the session of Legislative Chamber of Oliy Majlis of republic of Uzbekistan.. 2
Uzbek economy goes up by 7.8% in 1st quarter 2
Chemical industry of Uzbekistan: A Multiplicative Effect 4
I International Fruit and Vegetable Fair.. 5
International recognition of environmentally friendly horticultural products of Uzbekistan. 5
Uzbekistan’s President Condoles with France. 6
President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Islam Karimov received President of the International Boxing Association (AIBA) Ching-Kuo Wu on 15 July at the Oqsaroy
The visit of Ching-Kuo Wu takes place within his participation at the meeting of the AIBA Executive committee in Tashkent. This sports forum is a final stage in the process of preparations of the International Boxing Association (amateurs) to the forthcoming Olympic Games in Brazil.
The Head of our state, warmly greeting the guest, noted the contribution and services of the Association and its president Ching-Kuo Wu in developing boxing and the Olympic movement in general.
Holding the meeting of the Executive Committee of such authoritative international organization in Tashkent is a significant event and attests to the special place of Uzbekistan in the world sports movement.
Ching-Kuo Wu highly assessed the growing authority of Uzbekistan on the world sports arena. The international public is well acknowledged that in Uzbekistan the issues of popularizing physical culture and development of children’s sports are elevated to the level of state policy. Thanks to everyday care and targeted efforts of the Head of our state on promoting healthy lifestyle and upbringing the comprehensively developed youth, currently around 60 per cent of children and teenagers aged 6 to 15 trains at sports sections.
An effective system of training professional sportspeople, coaches and referees has been established in Uzbekistan during the years of independence. Today over 80 sports federations function in the country and are provided with all necessary technical and methodological means.
Over 51 thousand sports facilities have been built in the country. Many centres and sections on different sports, sports complexes and halls, on par with the best foreign arenas, operate in our country.
Vivid demonstration of these efforts is the successes of Uzbek sportspeople in the Olympic Games. During a short historical period 21 medal tally, of which 6 gold, 5 silver and 10 bronze medals, have been won.
Boxing representatives have a particular place in sports of Uzbekistan. Only in 2014-2015 in all age and weight categories Uzbek boxers won 269 medals. Our country regularly hosts prestigious international competitions and boxing tournaments. On 7-14 June 2015 the AIBA Asian junior’s championship was held for the first time in Tashkent, in which Uzbek sportspeople won 7 gold and 6 bronze medals and took the first place in team scoring.
During the meeting at the Oqsaroy the parties exchanged views on prospects of developing amateur boxing in Uzbekistan, further strengthening and widening fruitful cooperation of our country with the AIBA.
President of the International Boxing Association expressed gratitude to President Islam Karimov for a warm reception and a huge personal contribution to developing sports, including boxing, in Uzbekistan.
For special services in developing and popularizing sports and the Olympic movement, as well as a symbol of acknowledging loyalty to developing boxing on international and national levels, President of Uzbekistan was handed the high award of the AIBA- the Order of Merit at the meeting.
(Source: Press-service of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan)
the session of Legislative Chamber of Oliy Majlis of republic of Uzbekistan
Uzbek economy goes up by 7.8% in 1st quarter
On 15 July, the Cabinet of Ministers in the course of the session discussed the results of socio-economic development of the Republic over the first half of the current year and worked out additional measures to ensure the unconditional implementation of the most important priorities of economic program for 2016, defined by the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Islam Karimov at the session of the government of the Republic on 15 January 2016.
The session comprehensively reviewed and critically analysed the implementation of key forecast indicators of development of industries and territories, the effectiveness of implementation of policy measures on structural reforms, modernization and diversification of production, commissioning most important launch facilities of the industry, engineer-communication and social infrastructure, expanding the range and volume of export products, progressive reduction of the share of government in the economy, the further development of private property, attracting foreign investors to the charter capital of joint-stock companies, introduction of modern methods of corporate management, primarily in the newly established structures.
