July 7, 2015
Uzbekistan – India: cooperation based on mutual interest 2
free industrial economic zone “Navoi”. 3
New Uzbek-British JV to produce mobile phones in the FIEZ “Navoi”. 3
Uzbekistan Introduces a GPS Cargo Tracking System.. 4
Uzbek media have marked their professional holiday. 4
Judoka from Uzbekistan wins a bronze medal in the Grand Prix in Mongolia. 7
Uzbekistan – India: cooperation based on mutual interest
At the invitation of President of Uzbekistan Islam Karimov the Prime Minister of the Republic of India Narendra Modi on July 6 pays an official visit to our country.
Constructiveness of consequentially developing Uzbek-Indian relations is largely predetermined by the high level of mutual understanding and trust between the special two friendly nations, traditionally associated with strong historical and cultural ties and spiritual communion.
New chronicle of relations between our countries is inseparable from the history of independence of Uzbekistan. India is one of the first countries to recognize the state sovereignty of our country. The protocol on establishment of diplomatic relations was signed on March 18, 1992 in Tashkent.
Over the years, between our republics established a solid legal framework, which includes about 80 interstate, intergovernmental, interdepartmental documents.
A significant milestone in the development of bilateral relations was the state visit of President Islam Karimov to India in May 2011, which gave the Uzbek-Indian cooperation qualitatively new meaning. Following the negotiations a joint statement was adopted.
A regular political consultations between the foreign ministries of the two countries are also an important mechanism contributing to the promotion of the Uzbek-Indian comprehensive partnership. This interaction is the foundation of political dialogue, the two countries successfully develop in the framework of international and regional organizations, primarily the UN.
One of the important directions of the Uzbek-Indian relations is the expansion of trade and economic cooperation. The sides have a good practice, the implementation of equal and mutually beneficial partnership, which has become an effective mechanism established in 1992 an intergovernmental commission (IGC). In total over the past years ten meetings of the IGC have been held.
At the present time between the two countries operate favorable treatment in mutual trade. Trade turnover between Uzbekistan and India in the last year amounted to 315.9 million USD.
Today, in our country 23 Indian companies accredited, which operating in different spheres of production. In addition, in Uzbekistan there are 77 enterprises with Indian investments, including 11 – with 100% foreign capital.
It should also be emphasized that in order to further strengthen relations in the textile industry in 2012 in Tashkent and in 2013 in New Delhi held session of the Uzbek-Indian joint working group on textiles.
Another promising area of cooperation is tourism, which favors the development of a number of factors, including the presence of unique natural, historical and cultural monuments on the territory of Uzbekistan.
The most important vector of the bilateral cooperation is a partnership in the cultural field. This aspect is particularly important in terms of the interaction of existing traditions of Uzbek and Indian people who have a lot of historical and cultural communities. In this regard, the person Zahiriddin Muhammad Babur, who left a deep mark in the annals of the two states is the most important link in the Uzbek-Indian relations.
Uzbekistan and India have a positive experience of cooperation in improving education, health, human resources development. Within the framework of the Indian program of technical and economic assistance (ITEC) a number of Uzbek specialists had training courses in prestigious higher educational institutions of India in areas such as information technology, water management, banking, hospitality and more.
In April 2006, Uzbek-Indian center of information technologies named after Jawaharlal Nehru opened in Tashkent. In January 2011, in Delhi, the I session of the Uzbek-Indian joint working group on information technologies was held.
From 40-s years of XX century Tashkent State Institute of Oriental Studies taught Hindi. It is noteworthy that in 2014 for his contribution to the promotion of Hindi abroad professor of this university Ozod Shamatov was awarded an international prize named after Dr. George Grierson. The capital of Uzbekistan has 2 schools teaching this language. The University “Jamia Millia Islamia” in Delhi are the courses of the Uzbek language.
Cultural figures of the two countries regularly participate in various thematic events, exhibitions of works of applied and fine arts, film festivals and music festivals. For example, in 2013 an Indian singer Rashmi Agarwal became the owner of the Grand Prix of the traditional International Music Festival “Sharq taronalari” in Samarkand.
Communications and in the field of sport noticeably activated. In India, created and operates the National Association of Kurash.
Demonstrating commitment to the centuries-old traditions of friendly relations, today Uzbekistan and India are showing their mutual interest to bring inter-state partnership to a qualitatively new frontiers.
