“Investment portal of Uzbekistan”

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Important Visa Information for Indian Citizens Travelling to Uzbekistan

July 4, 2016


POLItiCs. 1

President of Uzbekistan visits Surkhandarya and Kashkadarya. 1

investments. 4

Modernized Reality. 4

25th Anniversary of Independence of Uzbekistan.. 5

President sets up memorial badge “Ozbekiston Mustaqiligiga 25 yil”. 5

International cooperation.. 5

Protocol on introduction of changes to agreement with Finland came into force. 5

Society.. 6

On celebration of Ramadan Hait 6

Illegal Drugs Incinerated in Tashkent 6


Days of Uzbek Cinema in China. 7





President of Uzbekistan visits Surkhandarya and Kashkadarya

On 30 June, the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Islam Karimov visited Surkhandarya region to evaluate the ongoing social-economic reforms, as well as creative and beautification work in the field.

Similar to other regions, the Surkhandarya region underwent huge updates and transformations over the years of independence. The appearance of towns and villages has radically changed, the standard of living of people has been improved. Surkhandarya, which once was a land only for agricultural products, today the regions is developing its industry direction as well. New enterprises equipped with modern technology are operating throughout the regions, small business and private entrepreneurship are developing.

The results of such huge changes and renewal can be seen in the example of success achieved. In the first quarter of 2016, the growth of the gross regional product amounted to 8.4 percent, industrial production – 7.6, the cultivation of agricultural products – 7.4, construction and contracting jobs – 11.5 percent. As a result of the consistent development of small business and private entrepreneurship, their share in the gross regional product amounted to 57.4 percent. Creating an optimal business environment in the private sector, providing numerous incentives and preferences ensure dynamic development of small business and private entrepreneurship. In the first quarter of current year, there were about five hundred small businesses established in the region. Commercial banks allocated about 180 billion soums (currency rates of CB RU from 04.07.2016, 1$= 2943.46 soums) of loans towards the development of the private sector.

In anticipation of the celebration of the 25th anniversary of the independence of our country, it is planned to implement 241 new projects. LLC “Janub Kuyoshi” of Termez district, where the volume of investments made up 4.2 billion soums, mastered the production of milk powder, cheese and yogurt by processing 1.2 million tons of milk per year. The company “Gold Dried Fruits” at the expense of investments in the amount of three million dollars will commission a line for drying of 30 thousand tons of agricultural products and modern storage.

Islam Karimov’s visit to Termez began with an introduction to the Memory square.

The square, erected in the framework of the implementation of the presidential decree on measures on the further development of road-transport, engineering-communication and social infrastructure covers two hectares, has all the conditions for honoring the memory of ancestors, respect for people of venerable age. Here there is a monument of the Grieving mother. The square is planted with various ornamental trees and flowers. It has ayvans constructed within, special books made of aluminum, where the names of Surhandarya people who were killed in the Second World War are inscribed with golden letters.

The head of state highlighted the importance of this area in enhancing the spirituality of our people, the education of the young generation in the spirit of devotion to the Motherland, respect for national values and traditions.

The successful work on the creation of such complexes is yet another glaring manifestation of the boundless respect for the memory of ancestors, said Islam Karimov. We feel a sense of pride for our fathers and grandfathers, who sacrificed their lives for our peaceful, quiet days, and it is our sacred duty to always remember their glorious names.

The head of our state stressed that for the future livability of this area, giving it even more beauty, it is necessary to plant more trees and flowers, appropriate to climatic conditions. It would be appropriate to create a modern nursery for the cultivation of tulip tree, as these unique trees help cleanse the air, providing a microclimate.

– Old and young visit this area, which has become a comfortable place where we honor the memory of our ancestors and hold various events, – said the Deputy Chairman of the regional branch of the charitable Fund “Mahalla” Orzikul Soatov. – It is important to acknowledge the importance of today’s peaceful days, happy life, especially in the education of the younger generation in the spirit of love to Homeland, devotion to ideas of independence.

Under the leadership of our President, particular attention is being paid to ensuring a decent standard of living of our people, leisure and cultural activities. Built in Termez, beautiful Palace of arts is a prime example.

