THE state visit OF THE President of China in Uzbekistan.. 1
Uzbekistan-China: new stage of cooperation – comprehensive strategic partnership. 1
Uzbek and Chinese Presidents open Angren-Pap railway line. 3
meeting of the Heads of State Council of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization.. 5
President of Pakistan arrived in Tashkent 5
President of Mongolia arrived in Tashkent 5
President of Turkmenistan arrived in Tashkent 6
President of Tajikistan arrived in Tashkent 6
Prime Minister of India arrived in Tashkent 6
President of Afghanistan arrived in Tashkent 6
Tashkent hosts thirteenth meeting of SCO Ministers of Culture. 7
State Academic Bolshoi Theatre named after Alisher Navoi hosts concert for SCO Culture Ministers 8
THE state visit OF THE President of China in Uzbekistan
Uzbekistan-China: new stage of cooperation – comprehensive strategic partnership
As reported earlier, on 21 June President of the People’s Republic of China Xi Jinping arrived in Uzbekistan with a state visit at the invitation of President Karimov.
An official welcoming ceremony of the Chinese President took place at the Kuksaroy residence on 22 June. The guard of honor was lined up for the high-ranking guest. Islam Karimov and Xi Jinping rose to the podium. The National anthems of Uzbekistan and China played. The two leaders walked along the guard.
During the meeting in narrow format Islam Karimov and Xi Jinping exchanged views on wide specter of issues, concerning the current state and prospects of further development of cooperation between Uzbekistan and China, regional and international topics of mutual interest.
The President of our country welcomed the Chinese President and expressed a sincere respect for the friendly people of China.
We consider the current state visit of Chinese President Xi Jinping as a major landmark in the process of successfully developing Uzbek-Chinese cooperation, as a desire of both sides to strengthen interactions. At present, China, as a state, possessing a huge economic, innovative and intellectual potential rightfully plays a leading role in the world economy and politics. Uzbekistan highly values traditional relations of strategic partnership and mutually beneficial cooperation with China, Islam Karimov said.
The Chinese President expressed his appreciation of his yet another visit to Uzbekistan and highlighted steady development of our cooperation in all areas.
I regard the rich history and culture of Uzbekistan with great respect. In 2013 I was in Samarkand, yesterday in Bukhara and I was once again convinced in the high potential of the Uzbek people. Under the leadership of President Islam Karimov, Uzbekistan has achieved stable political and dynamic economic development, its authority in the international community has been steadily rising. We believe, that Uzbekistan will continue to attain event bigger successes, we are interested in further widening the partnership between our nations, Xi Jinping said.
Since ancient times, the peoples of Uzbekistan and China were linked by mutual trade, mutual enrichment of cultures. Today the relations between Uzbekistan and China have progressed to the level of strategic partnership. The cooperation includes all areas of politics, economy, trade, industry, construction, science, education and culture. Interactions between our countries steadily develop based on such documents as the Joint declaration on establishing strategic partnership, the Agreement on friendship and cooperation, the Joint declaration on further developing and deepening bilateral relations of strategic partnership.
Islam Karimov and Xi Jinping hold regular meetings, exchange views on the issues of strengthening and further widening interactions. The President of the PRC came to Uzbekistan in September 2013 with a state visit. The President of Uzbekistan paid a state visit to China in August 2014. Islam Karimov and Xi Jinping met in September last year in Beijing, within the framework of events, dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the Victory in the Second World War.
The positions of the two countries in relation to the issues of international and regional significance are similar or close. This plays an important role in strengthening multilateral ties between our countries. Uzbekistan and China provide mutual political support to each other on the international arena, widening cooperation within the UN, SCO and other international organizations.
During negotiations the parties agreed to consistently develop the political dialogue, further widen cooperation in such spheres as trade, industry, economy, power industry, science and education, culture. The attention was focused on strengthening security and stability in the region, reinforcing joint resistance to international threats and challenges.
