“Investment portal of Uzbekistan”

Citizens of 76 countries will be able to get an electronic visa to Uzbekistan (List)

Uzbekistan announces visa waiver for citizens of 45 countries (List)

Important Visa Information for Indian Citizens Travelling to Uzbekistan

January 23, 2017



POLItiCs. 1

President of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev received World Bank Vice President 1

In Tashkent, Uzbekistan’s Cabinet of Ministers has gathered for an extended session to carry out comprehensive analysis of the results of social-economic development of the country in 2016 and determine the most important directions and priorities of economic and social program of the government in 2017. 1

free industrial economic zone.. 3

Uzbekistan’s government has approved a program of measures to further streamline and enhance the effectiveness of free economic zones. 3


The funding sources for the modern history’s largest projects on construction of new subway lines and stations have been approved in Uzbekistan. 4

International cooperation.. 5

Meeting with EU Special Representative. 5

On Uzbek-Russian political consultations. 5

Evening of friendship. 5

Uzbekistan and Vietnam celebrate 25th anniversary of diplomatic relations. 6

Musuems. 7

Amir Sargidjan’s Creative Lair 7

sport.. 8

Denis Istomin defeats Novak Djokovic at Australian Open. 8

























President of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev received World Bank Vice President

On 19 January President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev received World Bank Vice President for Europe and Central Asia Cyril Muller, who arrived in our country with a working visit.

The Head of our state, warmly greeting the guest, particularly highlighted the dynamically developing cooperation of Uzbekistan with the World Bank.

At present, the portfolio of bilateral cooperation includes 33 joint projects with financing from the World Bank at the amount of 2,8 bln. US dollars in the spheres of power industry, modernization of irrigation and utilities networks, water supply, development of manufacturing, transport and social infrastructure.

The Talimarjan transmission project, Bukhara and Samarkand water supply and sewerage projects, South Karakalpakstan water resources improvement project, Pap-Angren railway project, horticulture development project as well as socially significant projects in the spheres of education and healthcare and many more are examples of such cooperation.

Last year a joint Country Partnership Program for 2016-2020 was adopted, which included 27 priority project worth 4 bln. dollars with the loans from the World Bank for 3 bln. US dollars.

Cyril Muller particularly noted that the significance of the measures, recently adopted in Uzbekistan, on ensuring accelerated development of small businesses, creation of more favorable business and investment climate in the country.

The parties exchanged views on the priorities of bilateral cooperation, discussed key areas of further enhancing partnership relations and implementation of prospective projects.

The agenda of the visit of World Bank Vice President Cyril Muller also contains delivering a lecture at the University of World Economy and Diplomacy, meeting with the staff and students of this university.

(Source: UzA)

In Tashkent, Uzbekistan’s Cabinet of Ministers has gathered for an extended session to carry out comprehensive analysis of the results of social-economic development of the country in 2016 and determine the most important directions and priorities of economic and social program of the government in 2017

The heads of the Legislative Chamber and the Senate of the Oliy Majlis, state advisors of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, members of government, heads of business associations, public organizations as well the Jokargy Kenes and the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Karakalpakstan, hokims (governors) of regions, cities and districts attended the session. Senior officials of hokimiyats (local administrations), territorial departments of ministries, agencies, enterprises and entrepreneurs took part for the first time at the governmental meeting through videoconferencing, organized at the regional, city and district centers.

President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev delivered a keynote speech at the session.

In his speech, the President underlined that the continuity in the consistent implementation of the Uzbek model of development and Program of further reforms, structural transformations and modernization of the country developed under the leadership of the first President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Islam Karimov ensured maintenance of stable and sustainably high rates of economic growth and macroeconomic balance, increase of the level and quality of life of the population.

During the discussion of pressing issues included into the agenda of the meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers, it was highlighted that the gross domestic product of the country increased by 7.8% in 2016. The volume of industrial production grew by 6.6%, contractual construction works – 12.5%, retail trade turnover – 14.4% and services – 12.5%. The State Budget was performed with a surplus of 0.1% to GDP. The surplus in foreign trade turnover was secured. The inflation rate was not exceeded forecast parameters and indicated 5.7%.