The construction works must be undertaken in compliance with the requirements of the present day. In this process, it is necessary to carefully work out the project, to choose experienced contractors who can effectively use the modern technology. Importantly, during the construction of these magnificent structures, it is necessary to use modern building materials, to pay particular attention to the modern design. Erected such structures will please not only the present but future generations as well, said Islam Karimov.

Currently, there are more than 12 thousand farms operating in the region. This year, the farmers of the region who grow crops on 98 thousand hectares, have exceeded the contractual obligations to deliver grain. The yield made up 54 quintals per hectare. All agricultural activities are in full swing in the cotton fields. Farms and private household plots grow fruit and vegetable culture, melons, which are supplied to local markets and exported. Over the expired period of this year, the workers of the fields exported fruit and vegetable products worth $27.3 million.

The head of our state visited the farm fields “Yangiarik Pakhtakor” of Termez district, talked to the activists and farmers of the region.

Our President at the meeting with the farmers drew particular attention to the need for effective use of modern technology in the care of crops, the cultivation of promising varieties and further increase their yield, growth of export potential of the region.

For Surkhandarya region this year was very successful, said the President of our country. This can be seen in the fact that farmers of the region raised a huge hirman of 670 thousand tons of grain and one of the first in the country fulfilled contractual obligations.

The members of this farm cultivated grains at 23.5 hectares and gathered a rich harvest. Experienced farmer Ibodulla Davlatov exceeded contractual obligations to deliver grain.

– The farm movement has become the main factor of our prosperous and successful life, – I. Davlatov said. – We see it in a radical change of our life, well-being and prosperity. We build houses, buy cars, arrange weddings for children. We strive to efficiently use every inch of land. We signed a contract on exports of peanut and mung bean. Launched a few days ago electrified railway Angren-PAP has opened up new possibilities to deliver our goods in the Ferghana valley, it has become more affordable. We are immensely grateful to our President – the initiator of the construction of these historic structures.

Islam Karimov visited the complex of Hakim at-Termizi in Termez.

The President gave appropriate recommendations for the restoration of the complex of Hakim at-Termizi, noted the need to use the unique traditions of the oasis and modern architectural styles in this process.

In the second part of the day, the President arrived in Kashkadarya region.

The economic potential of Kashkadarya region has been significantly increased over the years of independence. The initiative of our President contributed to the erection of such modern industries as Shurtan gas chemical complex, unitary subsidiary enterprise “Mubarekneftegaz”, Dehkanabad potash fertilizer plant, Talimarjan thermal power plant. Such joint enterprises as “Gissarneftegas”, “Kokdumalakgaz”, “Shurtangazmakhsulot” has been commissioned.

The gross regional product of the region is consistently increasing. In 2015, this figure rose by 5.4 percent, while in the first quarter of this year, the increase has already made up 5.6 percent.

The decree of the President on the Program for development of the industrial potential of Kashkadarya region in 2013-2016, dated 2 August 2013, brought the development of the region to a new level. The document has become a basis for successful implementation of 598 projects, the establishment of new businesses, and the creation of more than 11 thousand new jobs.

In connection with the 2,700th anniversary of the cities of Karshi and Shakhrisabz, the region has even more changed, became more beautiful and comfortable. This work is continued. The appearance of towns and villages has been radically changed, the standard of living of the population has been improved.

Extensive work is under way in the region on the basis of the decision of the head of state on the prospective development plan of the city of Karshi and the programme for development of modern road-transport communications.

The territory of the Karshi has been expanded from 9 thousand hectares to 17 thousand. New roads and bridges, high-rise buildings, paths and gardens, facilities and services have been built and constructed.

The new 56-kilometer ring road is being built in the region, in order to improve the road transport infrastructure. 6 modern overpasses and bridges are being erected tt the intersections of streets, railways and rivers. This will ensure the purity of urban air quality and increase traffic safety.

The President of our country visited the totally reconstructed Karshi railway station.

Implemented in accordance with the decree of the President the project “Electrification of the railway section Marakand-Karshi” is another vivid example of special attention of our country to the development of transport infrastructure. The section of the railway line Marakand-Karshi with the length of nearly 141 km, in accordance with the decree is now fully electrified.

On the eve of the 24th anniversary of independence, high-speed train “Afrosiyob” on August 22, 2015, made its first trip to Karshi.

The President of our country, inspecting the station building gave relevant recommendations for further improvement of its appearance, the design of the portal buildings with traditional Kashkadarya ornament, creating a more comfortable environment for passengers.

