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June 24, 2016


meeting of the Heads of State Council of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization.. 1

President of Kazakhstan arrived in Tashkent 1

President of Kyrgyzstan arrived in Tashkent 1

President of Russia arrived in Tashkent 1

President of Belarus arrived in Tashkent 1

President Islam Karimov met with Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov. 2

President Islam Karimov met with Emomali Rahmon. 2

President Karimov meets Prime Minister of India. 2

Islam Karimov meets President Vladimir Putin. 3

President Islam Karimov meets with Almazbek Atambayev. 3

President Islam Karimov meets with Ashraf Ghani 4

President Islam Karimov met with Mamnoon Hussain. 4

President Islam Karimov meets with Tsakhiagiin Elbegdorj 5

Meeting with UN Under-Secretary-General 5

Summit of Shanghai Cooperation Organization begins. 5

Information report on the outcomes of the meeting of the Council of Heads of Member States of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (Tashkent, 23-24 June, 2016) 5

Documents, signed at the meeting of the Council of Heads of the SCO Member States (Tashkent, June 23-24, 2016) 10

Homage to the genius of the great poet 10


Session of the Council of SCO Interbank association takes place in Tashkent 11

Meeting of SCO Business Council Board held in Tashkent 12

Singing friendship and cooperation. 12



meeting of the Heads of State Council of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization

President of Kazakhstan arrived in Tashkent

President of the Republic of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev arrived in Uzbekistan on 23 June to take part at the meeting of the Heads of State Council of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization in Tashkent.

Prime Minister of the Republic of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoev welcomed the high-level guest at the Tashkent International Airport.

The SCO summit will be held under Uzbekistan’s presidency. The issues of strengthening normative-legal basis of SCO activities, political, economic, cultural-humanitarian cooperation among member-states and regional security as well as other topics of shared interest are on the summit agenda.

(Source: Press-service of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan)

President of Kyrgyzstan arrived in Tashkent

President of the Republic of Kyrgyzstan Almazbek Atambayev arrived in Uzbekistan on 23 June to take part at the meeting of the Heads of State Council of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization in Tashkent.

Prime Minister of the Republic of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoev welcomed the high-level guest at the Tashkent International Airport.

The SCO summit will be held under Uzbekistan’s presidency. The issues of strengthening normative-legal basis of SCO activities, political, economic, cultural-humanitarian cooperation among member-states and regional security as well as other topics of shared interest are on the summit agenda.

(Source: Press-service of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan)

President of Russia arrived in Tashkent

President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin arrived in Uzbekistan on 23 June to take part at the meeting of the Heads of State Council of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization in Tashkent.

Prime Minister of the Republic of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoev welcomed the high-level guest at the Tashkent International Airport.

The SCO summit will be held under Uzbekistan’s presidency. The issues of strengthening normative-legal basis of SCO activities, political, economic, cultural-humanitarian cooperation among member-states and regional security as well as other topics of shared interest are on the summit agenda.

(Source: Press-service of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan)

President of Belarus arrived in Tashkent

President of the Republic of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko arrived in Uzbekistan on 23 June to take part as an observer at the meeting of the Heads of State Council of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization in Tashkent.

Prime Minister of the Republic of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoev welcomed the high-level guest at the Tashkent International Airport.

The SCO summit will be held under Uzbekistan’s presidency. The issues of strengthening normative-legal basis of SCO activities, political, economic, cultural-humanitarian cooperation among member-states and regional security as well as other topics of shared interest are on the summit agenda.

(Source: Press-service of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan)

President Islam Karimov met with Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov

On 23 June at the Kuksaroy residence President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Islam Karimov met with President of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov, who arrived in our country to take part in the summit of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization.

Islam Karimov, during talks with President of Turkminstan, noted that his participation at the meeting of the Council of Heads of State of the member-states of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization as the guest of honor is yet another manifestation of the partnership, based on mutual trust and good neighborliness between our countries. This also attests to growing authority and strengthening positions of our countries in the region and international community.

The interactions between Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan have been dynamically growing. High-level meetings occur regularly.

In 2015 the volume of mutual trade turnover reached 320 million US dollars. Our country exports motor vehicles, agricultural machinery, mineral fertilizers, food products and other goods to Turkmenistan. Oil and oil products are imported from Turkmenistan.

Transportation and transit sphere is a strategic area of cooperation. This is corroborated by the fact that last year the volume of cargo from Uzbekistan, transported through the territory of Turkmenistan, grew by 43 per cent.

The issues of further developing trade-economic, cultural and humanitarian cooperation have been discussed at the meeting. The parties exchanged opinions on the issues of regional and international significance.

President of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov conveyed his sincere gratitude to President Islam Karimov for the invitation to the SCO summit and underlined that Turkmenistan is interested in further developing multi-faceted cooperation with Uzbekistan.