Over 16.6 billion US dollars were invested into the economy. It means 9.6% more than the previous year’s indicator. The volume of foreign investments and loans increased by 11.3% and exceeded 3.7 billion US dollars. The realization of 164 major investment projects with a total cost of 5.2 billion US dollars were completed, including production of new T-250 car model has been mastered at joint stock company GM Uzbekistan, the cement plant in Jizzakh region has been expanded, two steam-gas installations with a total capacity of 900 MWt at the Talimarjan Thermal Power Plant and energy block of burning high-ash coal with a capacity of 150 MWt at the Angren power plant have been constructed.

A new Angren-Pap electrified railway line with a 19 km long unique tunnel through Kamchik mountain pass was constructed which connected Fergana valley regions with other regions of the country via reliable transport link. Afrosiyob high-speed passenger trains launched to run from Tashkent to Bukhara.

The program measures on modernization and diversification of agriculture under implementation ensured the growth of agricultural output by 6.6%, including of fruits and vegetables by 11.2%, potatoes by 9.7%, melons by 10.5%.

The taken measures on comprehensive support and protection of private property and entrepreneurship contributed to creation of around 32 thousand new small businesses in 2016, or 18% more than comparing with 2015. The small businesses’ share in GDP of the country reached 56.9%, and in industry 45%.

Thanks to positive structural transformations and high rates of economic growth the real income of population increased by 11%. The salaries of workers of the budget organizations rose by 15%, pensions and social benefits – 12.1%. Around 726 thousand people have been newly employed, including 438.5 thousand graduates of educational institutions.

Within the framework of the State program “Year of healthy mother and child” a wide complex of measures on strengthening healthcare of mothers and children, formation of healthy and harmonically developed generation was taken, for funding of which over 8 trillion soums and 212 million US dollars were directed. (currency rates of CB RU from 20.01.2017, 1$= 3251.06 soums).

In his address, the President of the country, analyzing in detail and comprehensively the existing unsolved problems and partial utilization of reserves, put forward proposals on key strategic tasks and important priorities of economic and social program of the country for 2017. Among priority tasks, a central role is attached to development of permanent and open dialogue with population within the framework of introducing the State program “Year of dialogue with people and human interests”, continuation of active social policy directed towards further improving the level and quality of life of the population, their material welfare.

The government, heads of ministers, agencies, business associations and local governance bodies were assigned concrete tasks on eliminating the shortcomings in the advancement of the sectors and territories, as well as development and realization of the complex of measures aimed at maintenance of high growth rates in the economy, continuing active investment policy, promoting export potential of the country, integrated and intensive development of territories, strengthening protection of rights and interests of entrepreneurs, gradual decrease the role of state in managing the economy and cardinal improvement of the work of the government bodies.

The most important tasks and measures were defined on realization of newly adopted targeted programs on construction of affordable housing, development and modernization of road-transport, engineering-communications and social infrastructure ensuring improvement of the quality of life of the population in city and rural areas.

During the discussion of the issues on the session agenda the Prime Minister of the Republic of Uzbekistan, his deputies, heads of several ministries, agencies and business associations, as well as the Chairman of the Jokargy Kenes of the Republic of Karakalpakstan, hokims (governors) of regions and Tashkent city delivered reports.

For made failures and deficiencies and lack of initiative, some officials were warned about personal responsibility for quick elimination of shortcomings, as well as ensuring the effective implementation of the tasks for the further intensive advancement of industries and regions of the country.

The President of the country set the following priority tasks and requirements for the government, heads of ministries, agencies, business associations and khokimiyats:

first – development of complex measures on eleven priorities of economic and social program for 2017;

second – provide critical analysis on state of affairs in the sectors of the economy, social sphere and regions of the country on a systemic basis, make relevant amendments on this basis to main  directions and priorities of deepening the economic reforms;

third – increase personal responsibility of the heads and senior officials for final results, observance of strict discipline and intensify effectiveness of the management system in accordance with increased modern requirements.

On the results of discussions there were adopted a decision of the government which determines the practical measures on ensuring implementation of most important directions and priorities of the program of social-economic development of the country for 2017.