The leaders of Uzbekistan and China continued negotiations with participation of official delegations of the two countries. The issues of developing cooperation in trade-economic, investment, financial, technical, energy and cultural-humanitarian spheres, increasing the volume of mutual trade were discussed at the negotiations in extended format.
Most favored nation regime in trade functions between our countries. Intergovernmental meetings on developing trade-economic ties are held regularly. The Uzbek-Chinese intergovernmental committee on cooperation, established in 2011, plays a significant role in developing joint projects, implementing reached agreements.
China is one of the largest trade-economic and investment partners of Uzbekistan. The volumes of mutual trade are dynamically increasing. In four months of 2016 the trade turnover reached 1,4 billion US dollars. The volume of Chinese investments and loans to the Uzbek economy exceeds 6,5 billion US dollars. Over 650 enterprises with Chinese capital operate in our country.
Several large investment projects are underway within partnership of the two countries. The industrial park of high technologies in the form of Jizzakh special industrial zone, established in 2013, is a vivid example. Mobile telephones, sewing machines, construction materials, solar collectors and other products are manufactured in this industrial zone with a branch in Syrdarya region. In collaboration with the Chinese company PolyTechnology, production line of tyres for cars and agricultural machinery as well as conveyor belts is to be launched in Angren.
Construction of four lines of the Central Asia-China gas pipeline system through our territory testifies about the huge potential in oil and gas sector and the mutual interest. China National Petroleum Company (CNPC) actively takes part in exploration and development of prospective hydrocarbon fields in our country. Joint deep processing of natural gas is carried out at the Mubarek Gas Chemical complex.
Chinese business entities took part in the construction of Dekhkanabad potash fertilizers plants and Kungrad soda plant. 20 projects on developing telecommunications networks in our countries have been implemented in cooperation with Huawei. Over 40 projects have been realized in healthcare, education, power energy, transport and other spheres thanks to loans of the China development bank and the Export-import bank of China.
Cooperation in the transport sphere is also broadening. Transportation of goods from China to Europe is done via our country as well. Only through Navoi intermodal logistics center 1,8 thousand tons of cargo were transported in 2015.
Cooperation between our countries in the spheres culture, science, education and tourism is steadily developing as well. The Uzbekistan-China friendship society and China-Central Asia friendship society play a significant role in this regard.
Scientific collaboration between our scientific-technical institutions are developing, student exchanges among higher education institutions are expanding. The Uzbek language is learned in China, the Chinese in Uzbekistan. The Conficius Institutes operate in Tashkent and Samarkand. The Uzbek language is taught at the Minzu University of China and Beijing foreign studies university.
A centre of Uzbekistan studies and educational exchanges has been established at the SCO public diplomacy institute at the Shanghai University.
The days of cinema, arts exhibitions, targeted at strengthening cooperation in the sphere of culture, are held regularly. Chinese artists frequently take part at the Sharq taronalari international music festival. Chinese “Jiangsu Women’s Orchestra” has won the Grand prize of this festival in 2015.
The ties between twin cities of Tashkent and Shanghai, Samarkand and Sian, Samarkand region and Shaanxi province are expanding, which serves to further develop direct exchanges between the regions of our countries.
After concluding negotiations at the Kuksaroy residence, Islam Karimov and Xi Jinping signed the Joint declaration of the Republic of Uzbekistan and the People’s Republic of China, which envisages further elevation of relations of our countries to a level of comprehensive strategic partnership.
Documents between the governments and agencies of the two countries on further developing cooperation in technical, economic, investment, trade and oil-gas spheres as well as on protection of intellectual rights and others were signed.
During the meeting with representatives of mass media, the Heads of state noted that the negotiations were held in mutual trust and constructive mood. It was underlined that on all discussed issues the positions and approaches of the parties are similar or close. Xi Jinping highly assessed the efforts during Uzbekistan’s presidency in the SCO.
