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June 9, 2016


investments. 1

Uzbekistan intends to sell state shares in domestic banks and enterprises to the South Korean investors  1

International cooperation.. 1

Development of alternative energy discussed. 1


A Festive Ceremony dedicated to the Great Poet Alexander Pushkin held in Tashkent 2

Tourism… 3

Bridge of Amir Temur reconstructed in Uzbekistan. 3



Uzbekistan intends to sell state shares in domestic banks and enterprises to the South Korean investors

Uzbekistan signed preliminary agreements with leading Korean companies on selling state stakes of O’ztemiryo’lkonteyner (15% for $4.5 million), Sarbon Neftegas (51% for $3.8 million), O’zkishlokhujalikmash Lizing (15% for $7.8 million), Khovrenko Samarkand Wine Factory (20.18% for $2.6 million), Ravnak Bank (15% for $500,000) during 2016.

The sides also signed memorandums and protocols on selling shares of the authorized capital of Uzpromstroybank (15% for $63.6 million), Asaka Bank (15% for $58 million), Aloqabank (47,54% for $42.7 million), the exhibition complex Uzexpocentre (38.3% for $24.9 million), the Halqaro Hamkorlik Markazi complex (29.9% for $32.2 million) to the leading Korean companies and banks. The maturity dates were set for 2016 and 2017.

(Source: «Uzbekistan Today» newspaper)

International cooperation

Development of alternative energy discussed

International round table on the topic “The law and practice support for renewable energy development: national and international experience” held in Tashkent.

The main goal of the round table is to exchange experience and best practices in the field of legal regulation of the use of renewable energy sources, development of implementation mechanisms in the electricity production process.

The organizers of the “round table” are the Ecological Movement of Uzbekistan and its parliamentary group in the Legislative Chamber of Oliy Majlis, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Uzbekistan, “Uzbekenergo” JSC, the Academy of Sciences of Uzbekistan, OSCE Project Coordinator in Uzbekistan, the World Bank Country Office in Uzbekistan, the Regional environmental Centre for Central Asia and others.

The international round table was attended by deputies of the Legislative Chamber and members of the Senate of Oliy Majlis, deputies of local councils of people’s deputies, as well as foreign experts from Austria, Belgium, Germany, Latvia, Russia, the Czech Republic and other countries, leading activities in the area of development of normative and legal documents related to the use of renewable energy and others.

As part of the round table, participants visited the Physico-Technical Institute “Physics-Sun” Scientific and Production Association (SPA).

As was told by the employers, Physical-Technical Institute “Physics-Sun” SPA is a research institute under the Academy of Sciences of Uzbekistan, engaged in research of the physical profile, as in the field of basic science and the development of high-performance technologies of renewable energy, instrumentation as well as the preparation of highly qualified scientific personnel. In addition, the staff of the Institute also told about plans, which include the further development directions for the design and development of advanced technical means of the use of renewable energy sources, sensors for various purposes.

The participants discussed the issues of legal regulation of relations in the field of renewable energy, creation of appropriate incentives for renewable energy mechanisms and involvement of civil society institutions in the development and discussion of bills.

It was noted that Uzbekistan has favorable possibilities of using such types of renewable energy as the energy of water currents, solar radiation, wind, biomass and geothermal resources. Development of renewable energy is a prerequisite for sustainable development of the republic’s energy under the preserving natural resources for future generations.

A solid legal framework of energy development has been established during the years of independence. A state program to reduce the energy intensity, the introduction of energy saving technologies in the fields of economy and social sphere for 2015-2019 years has been adopted and is being implemented currently.

Along with this, the existing legislative and regulatory framework in the country in the field of renewable energy sources requires further development and additions, preparing special legislation which should reflect the legal, economic and financial, as well as administrative mechanisms to support the development of renewable energy use. To this end, a draft Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan “On renewable energy sources”, the adoption of which will contribute to the environmental and energy security is being examined.

According to the results of the round table the experts put forward their recommendations for the development of renewable energy legislation in our country.

In general, an international “round table” has given a new impetus to the use of renewable energy, the expansion of knowledge in this area, contributed to the dissemination of information about the experience of Uzbekistan to the general public in the country and abroad.



A Festive Ceremony dedicated to the Great Poet Alexander Pushkin held in Tashkent

A Festive Ceremony dedicated to the 217 anniversary of the birth of the Great Russian Poet Alexander Pushkin held on June 6, in Tashkent.

Officials of state and public organizations, writers and poets, literary critics and researchers, scientists, representatives of national cultural centers and the diplomatic corp accredited in our country, students have gathered at the monument to the Poet.

Chairman of the Writers’ Union of Uzbekistan M.Ahmedov, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Russian Federation in our country V.Tyurdenev, Deputy Director of the Republican International Cultural Center S.Mironov, Head of representation of the organization “Rossotrudnichestvo” in Uzbekistan V.Shulika, Chairman of the Russian National Cultural Center A. Aristov and others noted that literature plays an important role in strengthening friendship and cultural and educational relations between peoples.

Cooperation between Uzbekistan and Russia is consistently developed in all directions. Held in April this year, the official visit of President Islam Karimov to the Russian Federation, giving new impetus to the development of economic partnership between the two countries, has also opened up new horizons of cooperation in cultural-humanitarian and other spheres.

As a result of attention, given in our country to the development of literature, deep study of heritage of outstanding representatives of the world literature is conducted. Work on the translation of their works into the Uzbek language, as well as the best samples of national literature – into foreign languages is activately implemented.

Works of the Great Russian poet Alexander Pushkin because of its nationality, artistic excellence has become the spiritual heritage of all humanity. His works, imbued with a love of life, reverence for beauty, ideas of freedom, earned the love of Uzbek readers.

Themes of the Motherland, happiness and joy, youth and love in the poetry of Pushkin are extensive and multi-faceted. Pushkin’s works were translated into the Uzbek language by Chulpon, Usman Nasir, Hamid Alimdjon, Zulfiya, Abdullah Kahhar, Mirtemir and other poets and writers of our nation.

At the event, it was noted that the Pushkin’s works occupies a very important place in the development of Russian culture. He has made an invaluable contribution to the formation of the Russian literary language.

Pushkin’s creativity as literary heritage of other classics of world literature is highly valued in our country. The works of the poet are studied in secondary schools and higher educational institutions.

During the event participants laid flowers to the monument to the poet. Winners of the competition devoted to the works of the poet were also awarded. Songs and dances were performed by the artistic collectives of the Russian National Cultural center. Actors of the State Academic Bolshoi Theatre of Uzbekistan named after Alisher Navoi presented an excerpt from the opera “Eugene Onegin”.

Creative evenings in honor of the Poet’s birth are conducted in all regions of our country.

(Source: UzA)


Bridge of Amir Temur reconstructed in Uzbekistan

A fully reconstructed bridge of Amir Temur has been commissioned in Kashkadarya region of Uzbekistan.

The opening ceremony of the bridge was held in Karshi, a regional center of Kashkadarya region. Green zone was also laid near the bridge.

It is worth to mention that the bridge was constructed 700 years ago. The bridge was constructed in line with the order of Amir Temur and it linked two coasts of Kashkadarya river.

Within the reconstruction works, three dams were constructed. On the shore of a beautiful park, four berths for ships have been built, 14 cottages, 4 coffee bars, children’s playgrounds, 4 sports grounds with artificial turf have been erected, lighting devices and attractions also have been installed.


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