Due to the consistent and purposeful implementation of a carefully thought out strategy, recognized worldwide as the “Uzbek model” of development, despite deep systemic problems in the global economy, Uzbekistan preserves macroeconomic stability, high economic growth, a steady increase in the level and quality of life of the population. The performance and efficiency of the reforms implemented in the Republic are highly appreciated by international financial institutions and the global community in general. In particular, it was especially noted by the heads of member states of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, the fifteenth summit of which was successfully held on 23-24 June in Tashkent.
As underlined in presidential resolution on the preparations for and celebration of the 25th anniversary of the state independence of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the national economy over the years grew by almost 6 times. Grain, energy and transport-communication independence has been achieved in the country. The share of industry in the economy has reached 34 percent, with the share of finished products in the export structure exceeding 70 percent. The volume of consumer goods per capita increased 7 times, real incomes – more than 12 times. Over 60 percent of the state budget is channeled towards social sector development.
Measures adopted to ensure reforms, structural transformation and modernization of the economy contributed to the growth of gross domestic product by 7.8 percent in the first half of this year. The volume of industry has risen some 6.7%. The volume of construction works has increased by 17.5%, services by 12.9%. The state budget was executed with surplus of 0.1 percent of GDP. The inflation rate has not exceeded the forecast parameters.
Measures towards further improvement of sustainability of financial-banking system provided for the growth of the total capital of banks by 23.3% and deposits by 27.7%, which in turn contributed to the increase in volumes of crediting of economy by 26.2%. At that, about 80% of all bank loans have been allocated as long-term loans for investment purposes.
Active implementation of policy measures for the modernization, diversification and optimization of agricultural production has been continued. It was decided to reduce the cotton crop areas, and to plant fruit and vegetables at the released areas. The volume of production of agriculture has increased by 6.8%.
Due to systematic measures, 462.5 thousand new jobs have been created since the beginning of the year, of which 276.7 thousand, or 59.8% in rural areas.
In the framework of the State program “Year of a healthy mother and child”, extensive measures have been under way to further strengthen the system of protection of family, motherhood and childhood, upbringing healthy and harmoniously developed generation. Over 4.4 trillion soums (currency rates of CB RU from 18.07.2016, 1$= 2953.84 soums) and $111 million have been channeled from all sources in this direction.
During the discussion, the heads of ministries, departments, economic associations, large enterprises and khokimiyats were entrusted with specific tasks on development and implementation of a package of additional measures for achieving of all parameters and forecasts for 2016, as well as the organization of preparatory work for the sustainable operation of the economy in the next year, primarily due to the timely and quality implementation of the adopted medium-term programmes of deepening structural reforms, modernization and diversification of industries, integrated development of territories.
The attention of the heads HC “Uzpahtasanoat” and JSC “Uzbekengilsanoat” was focused on the need to adopt a range of effective measures to further increase processing of cotton fiber and production of finished textile, sewing and knitting products, ensuring active involvement of foreign companies – leading manufacturers of finished products, including in the framework of the annual International Uzbek cotton and textile fair.
The participants of the session drew particular attention to the issues of accelerating the implementation of strategic investment projects and ensuring timely commissioning of most important launch facilities. Following the results of the measures adopted, the volume of utilized investments has risen by 11.8%, including foreign investments and credits – by 17.2%. 43 production facilities totaling $1.9 billion, 72 new investment projects worth over $3.4 billion were launched over the reporting period.
The recently launched electrified railway line Angren-PAP with the length of 123.1 km, with a unique tunnel at a length of 19.2 km, now connects the region of the Fergana valley with the rest of the territory of the Republic through the direct train connections. Another project for the electrification of the railway line Samarkand-Bukhara is nearing completion. Over 1250 km of fiber-optic broadband networks have been layed. The level of coverage of digital TV has risen to some 68%. Measures are being adopted to accelerate the completion of construction and commissioning of 13 thousand individual houses on standard projects in rural areas.