Islam Karimov and Xi Jinping visited the Legislative Chamber of the Oliy Majlis of Uzbekistan in the afternoon. The Presidents of the People’s Republic of China and Uzbekistan addressed the members of the Senate and deputies of the Legislative Chamber of the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
The heads of state visited the Mustaqillik (Independence) square. The high-ranking guest laid a wreath to the Monument of independence and humanism, a symbol of our freedom, bright future and noble aspirations. Xi Jinping highly appraised the architectural solutions in the Mustaqillik square, its essence and contents.
(Source: Press Service of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan )
Uzbek and Chinese Presidents open Angren-Pap railway line
A ceremony, devoted to completion of a large prospective project of Uzbek-Chinese cooperation, the official opening of the electrified Angren-Pap railway line and the Qamchiq tunnel, took place at the UzExpoCentre on 22 June. President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Islam Karimov and President of the People’s Republic of China Xi Jinping took part at the event.
The head of our state underlined that implementation of this largest project is a big achievement for Uzbekistan, a significant and unforgettable historical event.
Workers, engineers, specialists from Uzbekistan and China worked side by side in the construction process, demonstrating high professionalism and mastery. This facility meets the highest international standards and is considered a unique project in the international practice. The launch of the Angren-Pap electrified railway line helps to save time and money on transportation of goods, while dramatically increasing the transit, manufacturing and infrastructure capabilities, thus it will serve to further develop Uzbekistan’s economy, President Islam Karimov said.
President of Uzbekistan Islam Karimov and Chinese President Xi Jinping with a touch of a special button switched the semaphore on, allowing a passenger train of the “Uzbekistan temir yo’llari” JSC pass through the Qamchiq tunnel on the Angren-Pap electrified railway line …
From the first years of Uzbekistan’s independence, the issues of opening new routes to world markets, creation of modern transport communications, connecting our country with other regions of the world, have been placed high on the agenda. A big attention was paid to construction of railways and creation of a united railway network of Uzbekistan.
The construction of the Navoi-Uchquduq-Sulton Uvaystog-Nukus railway line and a modern bridge for vehicle and railway movement across the Amudarya were the first step in this effort.
Later a unique facility, titled “the miracle of the century”, the Tashguzar-Boysun-Kumkurgan railway line was commissioned. This has become another significant stage in creation of a united national railway network in our country.
Railways are a main transport artery of any country. It should be highlighted that thanks to efforts of Uzbek railway workers in recent years 1200-kilometers long new railway network has been built, over 3800 km of railway lines have been modernized and reconstructed, about 1100 km of railways have been electrified. As a result, the total length of railways, embracing all regions of our country, reached 6500 km.
Since establishment of the “Uzbekiston temir yo’llari” JSC, the volume of cargo transportation has increased by 1,5 times, passenger transportation by 1,3 times. In 2015 almost 82 millions tons of cargo and 20,1 million passenger were transported via railways, which attests to the increasing potential and possibilities of this sector. At present over 60 per cent of all cargo and 75 per cent of passengers are carried via railways.
Uzbekistan railways, as a major part of transregional transport corridor, have a worthy place in the system of international railway transportation. After all, the main railway lines of our country have a great transport, communication and transit potential, bringing together the East and the West, the South and the North.
Uzbekistan and China are actively developing cooperation in the sphere of transport communications, along with other areas. Delivery of modern high performance electric and diesel locomotives with high technical parameters, made in China, to our country serves as a vivid example of mutually beneficial cooperation.
Construction of the shortest railway line between Uzbekistan and China is one of the strategic areas of partnership. This will provide a way out for China to Central Asian states, and then to South Asia. The new Angren-Pap electrified railway line will act as a bridge in this direction. The total cost of the tunnel, which was built in collaboration of “Uzbekistan Temir Yo’llari” JSC and China Railway Tunnel Group, amounted to 455 million US dollars.
The launch of the Angren-Pap electrified railway line, running through the Qamchiq pass at an altitude of 2200 meters above sea level, will link the Fergana valley regions with other regions of our country. In addition, it will serve as an important part of the new China-Central Asia- Europe international transit rail corridor.
