July 4, 2014
Uzbekistan is preparing to celebrate 23rd Anniversary of independence. 2
Commercial banks invest 569bn soums to insolvent enterprises. 2
Investment projects in the textile industry of Uzbekistan. 3
the International Uzbek Cotton and Textile Fair.. 3
Trade turnover between Poland and Uzbekistan makes u US$173m in 2013. 4
Tashkent introduces system on remote monitoring of public transport movement4
Uzbekistan is preparing to celebrate 23rd Anniversary of independence
President of Uzbekistan Islam Karimov signed a Resolution on July 1 “On preparation and celebration of 23rd anniversary of the state independence of the Republic of Uzbekistan”.
The Resolution notes that in preparation for and holding of our dearest holiday, the focus should be on implementation of appropriate outreach activities to raise awareness among the population and inform the international community on the essence and significance of ongoing fundamental reforms in Uzbekistan, huge successes and milestones achieved for the last period in building a new, democratic state and civil society.
Along with this, it is of great importance the wide coverage of the stable and dynamic development of Uzbekistan, the significant successes achieved in all areas, that have been recognized by the international community, comprehensive informing about the growing potential of our country, its growing influence in the international arena, and certainly on key factors of success, which primarily include the shift in vision and thinking, increased political culture and civic position of our countrymen.
In accordance with these tasks, it has been instructed to approve the composition of the Republican Commission on preparation and holding of the 23rd anniversary of the state independence of the Republic of Uzbekistan and in a week’s time to develop a program of organizational-practical, cultural, educational and outreach activities that embody the noble idea of ”I love You, You are so dear to me, my Uzbekistan!”
The Council of Ministers of the Republic of Karakalpakstan, Tashkent city and regional administrations, the Women’s Committee, Kamolot public youth movement, the funds Nuroniy and Mahalla are instructed to create local territorial commissions for the preparation and holding of Independence Day with the aim of organizing this work at a high level, to develop plans of appropriate measures to be included in the national program.
According to the Resolution, for the preparation of holiday programs in the city of Tashkent, the Republic of Karakalpakstan and regions highly skilled professionals will be involved to organize mass performances – screenplay writers and directors, writers, composers, choreographers, artists and designers and talented young artists.
Ministry of Culture and Sports, Uzbeknavo together with the Unions of writers and composers are instructed to hold the final stage of the traditional republican contest “Yagonasan, Muqaddas Vatan!” Winners of the competition shall be declared on the eve of Independence Day.
In addition, the Uzbek Agency for Press and Information, Ministry of Culture and Sports in collaboration with the Union of Writers of Uzbekistan, Creative Union of Journalists, Uzbek Academy of Arts, Tasviriy Oyina and other relevant organizations are instructed to hold at high-level of such contests as “Eng ulug, Ang Aziz”, “Vatan uchun yashaylik”, “Seni kuylaymiz, zamondosh”, “Ranglar zhilosida – ona Diyor” in late August.
(Source: UzReport)
Commercial banks invest 569bn soums to insolvent enterprises
Commercial banks of Uzbekistan invested 569.1 billion soums soum (Currency rates of CB from 04.07.2014 1$=2308.39soums).
to rehabilitation of bankrupt and insolvent enterprises.
According to the Central Bank of Uzbekistan, in line with the presidential decree “On measures on further increasing financial sustainability of enterprises of real sector of economy” from 18 November 2008, the commercial banks acquired 173 bankrupt or insolvent enterprises.
These enterprises were re-equipped with modern technologies, which allow them to produce competitive products in internal and external markets.
The commercial banks directed investments for 569.1 billion soums to rehabilitate these enterprises, the Central Bank said.
In the result, these enterprises produced goods for 2.78 trillion soums and exported products for US$728.5 million.
According to latest data, about 116 enterprises were realized to new owners. These companies created new 20,000 new jobs.
(Source: UzDaily.com)
Investment projects in the textile industry of Uzbekistan
The managing office of UzPahtaSanoat (Cotton Industry Company) held an expanded meeting on the progress of execution of investment projects.
At the meeting were present the representatives of the Cabinet of Ministers, Ministry of Economy, the State Competition Committee, O’zbekYengilSanoat, commercial banks, HlopkoProm Board Chairmen, involved in the projects implementation, as well as potential investors and members of the projecting and construction companies.
As we know, one of the top priorities of economic program, approved by the President of Uzbekistan for 2014, is the commissioning of high-tech and modern industrial facilities, growth and improvement of the investment process.
As it was noted at the meeting, 22 textile and light industry objects are to be commissioned. The total cost of these projects exceeds $100 million. The establishment of these enterprises will create more than 3.6 thousand jobs.