(Source: Press-service of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan)

President Islam Karimov met with Emomali Rahmon

On 23 June at the Kuksaroy residence President Islam Karimov met with President of the Republic of Tajikistan Emomali Rahmon, who arrived in our country to take part at the summit of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization.

During the meeting with President of the Republic of Tajikistan Emomali Rahmon, it was noted that the Uzbek and Tajik peoples are linked by ancient ties of friendship and good neighborliness, common culture and traditions.

Nowadays the cooperation between Uzbekistan and Tajikistan is steadily developing in many spheres, the volume of mutual trade turnover is increasing. In the first four months of 2016 this indicator rose by 17,6 per cent.

It was underlined at the meeting that our countries have many unused opportunities and the parties are interested in their full utilization. The issues of further strengthening relations in trade-economic, cultural-humanitarian and other spheres have been considered.

Emomali Rahmon stressed that Tajikistan highly values the cooperation with Uzbekistan and today’s meeting has been a good opportunity to discuss the current state and prospects of developing bilateral cooperation. The high-ranking guest expressed earnest gratitude to the President of our country for a warm welcome.

(Source: Press-service of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan)

President Karimov meets Prime Minister of India

On 23 June at the Kuksaroy residence President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Islam Karimov met with Prime Minister of the Republic of India Narendra Modi, who arrived in our country to take part at the summit of Shanghai Cooperation Organization.

At the meeting with Prime Minister of the Republic of India, Islam Karimov highlighted that this meeting is a logical continuation of political negotiations on the highest level and a good opportunity to discuss the pace of implementation of reached agreements and to determine prospects of cooperation.

Uzbekistan pays a special attention to relations with India. Trade-economic and investment cooperation between our countries has steadily improved. In the last five years the mutual trade turnover increased twofold. In 2015 this indicator amounted to around 320 million US dollars. Over 100 enterprises with Indian capital and representative offices of 15 firms and companies of this country operate in Uzbekistan.

Investment cooperation is widening as well. A number of joint projects, targeted towards production of competitive industrial goods, are implemented in our country. In collaboration with Indian company “Minda Group”, speedometers, tachometers and other types of electronic devices for cars are produced at the Navoi special industrial and economic zone. Novafarm, Ultra Health Care, Well Med Farm enterprises manufacture pharmaceutical products in wide assortment.

Uzbekistan and India are strengthening cooperation within the frameworks of regional and international organizations, actively support each other on world stage.

The President of our country noted that Uzbekistan supports India’s efforts to join the SCO and this will increase the authority of the organization and serve to ensure peaceful life and welfare growth of region’s peoples.

Narendra Modi expressed candid appreciation to President Islam Karimov for a warm welcome and stressed that India is interested in further developing cooperation with Uzbekistan.

(Source: Press-service of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan)

Islam Karimov meets President Vladimir Putin

On 23 June President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Islam Karimov met with President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin, who arrived in our country to take part at the summit meeting of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization.

During the talks with Vladimir Putin, Islam Karimov particularly underlined that this meeting is a logical continuation of bilateral and multilateral cooperation, a vivid example of development of the strategic partnership between Uzbekistan and Russia.

The relations of Uzbekistan and Russia are steadily developing in all spheres. In 2015 the volume of mutual trade turnover amounted to 4,4 billion US dollars.

Long-term mutually beneficial investment projects are under implementation in oil and gas sector. Russian companies Lukoil and Gazprom are actively involved in developing hydrocarbon fields in our country.

As was noted at the meeting, the results of the negotiations on the highest level in March 2016 in Moscow have given a new impulse to the development of mutual cooperation.

The Presidents exchanged views on a wide array of issues, concerning Uzbek-Russian relations, regional and international problems.

Vladimir Putin highly assessed the works, carried out during the period of the presidency of the Republic of Uzbekistan in the Shanghai Cooperation Organization. He expressed his confidence that the upcoming SCO summit will serve to further enhance regional cooperation in all spheres.

(Source: Press-service of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan)

President Islam Karimov meets with Almazbek Atambayev

President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Islam Karimov met with President of the Kyrgyz Republic Almazbek Atambayev, who arrived in our country to take part at the summit meeting of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, on 24 June at the Kuksaroy residence.

The current state and prospects of cooperation of the two countries were discussed at the meeting.

Uzbekistan contributes to strengthening peace and stability in the region, develops mutually beneficial cooperation with all countries, first of all, with neighboring states, in accordance with its foreign policy concept. The Uzbekistan-Kyrgyzstan-China railway line is a good manifestation. This modern transport corridor plays an important role in further widening trade-economic cooperation between our countries.

The parties considered further development of trade-economic, cultural-humanitarian ties, strengthening security and stability in the region.

