June 19, 2015
Textile Industry Keeps with Dynamic Growth. 2
Eco-tourism Festival “Echo of Chimgan – 2015”. 3
Textile Industry Keeps with Dynamic Growth
The National Press Center of Uzbekistan has played host to a press conference to discuss the issues pertinent to bolstering the production of textile goods and uplifting the exporting potential of enterprises in the light industry.
Uzbekistan’s textile industry today has technological equipment from world manufacturers, modern industrial complexes of full cycle, wide geography of export deliveries. To build up the sector to a new level, a special development strategy was worked out in our country, which places investments, modernization and focus on the production of finished products as key factors.
The availability of rich resource base in Uzbekistan, of qualified specialists, a favorable investment climate, existing benefits and preferences allows for the increase in the volume of investments into the light industry each year. Only in the last three years, 92 industrial enterprises worth 575.3 million dollars with export potential 215.8 million dollars have been put into operation. More than 11.6 thousand jobs have been created in the area sphere.
Among the most important projects implemented by the “Uzbekyengilsanot” State Stock Company, is the creation on the basis of Kokand Textile Factory of the new joint venture “Indorama Kokand Textile” with a production capacity of 29 thousand tons of yarn per year, the setting up of “Uzteks Group” production line in Khorezm Region to produce 12 thousand tons of cotton yarn per year together with Capital Suisse (Switzerland), establishment on the premises of the former “Uzbektekstilmash” production association of a new “Rieter Uzbekistan” foreign enterprise, which produces tape, carding, ring spinning machines.
Thus, to date, around 290 enterprises, including 156 set up with the participation of foreign investors from South Korea, India, Singapore, Germany, Switzerland, Italy, Japan, the United States and other countries are operating currently in the system of the Uzbekyengilsanoat SSC.
According to the Uzbekyengilsanoat, another 18 new industrial enterprises worth totaling 99 million dollars with an exporting potential of 43.1 million dollars are to be commissioned for the 24th anniversary of our country. They are to employ more than a thousand people.
The industrial goods production growth rates are expected to shore up by 20 percent in the year 2015 as compared to the indicators of 2014, while the manufacture of consumer goods is anticipated to boost by 25 percent.
(Source: UzA)
International cooperation
Meeting with French Senator
On June 18, 2015 the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Uzbekistan held a meeting with the senator, a member of the Friendship Group “France – Central Asia” Joëlle Garriaud-Maylam.
During the meeting topical aspects of bilateral relations, in particular, the prospects of development of cooperation between the parliaments of Uzbekistan and France were discussed.
Joëlle Garriaud-Maylam informed on the activities of friendship “France – Central Asia” in the Senate of France, and shared her impressions of meetings and negotiations in the Senate of Oliy Majlis of Uzbekistan, as well as in a number of research institutions.
The French Ambassador Jacques-Henri Heuls also attended the meeting.
(Source: IA ”Jahon”)
Eco-tourism Festival “Echo of Chimgan – 2015”
The 38th International Eco-tourism Festival “Chimgan Echo – 2015” was held on June 13-14 in Chimgan Mountains located in Bostanlyk district of Tashkent region. The event was attended by numerous guests from different regions of Uzbekistan.
The event is aimed at raising environmental awareness and love of nature among young people giving them access to musical creativity and cultural leisure activities, desire for a healthy lifestyle. Also, the festival is aimed at dissemination of information about unique natural areas such as Ugam-Chatkal National Reserve, and development of eco-tourism.
In accordance with the established tradition, the Ecological Movement of Uzbekistan, the Ecoforum of Uzbekistan and Federation of Extreme and Mountaineering Tourism together with “Rodnichok” NGO supported by the khokimiyat of Tashkent region and other state and public organizations organized the campaign “We are for clean Chimgan” and eco-schools for children.
The action “We are for clean Chimgan” was held for the purpose of clearing the territory of festival site from touristic garbade. Representatives of the Ecological Movement walked about the site of camping and explained the tourists and visitors the rules of behavior to protect nature, plants and animals. They were handed out plastic bags for garbage. The action involved more than 100 guests and tourists.
It should be noted that festival fans consider collecting of garbage as an important part of festival and actively participate in it. The most important thing is that the action organized by the Ecological Movement and its partners has become a good tradition for many tourists.
All collected garbage was loaded on trucks provided by the administration of Bostanlyk district, and taken to a special refuse dump.
It is well-known that by increasing environmental awareness a conscious attitude to environmental activity could be achieved. Qualified coaches of NGO “Rodnichok” organized eco-classes for children. The main topic was biodiversity conservation activities which were carried out in the form of various games and competitions. Eco-classes helped children to acquire new knowledge and skills necessary for the conservation of nature.
The most active participants of the eco-action “We are for clean Chimgan” and eco-schools were awarded with diplomas, environmental literature and souvenirs.
(Source: Press Service of the Ecological Movement of Uzbekistan )
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