“Investment portal of Uzbekistan”

Citizens of 76 countries will be able to get an electronic visa to Uzbekistan (List)

Uzbekistan announces visa waiver for citizens of 45 countries (List)

Important Visa Information for Indian Citizens Travelling to Uzbekistan

March 12, 2014


March 12, 2014




economy.. 2

Orlando, Uzbekistan’s New Car. 2

Uzbekistan produces industrial products for 61.105 trln. soums in 2013. 2

museums. 3

Scientific Center for the Study of Archaeological Settlement Fayaz Tepa, a Termiz Archeological Museum branch.. 3






































Press-service of MFA of the Republic of Uzbekistan

8th March – International Women’s Day

A Festival of Benevolence, Love and Beauty

A festive occasion timed to the International Women’s Day – 8 March – has taken place at the Turkiston Palace in Tashkent

In the course of reforms being marshaled in the name of boosting the development of the native land and the wellbeing of people, priority significance is attached in our country under the leadership of President Islam Karimov to bolstering the role and status of women, to supporting them comprehensively and safeguarding their rights and interests. All this is reflected in the festivities underway across the nation occasioned to the International Women’s Day.

Women who work resourcefully in diverse spheres laid wreath March 7 to the Monument of Independence and Humanism, a symbol of our freedom, bright future and gracious aspirations. In the sample of activities of exemplary mahallas, children’s and youth’s sports schools, preschool education institutions and those of healthcare in the city of Tashkent, they got informed of the outcomes of efforts dedicated to protecting the institution of family, maternity and childhood, as well as the health of young women.

On the same day, an official festive event occasioned to the 8th of March took place at the Turkiston Palace. It was attended by senators, deputies, women who work fruitfully in the socio-economic, academic and cultural-enlightenment spheres, activists of women’s committees, consultants for religious enlightenment and spiritual-ethical education, representatives of various ministries and agencies, public organizations, laureates of Zulfiya State Prize.

The hokim (mayor) of the city of Tashkent R.Usmanov opened the official meeting.

The President’s State Adviser Khanaka.Sultanov read out the festive greeting address of President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Islam Karimov to the women of Uzbekistan.

Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Uzbekistan – Chairperson of the Women’s Committee of the country E.Basitkhanova and others noted that priority attention is paid under the leadership of President Islam Karimov to the manifestation of respect and reverence, comprehensive support for women, protection of their rights and interests, to fostering a younger generation not inferior to anyone and anything, training the youths in modern professions, and the further elevation of the international standing of our Motherland.

The establishment of the Women’s Committee right in the wake of the national independence served to uplift the issues pertinent to securing the rights and freedoms of women as well as comprehensive support for them, protection of the institution of family, motherhood and childhood to the highest rank of state-level priorities.

The decree of the head of our state “On Additional Measures to Support the Activities of the Women’s Committee of Uzbekistan” signed 25 May 2004 serves to broaden the scales of these endeavors and raise them to a qualitatively high level in order to reinforce the social security of women, boost their health, improve the coordination of works among women’s social institutions.

Centers of screening of mothers and children, perinatal centers, specialized medical institutions, family polyclinics, modern rural medical units – all facilitate the further consolidation of care and attention to the health of women. At the same time, such fine sports as artistic gymnastics and synchronized swimming have been gaining in popularity in our country, and children’s sports and recreation complexes meeting world standards are being erected – an important factor in bolstering the engagement of girls in the physical culture and sports even in remote areas of the nation.

As part of a range of social programs, a special emphasis in placed on ensuring the employment of women and securing worthwhile working and living conditions for them. In excess of 466 thousand new jobs were created for women in 2013. A particularly important significance is attached to providing graduates of professional colleges with jobs, supporting female entrepreneurs and expanding their access to soft loans.

The convenient and comfortable homes being erected in standard design serve to secure favorable living environment for women and the further elevation of the quality and level of their lives. It is noteworthy in particular that along with the modern housing being built in new rural residential quarters to this end, such infrastructure facilities as public services, beauty salons, fashion houses and other conveniences are being constructed and commissioned for use.

