January 16, 2014
14th JAnuary – the Day of the Defenders of Homeland.. 2
Defence of the Motherland – a sacred duty. 4
Uzbekistan to construct 12,000 houses in rural areas in 2015. 5
On a Good Footing with the Government6
Uzbek Opera Star Bags Grand Prix. 6
14th JAnuary – the Day of the Defenders of Homeland
Festive Greeting to the Defenders of Homeland on the Occasion of the 23rd Anniversary of Establishment of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Uzbekistan
Dear soldiers and sergeants, officers and generals, veterans of the Armed Forces, esteemed compatriots!
It gives me an enormous pleasure to sincerely and cordially congratulate you on the landmark date in the life of our country – the Day of Defenders of Homeland and the 23rd anniversary of establishment of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Uzbekistan!
Today we have all grounds to state that the path of building and forming the modern democratic Uzbekistan has always been inseparably linked with establishment of the Armed Forces of the country which obtained tenacity in the complex conditions of our surroundings and many times proved that they always remained and remain as a reliable guarantor of ensuring independence, sovereignty, territorial integrity, peaceful and tranquil life of our Homeland. Not without reason it is said, and it is well-grounded, that the might and capabilities of each state are judged on their combat efficiency and combat readiness.
In the course of establishing the Armed Forces of the sovereign Uzbekistan we refused to directly copy the inherited and obsolete experience of military development. We have comprehensively took into account the concrete and real geostrategic and geopolitical conditions, the nature of modern wars and armed conflicts, and proceeded from the analysis of specifics of possible theater of war operations of the Central Asian region, as well as leaned upon our primordial national peculiarities and traditions.
The effective and consistent implementation of the stage-by-stage and interrelated program of reforms based on in-depth study and use of the advanced foreign experience of military development, organization of the service and combat activity of troops, and achievements of modern military art became mostly a decisive condition in the process of establishing our army.
In this context, our most important priority remains to deepen the interaction with defense agencies of foreign states. We have established and are expanding the mutually beneficial partnership relations, and implementing the annual plans of bilateral military and military-technical cooperation with many of them.
In accordance with the plans of development of the Armed Forces, we consistently carry out measures to modernize and reequip the troops with the newest armament and hardware, including the air defense systems and helicopters, armored weaponry, artillery systems, communication tools, personal and group protection equipment.
Certainly, it is of an urgent significance to carry on with the continuous work to improve the system of military cadres training at the Academy of Armed Forces, military colleges and sergeant schools based on the latest methodologies that ensure application of innovative forms and methods of teaching with the use of cutting-edge achievements in the area of advanced information and communication technologies.
In this regard, it is necessary to note that the in-depth study and adapting to our conditions the system of training and organizing the military service in the armies of the advanced foreign countries play a big positive role in raising the professional skills of the officer and sergeant personnel.
Thanks to the practical measures implemented in this sphere, the officer personnel is steadily raising its mental outlook and erudition, has high professional, spiritual and moral qualities, capable to think logically actively applying the unconventional approaches in resolving tasks they face. Without any exaggeration, the sergeants have truly become a reliable and irreplaceable helpers and buttress of officers, and caring leaders for our soldiers.
One of the main tasks of defense development remains to be further extension and improvement of the system of operation and combat training of command bodies and troops. The modern exercises are completely different from those that we held in the early years of our independence. From year to year the exercises, which are held in the conditions maximally approximated to the combat ones, allow us to undertake a critical analysis of the entire system of troops training, assess the capabilities of each battalion and platoon, as well as expediency and adequacy of the chosen ways of accomplishing combat tasks proceeding from the interchangeability of sub-units and mastering by the personnel of related professions.
It is mostly important to broadly apply the experience accumulated by us in the course of forming and reforming the national army in terms of organizing a comprehensive and purposeful work with all categories of servicemen and pre-conscription youth. The service in the army acquires a special meaning for our young generation and becomes ever more prestigious.