Over a thousand workers and specialists of China Railway Tunnel Group, more than three thousand railway workers and three hundred linemen from Uzbekistan took part in the construction of the new line. Highly qualified builders have worked selflessly in harsh climatic conditions for 32 months.
A tunnel with a length of 19.2 kilometers has been built on the Qamchiq pass of the 123.1-kilometer long Angren-Pap railroad. 43 million cubic meters of excavation works, 16.3 million cubic meters of drilling and blasting operations were carried out. Besides, 285 infrastructure facilities were mounted and water pipelines were laid, 15 railway bridges with a length of 2.1 kilometers and an average height of 25 meters, as well as six overpasses have been built.
The Angren-Pap electrified railway line will play an important role in the further economic development of our country, improving the welfare of our people. This is confirmed by the following data.
According to preliminary estimates, this year alone services will be provided to 600 thousand passengers on this railway. 4000 people were provided jobs during the construction period, the launch of the railway will create additional 1.5 thousand new jobs.
– 25-30 years ago it was impossible to imagine that the railway will be laid here. It was hard to believe that through the towering cliffs, deep gorges and Qamchiq pass, a train can go, said a 79-year old veteran from Parkent district of Tashkent region Soliddin Salohiddinov. – It has become a reality thanks to the dedication, a strong will and hard work of our people, and far-sighted policy initiative of the President of our country.
In general, the Qamchiq railway tunnel is rated the eighth in terms construction complexity, and 13th in the world and the first in the CIS for its length.
… It took 16 minutes for the train to pass through the tunnel with a distance of 19.2 km.
A videolink has been established between the UzExpoCentre and the Qamchiq tunnel.
Chairman of China Railway Tunnel Group Yuy Baoling and the Chairman of the Executive Board of the Uzbekiston temir yo’llari JSC Achilboy Ramatov informed about the readiness to launch of the Angren-Pap electrified railway line and the Qamchiq tunnel.
At the ceremony, Chinese President Xi Jinping said that this project is a significant result of cooperation between Uzbekistan and China and another example of close friendship between our peoples.
China and Uzbekistan are friendly neighbors, close friends and reliable partners, our country appreciates the sincerity in our relationship. Together we will achieve even greater success in the future, meeting the interests of our peoples. We are confident that the prospects of cooperation between Uzbekistan and China will be even broader and brighter, said Xi Jinping.
The implementation of such a large-scale project as the construction of the Angren-Pap electrified railway line, will serve to strengthen the economic power of our country, increase its transit and tourist potential, improve the railway industry, raise multifaceted strategic relations between Uzbekistan and China a qualitatively new level.
(Source: Press-service of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan)
meeting of the Heads of State Council of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization
President of Pakistan arrived in Tashkent
President of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan Mamnoon Hussain arrived in Uzbekistan on 22 June to take part at the meeting of the Heads of State Council of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization in Tashkent.
Prime Minister of the Republic of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoev welcomed the high-level guest at the Tashkent International Airport.
After a brief conversation, the delegation of Pakistan has left for a designated residence.
* * *
The visit of the President of Pakistan started with a tour of ancient Samarkand. The high-level guest visited the Imam Bukhari complex, built on the initiative of President Islam Karimov. Mamnoon Hussain was acquainted with the rich spiritual heritage of the great scientist Imam Bukhari, works on studying and wide dissemination of his invaluable masterpieces, history of the construction of the complex, colossal creative works, carried out here in the years of independence.
Embodying unique traditions of the Eastern architecture, the mausoleum, the porch and magnificent mosque have left a lasting impression in the guests. Mamnoon Hussain highly assessed the consistent works, carried out under the leadership of President Islam Karimov, on profound studying and wide distribution of the heritage of our great ancestors, and noted that this place is one of sacred sites for the whole Muslim world.
During the visit to the Amir Temur mausoleum, the guest was informed about the life and activities of Sokhibqiron (his title, meaning the Possessor of the World), his efforts on developing science and culture.