Islam Karimov visited the Central stadium “Nasaf”.

This stadium with a capacity of 16 thousand spectators complies with international standards. It can host competitions at national and international level.

Islam Karimov gave the necessary recommendations for the reconstruction of the stadium, further improving conditions and facilities for athletes and spectators, strengthening the security measures

The President of our country visited the chimes, constructed at the intersections of streets Mustakillik and Uzbekistan.

Chimes, with almost 30-meter in height, is decorated white marble in the national style. A large-scale construction and repair work has been done in order to create convenience and safety of pedestrians and vehicles.

Most of our country’s cities are ancient, but in spite of this, they have a modern look. Each city is distinguished by its unique originality. Based on this, each city should have such unique squares that cannot be found in any other place. Such chimes and the area around it form the unique appearance of Karshi, said Islam Karimov. In the implementation of design works and construction of roads and buildings, it is necessary to take into account the prospects of development of the city.

The head of our state visited the alley at Mustakillik street.

In order to create even more convenience for residents and guests of the city, providing microclimate, the square has modern fountains of different shapes and sizes. They create a pleasant coolness, in the evenings they shimmer with a colorful backlight. According to experts, out of 50 fountains planned to be built in Karshi, 28 of them are already functioning.

The President gave the necessary recommendations for further improvement of the image of the city, creating more comfortable conditions for recreation, beautification and landscaping.

During the last year a trip to Kashkadarya region, Islam Karimov gave the necessary recommendations for the reconstruction of the historic bridge of Amir Temur, the transformation of Kashkadarya riverbank into a recreation area.

Since that time, this area saw large-scale creative and beautification works. The Bridge of Amir Temur has been reconstructed on the basis of modern requirements. Three new dams were put into commission on the Kashkadarya river. A beautiful alley has been erected were old buildings once stood. As for kids, they now have the opportunity to play at modern park amusements. In addition, 14 cottages, 4 cafe-bars, playgrounds, 4 sports fields with artificial turf have been built. The landscaped area covered 24 hectares, more than 4 thousand of decorative trees and shrubs have been planted.

The President of our country inspected this bridge and alley.

In the period of the former regime, Kashkadarya region was one of the backward regions. People were depressed, dissatisfied with their lives. At that time, being the head of the region, I often used to listen to people’s problems, to see lots of people with bitterness and resentment saying: “When will our life improve, when will we see the real life?”. And now, those long-awaited days have come. Due to the independence, the selfless work of our people, our country is becoming more beautiful and comfortable, people are happy with their lives, confident in the future. Modern conditions created today are the practical embodiment of our lofty goal – we do not inferior to anyone in anything and will not concede, said Islam Karimov.

The head of state gave the necessary guidelines for the consistent continuation of work on construction and landscaping, to further improving the look of Karshi, creating even more convenience for people.



Modernized Reality

Uzbekistan intends to carry out 846 new investment projects totaling more than $40 billion under the program on implementation of structural reforms, modernization and diversification of production by end of 2019. This is just a part of a huge complex of ongoing measures on the development of the real economy. The Head of the Central Administration of Uzbekistan’s Ministry of Economy, Otabek Sharipov, has provided more details about plans and prospects of development of domestic industry.

“The key long-term objective of the Uzbek economic policy comes to the creation of a competitive, sustainable and structurally balanced economy through the development of breakthrough industries with comparative advantages in the formation of long-term raw material processing chain, strengthening of resource saving and innovative factors for the advanced development of high-tech manufacturing industries that provide the increase of products with high added value.

The localization of industrial production is the pivotal component of industrial development in Uzbekistan. More than 2,600 projects totaling $5.5 billion have been implemented since the adoption of the localization program in 2000. Industrial enterprises have developed the production of over 5,000 kinds of the products that annually substitute imports of their counterparts worth $7 billion. In the last two years alone, the localization of production has allowed to completely stop imports in 97 product groups, and more than twice reduce imports of products in 306 positions.