The military service becomes attractive not only due to the benefits and high level of social and material welfare rendered for the servicemen, but also, above all, thanks to the fact that the army has truly become a school of life for our youth which nurtures courage, firmness, high feeling of patriotism and selfless love to the Homeland.
We can proudly state that during the years of Independence the entire generation of young people grew and firmly stood on their feet in Uzbekistan, who went through a comprehensive training, obtained army tenacity and are ready to stand up anytime to defend the Motherland.
The implementation of state programs aimed at ensuring servicemen with housing, improving their social, living and service conditions maintains a special significance. Each serviceman, who devoted his life to this courageous profession, must be firmly confident that his problems won’t be left unaddressed and well-being of his family is reliably guaranteed.
2015 announced as the «Year of Attention and Care for the Elder Generation» requires of us to unconditionally implement the adopted governmental resolutions and state programs aimed at further reinforcing material and social support of participants of war and veterans of the Armed Forces, show them a comprehensive care and simple humane attention.
Today many of our respected veterans and teachers are continuing to actively participate in the development of state, sharing with their unique experience and conveying their knowledge to the new generation of defenders of Homeland.
We must always remember that the well-being of servicemen is the brightest indicator of the high authority of military service in our country.
Dear compatriots!
Assessing today’s unfolding situation in our near and far surroundings, one cannot but acknowledge the considerable expansion of the spectrum of threats to the international security and stability – the predominance of use of force in resolving emerging conflicts, intensification of geopolitical competition for the control over raw resources and communications, proliferation of nuclear technologies and weapon of mass destruction, stirring up of forces of international terrorism and «creeping expansion» of extremism, aggravation of inter-ethnic and inter-religious confrontation.
To our enormous regret, it should be acknowledged that ever growing threats, tension and confrontations in various regions of the world are not being peacefully settled, but on the contrary, continue to aggravate.
The drawdown of the ISAF peacekeeping troops from Afghanistan becomes a serious trial for all countries of the Central Asian region. As the experience of Iraq vividly testifies, any vacuum emerging in Afghanistan may be filled by various destructive and terrorist groups capable in a short period of time to disseminate their destructive influence to vast territories of the region.
The unconventional challenges are radically altering the picture of international conflicts. At present, the significant threat is posed by the information and psychological impact aimed at undermining the roots of our army, mainly, through the attempts to exert influence to its moral foundations, as well as usage of modern Internet technologies to imbibe the destructive ideas and notions to the minds of our youth which are absolutely run counter to our rich and creative culture, spiritual values and traditions.
It is for this very reason that in the conditions of complex and unpredictable situation in the region and the world as a whole, I deem it utterly important to preserve vigilance, not to give way to a feeling of self-complacency with what was achieved, but to continue the resolute efforts to further reform the Armed Forces, raise their readiness to suppress all attempts to provoke tension in our borders, timely and worthily repulse any aggressive acts aimed against the path of development chosen by us.
In this regard, it is necessary to once again underscore that the Republic of Uzbekistan was and remains committed to the principles of peace-loving policy. Our Military Doctrine has a defensive nature and reinforcement of the country’s Armed Forces is firstly aimed at protecting its state sovereignty, territorial integrity, peace and tranquility of our people. Our Defense Doctrine doesn’t envisage participation of our army in the military actions and operations beyond the Republic of Uzbekistan.
Dear friends!
In this festive day I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart on the 23rd anniversary of establishment of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Uzbekistan and express the words of a sincere gratitude for a selfless service to all servicemen – the privates and sergeants, officers and generals, as well as the veterans of the Armed Forces, civil specialists, and all those who have devoted their fate to implementing a noble and responsible duty of defending Homeland!
I wish all of you a sound health, happiness and many successes in the New Year 2015!
Islam Karimov,
President of the Republic of Uzbekistan,
Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces
Defence of the Motherland – a sacred duty
An official meeting occasioned to the Day of Motherland Defenders has taken place at Tashkent’s Turkiston Palace.
