“Investment portal of Uzbekistan”

Citizens of 76 countries will be able to get an electronic visa to Uzbekistan (List)

Uzbekistan announces visa waiver for citizens of 45 countries (List)

Important Visa Information for Indian Citizens Travelling to Uzbekistan

July 10, 2014


July 10, 2014

Economy.. 2

October 13-14 Tashkent will host the X International Uzbek Cotton Fair2

business climate.. 2

New regulatory-legal documents for the creation of the most favourable investment climate. 2

About 177,000 firm names registered via Internet3

international ccoperation.. 3

Minister of Foreign Affairs of Uzbekistan Abdulaziz Kamilov received his Turkish counterpart Ahmet Davutoğlu  3

Society.. 3

Internet Job Seeking. 3

sport.. 4

Tashkent hosts the first grand prix on Judo. 4






October 13-14 Tashkent will host the X International Uzbek Cotton Fair

October 13-14 Tashkent will host the X International Uzbek Cotton and Textile Fair, organized at the initiative of the President of Uzbekistan.

The Forum is organized by the Ministry of Foreign Economic Relations, Investments and Trade, with the assistance of UzEX, UzPahtaSanoat, Uzbek Cotton Fiber Certification Center – Sifat, UzbekYengilSanoat and other structures.

During the fair, world cotton industry leaders, representatives of textile companies and sales agents will have the opportunity to familiarize with Uzbekistan’s cotton complex development strategy and will be able to participate in the trades, sign contracts.

The event will consist of exhibitions, presentations of the latest innovative technology and design solutions, “round tables”, thematic seminars, conferences, fashion show clothes.

We remind that in the last year’s fair, which was attended by more than 1,000 representatives of cotton and textile companies from 40 countries, contracts for the purchase of more than 680,000 tons of Uzbek cotton were signed. Light industry enterprises of our country signed contracts for the supply of textile products worth more than $1 billion.

(Source: “Business” newspaper)

business climate

New regulatory-legal documents for the creation of the most favourable investment climate

The Presidential Decree, “On additional measures to further improve the investment climate and business environment in the Republic of Uzbekistan” No УП-4609 was passed on April 7th, 2014.

The document approves a package of additional measures designed to improve the investment climate and business environment and to raise the efficiency of steps taken to encourage the development of entrepreneurial activity in 2014-2015. A series of measures stipulated in the document should be accomplished by various state bodies, in a bid to ameliorate the business environment and augment the Republic’s attractiveness as an investment destination.

Besides, in compliance with the Presidential Decree under discussion:

Starting 1st July 2014, it is forbidden to make entrepreneurs responsible for the infringement of regulatory-legal and other documents passed by state and local authorities, which are intended to regulate the issues of interaction with entrepreneurs, if these documents are not published on their websites;

The regulatory-legal documents, stipulating the complication of the way entrepreneurial activity is carried out, as well as the imposition on entrepreneurs of new measures of judicial responsibility, are put in force no earlier than 3 months since their official publication.

A given Presidential Decree also envisages the extension of moratorium on tax check-ups of financial-economic activity carried out by small entrepreneurs, who opportunely pay their taxes and other obligatory payments and ensure a stable pace of economic growth and profitability of production (with the exception of extraordinary (not stipulated by the plan) check-ups in cases where legal entities are closed down), for up to 1st January, 2017.

The suspension of transactions on accounts held by economic establishments at commercial banks in cases where the former fail to present tax and financial reports or they are absent at the indicated address, is now performed by state tax authorities, only following a corresponding court judgment.

Starting with taxation for the second quarter of the current year, newly created small businesses (with the exception of those specializing in retail sale) will pay a single tax payment and a single social payment , proceeding from actually fulfilled volumes of work and without taking into account the established rates of minimum rates of the indicated payments, within 6 months since the approval of a statement of a construction-project formal acceptance, but no longer than one year from the date of their state registration.

Additionally, starting 1st January 2015, small enterprises and entrepreneurs will present their statistical reports on an annual basis, with spot checks in corresponding directions and lines of activity being carried out each quarter by statistics authorities.

Amenably to the Presidential Decree, credit applications from small businesses, private entrepreneurs, micro-firms, small enterprises, dekhkan establishments and farms requesting commercial banks to extend credits out of the Crediting on Preferential Terms Fund are to be considered within 3 working days. Subject to similar changes are the terms fixed for consideration of credit applications from farms and other small businesses, which acquire mini-technologies and compact equipment for processing fruit and vegetables and animal produce.

(Source: “Business” newspaper)

About 177,000 firm names registered via Internet

State Committee of Uzbekistan on Statistics reserved over 177,000 firm names via Internet as of 1 July 2014, the press service of the committee said.

