“Investment portal of Uzbekistan”

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Uzbekistan announces visa waiver for citizens of 45 countries (List)

Important Visa Information for Indian Citizens Travelling to Uzbekistan

January 14, 2016


uzbek_digestinvestments. 2

Light Industry Stakes on International Experience. 2

International cooperation.. 2

President of Uzbekistan expresses condolences in connection with attack in Turkey. 2

Society.. 2

For the protection of life, peace and tranquility of population. 2

More than 1430 media operate on media market of Uzbekistan. 4



Light Industry Stakes on International Experience

The textile industry of Uzbekistan has scheduled several promising projects for 2016. They will equally focus on advanced technologies, establishment of new industries, as well as on the introduction of the flagship management solutions that are used by global industry leaders.

For instance, experts of the Swiss Rieter will conduct the next stage of training courses for textile managers and train personnel for operating high-tech equipment, which is particularly designed for spinning manufacture. With this purpose, O’zbekyengilsanoat Company and the Swiss side have signed a framework agreement on the introduction of corporate governance at textile enterprises.

A draft program of staff training courses is ready. Trainings and workshops will start in the first quarter. Training of local managers and technicians will be completed by the end of 2016.

There is another interesting project: a US company Enertrade is planning to buy state-owned shares of the Norinteks textile complex in Namangan region. The sides have already signed a memorandum of understanding to acquire 25% stake of the O’zbekyengilsanoat owned company.

The American company was offered several options to pay for the acquired shares. For example, Enertrade may pay the entire amount immediately, or divide it into four lots and pay for the shares in equal installments during 2016.

At the same time, according to O’zbekyengilsanoat, the Americans have pledged to expand the company by means of modern technologies and equipment that meet the international standards for energy efficiency and environmental friendliness.

The company has developed an investment program, which provides for the implementation of two projects by the end of 2017. For example, it is planned to purchase a new production line for the production of ring yarn with an annual capacity of 4,500 – 5,000 tons, as well as establish the weaving manufacture and the production of gray cloth under 3 meters. The total value of the projects exceeds $12.5 million.

(Source: «Uzbekistan Today» newspaper)

International cooperation

President of Uzbekistan expresses condolences in connection with attack in Turkey

The President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Islam Karimov has sent a message expressing deep condolences to the Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan in connection with the terrorist act of 12 January 2016 in Istanbul, leading to human casualties.

In the message addressed to the Chancellor of the Federal Republic of Germany Angela Merkel, the head of our state conveyed his sincere words of sympathy to the family and friends of German citizens killed in the terrorist attack in Istanbul.



For the protection of life, peace and tranquility of population

It is known, Day of Defenders of the Motherland is widely celebrated on January 14 in Uzbekistan. This day the country commemorates representatives of the noble profession who dedicated their lives to defend the homeland, protect peaceful life of our people.

The protection of the population and territories from emergency situations are an integral part of the overall national security system in Uzbekistan. In this regard, one of the key objectives is to create reliable and effective system from the yearly days of the sovereignty of the Republic that protects the citizens of Uzbekistan, the country from natural disasters, man-made accidents and disasters.

The scale and content work was done to achieve this goal. In particular, the adoption of laws “On civil protection”, “On protection of population and territories from emergency situations of natural and man-made”, “On rescue service and rescuer’s status” created necessary regulatory framework that can effectively regulate prevention and elimination of emergencies’ consequences as well as the rescue services.

The establishment of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Uzbekistan by the Decree of President Islam Karimov on March 4, 1996 was an important step in the sphere. Over the years, professional units were formed as its parts, which are provided with the modern rescue and other necessary equipments.

A fundamentally new state system of prevention and emergency response with its coordinating body, the Ministry of Emergency Situations, was created on the basis of accumulated many years of domestic and foreign experience, fully thought-out and comprehensive program that is different from the old, outdated attitudes and patterns of construction of civil defense.

Today the system, covering more than 40 different ministries, provides their coherence and close cooperation on preventing and combating the effects of natural disasters and catastrophes. The state program aimed at protecting the population and economic facilities from the village flood and landslide threats is implemented with their assistance. The necessary financial resources for the timely holding of bank priorities and protective measures throughout the country are allocated annually. Command-staff and special tactical exercises are regularly held, and actively attended by local residents.

Particular attention is paid to units’ equip rescue. Groups of regional departments of Emergency Situations (DES), Republican multi-center of rapid response, a special unit of rapid response and “Kamchik” search and rescue teams were equipped with modern rescue and other necessary equipment.

Widespread use of modern information and communication technologies, including the field of seismological observation and fire prevention, as well as the latest rescue equipment, special vehicles and technology ensure high reliability of monitoring and forecasting of emergency situations, efficiency in planning and carrying out rescue operations. The practice of sending SMS-messages to subscribers of mobile operators in the period of activation of meteorological and geological phenomena was established.

A huge work has been done in improving the system of training highly skilled professionals able to think quickly and make unconventional decisions over the years, and in the training of the population in case of emergencies. Today, the Institute of Civil Protection is a part of Ministry of Emergency Situations, which annually trains more than 1,5 thousand audience from ministries and departments, local authorities and businesses. Specialists of the Ministry by conducting interviews, advocacy, showing educational films, distribution of leaflets and engaging in practical training sessions annually train more than 30,000 people, the representatives of the civil protection facilities of the economy, heads of education institutes.

The cooperation with foreign centers for protection and prevention of natural disasters and catastrophes is successfully developing. In particular, constructive cooperation with the relevant agencies of Latvia, the Republic of Korea, Russia, the United States, Japan and other countries was established. Fruitful exchange of best practices in preventing threats of emergencies in the International Strategy for Disaster Reduction is implemented. Our country is also a member of the Central Asia Centre for Disaster Response and Risk Reduction.

Thus, Uzbekistan conducts a large scale and content of work, which plays an important role in protecting the life of our country’s citizens, their labor peace and tranquility.

Our reference: The International Strategy for Disaster Reduction (ISDR) was adopted in 1999 by the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations as a global framework for action to ensure the stability of all societies to the effects of natural hazards and related technological and environmental disasters in order to reduce human, economic and social losses.

The strategy provides for the establishment of partnerships between governments, civil society organizations, UN agencies, academia, the media and other relevant stakeholders.

Asian Disaster Reduction Center (ADRC) was established in 1998 and unites 27 countries of Asia. The main goal of the organization is to enhance the capacity of member states in the aftermath of natural disasters, build a secure society, and create opportunities for sustainable development. Over the years the member states held a number of international forums on prevention and disaster risk reduction.

(Source: «Business» newspaper)

More than 1430 media operate on media market of Uzbekistan

Currently 1437 media, of which 690 – newspapers, 300 magazines, 96 – TV and radio, and 332 websites operate in Uzbekistan. The media of the country are published and broadcast in seven languages of nations and nationalities living in Uzbekistan.

According to the information service of the Uzbek Agency for press and information, 62.7% of all the media registered in our country are private.

Media at present, in addition to socio-political and economic directions, specializes on all the more important for contemporary society aspects as spiritual, educational, medical, children, sports and information technology topics.


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