The Turkiston Palace in the heart of Tashkent was in festive attire on January 13. It gathered senators and legislators, government members, soldiers and sergeants, officers, generals, veterans of the Armed Forces, parents of servicemen and representatives of the general public.
The festive event timed to the celebration of the Day of Motherland Defenders was declared open by the hokim (mayor) of the city of Tashkent R.Usmanov.
Following the State Anthem of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the Minister of Defense K.Berdiev read out the festive greeting address by President of the Republic of Uzbekistan – the Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces Islam Karimov for the defenders of the native land occasioned to the 23nd anniversary of the establishment of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
In accordance with the Decree of the head of our state, the Ministry of Defense was founded on 6 September 1991. In line with the resolution of the leader of our nation signed on January 14, 1992, all the military units deployed on the territory of the country were taken under the jurisdiction of the Republic of Uzbekistan. That day laid the foundation for our national armed forces.
That historic date – 14 January – is widely marked in our country as the Day of Motherland Defenders.
For the past years, our Armed Forces have been perfected both in organizational and structural terms. The agility and combat capacities of subdivisions has been boosted, so has the physical and spiritual-moral training of servicemen. Military units and subdivisions have been provided modern weaponry and combat machinery.
The conscription once a year, the expansion of the number of contract military personnel, the introduction of mobilization-reserve military service have facilitated the cardinal transformation in the appearance of the armed forces and the spiritual-moral environment in the military. The service has become a genuine school of physical and moral tenacity that shapes the firm willpower and character as well as high human qualities in the youth.
Consistent efforts have been in progress aimed at staffing the national military with highly professional cadres, bolstering the training levels, knowledge and skills of the servicemen. Military exercises and classes are conducted with the use of advanced scientific and technological achievements. Higher military education institutions train officer corps able to thoroughly assess any threats and make operational decisions, and those wielding modern knowledge and high moral-ethical qualities.
Competition-based conscription is an important factor in staffing the armed forces with young men with superb physical training and intellectual abilities. Owing to this, soldiers grasp profoundly the curricula on combat training and application of cutting-edge machinery and technologies.
The citizens who have served conscription period and earned recommendation of the commanding staff of the military unit enjoy privileges when applying to higher education institutions with an addition of 27 percent of the maximum number of scores available in passing admission tests to universities. This creates great opportunities in applying to higher education institutions, in attaining profession and a worthy place in life.
The contest held traditionally in the Armed Forces of Uzbekistan has named the best higher military education institution, sergeant training school and the department for defense affairs. Winners were prized with diplomas and gifts.
The festive event ended with a gala concert.
The meeting was attended by Speaker of the Legislative Chamber of Oliy Majlis N.Ismoilov, Prime Minister of the Republic of Uzbekistan Sh.Mirziyoev.
(Source: UzA)
Uzbekistan to construct 12,000 houses in rural areas in 2015
Uzbekistan will construct 12,000 individual houses in rural areas on standard projects in 2015.
President of Uzbekistan Islam Karimov signed a resolution “On programme of construction of individual houses on standard projects in rural areas for 2015 and main parameters of construction for 2016”.
The document ad adopted to improve architectural-planning of rural areas, improving level and quality of life in rural areas due to construction of individual houses on standard projects, speeding up development of transport, engineering-communication and social infrastructure in rural areas.
The resolution said that 12,000 individual houses will be constructed at 292 blocks. Within the programme, it is planned to construct 277.4 km of water supply networks, 273.5 km of electricity supply network, 283.9 km of gas supply network and 244.4 km of automobile roads.
According to the resolution, the part of the loan of the Asian Development Bank for US$100 million within the third tranche of the Housing for Integrated Rural Development Improvement Program for US$500 million will be used to finance the construction works.
The resolution added that Board of Directors of Islamic Development Bank (IDB) approved allocation of loan for US$100 million to construction of individual houses in rural areas.