The attention of heads of ministries, agencies, economic associations, large enterprises, local executive authorities way drawn to their personal responsibility for ensuring the timely commissioning of high-tech production facilities producing modern types of finished products with high added value, competitive and popular in domestic and foreign markets, primarily on the basis of deep processing of local mineral, agricultural and other raw materials.
The heads of ministries, departments, economic associations, the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Karakalpakstan, khokims of regions, districts and cities were given specific instructions to ensure timely implementation of projects under the programmes of infrastructure development, road transport and engineering communication construction, landscaping, as well as the tasks set by the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Islam Karimov during a visit to the Surkhandarya and Kashkadarya regions on 30 June-1 July this year.
The session carefully analysed the impact of the measures taken to expand the range and volume of exported products, the development of new foreign markets for domestic goods, providing on this basis unconditional achievement of the forecast export targets for 2016, especially for fruits and vegetables.
As was noted, despite the instability and the unfavorable situation on world markets, the measures adopted for maximum involvement of the reserves for export growth, the continued active support of enterprises-exporters ensured the dynamic growth of exports and positive balance of foreign trade turnover. About 600 enterprises have been involved in export activities since the beginning of the year, commercial export of 208 new products was mastered.
During the discussion, the heads of business associations and regional administrations were entrusted with specific tasks to mobilize the available reserves of growth of export supply.
Particular attention was paid to the state and effectiveness of measures to radically reduce the state presence in the economy, accelerated development of private property due to the sale of assets and shares of state to foreign investors and the introduction of modern methods of corporate management in joint-stock companies. As was noted, the first half of this year saw the sale of 305 state assets with investment commitments amounting to 267.5 billion soums. Shares of 30 joint-stock companies were sold to foreign investors.
The heads of ministries, agencies, economic associations were instructed to intensify work on attraction of potential foreign investors in the authorized capital of joint stock companies in the amount of not less than 15 percent and to accelerate the implementation of investment projects in the framework of memoranda at the International investment forum in November 2015.
The results of harvesting campaign were critically analyzed during the session. The attention of the heads of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Karakalpakstan and khokimiyats of areas, industries serving agriculture was drawn to the necessity of concentrating forces and means on intensive care over cotton and providing a set of measures on preparation for the harvest.
The session also saw the discussion of additional measures for implementation of priorities defined by the head of the country, on organization of the activities of the newly established Tashkent State University of Uzbek language and literature named after Alisher Navoi, as well as further improvement of process of training at the National University, Tashkent State Pedagogical University named after Nizami and the Tashkent State Technical University.
The meeting also reviewed the state of implementation of the planned campaigns within the preparation and holding the celebration of the 25th anniversary of the state independence of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
Chemical industry of Uzbekistan: A Multiplicative Effect
Uzbekistan has approved the chemical industry development program by 2020, which envisages the implementation of 23 projects worth $2.65 billion. It is thereby planned to achieve $1.8 billion commodity output in five years, with a double increase by 2016. O’zkimyosanoat Board Director Normat Ibragimov has told about the development trends of the domestic chemical industry, and its future projects:
“Dynamic changes in the chemical industry development, modernization and diversification of production will contribute to the growth and diversification in other sectors of the economy. They will have a multiplicative effect on the further development of agriculture, mining, petrochemical, textile, paint and coating, automotive industries, construction and composite materials production, small businesses, and generally on the further development and enhancement of economic competitiveness in the independent Uzbekistan.”
The program is envisaged to pave the way to the establishment of production of 15 new products – polyvinyl chloride (PVC), car tires, conveyor belts, agricultural machinery, black carbon, potassium sulfate, synthetic detergents, potassium hydroxide and others. That would allow diversifying the production.
The industry’s largest chemical enterprise Navoiazot is currently working on three big investment projects totaling $1.8 billion. For instance, Navoiazot is currently implementing a project on the establishment of production of PVC, which is a completely new product for the country, as well as caustic soda and methanol in partnership with a consortium of Chinese companies CAMCE Engineering and HQC Shanghai. In collaboration with the Japanese consortium Mitsubishi Corporation and Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Navoiazot is currently building new ammonia and urea capacities instead of worn-out facilities.