(Source: «Uzbekistan Today» newspaper)

free industrial economic zone

Uzbekistan’s government has approved a program of measures to further streamline and enhance the effectiveness of free economic zones.

Allocation of significant funds from the government budget for integrated development of manufacturing, engineering, communication and road infrastructure ranks among its main features. It is envisaged to allocate over 23.7 billion soums for projects in abovementioned areas in 2017 alone (currency rates of CB RU from 20.01.2017, 1$= 3251.06 soums).

In addition, the government entrusted certain related ministries and departments to prepare proposals on simplification of the procedure of selection of investment projects and registration of participants of the zones.

The program places a particular emphasis on shifting to electronic application, consideration and approval of submitted documents, as well as on significant cut of terms of consideration. In particular, the administration of zones should reduce the time of consideration of documents of investors from five to two working days, and the Administrative Board – from ten to five working days.

Another breakthrough solution comes to the introduction of ‘single window’ services at administrative offices of free economic zones. From now and on, investors will be able to process all the permissions, get a license for certain types of activities, certificates for products, permission to connection to engineering and communication networks within a zone.

Simplified requirements for investors to present their background and an audit report on financial statements for the last three years applicable to newly established businesses will be an important measure.

The government also intends to team up with commercial banks for the development of targeted measures to support the participants of zones. It has already vowed on signing agreements with banks on opening their branches in the zones, as well as on provision of preferential loans for investment projects for the participants, including those in foreign currency.

Today, there are three free economic zones in Uzbekistan – Navoi (founded in December 2008), Angren in the Tashkent region (April 2012), and Jizzakh in the central part of the country (March 2013).

There are plans afoot for the next few years to additionally establish four similar facilities – free economic zones Urgut (Samarkand region), Gijduvan (Bukhara region), Kokand (Ferghana region) and Khazarasp (Khorezm region).

(Source: «Uzbekistan Today» newspaper)


The funding sources for the modern history’s largest projects on construction of new subway lines and stations have been approved in Uzbekistan

The Ministry of Finance of Uzbekistan has published the first action plans for the development of the Tashkent subway in the coming years. The two major projects envisage the completion of the Yunusabad line of the metropolitan subway by 2019, and the construction of a new terrestrial branch in Sergeli district with the launch in 2020.

$124.8 million will be allocated fir the completion of the construction of the Yunusabad line, $72 million of which are centralized investments from the government budget, as provided by the Investment Program for 2017-2020. The money will be allocated on an annual basis in equal installments.

The remaining $52.8 million will be invested as a loan from the Fund for Reconstruction and Development of Uzbekistan (FRDU). They will be channeled in the purchase of imported equipment, materials and components, payment for services of foreign experts for examination of project documentation, support and technical supervision of construction.

If necessary, the funds of the FRDU loan will be channeled in specific construction and installation works by foreign contractors, including other currency expenses under the project, as well as for the purchase of equipment for contractors.

The construction of the so-called ‘skytrain’ line in Sergely region of Tashkent will cost $170.1 million. It will be funded through $70.1 million of centralized investments from the government budget, as well as a FRDU loan in the amount of $35.1 million. The government will also draw funds from loans and other sources in the amount of $64.9 million.

The implementation of such large-scale projects is going to be a serious financial burden for the Tashkent subway, as part of Uzbekistan Railways. With this in mind, the government has provided companies with significant benefits and preferences.

In particular, under the resolution of the government, the Tashkent subway will be exempted from land tax, property and mandatory contributions to the state funds by 1 January 2022.

In addition, the State Unitary Enterprise ‘Tashkent Subway’ and JSC ‘Uzbekistan Railways’ have been released by January 1, 2027, from customs duties for imported cars, machinery, equipment, materials, spare parts, components, assemblies and technical documents for maintenance needs of the subway, which are not produced domestically.

The government also entrusted the Tashkent municipality with taking measures to enhance the efficiency of the underground. For example, municipal authorities should optimize the current urban and suburban routes to orient the passenger traffic to the subway.