A tour of the Registan architectural ensemble and the exhibition of national handicraft products also made a huge impression on the President of Pakistan. It was underlined that Mirzo Ulugbek, Sherdor and Tillakori madrassas testify to the rich culture of our people, great creative genious of our ancestors.
(Source: Press Service of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan)
President of Mongolia arrived in Tashkent
President of the Republic of Mongolia Tsakhiagiin Elbegdorj arrived in Uzbekistan on 23 June to take part as an observer at the meeting of the Heads of State Council of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization in Tashkent.
Prime Minister of the Republic of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoev welcomed the high-level guest at the Tashkent International Airport.
The SCO summit will be held under Uzbekistan’s presidency. The issues of strengthening normative-legal basis of SCO activities, political, economic, cultural-humanitarian cooperation among member-states and regional security as well as other topics of shared interest are on the summit agenda.
(Source: Press Service of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan)
President of Turkmenistan arrived in Tashkent
President of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov arrived in Uzbekistan on 23 June to take part as an invited guest at the meeting of the Heads of State Council of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization in Tashkent.
Prime Minister of the Republic of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoev welcomed the high-level guest at the Tashkent International Airport.
The SCO summit will be held under Uzbekistan’s presidency. The issues of strengthening normative-legal basis of SCO activities, political, economic, cultural-humanitarian cooperation among member-states and regional security as well as other topics of shared interest are on the summit agenda.
(Source: Press Service of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan)
President of Tajikistan arrived in Tashkent
President of the Republic of Tajikistan Emomali Rahmon arrived in Uzbekistan on 23 June to take part at the meeting of the Heads of State Council of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization in Tashkent.
Prime Minister of the Republic of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoev welcomed the high-level guest at the Tashkent International Airport.
The SCO summit will be held under Uzbekistan’s presidency. The issues of strengthening normative-legal basis of SCO activities, political, economic, cultural-humanitarian cooperation among member-states and regional security as well as other topics of shared interest are on the summit agenda.
(Source: Press Service of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan)
Prime Minister of India arrived in Tashkent
Prime Minister of the Republic of India Narendra Modi arrived in Uzbekistan on 23 June to take part as an observer at the meeting of the Heads of State Council of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization in Tashkent.
Prime Minister of the Republic of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoev welcomed the high-level guest at the Tashkent International Airport.
The SCO summit will be held under Uzbekistan’s presidency. The issues of strengthening normative-legal basis of SCO activities, political, economic, cultural-humanitarian cooperation among member-states and regional security as well as other topics of shared interest are on the summit agenda.
(Source: Press Service of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan)
President of Afghanistan arrived in Tashkent
President of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan Ashraf Ghani Ahmadzai arrived in Uzbekistan on 23 June to take part as an observer at the meeting of the Heads of State Council of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization in Tashkent.
Prime Minister of the Republic of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoev welcomed the high-level guest at the Tashkent International Airport.
The SCO summit will be held under Uzbekistan’s presidency. The issues of strengthening normative-legal basis of SCO activities, political, economic, cultural-humanitarian cooperation among member-states and regional security as well as other topics of shared interest are on the summit agenda.
(Source: Press Service of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan)
Tashkent hosts thirteenth meeting of SCO Ministers of Culture
On 22 June 2016, Tashkent hosted the thirteenth Meeting of the ministers of culture of the member states of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization.
It was attended by Vice-Minister of Culture and Sports of the Republic of Kazakhstan G. A. Ahmedyarov, Minister of Culture of the People’s Republic of China Lo Shugan, Minister of Culture, Information and Tourism of the Kyrgyz Republic A. A. Maksutov, First Deputy Minister of Culture of Russian Federation V.V. Aristarchus, Minister of Culture of the Republic of Tajikistan Sh. Sh. Orumbekzoda, Minister of Culture and Sports of the Republic of Uzbekistan B. M. Ahmedov and SCO Secretary General R. K. Alimov.
