The new stage of social and economic development of Andijan region. 1
Experts discuss development of light industry in Uzbekistan. 2
Labor Ministry reorganised into Ministry of employment and labor relations. 4
Uzbekistan to channel $50mn for establishment of walnut plantations. 4
State Veterinary Committee created in Uzbekistan. 5
President signs law to ratify strategic partnership agreement with Turkmenistan. 5
Leo Bokeria to conduct cardiosurgical operations in Khorezm region. 6
A specialized consortium will soon support home-based workers. 6
The new stage of social and economic development of Andijan region
President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev has visited the “Yoyilma” neighbourhood in the town of Andijon on 3 June.
The Head of State held a dialogue with people of the neighbourhood to find out about its life. He inspected the neighbourhood centre’s construction project and improvement work being carried out in the area.
It is envisaged that there will be separate offices for the neighbourhood’s chairman, secretary, advisers and preventive inspector. In addition to these, a library, a minimarket, a recreation ground for elders, a playground, a fountain, a gym, a hairdressing salon, a beauty parlour and a bakery are being built.
Children should be brought up to be graceful and cultured. Decent conditions should be created for this, said the President.
In the “Yoyilma” neighbourhood, there are more than 5 thousand 800 representatives of various nationalities living in more than 60 multi-story apartment buildings. There are 8 playgrounds, a futsal field, a basketball court and a football field in the neighbourhood. One college, one general education school and two pre-school day care establishments work near the neighbourhood.
The President gave officials instructions to carry out further improvement work in areas around the neighbourhood’s multi-storey buildings, college, school and pre-school day care establishments.
It was said that the number of such prosperous neighbourhoods should be increased.
The Head of State visited the accommodation of preventive inspector Farruh Ghaniyev.
It is not for nothing that preventive inspectors are being provided with service accommodation in neighbourhood centres. If preventive inspectors live in the neighbourhoods where they serve and work in close cooperation with active people of the neighbourhoods then the moral climate in the area will improve. This will raise trust in the state, and people will look to the future with greater optimism, said the President.
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President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev has visited the construction site of multi-storey apartment buildings in the town of Andijon.
In accordance with a Presidential resolution dated 22 November 2016, 37 modern multi-storey apartment houses are to be built in the town of Andijon. Specifically, 7 multi-storey apartment houses will be built in the Sulton Jora neighbourhood this year. 2.46 hectares of land has been allocated for these apartment buildings which will contain 294 apartments. Today the constriction work is in progress.
These apartments will be allocated first of all to people who really need them. Conditions will be created for young families to stand on their own two feet and to live independently and freely.
The President gave proper instructions on building more such apartment houses, developing the infrastructure, turning this place into a residential area and presenting it to people on the 26th anniversary of the country’s independence and also on creating all the necessary conveniences for the people.
There were presentations of such projects as the construction of a sports complex in the town of Andijon, the creation of a Muhammad Yusuf school and a new park and the renovation of medical facilities.
President Shavkat Mirziyoyev emphasized the importance of creating in the town of Andijon branches of the republican specialized cardiology centre and the republican specialized endocrinology scientific-practical medical centre and of renovating the clinic of Andijon’s state medical institute and also the importance of the provision of modern medical equipment for people’s health.
Instructions were given to relevant officials on the timely implementation of these noble tasks.
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(Source: UzA)
Experts discuss development of light industry in Uzbekistan
The regular meeting of the International Press Club World passed under the title “Recognition of Uzbek textiles” on May 24. The adviser of the chairman of the board of “Uzbekengilsanoat” JSC Rasul Sadykov, the chairman of the Association of Designers of Uzbekistan “Osiyo Ramzi” Khalida Kamilova and the director of “Istiklol Textile Design” Baktiyor Umarov were the speakers. Representatives of Uzbekengilsanoat JSC, “Uzbek Ipagi” Association, textile companies, experts, members of the IPC Public Council, domestic and international media accredited in Uzbekistan also took part in the meeting.