Development of intra- and inter-industrial cooperation has also contributed to the establishment of preferential treatment in contract system when placing orders for the purchase of domestic products in the framework of the annual International Industrial Fair and Cooperation Exchange. For example, during the last year’s fair, Uzbekistan concluded more than 13,300 contracts for the delivery of products totaling 11.9 trillion soums (currency rates of CB RU from 04.07.2016, 1$= 2943.46 soums) this year, which exceeded the outcomes of the previous fair by 38%. Of these, more than 2.1 trillion soums were contracted for the purchase of previously imported products, which, according to estimates, should reduce imports of industries for the main production at $637.5 million in 2016.

Today, Uzbekistan is developing long-term programs of industrial development by 2030, providing for an accelerated scale up of manufacturing industries based on the implementation of investment projects on enhanced 3-4-stage processing of raw materials and the production of finished products with high added value.

The country has all the prerequisites to ensure the three times increase of production of petrochemical and chemical products, to establish the production of new types of complex polymers, olefins, synthetic rubber, synthetic fiber, aromatic hydrocarbons and other high-tech products, complex mineral fertilizers on the basis of enhanced diversification of production, as well as a wide range of the chemicals that are demanded in other sectors.

There are real opportunities to increase the production in mechanical engineering and electrical engineering by 3.7 times, pharmaceutical – by almost 10 times, food industry – 5 times, the construction materials industry – by 4 times.

Implementation of the abovementioned programs opens up broad prospects for joint investment cooperation between foreign companies in the implementation of the whole range of investment projects. Undoubtedly, the focus will be retained on streamlining the industries that push the progressive development of the national economy, and on the fulfillment of the target goal that was put forward by the country’s leadership – to not less than double the gross domestic product, achieve the accelerated growth of the industry through radical structural reforms and bring its share in GDP to 40% by 2030.”

(Source: «Uzbekistan Today» newspaper)

25th Anniversary of Independence of Uzbekistan

President sets up memorial badge “Ozbekiston Mustaqiligiga 25 yil”

President of Uzbekistan set up memorial badge “Ozbekiston Mustaqiligiga 25 yil” (25 years to Independence of Uzbekistan”.

The badge was instituted in connection with the 25th anniversary of Uzbekistan’s Independence and to encourage citizens, who contributed to strengthening independence, improving economic, political, social, scientific, spiritual potential and defense power of Uzbekistan, etc.

The citizens of Uzbekistan and foreigners, who represent various spheres of social-economic life, can be awarded with the badge.


International cooperation

Protocol on introduction of changes to agreement with Finland came into force

A protocol on introduction of changes to the agreement between Uzbekistan and Finland on avoiding double taxation and preventing evasion from payment of income tax came into force on 3 July 2016.

The agreement was signed on 9 April 1998. The protocol to the agreement was inked in March 2016 in Helsinki.

The Protocol envisages introduction of new provisions to the agreement, aimed at increasing the effective mechanisms of information exchange in taxation to prevent tax evasion and provide practical assistance when they are levied.

The international agreement will strengthen bilateral cooperation in the fight against tax offenses and to ensure compliance with the tax laws of the two countries.



On celebration of Ramadan Hait

President of Uzbekistan Islam Karimov signed a resolution “On celebration of Ramadan Hait” on 1 July, in line with which 6 July is announced as holiday in Uzbekistan.

The document was adopted taking into account role and importance of Eid ul-Fitr in spiritual life of Uzbekistan, preserving and praising national-spiritual values.

According to the document, first day of Eid ul-Fitr, marking the end of Ramadan month, falls to 6 July. In order to mark the holiday widely, Uzbek leader announced 6 July as holiday in Uzbekistan.

The resolution entrusted national funds Nuroniy and Makhalla, as well as other public structure organize celebrations in high level.


Illegal Drugs Incinerated in Tashkent

The destruction of another batch of drugs seized by law enforcement in the fight against drug trafficking was held in Tashkent.

1,438 kilograms of narcotics were destroyed during the event, held as part of the month of the fight against drugs.

Taking part in the event were officials of relevant agencies, representatives of international organizations, diplomatic corps, public organizations and mass media.

“Uzbekistan has been carrying out consistent measures to prevent illicit trafficking of narcotic drugs,” said regional representative of the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime in Central Asia Ashita Mittal. “Preventive activities on the introduction of healthy lifestyles deserve special attention. We are satisfied with our cooperation with Uzbekistan, and the positive results of this partnership.”