Owing to the measures being taken to shape civil society, the role of women in the activities of mahallas has been growing. Currently, the majority of staff in the system of citizens’ local assemblies are revered and eminent women; women work as advisers for religious enlightenment and spiritual-ethical education, which raises the effectiveness of efforts directed at preventing early marriages, preparing the youth for independent life, conducting family festivities without excessive expenses and pomposity.

“In our everyday life, working activities, nurturing children as comprehensively advanced individuals, we feel the constant attention and care provided for women,” says Gulhumor Aitbaeva, deputy hokim of the Ellikkala district – chairperson of the district women’s committee. “This year, announced by the head of our state as the Year of the Healthy Child, the scales of works are projected to enhance to create worthwhile conditions for women and providing care for the health of girls and young women.”

In accordance with the resolution of President of the Republic of Uzbekistan signed 3 March of the current year, 16 girls have been awarded this year with the Zulfiya State Prize this year. That is another practical display of the encouragement and support for talented girls. These high awards were handed to the winners at the festive event.

The Zulfiya State Prize laureates are the second-year student of the academic lyceum no.1 under the Berdakh Karakalpakstan State University Aijamal Joldasbaeva, the fourth-year student of the Karshi State University Maftuna Nadirova, the first-year student of the Zarafshan College of Computer Technologies in the Navoi region Zariya Kosimova and others expressed their sincere gratitude to the President of our country Islam Karimov for the consistent support for gifted girls, the attention and care for the further elevation of activity of women in the life of the society.

The official event ended with a concert show with the participation of masters of arts and young performers.

The meeting was attended by the Chairman of the Senate of Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan I.Sobirov, Speaker of the Legislative Chamber D.Tashmuhamedova, Prime Minister of the Republic of Uzbekistan Sh.Mirziyoev.

(Source: Uzbekistan National News Agency UzA)



Orlando, Uzbekistan’s New Car

General Motors Uzbekistan presents a new estate car, Chevrolet Orlando

The presentation of the minivan has taken place in the Driver`s Village, an automobile sales center in the capital’s Sergeli district. The event was attended by a group of officials from corresponding government agencies and the General Motors Corporation, along with mass media representatives.

Today, Uzbekistan’s automotive industry is made up of over forty modern enterprises that comprise the stock company Uzavtosanoat. For its more than seventeen years’ history, the local automobile manufacturing sector – itself a product of the initiative by President Islam Karimov – has turned into an important segment of the national economy.

Hundreds of thousands of cars under the trademark “Made in Uzbekistan” are currently rolling on the roads of numerous countries around the globe by displaying the high potential and effectiveness of our economy. Demand in them is backed also by a successful collection of customer qualities.

Cars and trucks, buses, specialized vehicles, a wide range of components and spare parts are produced in the manufacturing platforms of the GM Uzbekistan, SamAuto, JV MAN Auto-Uzbekistan, General Motors Powertrain Uzbekistan and other enterprises. Given the vigorous competition, they consistently work to refine and perfect the models of manufactured automobiles.

This year, announced by President Islam Karimov as the Year of the Health of the Child, is marked by a brilliant occasion in the activities of GM Uzbekistan, namely, the factory has launched the full-scale production of another brand new automobile – the family minivan Chevrolet Orlando. The specialists of the Uzavtosanoat stock company say that the emergence of a new model in the lineup of light vehicles is indicative of the consolidating and steadily growing local automotive industry.

Chevrolet Orlando is a mid-size seven-seat minivan created on the platform of the popular sedan Chevrolet Cruze. The compact car elaborated by the team of General Motors Korea has a dynamic design underscored by a low line of roofing, and a silhouette reminding a crossover.

The launch of this model of automobile is underway in the Khorezm region in the technology of large-size nodal assembly. The minivan is replenished with a power saving engine with a 141 horsepower capacity with an average fuel consumption of 7.9 liters for 100 kilometers and a six-level automatic gearbox.

