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January 16, 2016


(special issue)


Uzbek economy grows by 8% in 2015. 2

Society.. 3

The Rights and Interests of the Youth. 3




Uzbek economy grows by 8% in 2015

January 15 saw a session of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan, devoted to results of socio-economic development of the country in 2015 and the most important priorities of economic program for 2016.

The President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Islam Karimov made a speech at the session.

By the results of 2015, the gross domestic product of the country grew by 8 percent, volumes of industrial production – 8%, agricultural production – by 6.8%, capital construction – by 18%, retail turnover by 15.5%, paid services – by 10.8%.

The inflation rate comprised 5.6%, which is significantly below the forecast parameters.

The state budget was executed with a surplus of 0.1% of GDP.

At the same time, it is expected that in 2016, the growth of the gross domestic product of Uzbekistan will amount to 7.8 percent.

It is planned that the volume of industrial production in the current year will grow by 8.2%, agricultural production – by 6.1%, retail turnover – by 14%, and the inflation rate will be 5.5-6.5 percent.

In addition, real incomes of the population are planned to go up by 9.5%.

At that, as was noted by the head of state, active implementation of measures and investment projects on structural reforms, modernization, technical and technological renewal of industries, as well as the creation of modern infrastructure has provided for utilization of investments worth $15.8 billion in equivalent, or 9.5% more than in 2014. Hereby, more than $3.3 billion, or over 21% of all investments were foreign investments, of which 73% foreign direct investments.

Industries focused on the production of high-tech finished products saw a rapid development.

In total, 158 large industrial facilities were commissioned in 2015.


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The government of Uzbekistan has sold 506 property complexes to new investors at zero redemption rate. Objects sold on a competitive basis, have been realized to investors with investment obligations amounting to about 1 trillion soums and $40 million, which should result in the creation of about 22 thousand new jobs. (currency rates of CB RU from 16.01.2016, 1$= 2821.43 soums)

245 distressed and inactive organizations have been completely eliminated.

353 unused and unfinished by construction state-owned objects have been demolished under the state privatization program. As a result, 120 hectares of land has been unleashed, about 80 of which has been allotted to entrepreneurs for organizing production and services.

319 unused objects of state property have passed complete inventory, with their share put up for auction. 102 of those objects have been realized to new owners.

State shares in 378 joint-stock companies have been evaluated and put up for public auctions, with their further realization to strategic foreign investors. Among these objects, it is necessary to note those that are successfully and dynamically developing, such as JSC “Navoiazot”, “Ferganaazot”, “Urgench excavator”, “Kizilkumcement”, “Jizzakh battery plant”, “Aloqabank”, “Turonbank”, insurance company “Uzagrosugurta” and others.

Of those JSC that were put up for auction, 52 have already been converted to private property. In particular, the shares of JSC “Kukon yog’-moy” belonging to the state, were sold for $2.5 million.

These data were presented at a session of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan, devoted to results of socio-economic development of the country in 2015 and the most important priorities of economic program for 2016.



The Rights and Interests of the Youth

The youth today makes up more than 60% of the population of Uzbekistan. It is natural that a key priority of all the positive changes in the country has become a concern for the upbringing of the younger generation and make them harmoniously developed, physically healthy and spiritually mature and intellectually rich, and that has not only comprehensive knowledge and in-demand professions in the modern world, but also knows how to think creatively.

This was emphasized at the conference in the Palace of Youth Creativity, dedicated to the implementation of the Program of additional measures to implement the state youth policy in 2015 in the country, as well as the tasks for this year. The event was attended by heads of ministries and departments, representatives of public organizations and mass media.

This program is an important instrument in the coordination of work on ensuring the rights and interests of young people, the effective organization of activities in this area, and the development of social partnership.

In 2015, the program conducted more than 72 thousand events, which were attended by more than 19.5 million young men and women.

It is worth noting that the number of young people involved in each project in accordance with the program of additional measures for the implementation of the state youth policy in 2015, increased by 2-3 times.

For example, more than 3 million youth representatives have participated in the efforts to improve the legal culture of young people, and their activity in building a democratic state and civil society. These include events and competitions such as ‘Law Experts’ in secondary schools, ‘Do you know the law?’ – among students of academic lyceums and professional colleges, “Tafakkur sinovlari” – among university students and others.

More than 5.5 million boys and girls have participated in activities related to the education of youth. Among these festivals is the ‘We are the children of a great country!’ festival that has been held in all regions of the republic.

A very important area of the program is related to the social protection of young people, providing them with work and involvement in entrepreneurship. More than 2 million young people were interested in the exhibition ‘Education and Career’, ‘My contribution to the prosperity of the motherland’, and the ‘My business idea’ and the ‘Most active young professional of the year’ competitions.

By creating labor groups like ‘Bunyodkor’ in all regions, more than 45 thousand young people were provided with seasonal work.

In order to improve the housing and living conditions of young families in 2015, 111 houses of ‘Kamalot’ have been built, and keys to 2072 apartments have been handed out. In addition, the program has allocated mortgage loans in the amount of 228.8 billion soums to young families. (currency rates of CB RU from 16.01.2016, 1$= 2821.43 soums)

At the conference, heads of ministries, organizations and agencies provided information on the implementation of this program in eight directions, and announced their plans for 2016.

(Source: «Uzbekistan Today» newspaper)


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