The upgrade of the nitric acid production in cooperation with the Swiss Casale is currently in progress. It is expected that in three years Navoiazot will put into operation a modern complex on the production of 100,000 tons of PVC, 75,000 tons of caustic soda, and 295,400 tons of methanol. In the further two years, it is scheduled to commission new production capacities for 660,000 tons of ammonia and 577,500 tons of carbamide.
The projects envisage the increase of production volumes by 920 billion soums (currency rates of CB RU from 18.07.2016, 1$= 2953.84 soums), and exports –by over $205 million. At the same time, it is expected that the projects will ensure a significant reduction in the energy intensity of production, and provide about 1.500 new jobs.
O’zkimyosanoat has been also actively working on the diversification of industrial production and development of new products with high added value on the basis of deep processing of mineral resources. In particular, the plant commissioned a new NPK-fertilizer production with the capacity of 240,000 tons per year on the basis of the Samarkand chemical plant. There are plans afoot to bring the production of complicated mineral fertilizers up to 1 million tons per year with the development of the chemical industry. It is also planned to build additional capacities for the production of monoammonium phosphate, sulfuric and phosphoric acids.
Another promising project comes to the establishment of a manufacture of 100,000 meters of conveyor belts, 200,000 pieces of agricultural and 3 million car tires…
The facility would not just provide the local automaker GM Uzbekistan with tires, but would also allow exporting goods to neighboring countries, as well as creating some additional qualified jobs.
(Source: «Uzbekistan Today» newspaper)
I International Fruit and Vegetable Fair
International recognition of environmentally friendly horticultural products of Uzbekistan
Participants of the I International Fruit and Vegetable Fair have visited Andijan, Bukhara, Samarkand, Jizzakh, and other regions, where they got acquainted with the work on the development of agriculture, production and processing of agricultural products, improvement of the welfare of the population.
As a result of the fundamental reforms implemented under the leadership of President Islam Karimov on the formation of a socially oriented market economy, the expansion of the areas under food crops, the farm movement and the development of processing industry in our country – Uzbekistan in a historically short period of time has achieved food sovereignty.
In accordance with the resolution of the Head of our state “On measures on improving system of procurement and use of fruits, vegetables, potatoes and melons” from April 12 2016, the cultivation of agricultural products, its processing and export in our country are expanded.
Group members of the fair visited Fergana region. In “Fargona gusht-sut savdo” Ltd they familiarized with the cold storage rooms with a capacity of one thousand tons, intensive gardens of the “Fergana Fresh Fruits” on an area of 40 hectares, peach and apple orchards of the agricultural firm “Muyan” in Kuvasay, cold storage rooms with a capacity of 4 thousand tonnes in Altiarik district, region’s achievements in the field of food industry.
Representatives of the companies from Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan and Russia, participating in the fair, visited intensive orchards in Bayaut, Havast, Mirzaabad and Syrdarya districts of Syrdarya region.
About a dozen varieties of fruits and grapes, grown in the intensive method of “Ohalik oltin bogi”, the joint venture “Agromir Samarkand” attracted a great interest. The “Agromir Samarkand” from fruits and vegetables produces preserves, fruit juices and nectars. They are exported abroad.
International fruit and vegetable fair continues its work.
(Source: UzA)
International cooperation
Uzbekistan’s President Condoles with France
President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Islam Karimov has expressed sincere condolences to the President of the French Republic, François Hollande, over the terroristic attack on July 14, 2016, in Nice.
In his letter the leader of Uzbekistan said that the tragic news about the numerous human victims was taken with sense of deep sorrow, and he conveyed compassion and empathy to the families and relatives of victims and those injured.
(Source: Press Service of the MFA of the Republic of Uzbekistan)
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