Chevrolet Orlando is to appeal first of all to families who opt for cars of all-purpose utility. This model is distinct with practicality and capaciousness, as well as a universal cabin that allows also for transporting some freight. The simplicity of transformation in the interior space depending on the car load allows for a perfect adjustment for the driver and passengers. The additional comfort is created by the multiplicity of departments for storage of belongings. The dash panel is multifunctional.

The car is equipped with front and side air bags, anti-blocking break system, the height-regulated steering column, electric side-view mirrors with heating, the function for regulating the front seats in four directions. Additional options include the rain sensor, climate control, cruise control and the parking sensor.

The cutting-edge design and safety system, the high technical characteristics of the Chevrolet Orlando, combining the latest achievements of General Motors will facilitate increase in the sales of the company in Uzbekistan as much as abroad.

(Source: Uzbekistan National News Agency UzA)



Scientific Center for the Study of Archaeological Settlement Fayaz Tepa, a Termiz Archeological Museum branch

In Uzbekistan, there are many interesting museums. The Ministry of Culture and Sport alone governs 42. A journey to small museums, most of which is their affiliates, can become no less fascinating, as a UT reporter could make sure while traveling in Surkhondaryo region.

The starting point was one of the largest and most unique museums in Uzbekistan, Termiz Archaeological Museum. Its director, talking about the collection and exposition, noted that in 2007 the museum opened its branch ‘Scientific Center for the Study of Archaeological Settlement Fayaz Tepa’. It is located near the modern Termiz. The branch became a result of a joint Uzbek-Japanese expedition who studied an ancient settlement with a Buddhist temple.

The branch of the Central Asia’s only Archaeological Museum has become even more unique than its ‘parent’. Around the museum, a naked eye can see only a few archaeological sites towering above ground, and no more traces of human habitation. The museum is mostly visited by tourists coming to get acquainted with a medieval landmark sight Termiz-ota.

The museum guard, the custodian and the guide, all in one, gladly welcomes guests and introduces the exhibition. The exposition laid out in several rooms tells about the history of Fayaz Tepa. The most interesting exhibits are fragments of Buddha statues, household containers, housewares and model of the globe with a picture of the Kushan Empire.

Local history museum in School No.56 of Sherabad district occupies a rightful place among small museums. Founded by schoolchildren and teachers, the museum stores artifacts dated back to the 2nd and 1st millennia BC.

It all started in 2003 from a regular school excursion. One of the favorite destinations of students was local historical and archaeological museum Jarkutan. It was founded by ethnographers in 1969 on the results of the excavations of an ancient settlement, where they found traces of human habitation in the 2nd and 1st millennia BC. Pupils were excited about starting their own the school museum de the life of people living in the area.

The idea was welcomed by the team of the historical and archaeological museum, who even provided the school with some exhibits from its collection. The school also acquired various ceramics: pitchers and bowls, cups, fruit tableware. The rest of the collection, 48 items, dated to the 19th century, are provided by schoolchildren from their homes. The museum received works of applied art, as well as a variety of clothing.

There is another one small museum in Jarkurgan district. It is located near the old minaret, built in 1108-1110, which has become a major artifact. Locals not only landscaped the surrounding area, but also built a small museum.

In the center of the museum, there are traditional clothes, women’s jewelry made of metal and woven materials and laying on low tables. A separate stand is dedicated to numismatics, with well preserved pottery and engraved coins. Among them there are also modern cups, awarded to the local masters by the regional and national leaders. The district has all the amenities – schools and health centers, sports facilities. The main occupation is agriculture: cotton, grain and silk. The locals are proud of petroleum, refining, textile and light industries located in the district. Young people attending kurash wrestling gyms.

Thus our journey through the southernmost region of the country comes to its end. In the next issues we will continue our story about other small museums, known only to history buffs.

(Source: “Uzbekistan Today” newspaper)