Almazbek Atambayev expressed his sincere thanks to President Islam Karimov for a warm welcome and underlined the high level of organization of the SCO summit, which may serve as an exemplar in the future. The guest stressed that Kyrgyzstan aims to strengthen good neighborhood and partner ties with Uzbekistan.

(Source: Press-service of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan)

President Islam Karimov meets with Ashraf Ghani

On 24 June at the Kuksaroy residence President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Islam Karimov met with President of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan Ashraf Ghani.

President Islam Karimov noted that the first visit of Ashraf Ghani to Uzbekistan will serve to further elevate the cooperation of our countries to a new level.

The peoples of Uzbekistan and Afghanistan share common history, similar traditions and customs.

Uzbekistan, always adhering to people’s wisdom “Tranquility of your neighbor is your peace of mind”, is a supporter of establishment of peace in Afghanistan, reconstruction of the country’s economy. Uzbekistan exports electricity, fruits and vegetables, oil products and mineral fertilizers to Afghanistan. In the first four months of 2016 the volume of mutual trade turnover increased by 14 per cent.

The issues of further increasing the mutual trade and widening the assortment of goods were discussed at the meeting. The parties exchanged opinions on regional and international issues of mutual interest.

The President of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan expressed sincere gratitude to the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan for a warm welcome and underlined that Afghanistan is interested in further development of cooperation with our country.

(Source: Press-service of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan)

President Islam Karimov met with Mamnoon Hussain

President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Islam Karimov held a meeting with President of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan Mamnoon Hussain on 24 June at the Kuksaroy residence.

Islam Karimov noted that the first visit of Mamnoon Hussain to our country is an important event in the history of bilateral relations.

Pakistan is a close neighbor of Uzbekistan and possesses a huge economic potential. The cooperation of our countries plays a significant role in consolidating peace and security in the region.

Our countries support each other in topical issues of regional and international significance. Uzbekistan supported the adoption of Pakistan as a member of the SCO and during its presidency paid a special attention to this issue. In this regard a corresponding Action Plan has been developed and implemented.

Signing of the memorandum on obligations for membership to the SCO within the frameworks of the summit came to be a practical accomplishment of this plan.

The prospects of developing mutual relations were discussed and the parties shared views on regional and international issues at the meeting.

Mamnoon Hussain conveyed his sincere thanks to Islam Karimov for extended hospitality and stressed that Pakistan is interested in further developing cooperation with Uzbekistan.

(Source: Press-service of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan)

President Islam Karimov meets with Tsakhiagiin Elbegdorj

President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Islam Karimov held a meeting with President of the Republic of Mongolia Tsakhiagiin Elbegdorj.

President Islam Karimov emphasized that the visit of Mongolia’s President to our country opens wide opportunities for reinvigorating a bilateral cooperation.

Uzbekistan and Mongolia have a huge potential for developing cooperation. Its utilization, development of prospects areas of strengthening partnership, mutually beneficial projects meet the interests of our countries and peoples.

The sides paid attention to enhancing ties in trade-economic, cultural-humanitarian and other spheres at the meeting.

The President of Mongolia expressed sincere appreciation to the President of Uzbekistan for the meeting and noted that the SCO summit was organized on a high level. The high-ranking guest underlined that Mongolia is interested in widening trade-economic relations with Uzbekistan.

(Source: Press-service of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan)

Meeting with UN Under-Secretary-General

On June 23, 2016, the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Uzbekistan Abdulaziz Kamilov met with the Under-Secretary-General of the United Nations Jeffrey Feltman, who arrived in Tashkent to attend the meeting of the Council of Heads of Member States of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization in Tashkent.

During the meeting, the sides discussed the state and prospects of cooperation between Uzbekistan and the UN.

The parties paid special attention to regional issues, bilateral and multilateral programs and projects aimed at mitigating the environmental disaster in the Aral Sea basin.

The UN Resident Coordinator, Permanent Representative of the United Nations Development Program Stephan Prisner attended the meeting.

(Source: Press Service of the MFA of the Republic of Uzbekistan)

Summit of Shanghai Cooperation Organization begins

A summit of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization has started with a meeting of the heads of the organization’s Member States in private session.

Taking part in the session under the chairmanship of President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Islam Karimov, President of the Republic of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev, President of the People’s Republic of China Xi Jinping, President of the Kyrgyz Republic Almazbek Atambayev, President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin and President of the Republic of Tajikistan Emomali Rahmon.

In the talks, there is discussion in progress about issues of further improving the norm-setting and legal aspects of the SCO’s activities, consistently developing political, economic, cultural and humanitarian cooperation among the organization’s member states, jointly fighting against terrorism, separatism and extremism, against narcotic substances and weapons smuggling and against the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction, and also about issues of strengthening regional security and stability and the situation in Afghanistan.

