January21, 2015
to the session of Senate of Oliy Majlis of the republic of Uzbekistan.. 2
President of Uzbekistan has appointed 16 senators. 2
Senators were awarded credentials and badges. 3
Vigorous Activity of a Leading University. 3
Unique wall inscription discovered in Karakalpakstan. 4
to the session of Senate of Oliy Majlis of the republic of Uzbekistan
President of Uzbekistan has appointed 16 senators
On January 20, the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Islam Karimov signed a Decree “On appointment of members of the Senate of the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan”.
In accordance with the decree, members of the Senate of the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan appointed:
Farmanov Alexander Kasimovich – Chairman of the Board – Director General of JSC “Almalyk mining and metallurgical combine”
Sanakulov Kuvondik – General Director of “Navoi mining and metallurgical combine” state enterprise
Tyan Valery Nikolaevich – General Director of the National airline “Uzbekistan Airways”
Salikhov Shavkat Ismailovich – President of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan
Usmanov Mirabror Zufarovich – member of the Committee on foreign Affairs of the Senate of the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan
Safaev Sodiq Salihovic – Chairman of the Committee on foreign Affairs of the Senate of the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan
Rahmankulov Mir-Akbar Hodji-Akbarovich – Deputy Director of the Institute for monitoring current legislation under the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan
Mirzaaliev Ikboljon Mirzakarimovich – Deputy Chairman of the Union of writers of Uzbekistan on working with young people
Abdullaev Ikhtiyor Bahtiyorovich – State Advisor of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan
Artikova Svetlana Baymirzayevna – Deputy Chairman of the Central Election Commission of the Republic of Uzbekistan
Kamilov Halidjan Makhamadjanovich – Professor in the Department of ophthalmology of the Tashkent Institute of advanced medical
Zufarov Mahamadjan Zahirovic – Chairman of the Council of the Tashkent city branch of the Fund “Nuroniy”
Alliyarova Aysanem Zholdasbaevna – Deputy hakim of Tahtakupir district of the Republic of Karakalpakstan, Chairman of Women’s Committee
Yuldoshev Nigmatilla Tulkinovich – Minister of Justice of the Republic of Uzbekistan
Ramatov Achilbay Jumaniyazovich – Chairman of the State joint-stock railway company “Uzbekiston Temir Yullari”
Alimova Gavhar Zayirovna – Deputy Chairman of the national Board of the charitable public Fund “Mahalla”
Recall that the Senate (upper house) of Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan is the chamber of territorial representation and consists of one hundred senators.
Members of the Senate are elected in equal number by six people from the Republic of Karakalpakstan, regions and Tashkent city by secret ballot on the respective joint meetings of deputies of Zhokargy Kenes of Karakalpakstan, the representative bodies of state power of provinces, districts and cities of these deputies.
Sixteen members of the Senate appointed by the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan from among the most respected citizens with extensive practical experience and special merits in the field of science, art, literature, industry and other spheres of state and public activity.
(Source: UzReport.uz)
Senators were awarded credentials and badges
As previously reported, in accordance with Article 58 of the Law “On elections to the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan” and Article 5 of the Law “On the Central Election Commission of the Republic of Uzbekistan”, the Central Election Commission registered members of the Senate of the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan in manner prescribed by law.
In accordance with Article 81 of the Constitution, the Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan “On elections to the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan”, Article 5 of the Law “On the Central Election Commission of the Republic of Uzbekistan” The Central Election Commission decided to convene the first meeting of the Senate of Oliy Majlis of Uzbekistan on January 22 of the current in the city of Tashkent.
On the eve of this important event on January 20, in accordance with Article 63 of the Law “On elections to the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan”, Article 5 of the Law “On the Central Election Commission of the Republic of Uzbekistan” Chairman of the Central Election Commission Mirza-Ulugbek Abdusalomov presented to members of the upper house of parliament credentials and badges and wished them success in their future activities.
The ceremony was attended by members of the Central Election Commission, senators and members of the media.
(Source: IA «Jahon»)
International cooperation
Vigorous Activity of a Leading University
January 16 marks the 13th anniversary of Westminster International University in Tashkent (WIUT).