Thus, the upcoming Tashkent summit talks can be viewed primarily as a clear demonstration of the existing mutual interest and willingness of the parties to the development of traditional cooperation, built on the principles of equality, respect and mutual benefit.
(Source: IA “Jahon”)
Gifts of the Uzbek Land
The O’zpharmsanoat Company has launched a project on the creation of a network of pharmaceutical plants on the production of medicines based on the therapeutic properties of local herbs.
It is planned to build a plant in each region. The project is supported by the National Program on the development of production of medicinal products on the basis of local medicinal plants. It is envisaged to lay special plantations on 10 million hectares. The plants will grow in 5-10 farms in each region. They will be entrusted with harvesting herbs and delivering them to the pharmaceutical plants, which will start the manufacture of a wide range of drugs.
The program is designed for three years. However, by the end of 2015 and early next year, it is envisaged to launch several pharmaceutical factories and start a full-scale production of unique drugs.
(Source: «Uzbekistan Today» newspaper)
free industrial economic zone “Navoi”
New Uzbek-British JV to produce mobile phones in the FIEZ “Navoi”
FE LLC «Infinity Electronics» and the British company «Wynex Innovation LLP» established a joint venture LLC «Samrt Communications» in the free industrial economic zone (FIEZ) “Navoi”.
The JV has been established for the realization of the investment project on organization of production of mobile phones in the capacity of 200 thousand pieces annually. For this purpose the founders of the joint venture will invest $ 2.0 million.
(Source: UzReport.uz)
Uzbekistan Introduces a GPS Cargo Tracking System
Quite soon Uzbekistan is going to introduce a tracking system of transit cargo transported in vehicles on the territory of the republic.
Legal entities performing services for monitoring of mobile objects with the use of GPS will be entrusted to carry out the implementation of cargo tracking system. Further, all information about the vehicles should be directed to the State Customs Service at no charge.
Besides, a draft resolution provides the establishment of the dispatch center at the State Customs Committee for the implementation of control and monitoring of movements of vehicles transporting cargo through the territory of Uzbekistan with the use of GPS.
Vehicles with GPS tracking system are subject for exemption from physical customs escort. A draft resolution was developed by the State Customs Committee.
Source: IA «Uzbekistan Today»)
Uzbek media have marked their professional holiday.
In today’s world information is likely as marketable as gold, oil and other resources. That is why journalism has long turned into a competitive environment that provides no place to unprofessionalism. At the same time, the media is not just an informer, but a kind of a shield that shapes the national security. The situation in certain countries clearly shows that the protection and preservation of the information space from the external domination is getting into an important global issue on the background of looming threats. The President of Uzbekistan emphasized this issue in his congratulatory message to the media workers, stressing the importance of the work of journalists in the face of escalating threats and challenges to our spiritual peace.
Today, the globe lives in a new information age brought about by a technological boom. Under such circumstances, the influence of information on all aspects of society life is obvious, and is intensifying day by day. It is not just shaping the agenda in a certain country, but is erasing the borders and boundaries throughout the world. Experts say that the mankind has opened a sort of a ‘Pandora’s Box’, setting free a gin of globalization, which has saddled modern information and communication technologies. As a result, we are facing the transformation of the global media, which have been forced to change, following the demands of the times and consumers. It has started with online versions of traditional publications, proceeding with separate network information resources. The evolution of television and radio broadcasting has entered the next level, digital television, which, in turn, has paved the way to online radio and online broadcasting.
People have received the chance to live in step with the times in various parts of the world. IPTV, all kinds of video hostings like Youtube, social networks of Facebook, Twitter and others are currently at the height of popularity. This all has influenced the development of pluralism and freedom of speech as key components of democracy. On the other hand, the vast opportunities have been actively used by all sorts of destructive forces for their own purposes. The global network has been increasingly filled with the content of terrorist, nationalist and extremist nature. No one can argue that all high-profile terrorist acts of the 21st century were committed with the active use of information technologies. This fact has caused concern in many countries.
As emphasized by Islam Karimov in his congratulatory message to the media workers, we have to always keep in mind that we live in the 21st century – in a rapidly changing and inconsistent time, which is constantly challenging with new and sometimes extremely complicated problems that we have previously never encountered.