(Source: Press Service of the MFA of the Republic of Uzbekistan)

Information report on the outcomes of the meeting of the Council of Heads of Member States of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (Tashkent, 23-24 June, 2016)

On 23-24 June, 2016, the capital city of the Republic of Uzbekistan Tashkent hosted the sixteenth meeting of the Council of Heads of Member States of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (CHS SCO) on the 15th anniversary of establishment of the SCO.

The meeting of the CHS SCO was attended by President of the Republic of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev, President of the People’s Republic of China Xi Jinping, President of the Kyrgyz Republic Almazbek Atambayev, President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin, President of the Republic of Tajikistan Emomali Rahmon, President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Islam Karimov.

President of Uzbekistan Islam Karimov chaired the meeting.

The SCO Secretary General Rashid Alimov and Director of the Executive Committee of the Regional Anti-Terrorist Structure (RATS) of the SCO Yevgeniy Sysoyev participated in the meeting.

The heads of delegations of the SCO observer states – President of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan Ashraf Gani, President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko, Prime Minister of the Republic of India Narendra Modi, President of Mongolia Tsakhiagiin Elbegdorj, President of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan Mamnoon Hussain, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Islamic Republic of Iran Dr. Mohammad Javad Zarif and the guest of the presiding state – President of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov also attended and addressed the meeting.

UN Under-Secretary-General Jeffrey Feltman, Chairman of the Executive Committee – Executive Secretary of the Commonwealth of Independent States Sergey Lebedev, Secretary General of the Collective Security Treaty Organization Nikolay Bordyuzha, ASEAN Secretary-General Le Luong Minh and Executive Director of the Secretariat of Conference on Interaction and Confidence Building measures in Asia Gong Jianwei were also present.

The Heads of State discussed in a constructive and friendly atmosphere the main results of the 15 years-long activity of the SCO and exchanged views on a wide range of issues of the situation in the world and in the region.

The Heads of State noted that the SCO has consolidated as a significant and influential player in the international arena. The priority tasks of practical activity of the Organization, as well as common approaches of the Heads of State towards regional and international issues are reflected in the Tashkent Declaration of the Fifteenth Anniversary of the SCO signed at the summit.

The Heads of State have once again reaffirmed that the SCO is open for accession by interested states which meet the criteria and conditions contained in normative legal documents of the Organization. Signing of memoranda on obligations of the Republic of India and the Islamic Republic of Pakistan to obtain the SCO member state status at the Tashkent summit is an important stage in the process of expanding the SCO.

The Heads of State noted that obtaining the full member status by India and Pakistan shall increase the potential of the Organization and contribute to the further enhancement of its role in the international arena as a multilateral mechanism for addressing the urgent problems of contemporary time, ensuring security, stability and sustainable development in the region and the world as a whole.

The Heads of State welcomed the signing of memoranda on granting the SCO Dialogue Partner status to the Republic of Azerbaijan, the Republic of Armenia, the Kingdom of Cambodia and Nepal.

The Heads of State reaffirmed that the activity of the SCO is not directed against other states or international organizations. Member States stand ready to develop contacts and cooperation with other countries, international and regional organizations that share the goals and objectives enshrined in the Charter of the SCO and other fundamental documents of the Organization.

The Heads of State welcomed the beginning of the practical implementation of the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action to resolve the Iranian nuclear issue, the successful implementation of which will contribute to the expansion of international cooperation for peace, security and stability in the region and beyond.

The Heads of State called for the continuation of improvement of the mechanism of regular consultations with the observer states and dialogue partners in order to enhance the practical results of cooperation in various fields.

The Heads of State noted the importance of further expansion of international contacts of the SCO, development of cooperation with international and regional organizations, above all with the UN and its institutions. Member States shall continue the development of external relations of the SCO and consider the expediency of establishing contacts with other interested multilateral organizations.

It was noted that all preconditions are in place now to elevate the SCO to a qualitatively new level of cooperation, characterized by increasing the efficiency of cooperation in the spheres of politics, security, economy, development of cultural and humanitarian ties. In this regard, adoption of the Action Plan 2016-2020 for the implementation of the SCO Development Strategy towards 2025 has a special significance.

The Heads of State noted the importance of enhancement of the mechanisms of global governance on the basis of objectives and principles of the UN Charter, establishment of fair and equitable world order to strengthen the political and economic stability.

The Heads of State reaffirmed commitment of the SCO Member States to further strengthening the central coordinating role of the UN in international relations, which must be based on the purposes and principles of the UN Charter and international law. They stood for continuation of extensive consultations in search of a “package solution” for reforming the UN Security Council in order to improve transparency and effectiveness of this body, guided by the interests of ensuring the unity of the UN Member States, without setting artificial timelines and expediting the options which do not enjoy a broad support of the UN Member States.