As a result of law enforcement agencies’ operative work more than 6.6 thousand drug-related crimes were revealed in 2015, according to Information and Analytical Center on Drug Control under the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic. Half of them is associated with the sale of drugs, the rest – with drug-trafficking, cultivation of narcotic plants and other types of drug-related crimes.

Two and half tons of drugs were withdrawn from illegal circulation last year in this country. These primarily include heroin, opium, hashish, marijuana, and kuknor.

Oftentimes criminals try to bring drugs into our country via Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan. There are cases of attempted importation of drugs across the Amu Darya River into the Surkhondarya region, in the south-east – into Samarkand and Syrdarya regions, in the north-east – into Ferghana Valley and Tashkent region. There were 138 foreign nationals among those detained in Uzbekistan in 2015 for crimes related with drug-trafficking. 364 kilograms of drugs, more than 1,400 tablets of psychotropic substances and other drugs were seized from them.

The Office of the General Prosecutor of the Republic had investigated more than 4.5 thousand criminal cases related to trafficking of narcotic drugs, which were then examined by the courts.

Uzbekistan authorities exchange information on the situation with drugs with the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, OSCE, SCO, the coordinating structures of the Russian Federation and Central Asian countries.

In 1994, Uzbekistan introduced the practice of burning drugs, recognized by the courts as evidence, in special furnaces. About 55.5 tons of drugs have been destroyed in Uzbekistan during the past period.

(Source: «Uzbekistan Today» newspaper)


Days of Uzbek Cinema in China

Days of Uzbek Cinema held in the Chinese cities of Beijing, Shanghai and Xian. The event was organized by the “Uzbekkino” National Cinema Agency together with the State Administration of Press, Publication, Radio, Film and Television of the People’s Republic of China (SAPPRFT), the Embassy of the Republic of Uzbekistan in China.

At the opening session, General Director of the “Uzbekkino” National Cinema Agency Atabek Musaev, head of the State Administration of Press, Publication, Radio, Film and Television of the People’s Republic of China (SAPPRFT) Zhang Hongsen, President of the company “China Film Promotion International (CFPI)” Mr. Wang Feng and others noted that relations between Uzbekistan and China have been developed in all directions, including in the field of culture and art.

The agreements reached during meetings of the of the two states serve as an important legal basis for further development of mutually beneficial cooperation. In particular, State visits by the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Islam Karimov to the People’s Republic of China on September 2-3, 2015, and the President of the People’s Republic of China Xi Jinping on June 21-22 this year to our country are important in enriching bilateral relationship, in particular, the further development of cooperation in the cultural, humanitarian sphere.

The years of Independence marked the beginning of a new milestone in the development of national cinema. The legal frameworks, conditions for free creative work, reflecting life of our people and the country’s development have been created. There has been an increase in the number of film studios, the level of produced films has also increased. Together with foreign filmmakers, including Chinese, many joint projects are implemented, as well as active exchange of experience is established.

Culture and art have always preserved to strengthen the friendship between the peoples. In China, art lovers with great interest met the exhibitions of Uzbek artists, film festivals, concerts, and Days of Chinese Cinema held in Uzbekistan, art exhibitions, dedicated to the works of masters of brush of Celestial Empire, a variety of cultural and educational activities – have further strengthened cooperation between the two countries.

Days of Uzbek Cinema, held in China – is another clear indication of the centuries-old ties of friendship between the peoples of Uzbekistan and China. Since our country gained independence, these relations were enriched with new content and continually strengthened.

The program of the Days of Uzbek Cinema includes the best films of Uzbek cinematography, reflecting the national distinctiveness and originality. The festival began with the showing of the film “The Life”, shot by director Yolkin Tuychiev.

Also, the festival program included such films as “The Well,” “Conscience,” “Father,” “Magic Hat” shot by domestic filmmakers. They reflect the rich traditions of modern film art of Uzbekistan, top priorities of the national and world cinematography, inherent in our people high spirituality. These films will introduce Chinese moviegoers with a way of life, traditions and customs, the mentality of the Uzbek people, as they serve to form in people such noble qualities as love of Motherland, the ability to appreciate and cherish peace and tranquility, kindness and mercy, generosity.

Within the framework of the festival, are held discussions with a number of ministries and departments of China in order to further strengthen ties, creation of joint films, modernization, technical and technological re-equipment of sphere.

(Source: UzA)


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