However, major projects of textile complexes that combine spinning, weaving and garment factories are planned for the years 2015-2016. Most of preparatory and projecting work on these projects has already been completed. All the necessary projecting and construction documents have been prepared, the necessary permits obtained, feasibility studies prepared with the last step of obtaining loans from commercial banks remaining.
The current problems were also considered at the meeting with measures taken to resolve them.
(Source: UzReport.uz)
the International Uzbek Cotton and Textile Fair
Tashkent Awaits Guests
Traditionally, the capital of Uzbekistan becomes a kind of a global center of cotton and textile industries in October, holding the International Uzbek Cotton and Textile Fair.
This year, the organizers of the fair expect a substantial growth in the number participants and agreements concluded, and there are several reasons for this. Uzbekistan is not only one of the world’s major exporters of cotton and textiles, but also a leader in cotton genetics innovations. It was Uzbekistan, for instance, where the technology of cotton gene knockout improving cotton yield, shortening cotton ripening period and improving cotton quality was developed. It is unique in terms of a number of cotton characteristics improved, while earlier, genetic modifications made to improve the quality of cotton, for instance, affected the ripening period negatively, and the other way round.
Annually, hundreds of experts and businesspeople from all over the world visit the fair to familiarize themselves with the achievements of Uzbekistan’s cotton growers, breeders and industrialists. While the first fair was attended by 170 representatives of industrial and commercial companies from 30 countries, last year over a thousand of such guests from 40 countries visited it. It resulted in concluding agreements to purchase over 680,000 tons of Uzbek cotton and over $1 billion worth of Uzbek textile products. In 2012, Uzbekistan had sold 670,000 tons of cotton and $600 million worth of textile products.
These figures prove the country’s working strategy to increase its cotton production, number of textile manufacture facilities and textile exports. In the 1990s, only around 7% of the total cotton crop was processed in the country. In 2013, this percentage reached 40%. Under the national textile and light industry development program for 2015 – 2020, over 80 projects are to be implemented in Uzbekistan. Their total cost is to exceed $1 billion. The projects will allow for processing over 60% of the local cotton crops and increase the country’s textile exports by over 1.8 times.
(Source: “Uzbekistan Today” newspaper)
international cooperation
Trade turnover between Poland and Uzbekistan makes u US$173m in 2013
Trade turnover between Poland and Uzbekistan made u US$173 million in 2013, the Department on assisting trade and investment of Poland Embassy in Tashkent said.
According to the department, the Polish-Uzbek trade turnover has been growing. If the trade turnover was US$99 million in 2009, the figure made up over US$173 million in 2013.
The exports of Poland to Uzbekistan rose from US$69.2 million in 2009 to US$148 million in 2013, which rose by 15% compared to 2012.
If four goods accounted about 80% of all exports of Poland to Uzbekistan in 2009, share of cattle in exports of Poland to Uzbekistan was 29%, chemical products – 18%.
The volume of exports of mineral products, plant seeds and other goods increased. The exports of machinery and equipment, as well as ready goods to Uzbekistan fell. Overall, Poland exported 20 types of goods to Uzbekistan.
Last year, Uzbekistan exported products from cotton, textile goods, share of which made up 34% of total imports of Poland from Uzbekistan. Mineral products accounted 32% of imports of Poland, chemical products – 21%. Uzbekistan exports 12 types of goods to Poland and this number is growing each year.
The Department on assisting trade and investment of Poland Embassy in Tashkent plays key role in expanding trade-economic relations between two states. The Department regularly hold various events to promote trade-economic cooperation between Uzbekistan and Poland. Several projects were implemented in last several years.
The head of the Department on assisting trade and investment of Poland Embassy in Tashkent Slawomir Strzalkowski said he worked in Uzbekistan for six years and soon his mission in Uzbekistan will end.
Strzalkowski said it was important six years in his life. He familiarized with the country and worked efficiently. Huge work were done to boost Polish-Uzbek economic relations.
(Source: “UzDaily.com”)
Tashkent introduces system on remote monitoring of public transport movement
Tashkent is introducing a system on remote monitoring of public transport movement. The system was introduced to 134 buses and 12 microbuses in Tashkent, deputy chairperson of the board and head engineer of Toshshahartranshizmat Mirhosil Holmatov told in interview to UzA.
He said that the system allows to locate vehicles and show them in map, monitor their movement and speed violations. He said that it allows dispatchers to communicate with the drivers and inform them about their violations.
Currently, about 134 buses of Mercedes-Benz and Isuzu models, running on 13 bus routes, and 12 microbuses of Foton and Iveco models, have this system and it is planned to install it to all public transport by the end of 2014, he added.
The users can monitor movement of the buses via the website www.via.uz. The system helps dispatchers to react emergency situations on roads in time and balance bus movements.
(Source: UzDaily.com)