The Heads of State emphasized that international terrorism and extremism, including its religious and other manifestations, now pose equally growing threat to all countries of the world and human civilization as a whole. They are convinced that these challenges may only be countered by increasing joint struggle and common consolidated efforts of the international community on the implementation of comprehensive measures in order to address their root causes.

The Heads of State reaffirmed that, in accordance with the provisions of the SCO Charter and other documents of the SCO, development and implementation of measures for the joint struggle against terrorism, separatism and extremism in all their manifestations, illicit drug production and trafficking, illegal smuggling of arms, ammunition and explosives, proliferation of weapons of mass destruction and their means of delivery shall remain among priorities of cooperation within the framework of the Organization.

The Heads of State called for the early adoption of the UN Comprehensive Convention on International Terrorism and emphasized the importance of creation of an effective platform of extensive cooperation in countering the challenges and threats to regional security.

The Heads of State noted the importance of arrangements on security cooperation achieved at the Tashkent summit.

The Heads of State supported the further close cooperation in the fight against terrorism, separatism and extremism, spread of extremist ideology, primarily among youth, as well as for the prevention of ethnic, racial, religious intolerance and xenophobia. In this connection, in accordance with the decision of the CHS SCO dated July 10, 2015, the work shall continue on the preparation of the SCO Convention on Combating Extremism, which will contribute to strengthening the legal framework for cooperation in this field along with the implementation of the Shanghai Convention on Combating Terrorism, Separatism and Extremism and the Cooperation Program of SCO Member States in Combating Terrorism, Separatism and Extremism for 2016-2018.

Combating cross-border organized crime, crimes with the use of modern information and communication technologies, strengthening border security, joint fight against illegal migration and human trafficking, money laundering, financing of terrorism and economic crimes remain among urgent directions of the activity of the SCO. In this regard, the importance of practical implementation of the provisions of the Agreement between the Governments of SCO Member States on Cooperation in Combating Crime dated June 11, 2010 has been noted.

The Heads of State have highly assessed the work of the Regional Anti-Terrorist Structure of the SCO in ensuring the coordination of interaction between the competent authorities of Member States in terms of implementation of the agreements in the fight against terrorism, separatism and extremism and called for further development of cooperation in this area.

The Heads of State noted the need to intensify joint efforts to create a peaceful, safe, fair and open information space based on the principles of cooperation and respect for national sovereignty and non-interference in the internal affairs of other countries. The importance of deepening practical cooperation in the framework of the SCO Intergovernmental Agreement on Cooperation in the Field of International Information Security dated June 16, 2009 was emphasized.

The Heads of State noted that the global economy is still suffering from the effects of the global financial and economic crisis, which led to reduction in aggregate demand, sharp price fluctuations on key commodity and raw material markets, slowdown in economic growth and other negative consequences. It was emphasized that in order to counter the continuing threats and challenges, all countries should strive for a profound transformation of the global economy through large-scale, structural changes, diversification and improving competitiveness of economies and innovative development on a long-term basis.

The Heads of State noted that a significant potential for trade and economic relations and investment cooperation within the SCO framework, accumulated during 15 years-long activity of the Organization, provides for positive trends in the development of regional economic cooperation and promotes the improvement of cooperation mechanisms. They believe that harmonious development in the SCO area meets the interests of balanced economic growth in the region as a whole. In this regard, the coordinated actions shall be taken for further expansion of mutually beneficial trade and economic cooperation within the Organization, including through the creation of favorable conditions for trade, mutual investments and cooperation between business communities.

The Heads of State reaffirmed the importance of practical implementation of the agreements set forth in the Statement of Heads of Government (Prime Ministers) of the SCO Member States on Regional Economic Cooperation, adopted in Zhengzhou on December 15, 2015.

In these conditions, Member States shall seek the pairing of national development strategies and strengthen the coordination of their economic and trade programs. The Heads of State believe it is important to adopt the measures to ensuring sustainable socio-economic growth and improving the welfare and living standards of the population, further strengthening of cooperation in the spheres of trade, industry, finance, investments, agriculture, customs, telecommunications, including the use of satellite navigation systems, and other spheres of mutual interest. Special attention shall be paid to the exchange of experience for effectively countering the economic slowdown, introducing innovative technologies, forming the favorable investment and business climate, implementing long-term mutually beneficial projects in the priority areas of cooperation and development of infrastructure.

The Heads of State reaffirmed the support for the initiative of the People’s Republic of China on the creation of the Silk Road Economic Belt. For these purposes, the work shall continue to implement this project as one of the tools of creation of favorable conditions for the development of regional economic cooperation.

The Heads of State noted the importance of continuing the mutually beneficial multifaceted cooperation in the energy sphere, including in the field of renewable and alternative energy sources.