At this stage of development, Uzbekistan’s light industry is the most important multi-sectoral, investment and innovation-attractive sector of the economy. It contributes to obtaining effective results from large-scale production of economically viable and environmentally friendly goods, import substitution, and to increase the country’s export potential. In addition, the light industry plays a significant role in solving state tasks to improve the demographic situation and meets important interests of many regions, not only in the city but also in remote agricultural or mountainous regions. The industry contributes to harmonious development of the territories of Uzbekistan, ensuring employment of the population and improving its well-being, helps in the formation and development of small businesses.
Among the tasks defined in the Action Strategy for five priority directions of development of the Republic of Uzbekistan in 2017-2021, special attention is paid to increasing the country’s export potential, increasing volumes and expanding the range of products supplied to international markets with high added value. For this purpose, emphasis will be placed on deep processing of raw materials, which will allow the industry to be transferred to a qualitatively new level. In 2017, 15 projects are planned to be implemented for $ 178 million for production of finished textile and sewing-knitting products.
The Resolution of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Sh. M. Mirziyoyev dated December 21, 2016 “On the Program of Measures for Further Development of Textile and Clothing and Knitting Industries for 2017-2019” should also be mentioned. In accordance with an important program document, 132 investment projects are planned to be implemented till 2020, 50% of which will be financed through foreign investments and credits. The total cost of projects will be about $ 2.2 billion.
According to the program, 112 modern, high-tech productions will be created, expansion, modernization and technological re-equipment of 20 active capacities will continue. All this will increase the export potential of the industry to $ 2.5 billion a year and create more than 25 thousand jobs.
An important factor in development of the textile industry is participation of local producers in international exhibitions, as well as organization of national fairs. It allows establishing cooperation with foreign partners, as well as concluding beneficial deals. So, in 2016, participation in 21 exhibitions allowed to sign contracts worth more than $ 1 billion. This year it is planned to ensure the participation of Uzbek entrepreneurs in the work of 26 international exhibitions, as well as hold annual exhibitions and fairs in Uzbekistan.
In 2016, the enterprises of Uzbekengilsanoat joint-stock company, which is the largest textile company, exported goods worth $1.146 billion to 60 countries. The volume of investments, mastered by 460 enterprises included in “Uzbekengilsanoat”, exceeded $ 2.5 billion, more than 200 enterprises with participation of foreign investors have been established. Export growth will also contribute to the planned increase in the number of trading houses of “Uzbekengilsanoat” JSC abroad to 49.
Along with the textile industry, it is important to strengthen development and support for bоth young and professional designers. The fashion industry is a sector of the economy that shapes consumers’ image of “fashionable” products, is engaged in its production, promotion and sale. To date, the fashion industry in Uzbekistan is a young and dynamically developing industry.
Annually such important large-scale events are organized as Tashkent Fashion Week and “Bolazhonlar-Shirintoylar” – a show of designer children’s clothes. “Bolazhonlar-Shirintoylar” is a unique project that has no analogues in the world, and a colorful holiday, preparation for which is conducted throughout the year. Within the framework of the Festival more than 450 sets of clothes will be presented. Selection of collections of clothes for the Festival was conducted in three stages. As a result of the selection, 42 collections of 60 designers in a single ensemble with the necessary accessories were admitted to the show. About 200 children aged 2.5 to 13 are involved in the show. Young models of creative studios “Tantan”, “Fashion Lab”, as well as students of Art Bureau “Kolibri” and the school “Oltin Kanot” are preparing to perform for demonstration of collections designed specifically for each group.
The Uzbek national fashion is also constantly represented by leading professional designers of Uzbekistan at foreign shows. Participants of professional events always express their admiration not only for unique color and original beauty of fabrics made by craftsmen of Uzbekistan but also for exclusive professional work of the designers themselves.
