June 24, 2015
Tashkent hosts session of Uzbek-Tajik intergovernmental commission. 3
It All Depends on You, Teachers! 4
Tashkent Hosted the First Folk Dance Festival 5
Production of 4,000 types of import-substituting products mastered within programs of localization in Uzbekistan
Improving localization of finished products plays an important role in the further dynamic and sustainable development of the economy, reducing its dependence on external factors, the acceleration of the implementation of new, efficient technologies in production processes.
That is why the localization in Uzbekistan is one of the main directions of development of the industry, which provides the use of local raw materials and production resources, an increase on this basis, production of modern competitive products. In addition, the country has established effective legal and regulatory framework, aimed at improving the level of localization of production of finished products, components and materials.
Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Uzbekistan is an active participant of the localization process. In particular, the agency became one of the developers of the Program of localization and production of finished products, components and materials in the years 2015-2019, approved by the relevant decision of the President of Uzbekistan on February 11, 2015.
In order to review the results of the Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Uzbekistan for improving the scope of localization of production of finished products, components and materials, on June 23 of this year, the Committee on Industry, Construction and Trade of the lower house of parliament organized the hearing of the information of the agency.
At the hearing it was pointed out that thanks to the system adopted in the country on measures to deepen localization of production of finished products, components and materials, expansion of inter-sectoral industrial cooperation in 2010-2014, the enterprises engaged in localization produced products in the amount of 46 trillion soums. Thus, over the past period, the volume of domestic production of localized goods increased by 2.3 times, 10 thousand new jobs were created. Overall, since 2000 under the localization program the production of 4,000 types of import-substituting products was mastered (currency rates of CB RU from 24.06.2015 1$= 2550.85 soums).
Participants said that the positive dynamics in the localization of products, components and materials is reflected in the creation of hundreds of high-tech industrial productions, growth of industrial production and GDP, the formation of domestic demand and the saturation of the market demand for industrial and consumer products, increasing export potential and reducing the volume of imports.
Participants emphasized that the approaches to the implementation of localization programs provide transparency, prompt facilitation of decision-making and, ultimately, serve to increase the effectiveness of measures aimed at further deepening of production localization in Uzbekistan.
At the end of the hearing, participants made suggestions for further improvement of the legal framework in this field.
(Source: UzReport.uz)
Coal Prospects
In the next four years, Uzbekistan is planning to increase coal production by 2.5 times. The dynamics will be contingent upon the modernization, technical and technological revamp of coal industry companies under six major investment projects.
Uzbek coal is produced in three fields – Angren, Shargun and Baysun. They annually provide 4.5 million tons of fuel, 85% of which falls to Uzbekenergo. Six promising projects focus on raising effectiveness of the fields and are expected to increase the production volumes, and replace obsolete equipment. Projects assign special part to the introduction of modern IT-solutions – it is planned to launch a corporate data transmission network and an automated information system of centralized supervisory control. For example, the modernization of the Shargunkumir mine alone, projected for 2015-2018, is expected to increase its production capacity to 900,000 tons a year.
The development of coal by opencast mining method helps discovering other useful resources. For instance, it entailed opening big reserves of construction materials like white clay, lime and gravel. The development of their production in conjunction with construction companies is also part of the long-term plan of the Uzbekugol Company.
The production of import-substituting goods is seen as essential when it comes to commissioning new production facilities, development of the management system, streamlining of coal mining and renewal of hardware fleet, as well as the rational use of energy resources. The production of specialized vehicles, parts and metal structures for mining equipment has been underway based on the needs of coal mines and under the localization program. Significant results have been achieved in this field over the recent years. For example, the production of 175 kinds of components and metalware was localized in 2012, 208 kinds – this year; the output volume and sales of localized production amounted to almost 1.5 billion soums (currency rates of CB RU from 24.06.2015 1$= 2550.85 soums).
The industrial cooperation between related enterprises and small businesses has been in progress. In 2007, the Company contracted with eight enterprises for 1.12 billion soums, while in 2015 it has signed cooperation agreements worth 27.4 billion soums. That has considerably reduced the volume of imports.
A network of territorial distribution centers fully and stably meets the population’s needs for coal. Operating in Karakalpakstan and all regions, such centers establish enterprises producing usable coal briquettes, which should secure the provision of fuel in the fall-winter period.
(Source: «Uzbekistan Today» newspaper)
International cooperation
Tashkent hosts session of Uzbek-Tajik intergovernmental commission
The third session of the intergovernmental commission on trade-economic cooperation between Uzbekistan and Tajikistan was held in Tashkent on 23 June within the visit of the delegation of Tajikistan led by First Vice Premier Davlatali Said to Uzbekistan.
Representatives of ministries and departments of two states, responsible for foreign economic, trade, industry, transport and other sectors attended the session.