The Heads of State emphasized the need to promote multilateral cooperation in transport sector and facilitate the formation of international transport corridors, which must become a connecting link between Asia and Europe, implement joint infrastructure projects providing for the expansion of economically justified transport and communication opportunities and fulfill the transit potential of the region. In this context, the importance of the early entering into force and implementation of the Agreement between the Governments of SCO Member States on Establishing Favorable Conditions for International Road Transport (Dushanbe, 12 September 2014) has been noted.

The Heads of State supported the practical implementation of specific projects of common interest, reflected in the Action Plan for implementation of the Program for Multilateral Cooperation in Trade and Economy of the SCO Member States, as well as on the preparation of the List of events for further development of project activities within the SCO framework for 2017- 2021.

The Heads of State called for the further expansion of mutually beneficial cooperation with the observer countries and dialogue partners in order to increase the capacity of joint activities within the SCO. In this regard, a great importance is attached to comprehensively fulfilling the potential of the SCO Business Council and the SCO Interbank Association.

In order to provide financial support to project activities, Member States shall continue the consideration of the issue of establishment of the SCO Development Bank and the SCO Development Fund (Special Account).

The Heads of State believe it is necessary to pay special attention to the development of bilateral and multilateral cooperation in the spheres of public health, science and technology, education, environment protection, sports, tourism, study and preservation of cultural and natural heritage of the SCO region, including along the «Great Silk Road».

With the view of enhancing cooperation in the field of tourism, forming a common tourist space, intensifying tourist exchanges, the authorized representatives of Member States signed the Program of Cooperation of SCO Member States in the tourism sector.

The reports of the SCO Secretary General on the activities of the Organization during the past year and the RATS Council on the work of the structure in 2015 have been heard and approved.

During the past period since the meeting of the CHS SCO (Ufa, July 9-10, 2015), the following meetings have been held: Meeting of the Council of Heads of Government of SCO Member States (Zhengzhou, December 14-15, 2015), Meeting of the Secretaries of Security Councils (Tashkent, April 13-14, 2016), Meeting of the Council of Ministers Foreign Affairs (Tashkent, May 23-24, 2016), Meeting the Council of National Coordinators (Beijing, Tashkent, October 2015 – June 2016), Meeting of the RATS Council (Tashkent, September 18, 2015 and April 8, 2016), Meeting of the Ministers of Justice (Dushanbe, August 18, 2015), Meeting of General Prosecutors (Astana, August 27m 2015), Meeting of Chairpersons of the Supreme Courts (Bishkek, September 3-6, 2015), Economic and Trade Ministers’ Meeting (Xi’an, September 16, 2015 ), Meeting of Heads of Emergency Prevention and Relief Agencies (Chengdu, November 11-12, 2015), XI Meeting of the SCO Forum (Dushanbe, April 28-29, 2016), Meeting of the Heads of Supreme Audit Institutions (Astana, May 27, 2016), Meeting of Defense Ministers (Astana, June 8, 2016), Meeting of the Ministers of Culture (Tashkent, June 21-22, 2016), Meetings of the Board of the SCO Business Council and the Council of the SCO Interbank Association (Tashkent, June 22-23 2016).


Member States have highly praised the presidency of the Republic of Uzbekistan in the SCO and expressed gratitude to the Uzbek side for the traditional warm hospitality extended during the Tashkent summit.

The next meeting of the Council of Heads of Member States of the SCO will be held in June 2017 in Astana. The Republic of Kazakhstan shall take over the presidency in the Organization for the upcoming period.

(Source: Press Service of the MFA of the Republic of Uzbekistan)

Documents, signed at the meeting of the Council of Heads of the SCO Member States (Tashkent, June 23-24, 2016)

  1. The Tashkent Declaration of the Fifteenth Anniversary of the SCO.
  2. Decision of the Council of Heads of Member States of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization on the Adoption of the Action Plan for 2016-2020 on Implementation of Development Strategy of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization until 2025.
  3. Decision of the Council of Heads of Member States of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization on Signing the Memorandum of Obligations of the Republic of India with the Aim of Obtaining the Status of the Member State of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization.
  4. Decision of the Council of Heads of Member States of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization on Signing the Memorandum of Obligations of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan with the Aim of Obtaining the Status of the Member State of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization.
  5. Decision of the Council of Heads of Member States of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization on the Adoption of the Report of the Secretary General of the Organization on the Activities of the SCO during the Past Year.
  6. Decision of the Council of Heads of Member States of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization on the Adoption of the Report of the Council of the SCO RATS on the Activities of the RATS during the Past Year.
  7. Decision of the Council of Heads of Member States of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization on the Dates of Meetings of the Council of Heads of the SCO Member States.
  8. Information Report on the Outcomes of the meeting of the Council of Heads of Member States of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization.