“It’s no secret that in the face of increasing globalization, different events and phenomena occurring in a certain corner of the globe, get an immediate response in the other part. Naturally, that challenges all of us with the modern knowledge, high intellectual potential, perfect performance in information and communication technologies and foreign languages, in short, that requires a continuous training, skills and professionalism,” he said.
Many countries realize that they underestimate the threat posed by destructive forces that use advanced opportunities of mass media. For example, the so-called terrorist organization of Islamic State has been actively using the modern advantages of media for the negative influence on the spirituality of the youth, recruit, or impart new and alien values. They threaten young people from all over the world, regardless of race, sex or nationality.
In this context, shaping of the national information security with the leading role of the domestic mass media is seen as highly relevant. Islam Karimov touched upon this issue as well.
“Our history clearly demonstrates that throughout the centuries the Uzbek people have been preserving as the apple of the eye such wonderful human features as humanism, kindness and compassion, magnanimity and generosity, and passing them to new generations.
I believe, these noble features, which have been helping our people and the country to overcome various troubles and misfortunes, giving strength and confidence throughout the millennia, and enriching our lives today, will remain relevant for the domestic media, and never lose their value and importance. I see the preservation of spirituality primarily as the preservation of humanity, and human beings. We must never forget this truth, especially in the current conditions of growing threats and challenges against our spiritual world,” stressed the head of the state.
Meanwhile, it is important to understand that information security issues are specific to the Central Asian region. Uzbekistan borders with the hotbed of instability in Afghanistan, which is torn by internal conflicts, driven by religious extremism, drug trafficking and various external forces. On this background, different forces attempt to destabilize the situation in Central Asia. The President of Uzbekistan has repeatedly pointed out to the complicated situation in his speeches at the highest international rostrums. He always drew attention to the fact that a destructive idea can be countered solely by a creative idea, powered by the spearhead of the mass media, which is called upon to shape the values of democracy, tolerance, political and civic involvement, a sense of belonging to the fate of the motherland.
According to Islam Karimov, perhaps, Uzbekistan still lags behind the developed countries from the economic point of view, but we have every reason to believe that we are ahead of them in terms of spirituality.
“If today, we carefully preserve this unique heritage that allows us living with confidence, with a sense of pride and dignity, if we pass it on to our young people who would perceive it with their mind and heart, is we raise our dear children as comprehensively advanced personalities in the spirit of national and universal values, then we will surely create a strong foundation for our tomorrow, our future,” was the strategic address of the President to the media workers.
It is indisputable that, once entering our lives, information technologies would obviously intensively develop with the years to come. This suggests that information security will retain its relevance. No country in the world is capable to address this problem alone, but through their joint efforts. However, until now, the world has not yet developed a global solution that would tackle the problem of information security. It is perhaps time to consolidate efforts and work together to develop certain mechanisms to address this controversial issue. Uzbekistan has gained certain experience in overall support of the domestic media in their quest for self-improvement.
As noted by the President of Uzbekistan, not only life has been radically changing, but the people themselves, their spiritual and inner world, their life needs and the attitude to what is happening around.
“I think there is no need to remind once again that in the rapidly changing and complicated environment the media can operate effectively only when each worker is deeply aware of this truth. In this context, if we compare the life and outlook of our present time compatriots and the people of the 90s, you can see a huge difference between them as between heaven and earth.
It goes without saying that the new era we are living in, and the new social relations entrust the media with a highly relevant and important task of meeting the requirements of our rapidly developing society, openly addressing the issues of the people’s concern, searching and finding answers to them, and shaping public opinion,” said Islam Karimov.
These tasks are surely unfeasible without technological and legal foundation, without human resources. Therefore, much has been done over the years of independence to strengthen these fields. There are many examples proving the strengthened role and influence of the media on the implementation of democratic reforms, strengthening of their legal and logistical capacity, enhancement of their independence, social status and image of the profession of a journalist, financial and moral stimulation of media workers.
Over the years of independence the number of media outlets in Uzbekistan has increased by 3.6 times and exceeded 1,400. Their logistical capacity has been dramatically improved. Online journalism has been dynamically developing along with the traditional media. In the past five years the number of online media has doubled and exceeded 300, contributing to dramatic changes and enrichment of the Uzbek national information space.