As the constant guest and partner of the Tashkent Fashion Week, honorary chairman of the National Chamber of Fashion of Italy, Mr. Mario Boselli said Uzbek fabrics in quality are in no way inferior to Italian ones, which speaks about the huge potential of Uzbekistan in this area. Holding of such events, participation in foreign shows and exhibitions help to strengthen and further promote “Made in Uzbekistan” brand, which has all chances to become one of the largest and dynamically developing in the Central Asian region.
(Source: «Business» newspaper)
In Uzbekistan programme of measures on further development and improvement of culture and art adopted
President of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev signed a resolution “On measures on further development and improvement of culture and art sphere”.
Uzbek leader approved a programme of measures on further development and improvement in the Republic of Uzbekistan for 2017-2021.
The program envisages measures to improve legislation on organization and increase effectiveness of cultural and art institutions, strengthen their material and technical base.
Within the programme, theaters, museums, cultural and leisure facilities, as well as parks of culture and recreation will be renovated and reconstructed. They will also receive new equipment and musical instruments.
It is planned to involve young people in art through organizing their visits to theaters, museums, concerts. Also in the country will be held various shows and festivals.
The program also includes measures to widely promote the rich culture and art of Uzbekistan in the international arena, to increase the participation of representatives of Uzbekistan in international contests and festivals.
It is also planned to raise the prestige of the international music festival Shark Taronalari in Samarkand.
According to the document, a joint venture will be established in Uzbekistan to produce products for concert and entertainment and theatrical institutions (make-up and post-production products, shoes, special clothes, including ballet costumes, stage scenery and designs, curtains and stage costumes).
Uzbek leader ordered the Ministry of Higher and Secondary Special Education and the Ministry of Finance to adopt measures to organize a special faculty for the preparation, retraining and upgrading of music teachers for institutions of higher and secondary special education from the 2018/2019 academic year in the State Conservatory of Uzbekistan.
The program will be financed due to resources of the investment programme, the state budget, non-budgetary fund for the development of culture and art under the Ministry of Culture, non-budgetary fund for the development of the material and technical base of educational and medical institutions under the Ministry of Finance, credits of commercial banks and other sources.
Labor Ministry reorganised into Ministry of employment and labor relations
The President of Uzbekistan signed a decree on measures on further improvement of state policy in the sphere of employment and radical improvement of the efficiency of labor agencies.
According to the document, the Ministry of labor of the Republic of Uzbekistan has been reorganised into the Ministry of employment and labor relations of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
(Source: «Business» newspaper)
Uzbekistan to channel $50mn for establishment of walnut plantations
President Shavkat Mirziyoev signed a Decree “On creation and organisation of activities of the Association of producers and exporters of walnuts”.
The document was adopted in order to further encourage efficient use of rainfed land, increasing the volume of production of walnuts, creation of modern plantations and active implementation of strong practices and intensive technologies for growing walnuts, based on the broad attraction of foreign investments.
The Decree of the head of state has established the Association of producers and exporters of walnuts.
The founders of the Association are LLC “Sam antep gilam” and “Sag agro”, LLC “Research centre for nuts production”, LLC “Walnut logistics centre”, LLC “MTP Sag agro”, as well as the territorial LLC “Yong’okargo”.
The working group established for the implementation of the project is given three months to develop and submit for approval a draft Program of measures to further increase the production of walnut for the period 2017-2020 years.
The document also mandated the selection of land plots with a total area of 10 thousand hectares, favourable for planting walnut in natural-climatic conditions and soil composition.
The Ministry of agriculture and water resources of the Republic of Uzbekistan jointly with the Agency for restructuring agricultural enterprises, National Bank for foreign economic activity of the Republic of Uzbekistan in a two month term should identify the sources of phased financing, including by attracting concessional loans from international financial institutions, and to ensure the allocation of credit in the amount of $50mn for financing projects on establishing walnut plantations.
State Veterinary Committee created in Uzbekistan
On 1 June, President of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev signed a decree “On measures for cardinal improvement of the state veterinary service management system”.
According to the decree, the State Committee of Veterinary was established in Uzbekistan. The new committee is established on the basis of the Main State Veterinary Department under the Ministry of Agriculture and Water Resources.