Documents signed in the presence of Heads of the SCO Member States

  1. Memorandum of Obligations of the Republic of India with the Aim of Obtaining the Status of the Member State of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization.
  2. Memorandum of Obligations of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan with the Aim of Obtaining the Status of the Member State of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization.

Document signed in the framework of the meeting of the Council of Heads of the SCO Member States

  1. Program on Development of Cooperation of the SCO Member States in the Sphere of Tourism.

(Source: Press Service of the MFA of the Republic of Uzbekistan)

Homage to the genius of the great poet

President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin and President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Islam Karimov on 24 June visited a square in Tashkent, where a monument of the great Russian poet Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin is Iocated.

In our country, where over one hundred and thirty ethnicities live in friendship and accord, all legal bases for careful preservation of traditions and customs of representative of all nationalities are created. Under the leadership of the head of our state, a particular attention is paid to developing literature and arts, as well translating the best works of the world literature into Uzbek.

The peoples of Uzbekistan and Russia know very well each other’s literature and arts. The square, where the monument of Pushkin stands, is one of the favorite places of metropolitan residents and guests. The Russian cultural centre operates in Uzbekistan. Branches of the Moscow state university named after M.Lomonosov, Russian Economics University named after G.Plekhanov, Russian state university of oil and gas named after I.Gubkin function in Tashkent.

A magnificent monument of the great Uzbek poet and thinker Alisher Navoi is installed in the centre of Moscow.

A lot of works on studying and dissemination of the works of the world literature classics, their wide use in educating the younger generation in the spirit of universal human values are carried out, which is also manifested in studying the creative works of A.S.Pushkin. The 217th anniversary of the birthday of the great Russian poet has been celebrated widely this year. Many poetry parties, cultural-enlightenment events were held, dedicated to the works of Pushkin, who glorified the ideas of peace, friendship, love and freedom.

President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Islam Karimov and President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin laid flowers to the monument of Pushkin.

Landscaping and greening works in the square have made a great impression on the high-ranking guest. The President of the Russian Federation noted that veneration for the works of Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin, in line with other representatives of the world literature, the monument of Pushkin, are a demonstration of traditionally friendly ties between our peoples.

Vladimir Putin underlined that the visit to Uzbekistan was fruitful and expressed his gratitude to President Islam Karimov for substantive negotiations. The President of Russia highly assessed the efforts of our country during the presidency in the SCO on further bolstering the activity of the organization. The Tashkent summit, held in constructive spirit, will support further development of cooperation among the member-states of the SCO, enriching its substance.

President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Islam Karimov accompanied President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin to the Tashkent International Airport.

(Source: UzA)


Session of the Council of SCO Interbank association takes place in Tashkent

On 22-23 June a regular session of the Council of Interbank association of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO IBA) took place in Tashkent under the presidency of Uzbekistan.

SCO Secretary General R.Alimov, heads of the Development bank of Kazakhstan, the “RSK Bank” of the Kyrgyz Republic, the China development bank, State Corporation “Bank for Development and Foreign Economic Affairs (Vnesheconombank)” of Russia, the State savings bank of the Republic of Tajikistan “Amonatbank”, the National bank for foreign economic activity of the Republic of Uzbekistan, also as partner banks – the Savings bank “Belarusbank”, HBL Pakistan and the Development bank of Mongolia, took part at the session.

The session heard the reports of the representative of the presiding bank of the SCO IBA Council on achieved results at the current stage of the presidency of the National bank for foreign economic activity of the Republic of Uzbekistan, other members of the Council and representatives of the partner banks of the SCO IBA on the issues of current and prospective activities. The parties noted the importance of reinvigorating cooperation in the sphere of joint financing of investment projects, interaction with financial institutions, operating in the SCO area and the Asian region. The issues of preparing the Strategy of further developing the SCO IBA for a medium-term have also been discussed.

At the session of the Council of the Interbank association of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization the parties expressed satisfaction with the process of interaction with financial institutions of SCO observer-states and dialogue partners. A decision on assigning SCO IBA partner bank status to the Development bank of Mongolia has been signed at the session.

(Source: UzA)

Meeting of SCO Business Council Board held in Tashkent

On June 23 a meeting of the Board of the SCO Business Council under Uzbekistan’s presidency took place in Tashkent.

The SCO Secretary-General R.Alimov, Executive Secretary of the SCO Business Council R.Kanavskiy, as well as the chairpersons of the national units of the SCO Business Council from the Republic of Uzbekistan A.Shaykhov, the Republic of Kazakhstan R.Batalov, the Kyrgyz Republic M.Sharshekeev, the People’s Republic of China H.Meizing, the Russian Federation S.Katyrin and the Republic of Tajikistan S.Sharif participated at the meeting.