The third tranche of the ADB loan, interests and commissions, as well as repayment of IDB loans and related fees will be financed due to resources of participating of commercial banks and the State Budget of Uzbekistan, the resolution.
Uzbek leader also approved main parameters of preparations of construction works for construction of houses on standard projects in 2016.
In line with the document, Uzbekistan will construct 13,000 individual houses in 305 blocks in 2016.
It is also planned to build 300.5 km of water supply networks, 296.3 km of electricity supply network, 307.5 km of gas supply network and 264.8 km of automobile roads.
(Source: UzDaily.com)
On a Good Footing with the Government
Last year, the national system of electronic government made not just a step, but a huge leap forward. Against 2013, the number of citizens’ appeals on a Single Portal of Online Public Services increased by nearly 20 times.
Over the past three years Uzbekistan has embarked on the development of an open information society. Moreover, the country has surpassed its neighbors in the region. Most importantly, the new tools are increasingly used by the common people for whom they have been designed. In 2013, people submitted a total of four thousand appeals through the Single Portal of Online Public Services (SPOPS), while by the end of 2014 the rate exceeded 93 thousand appeals.
It is worth noting that the vector of the portal’s capacity has significantly changed. In the very beginning it was deemed by users solely as a tool for making complaints, while to date SPOPS has reached a new level – people are increasingly interested in interactive services. Statistics show that legal entities and entrepreneurs have been dominating in using portal services.
To advance its services the portal launched the ‘Personal Account for a Business Entity’ on October 1, 2014. It provides direct access to all business-oriented services of the Single Portal. Electronic application for return of entrant documents is another important and relevant interactive service, which was introduced last year. It addresses the problem that challenges the students living in remote regions from the educational institution: after submitting an application all the documents they have submitted for entering the university, are sent back by registered mail.
(Source: «Uzbekistan Today» newspaper)
Uzbek Opera Star Bags Grand Prix
Ramiz Usmanov, a soloist with the Alisher Navoi Opera and Ballet Theater, has won a grand prix at the first Minsk International Christmas Singing Competition.
Of the 155 contestants from 20 countries, eleven put up performances in the final of the opera contest. They performed pieces from opera works by famous Russian and west European composers accompanied by the symphonic orchestra of the National Academic Bolshoi Theater of Opera and Ballet of Belarus. As the director of the orchestra, Vladimir Gridyushko, noted, both the jury and the public had the opportunity to feast their ears on mesmerizing voices from the world of opera.
Ramiz Usmanov is one of the most decorated and acclaimed young operatic singers in Uzbekistan. His brilliant vocals – unique in style and timbre – as well as breadth of pitches are certain to leave nobody cold.
He learned to play the rubab, a stringed instrument, and then decided to continue his studies at the State Conservatory of Uzbekistan, at the traditional performance department. However, when his music instructors realized how powerful his vocals and timbre were, they suggested that he choose academic singing as a specialty. That set the path for him into the world of opera.
Upon graduation he was invited to join the troupe at the Alisher Navoi Opera and Ballet Theater, where he now performs исполняет ведущие партии. Among his most notable renditions of pieces are Nadir (Les pêcheurs de perles by Bizet), Alfred (La Traviata by Verdi), Rudolf (La Boheme by Puccini), Ulug Hoja (Dilorom by Ashrafi), and Chupon (Maisara’s Acts by Yudakov).
The young tenor has also emerged as a winner at Moscow International Contest of Russian Romance Performers and Bülbül International Singing Competition in Baku, Azerbaijan, where he secured the first prize in the Best Tenor category. In the Chinese city of Ningbo, Usmanov came out third-placed and was billed ‘The Uzbek Nightingale’. Next followed a grand prix at Bibigul Contest in Kazakhstan and the second prize at the Italian opera competition, Competizione dell’Opera, held in 2013 in the city of Linz, one of the hubs of Austrian opera.
(Source: «Uzbekistan Today» newspaper)
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