Nearly a dozen of laws on mass media have been approved in the last years. Certain legislative acts have been amended correspondingly. Expert circles are currently discussing three more important bills that are expected to bring the media to a new level. Over the past seven years the Government Budget has allocated about 13 billion soums of loans, social orders and state grants for the development of the sector (currency rates of CB RU from 07.07.2015 1$= 2560.42 soums ).
Only four television channels were broadcast in Uzbekistan some 25 years ago, while today there are 66 television and 34 radio channels, suggesting a steadily growing effectiveness of the electronic media networks and their share in the overall structure of the sector. The program of transition to digital broadcasting has been in progress. To date, about 54% of Uzbekistan’s population already watches TV in a new quality standard.
Another 84 high power transmitters are being installed this year, thus ensuring 100 percent coverage of all the regions of the country with digital television. The total daily airtime of the TV channels under the National Television and Radio Company of Uzbekistan makes up 520 hours, against the recent 24 hours. Uzbek TV programs are broadcast via satellite in more than 100 countries, contributing to introducing the ancient history, rich culture of Uzbekistan, and its progress to the world community.
Being an important factor for the formation of civil society, nongovernmental mass media hold a significant place in our life: nearly 60% of print media, 67% TV and radio channels, and 95% online editions of the country are nongovernmental.
It is important to realize that mass media rank among the major mechanisms for promoting the republic in the international arena. With this in mind, the domestic media should intensively introduce international standards in their work, and occupy an appreciable place in the global arena.
Considerable breakthroughs come to online publications. As noted by many international experts, they are by far superior to their counterparts in other countries of Central Asia, thus pulling ahead all other kinds of mass media.The work on advancing skills of the media workers deserves a special mention. Training seminars and workshops with the involvement of the big-name media companies have been regularly organized for media workers. Over 650 employees of the domestic media advanced their qualifications and skills last year alone; many of them underwent training abroad. “When we ask ourselves: ‘What we were yesterday, and who we have become today, what new frontiers we should achieve tomorrow?’ I think we are all well aware that it relates first of all to you, to the dedicated media professionals in your constant creative search. Much has been done in our country to train a new generation of journalists, skilled reviewers and reporters. The recent construction of a new state-of-the-art building of the Journalism Department of the National University of Uzbekistan has been the next step in this direction. Its good logistical capacity and infrastructure provides conditions for the profound study of the profession, information and communication technologies and foreign languages, which would enhance the intellectual and creative potential of the country’s journalists,” said Islam Karimov. It is vital that every journalist clearly realize their responsibility for every view they express, because the report will be listened to, read or watched by millions of people. This is especially true when it comes to critical reports. Writing problem stuff and shooting it in primetime is far not the ultimate goal of journalists, since the public control by the media is about not just revealing gaps, but, above all, consolidating the wider community to address an issue. The educational thrust of the media and enhancement of the legal competence of the population is assigned a responsible part in this regard. As noted by President Islam Karimov, the country relies primarily on journalists, their knowledge, experience, professional skills and civic position when addressing key and pressing challenges facing our society. Therefore, dear colleagues, it is vital to justify the credibility of the society and the people…
(Source: «Uzbekistan Today» newspaper)
Judoka from Uzbekistan wins a bronze medal in the Grand Prix in Mongolia
The final day of the Grand Prix in Ulaanbaatar crowned with the success for the Uzbek judoka. The winner of the bronze medal in the weight category up to 90 kg became the silver medalist of the tournament Grand Slam Moscow 2013, silver medalist of the Grand Prix in Tashkent in 2013 Erkin Donierov.
Among the 16 judokas, who also fought in this weight category, Doniyorov was third, having successfully defeated in the opening round the athlete from South Korea. But the onslaught in the second round was stopped by a representative of the owners of a tatami – Mongolian athlete, bronze medalist of the Asian games in Incheon-2014 Otgonbaatar Lhagvasuren. But the will to win and ambition helped to continue the fight. Further Erkin Doniyorov in the consolation match won judoka from Sweden, and in fight for the third place – Germany. Two of his teammates Giesjon Babaev (- 73 kg) and Elyer Masharipov (+ 100 kg) entered the top of seven strongest.
In general medal standings, the first place was taken by representatives of Mongolia with 5 gold, 3 silver and 10 bronze medals. The second place went to athletes from Japan (3-2-3) and two medals of each denomination won by sportsmen of China.
(Source: UzReport.uz)
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