Uzbekistan Today closely follows the activities of the university, which is growing year after year. A year ago, we covered the introduction of International Commercial Law, an internationally recognized Master’s degree. Then we covered the third development of WIUT campus, with a new Teaching block, new Sports Complex and a large Learning Resource Centre. Yet there is another area we have not covered yet.
Sherzod Shoasilov, public relations specialist at WIUT, spoke about the recent achievements of the university, “Last year, more than 2,000 people applied for admission. We can see a growing number of applicants comparing to 2013. We are pleased witn the growing number of applicants from the regions to achieve the level of almost 50%, according to the selection committee. This is largely due to the number of policies adopted by the university. In 2014, WIUT developed and launched an online application system to facilitate the application process for all students, especially those who live in regions. We increased the number of university entrance examinations in our regional centers in Urgench, Samarkand, Andijan, Bukhara and Ferghana to facilitate application process for those living in regions.
We plan to increase the number of training sessions for regional teachers to improve the quality of teaching English and mathematics secondary special education. We have established partnerships with a number of academic lyceums and universities across the country.
More than 700 young people have successfully completed various levels of the English language and mathematics courses thanks to our regional training centers; one particular example is the training center in Urgench also supported by Uzbektourism company.
Another measure is the increase of the number of scholarship places from 20 to 30, 22 of which are for those from the regions. The University also follows its promise to provide five additional scholarship places to applicants who have completed military service in the Armed Forces of Uzbekistan.
Social life is vibrant and diverse for the students of Westminster University in Tashkent. A traditionally large number of cultural and sports events is organized within WIUT. In November 2014, WIUT held the Culture and Art Days, similar to the “Culture Week” traditionally held each spring.
The University of Westminster, one of the oldest universities in the UK, is located in the heart of London and is one of the founding partners of WIUT. Its antecedent institution, the Royal Polytechnic Institution, was founded in 1838 and was the first polytechnic institution in the UK. Westminster was awarded university status in 1992 meaning it could award its own degrees. The University of Westminster is one of the leading research centers and one of the most international universities in England, which has long-term partnerships with a number of different profiles of educational institutions around the world. Westminster’s efforts in overseas expansion resulted in the University being awarded the Queen’s Award for Enterprise in 2000, and again in 2005. More than 22,000 students from 132 countries study in the university.
(Source: «Uzbekistan Today» newspaper)
Unique wall inscription discovered in Karakalpakstan
A unique wall inscription, which long remained untouched has been discovered in Beruni district of Karakalpakstan. The silence of the centuries was broken in 2004 with the commencement of the Karakalpak-Australian archaeological expedition.
During the first season of work of the archaeologists of the Uzbek Academy of Sciences and the University of Sydney, the international community had spread the news about found unique wall paintings and ancient texts. The conservators joined specialists to preserve the unique works of ancient art and literature.
The open fragments using special technology transferred in the restoration laboratory in Nukus, where they have been pasted on the base panel and turned into a museum exhibit. Two unique portrait, which were restored in the first place, today exhibited in the exposition at the Karakalpak research Institute for the Humanities. Masterpieces of these were already exposed for viewing at the Karakalpak state Museum of art named after Savitsky and in the future are prepared to show a wider range of viewers.
The archaeologists pleased with another discovery – recently they discovered another 12 meters of wall surface with well-preserved paintings. They are also portraits of people in the crowns. At the first sight, one of the hats is pictured with three large flowers, more can be said after the final clearing, and three portraits of people with crowns of European type. But most interesting is that for the first time, a large number of inscriptions are written in Aramaic in ancient Khorezmian language.
– According to the figures, we could only guess the purpose of this majestic building, and who is depicted on the walls, ” says expedition leader, professor, leading researcher of the Karakalpak research Institute for human Sciences Vadim Nikolaevich Yagodin. – I hope that after reading labels will find answers to many questions.
The temple of the settlement Kazakli-yatkan (Acshahan-Kala) belongs to the III-II centuries BC. The part of found portraits, according to scientists, represent Khorezm kings previously unknown dynasty. There is an assumption that the settlement was one of the first capitals of the ancient Khorezm state and the church is nothing other than the sanctuary of the dynasty of the kings of ancient Khorezm.
(Source: UzReport.uz)
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