According to the press service of the Ministry of Foreign Economic Relations, Investment and Trade of Uzbekistan, the sides considered actual issues of bilateral cooperation, including current state and perspectives of trade-economic relations, expanding legal framework of cooperation, developing ties in transport-communication sphere and cooperation between customs bodies, etc.
Trade-economic cooperation between Uzbekistan and Tajikistan is regulated with agreement on free trade from 10 June 1996. Tajikistan and Uzbekistan also signed a protocol to use of the agreement on free trade zone in CIS from 18 October 2011.
Till today, the intergovernmental commission between Uzbekistan and Tajikistan held two sessions. Last one was held in Dushanbe on 18 February 2009.
Trade turnover between Uzbekistan and Tajikistan was US$160 million in 2014 and US$49.2 million in January-April 2015.
Currently, there are 18 joint ventures with Tajik capital in Uzbekistan.
(Source: UzDaily.com)
It All Depends on You, Teachers!
By the 2015 – 2016 academic year teachers at higher education institutions will have new incentives and conditions for continuous professional growth.
Quality of work of university teachers is back in the spotlight. President of Uzbekistan signed a Decree ‘On measures to further improve the system of retraining and advanced training of managerial and teaching staff of higher education institutions.’ This is the second document aimed at reforming the system of retraining since the adoption of the ‘Program of modernization of material and technical base of higher education institutions and radical improvement of the quality of training for 2011-2016’. The Decree of the Cabinet of Ministers ‘On measures to further improve the system of retraining and advanced training of teachers of higher education institutions’ serves the foundation for its implementation.
The first phase showed the government’s determination for cardinal changes. 16 advanced training centers have been created instead of 46, and the operation of each of them is well-regulated. The head scientific-methodical center performs management of the entire system. Five regional centers deal with advanced training of specialists in general disciplines. 10 industry centers work with teachers of general professional and special disciplines. The system of retraining of specialists is going to be revised as well. This gets reflected not only in updating the training programs, but in introducing new technologies. Teachers now have portfolios in which they make a record of working on their professional development. Distance learning system gets implemented based on the use of on-line and off-line technology, which facilitates the introduction of personality oriented approaches to learning. In the process of distance learning in off-line mode the need for knowledge gets developed in the audience, which they get later in the lectures.
Much emphasis is placed on the development of cooperation with enterprises. Leading specialists of enterprises are invited to conduct trainings. This allows teachers and students to be aware of advanced technologies.
The Decree of the President provides to strengthen the requirement for teachers to undergo mandatory advanced training courses every three years. Now after training courses teachers will undergo evaluation tests. Failure after the second attempt would serve the reason for the university administration to dissolve employment agreement with a specialist. By the way, for an objective assessment of specialists’ knowledge the evaluation committees will consist of the members of the Councils on doctoral theses.
Within a month the Cabinet of Ministers will adopt a resolution which approves the statute on advanced training of managerial and teaching staff of universities. Experts expect that the document will envisage the introduction of a number of mechanisms that encourage teachers to diligent professional development. In addition, the issues will be tackled related to strengthening the material and technical base of higher education institutions on the basis of which the retraining of teachers of universities and institutes are being conducted.
The courses increased from 144 to 288 hours. So, the creation of conditions are taken into account for better learning by attendees of courses of the curriculum, as well as reinforcing the learnt materials.
– In-depth study of legislation, advances in theory and applied scientific research, technological development and innovation of the disciplines taught, as well as modern methods of organization of educational process;
– A radical renewal of qualification requirements, curricula, programs and methods of retraining and advanced training of teaching staff of higher education institutions in view of the widespread introduction of modern high-performance and innovative educational technologies, and best foreign experience;
– Learning to apply teaching, information and communication technologies, modern innovation implemented in the educational process by university professors, with the use of global network of Internet, multimedia and distance learning methods;
– Improve practical knowledge of teaching staff of higher education institutions of foreign languages and its wide use to hone their professional skills in teaching and research activities.
(Source: «Uzbekistan Today» newspaper)
Tashkent Hosted the First Folk Dance Festival
The capital has hosted the first Festival of Folk Dances ‘Raqs Sehri’ (The Magic of Dance). The distinguishing feature is that amateur dancers participate in the contest along with professionals. Thus, in the category ‘For popularization of national traditions’ the prize went to the ballet dancer at the Muqimiy Uzbek State Music Theater Sanobar Abdukhamidova, while the best team in performing national dance became the representatives of the Korean Cultural Center, the ensemble ‘Sam Diyon.’ Many of the winners are the students at the Tashkent State High School of National Dance and Choreography.
About 200 young talents in the age range 15 to 25 participated in the qualifying. The jurists estimated not only performing but acting skills also, and preservation of the national traditions.
Awarding ceremony was held within the gala concert in the State Conservatory of Uzbekistan.
(Source: IA «Uzbekistan Today»)
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