The SCO Business Council was established on 14 June 2006 and is a non-governmental structure, uniting representatives of the business community of the SCO member-states to expand the economic cooperation, establish direct communication and dialogue between the business and financial community, assist in the practical promotion of multilateral projects.

It was underlined at the meeting of the Board of the SCO Business Council that in its period of presidency, Uzbekistan strictly adheres to the principles of continuity and consistent strengthening of mutually beneficial cooperation, meeting the interests of the SCO member states, as well as continues systemic works on ensuring the steady growth of the authority of the organization in the international arena.

Uzbekistan stands for the further development of trade and economic ties, expanding mutual deliveries of industrial products, demand in the SCO countries’ markets, creation of favorable conditions to encourage mutual trade, implementation of other activities in this area, as well as hopes for a radical development of investment cooperation between the SCO countries, implementation of mutually beneficial projects and programs in priority sectors.

The participants stressed that in recent years Uzbekistan has paid a special attention to attracting foreign investments, developing modern corporate governance practices, widely adopting advanced quality management systems, as well as has taken measures, aimed at increasing the competitiveness of domestic enterprises, stimulating the production of export-oriented products, involving domestic companies in global supply chains.

During the meeting, the sides discussed the development prospects of the SCO Business Council activities, including the priorities and main directions of expansion of cooperation in the near future through the implementation of joint projects aimed at developing the economic potential of the region. In addition, during the event various aspects of cooperation in the sphere of support of small business and private entrepreneurship, as well as attracting foreign investment were considered.

In order to establish trade-economic and investment cooperation between the SCO member states, the participants of the meeting noted the importance of organizing joint activities and the ensuring of the participation of business representatives in major international forums, exhibitions and fairs held in the SCO countries.

(Source: UzA)

Singing friendship and cooperation

On 23 June a concert for participants of the Tashkent summit of the SCO Heads of State Council was held at the “Uzbekiston” Palace of international forums.

Organization of such events has become a good tradition for the Shanghai Cooperation Organization.

President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Islam Karimov, President of the Republic of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev, President of the People’s Republic of China Xi Jinping, President of the Kyrgyz Republic Almazbek Atambayev, President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin, President of the Republic of Tajikistan Emomali Rahmon, President of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan Ashraf Ghani, President of Mongolia Tsakhiagiin Elbegdorj, President of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan Mamnoon Hussain, Prime Minister of the Republic of India Narendra Modi, President of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov, SCO Secretary General Rashid Alimov enter the hall of the Palace.

The audience greet the high-ranking guests with applause.

It is deeply symbolic that a jubilee meeting of the Council of Heads of State of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization started with a concert. After all, culture and arts are an important nexus of rapprochement and understanding among nations, and music does not know frontiers. The atmosphere of friendship and cooperation reigned at the “Uzbekiston” Palace of international forum from the first minutes.

The high-ranking guests were presented with a concert program, including national songs and dances of Uzbek people, as well as the best works of world opera classics.

Arts masters from Uzbekistan were greeted with excitement. Performance of the people’s artist of Uzbekistan Munojat Yulchieva, who sang the song “Ul kim jonon” in the maqom Uzbek classical musical genre, left an indelible impression on the audience. The “Raqslar guldastasi” choreographic composition, performed by “Uzbekistan” and “Navruz” dance ensembles has demonstrated the beauty and distinctiveness of the Uzbek dance school.

A winner of the “Sharq taronalari” international musical contest Nodira Pirmatova soloed the song “Ey dilbari jononim” in the “katta ashula” style, which is included into the UNESCO Representative list.

The youth symphonic orchestra of Uzbekistan played works of the Russian classics- a polonaise from the opera “Eugene Onegin” by P.Tchaikovsky. Soloists of the Alisher Navoi State academic Bolshoi theatre performed the waltz of Juliette from the opera “Romeo et Juliette” by Charles Gounod.

The people’s artist of Uzbekistan Normumin Sultanov and a winner of “Nihol” prize Masuma Boltaboeva performed the song “My love, China”, a people’s artist of Uzbekistan Zulaykho Boykhonova sang a song “My dears” in Chinese. Songs and dances of Kazakh, Kyrgyz, Tajik, Turkmen and Karakalpak peoples were also performed.

Honored artist of Uzbekistan Jenisbek Piyazov performed a popular composition in Russian “Give me back the music”, winner of international contests Milena Matmusaeva appeared on stage with a song “Echo of love”. In brief, the concert demonstrated the wide palette of arts of the SCO member-states and allowed once again closely acquaint with rich culture of each other.

It should be noted that each of the performed compositions were filled with love and care for a human being, mutual respect, inter-ethnic harmony, respect for national and universal values. A composition “Jon Uzbekiston” concluded the event.

(Source: UzA)



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