The Committee is included to the Complex of the Cabinet of Ministers on Agriculture and Water Resources, Processing of Agricultural Products and Consumer Goods.
The Chairman of the State Veterinary Committee is appointed and dismissed by the President of Uzbekistan on proposal of the Prime Minister of Uzbekistan.
Uzbek President set tasks and main directions of the State Veterinary Committee. It will conduct single state policy in the sphere of veterinary and it will develop veterinary service.
Uzbek leader handed over several organizations, including labs, to newly created committee.
Companies of Uzbekistan have been granted with several privileges and preferences, which are expected to bring export performance to a new level
For example, since June 1, 2017, exporters are entitled to supply goods of their own production abroad without prepayment, opening of a letter of credit, processing of a bank guarantee and an insurance certificate for export contract against political and commercial risks.
However, in order to receive these benefits, the amount of the contract can not exceed $100,000, and the foreign exchange earnings must be provided within 90 days from the date of actual shipment of goods. At the same time, the products can be exported only if the enterprise has no receivables for earlier export deliveries.
There is another important fact. The benefits are not subject to the enterprises exporting fresh fruit and vegetable products, grapes, melons, and raw materials.
Besides, according to the document, jewelry is now excluded from the list of specific goods, exports and imports of which are carried out solely under licenses issued on the basis of government resolutions.
(Source: «Uzbekistan Today» newspaper)
International cooperation
President signs law to ratify strategic partnership agreement with Turkmenistan
President of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev signed a law “On ratisification of the agreement on strategic partnership between Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan (Ashgabat, 6 March 2017)” on 1 June.
Legislative Chamber of Oliy Majlis passed the law on 17 May 2017 and Senate approved it on 27 May 2017.
The agreement was signed within the framework of the state visit of the President of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev to Turkmenistan in March 2017.
Leo Bokeria to conduct cardiosurgical operations in Khorezm region
Director of the Russian Scientific and Practical Center for Cardiovascular Surgery named after Bakulev, academician Leo Bokeria, arrived in Uzbekistan on 2June, the press service of the Ministry of Health of Uzbekistan said.
Academician Leo Bokeria will visit Khorezm branch of the Republican Specialized Cardiology Center and get acquainted with the activities of Uzbek doctors.
During the three-day visit, Leo Bokeria will conduct master classes for cardiosurgeons from Uzbekistan. He will also hold a conversation on topical issues of cardiac surgery.
In Khorezm region, the Russian cardiosurgeon together with domestic specialists will conduct cardiosurgical operations.
A specialized consortium will soon support home-based workers
The new organization will be established in the form of a limited liability company with an initial statutory fund of 50 billion soums (currency rates of CB RU from 06.06.2017, 1$= 3874.48 soums). It will allocate loans to private individuals and enterprises – customers of home-made products to enable them purchasing modern machinery, equipment, raw materials and other things they need. The loans will be issued on the security of the goods purchased.
To expand the scope of activities, the consortium will establish structural units that will specialize in marketing and search for customers for the organization of home-based manufactures. A branch of the new organization will be founded in each district of Tashkent to maintain the interaction between home-based workers and the customer enterprise.
There is another important fact: the consortium was entitled to conclude contracts with home-based workers and customer enterprises to produce goods, perform works and provide services. To make the initiatives effective, the head of state granted the new structure with certain privileges and preferences. For example, it is exempted from paying all types of taxes and other mandatory contributions to state targeted funds, channeling the released funds to the targeted replenishment of the statutory fund.
The home-based workers were not ignored either – as of July 1, 2017, a fixed rate of personal income tax will be set for them at 7.5%.
The President has also entrusted the Mahalla Charity Foundation and self-government bodies to permanently work on establishing close economic cooperation between enterprises and home-based workers, including regular identification of community residents who want to work on business orders at home. They will also have to organize a broad campaign to raise awareness on the benefits of home-based work.
(Source: «Uzbekistan Today» newspaper)
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