The meeting was chaired by the Minister of Culture and Sports of the Republic of Uzbekistan B.M.Ahmedov.
The ministers of culture of Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Russia, China, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan discussed the promising areas of cooperation in the cultural and humanitarian spheres and other issues.
The sides expressed their mutual desire to further develop cultural ties within the SCO framework, strengthening the mutual understanding and respect, harmonious coexistence of different nationalities and religions, active dissemination of knowledge about the centuries-old traditions and customs of the people of SCO member states.
The parties also agreed for further improvement of cooperation with the observer states and dialogue partners of SCO in the field of culture and art, both on a bilateral and on a multilateral basis.
The meeting participants confirmed their readiness to enhance cooperation in such areas as the study and preservation of the cultural heritage of the SCO region, preventing theft and illegal import and export of cultural property, the creation of databases and registers of monuments of architecture, training of specialists in the field of civilization and cultural heritage and restoration of art works and other directions of mutual interest.
Ministers noted that the joint activities in the field of culture and art promote understanding between people, the preservation of cultural diversity and the dissemination of knowledge about the culture of the people around the world. In this context, the meeting participants gave a high assessment to the conducted in 2015 in Uzbekistan jubilee X International Festival “Sharq taronalari – Melodies of the East”, which leads to the preservation and development of traditions of music and song art of the people around the world.
The parties also agreed that successfully carried out in the territories of the SCO courtiers such activities as the International Arts Festival “Silk Road” in the Peoples Republic of China, the International Theatre Festival “Art-Ordo” in the Kyrgyz Republic, the Festival of Arts “Berdemlek – Commonwealth” in the Russian Federation and the International festival of puppet Theatres “Chodari khayol” in the Republic of Tajikistan create the possibility of expanding cultural exchange among people and contribute to the strengthening of friendship and good neighborliness. Events of this format is an exceptional opportunity to unite on one platform all the creative teams of the SCO countries and demonstrate the achievements that reflect the unique national character of each country.
Participants expressed their gratitude to the Ministry of Culture and Sports of the Republic of Uzbekistan for the warm hospitality and excellent organization of the Meeting of Ministers of Culture of SCO member states.
At the end of the event, the sides agreed that the next meeting of Culture Ministers of SCO member states to be held in 2017.
State Academic Bolshoi Theatre named after Alisher Navoi hosts concert for SCO Culture Ministers
A regular meeting of the ministers of culture of the SCO member states is under way there days in the capital. In honor of its participants, the State Academic Bolshoi Theatre named after Alisher Navoi hosted a concert of masters of art and young performers of Uzbekistan.
Representatives of the Secretariat of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, culture ministers and national coordinators of the SCO member states, as well as representatives of the diplomatic corps accredited in our country were among the guests of the event.
The concert program varied from traditional Uzbek music, ending with such masterpieces of world opera art as the “Barber of Seville”, “Turandot”, “Faust” and “Tricks of Maysara” performed by local artists.
Ballet dancers presented to the public excerpts from the ballet “Sleeping Beauty” and “Don Quixote.”
The musical performances by local artists in the Chinese, Russian, Tajik, Kazakh and Kyrgyz languages became a tribute to the traditions and cultures of the member states.
Young artists, who supported “Shanghai spirit” highly contributed to give a concert the festive atmosphere.
About a concert as well as the meeting, we were able to talk to its participants.
– This is my first visit to Uzbekistan. Cultural ties between our countries have its roots in the distant past. I am sure that today cultural ties are important. Of course, economic relations are also of great importance, but I believe that the most significant thing is the relationships between the peoples. And culture is a bridge connecting the hearts of different peoples. Cooperation in the field of culture between the two countries is at a high level. All the important political events that are taking place these days in Tashkent will serve as an impetus for further development including cultural relations between the two countries, – says the Minister of Culture of China Luo Shugang
Music is a universal language that is understood by everyone and unites not only individuals but also entire nations.
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