The committee said that since introduction of system of reserving firm names through Internet, it has reserved 174,000 firm names, which meet requirements of the law “On firm names” and do not have analogous or similar names in database of registered firm names as of 1 July 2014.

As earlier reported, the State Statistics Committee of Uzbekistan launched the system of reserving firm names through Internet on 1 February 2011.

From 1 February 2011, legal entities and individuals can apply for reservation of firm name through website of the State Statistics Committee and receive confirmation of originality or inexistence of identical or similar firm names, which can confuse people.


international ccoperation

Minister of Foreign Affairs of Uzbekistan Abdulaziz Kamilov received his Turkish counterpart Ahmet Davutoğlu

Minister of Foreign Affairs of Uzbekistan Abdulaziz Kamilov received his Turkish counterpart Ahmet Davutoğlu on 10 July 2014.

Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Turkey Ahmet Davutoğlu arrived in Uzbekistan on 10 July with three-day visit.

According to the press service of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Uzbekistan, the sides exchanged opinion on current state of relations and discussed ways of developing the Uzbek-Turkish dialogue, as well as actual international and regional issues.

Ministers also considered proposals of the sides on boosting interaction between Ministries of Foreign Affairs of two states in bilateral format and within multilateral organizations.

Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Turkey to Uzbekistan Namik Guner Erpul participated at the meeting.



Internet Job Seeking

The number of official website users of the Ministry of Labor and Social Security has reached 1,500 people, and it is still growing. Many people use the website in search of jobs.

“After a recent update, two new employment resources appeared on the site. They allow for getting information about vacancies in different companies and organizations,” said Umarbek Sultanov, head of the information and communication center of the Ministry of Labor and Social Security.

‘Employment of the population’ is a new interactive service of It helps to search for jobs. All the vacancies that are in the databases of Centers of Employment and Social Security of Population are available here online.

‘Newjob’ service is another system we use. It was developed to monitor and record vacancies and jobs being created. It is designed mainly for specialists of the Centers of Employment. The system allows applicants to search efficiently and quickly for a certain vacancy across the entire database.

There are vacancies for many specialists, the Ministry of Labor and Social Security says. The only thing needed is a desire. Vacancies appear not only due to transfer of experts to new positions or retirement, but also thanks to the program of creating new jobs.

A total of 408,900 new vacancies have appeared since the beginning of the year. Small businesses and companies offer very many of them. More than 148,400 local specialists of various professions have found jobs already. The system of home-based employment yielded 72,900 more jobs. More than 61,000 workers were employed by various farms as well as poultry, beekeeping and fish breeding businesses. Large companies and social infrastructure services businesses also offer new vacancies.

Graduates of Uzbekistan’s vocational colleges, institutes and universities are going to become the most active users of the services after they have been conferred their diplomas on of these days.

(Source: “Uzbekistan Today” newspaper)


Tashkent hosts the first grand prix on Judo

October 4-6, Tashkent for the first time hosts a big judo Grand Prix tournament. On the eve of the tournament lots were drawn, which determined the pairings of opponents.

The tournament, with a prize fund of 100,000 U.S. dollars features the best judokas of the world.

In total, 190 athletes from 23 countries will participate at the tournament. 28 men and 21 women athletes will defend the honor of Uzbekistan. The host country of the tournament is entitled to offer 4 athletes in each weight category while the rest of the countries – 2. Besides the monetary rewards, the winners will receive high ranking points – 300 for the first place, 180 for the second and 120 for the third.

“Much has been done, we have made every effort to organize the tournament at high level – said President of Judo Federation in Uzbekistan, Armen Baghdasarov at the draw ceremony. – It is the first experience like this for our federation, and we hope that you will be satisfied with the organization and conduct of the tournament and again visit our beautiful, hospitable country.”

Grand Prix Tournament is held annually in 10 countries around the world. Tashkent won the right to carry it for four years – until 2016. Factors contributing to the choice of Uzbekistan as the organizer of the tournament, became the recognition and authority of the Uzbek judo school, as well as the success of the Uzbek athletes on international scale.

Following the draw at the press conference Armen Baghdasarov confirmed that Judo Federation is considering inviting foreign specialists for the national team of Uzbekistan.

“It is quite possible that in a short time the foreign expert will train the team. This will give a new impulse to the development, “- said Armen Bagadasarov.

Speaking of predictions about the number of medals that Uzbek judokas can win at home Grand Prix, he said: “The guys were preparing hard. I think we can count on a few gold medals. ”

(Source: Press Service of the MCSA of the Republic of Uzbekistan)