the cities of neighboring countries – Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan and Russia- will be launched in 2015. New projects will cover the maximum number of cities of Uzbekistan. Another initiative involves the following route Tashkent-Atyrau-Aktau-Astrakhan-Moscow. Eventually, perhaps, other countries such as Georgia and Armenia will be connected to it.

Now the railroaders plan to actively promote these tourist packages at the largest tourist fairs of the world. In addition, all the necessary information is available on the website, as well as through mobile applications in the App Store and Google Play, where you can find train schedules, ticket prices and other information.

(Source: “Uzbekistan Today” newspaper)