I half of this year sees sale of state assets worth 116 billion and $ 1.1 million. 1
Visit of Uzbek delegation to Saudi Arabia. 1
Legislative Chamber of Oliy Majlis of republic of Uzbekistan.. 2
Alternative Project Declined. 2
I half of this year sees sale of state assets worth 116 billion and $ 1.1 million
The State Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan on privatization, de-monopolization and Competition Development held an enlarged meeting of the board.
In the first half of this year, 119 notes of share issues worth 13.9 bln. Soums (currency rates of CB RU from 25.07.2016, 1$= 2958.87 soums), which is 9.1 trillion soums more than in the reporting period of the past year were introduced into the Unified State Register of Securities Issues. The number of shares issued in the first half of the year amounted to 578.1 billion pieces, the number of shares in circulation as of July 1, 2016 amounted to 2.9 trillion pieces. The total nominal value of existing shares reached 29.8 trillion soums.
305 state assets totaling 116 billion soums and US $ 1.1 million were sold to the private sector with investment commitments in the amount of 267.5 billion soums and US $ 150 thousand, with more than 5.6 thousand new jobs created.
Investment commitments under 42 contracts for purchase and sale of state assets totaling $ 0.2 million and 31.3 billion soums were fully implemented. More than 1,400 new jobs were created.
To date, 529 state assets are available at public auction, including 59 at “zero” redemption value. From among 470 objects exposed at the redemption value, 313 ones use step-down mechanism.
The surveys on entrepreneurship have been carried out by the Institute of Forecasting and Macroeconomic Research under the Cabinet of Ministers. The results showed that the index of business environment amounted to 37.2 points in the II quarter of 2016. The highest satisfaction of entrepreneurs was registered in the tax environment.
(Source: UzReport.uz)
By the end of 2019, Uzbekistan has scheduled to implement 11 big projects on the establishment of the production of a broad range of environmentally friendly construction materials totaling more than $220 million
The increase of production of competitive construction materials from local raw materials, gradual localization of imported and marketable goods in the country are seen as major missions of the industry for the future.
In recent years alone, Uzbekistan has established the production of more than 30 new types of construction materials using local raw materials and components to provide the needs of the domestic market. Domestic enterprises have localized the production of a variety of constructon and finishing materials, including dry mixes, drywall and paint products, window and door units, composite, plastic and aluminum materials, decorative panels and boards.
Filling the domestic market with quality construction materials, enterprises of the sector have been actively entering foreign markets. As a result, the number of new types of exported construction materials has increased to 21 names at 18 large enterprises. The industry’s export map covers 11 countries, with new markets in Georgia, Azerbaijan, Turkey and others. It is planned to build a dealer network and representative offices in Turkmenistan, Kazakhstan, Russia, Georgia, Azerbaijan and Afghanistan in order to expand the promotion of domestic products.
(Source: «Uzbekistan Today» newspaper)
International cooperation
Visit of Uzbek delegation to Saudi Arabia
On 25-28 July, 2016, the delegation of the Republic of Uzbekistan headed by the Minister of Foreign Affairs Abdulaziz Kamilov will visit the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
In Jeddah the Uzbek delegation will attend the 39th Session of the Islamic Commission for Economic, Cultural and Social Affairs and the Senior Officials Meeting of the member states of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation.
The visit program also includes meetings and negotiations with the leaders of the OIC and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Saudi Arabia.
(Source: Press Service of the MFA of the Republic of Uzbekistan)
Legislative Chamber of Oliy Majlis of republic of Uzbekistan
Alternative Project Declined
Deputies of the Legislative Chamber at its plenary session reviewed a number of draft laws in the form of a constructive dialog.
Among them is the Law “On the protection and utilization of flora” in its new edition, the main objective of which is regulation of relations in this sphere. The new law will serve the preservation of the flora species under natural conditions and its genetic fund as a constituent part of biologic diversity, elimination of causes for shrinking or loss of vegetable world species, ensuring their rational utilization and reproduction and judicial regulation of legal and physical entities’ activities.
Members of the Uzbekistan Liberal Democratic Party (UzLiDeP) faction in the parliament underlined that this document would ensure the efficient regulation of protection and utilization of flora, which so far had been regulated by sub-laws; and transparency of authorized government agencies and establishments’ activities. Great importance will acquire public monitoring from the side of citizens’ bodies of self-governance, non-government non-commercial organizations and others.
Having expressed their support of the draft law in its first reading the deputies of the “Milliy tiklanish” Democratic Party of Uzbekistan (DPU) pointed out to the need to allocate particular attention to issues of improving the government registration of the objects of flora and conducting the state cadastre, consolidate requirements for preservation of rare and endangered species, as well as raising the responsibilities of authorized agencies in this sphere.
Members of the National Democratic Party of Uzbekistan (NDPU) faction consider it necessary to include into this legal act the norms which would envisage the government-regulated trade with objects of vegetable world on the territory of the country and their importation into the Republic. They also paid attention to the great number of reference norms, which need to be reduced.
Deputies from the “Adolat” Social Democratic Party of Uzbekistan (SDPU) stated that in the process of preparation for the second reading of the document they would pay special attention to the norms of legislation envisaging the improvement of economic mechanisms, simplification of the procedure and principles of utilization of biological resources, raising the responsibility of physical and legal entities for observation of legal provisions, bringing up the level of the population’s ecological awareness, as well as to public involvement in the activities on the protection and rational utilization of the vegetable world.
“The draft law envisages consolidation of new legal norms, which will determine the main directions of the State policy in this spheres,” said member of the deputy group from the Ecological Movement of Uzbekistan Sergey Samoylov. “It specifies concrete types of utilizing the objects of vegetable world, clarifies the procedure on withdrawing illegally acquired objects, as well as settlement of disputes in this sphere, rules and regulations on conditions for exporting and importing of wild plants into the country.”
Discussion of the draft law envisaging introduction of amendments into the Law “On normative-legal acts” went in an interesting way. It is aimed at securing the users’ immediate and broad access, including performers and the population to the texts of legal and such other acts contained in the National legislation database of the Republic. Its adoption will create additional conditions for timely delivery of adopted legislative acts to the attention of citizens with the use of modern information-communication technologies.
The deputies faced with a novelty at the session, which they had never confronted before – the “Adolat” SDPU, which is a parliamentary opposition, proposed an alternative edition of this draft law. In includes corrections related to official publication of normative-legal acts, as well as their entry into effect.
Voting took place following the consideration of the alternative document, on the results of which the majority of deputies declined it and came out in favor of the initial version of the draft law.
Members of the lower chamber of parliament also discussed other draft laws. They were all adopted in the first reading. Relevant committees were authorized to prepare documents for reviewing them in the second reading with consideration of received proposals and suggestions.
(Source: «Uzbekistan Today» newspaper)
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