The specialists will review the extent and traffic schemes of certain routes of land transport that pass along metro stations, as well as eliminate duplication of bus and subway routes. Several projects envisage attraction of passenger traffic to the subway through the construction of new terminal routes for buses and fixed run taxi close to metro stations.

(Source: «Uzbekistan Today» newspaper)

International cooperation

Meeting with EU Special Representative

On January 20, 2017, the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Uzbekistan Abdulaziz Kamilov received Peter Burian, European Union Special Representative for Central Asia.

In the continuation of the dialogue that was held on December 9, 2016 in the framework of participation in the session of the OSCE Council of Foreign Ministers, the sides discussed topical issues of the bilateral agenda.

The parties held substantive discussion on the further development of relations between Uzbekistan and the EU in political, trade-economic, cultural-humanitarian and other spheres, as well as the implementation of the EU Strategy for a New Partnership with Central Asia and the prospects for improving its effectiveness.

During the meeting the sides also exchanged views on international and regional issues.

The head of the EU Delegation in Uzbekistan, Ambassador Eduards Stiprais attended the conversation.

(Source: Press Service of the MFA of the Republic of Uzbekistan)

On Uzbek-Russian political consultations

On January 19, 2017 Moscow hosted a regular round of the Uzbek-Russian inter-ministerial political consultations.

The Russian side was represented by a delegation headed by the Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation Vasily Nebenzia.

The sides exchanged views on topical aspects of bilateral cooperation in the framework of the CIS and other issues of Uzbek-Russian agenda.

During the conversation special attention was paid to the preparations for the upcoming meeting of the CIS Council of Foreign Ministers in Tashkent and activities within the framework of bilateral cooperation.

(Source: Press Service of the MFA of the Republic of Uzbekistan)

Evening of friendship

A cultural programme devoted to the 25th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between the Republic of Uzbekistan and the People’s Republic of China took place in the Istiqlol palace of arts on 18 January.

This evening of friendship and art was arranged jointly by the council of societies of friendship and cultural enlightenment links of Uzbekistan with foreign countries, the embassy of the People’s Republic of China in Uzbekistan and the republican international cultural centre.

The state anthems of the two countries were played. Those who made speeches especially noted that cooperation between the two countries was developing consistently in all its spheres and that agreements reached at meetings between the heads of the two states served as an important legal basis for that.

“A Chinese proverb says the more you have friends the broader is your path. Uzbekistan is China’s close friend and strategic partner. We are in favour of further developing these mutual relations. I am sure that this festive event will further strengthen the friendship, mutual trust and respect between our peoples,” says the ambassador extraordinary and plenipotentiary of the People’s Republic of China to Uzbekistan, Sun Lijie.

The Uzbek-Chinese cooperation is developing consistently in all its spheres, including in the cultural-humanitarian area. In 2005, Confucius Institute was opened in Tashkent. And today more than 350 people study there. Since the founding of the institute, more than 2.5 thousand people have attended its training courses.

In the 2012-2013 academic year, the studying of the Uzbek language was initiated at Beijing Foreign Studies University. On 15 May 2013, Uzbekistan Research and Educational Exchange Center was opened at Shanghai University’s institute of public diplomacy of the SCO. The Uzbekistan-China friendship society, founded in 1998, and the PRC-Central Asia friendship society, founded in 2007, play an important role in further strengthening cultural relations between the countries.

“As part of fruitful cooperation between our countries, I studied in such towns as Lanzhou, Dalian and Xiamen and raised my teaching qualifications. Today’s concert is further evidence of the firmness of our friendship,” says Nigina Rasuleva, doctoral student at the Chinese language and literature department of Shanghai University.

During the event, a documentary film was shown devoted to the development of Uzbek – Chinese friendship.

The evening’s concert programme included Eastern and Khorazm dances performed by the national dance ensemble “Sabo”, songs entitled “Eternal Friendship”, “I and my Motherland”, “Friend” and “The Native Territory” performed by M.Toshmatov, people’s artiste of Uzbekistan, R.Mirzakamolova and G.Nurmetova, winners of international contests, performances of members of the wushu section at the Chinese national cultural centre, “Lion dance” and a song entitled “Shine bright, Tashkent!” performed by Fan Yingchuan.

(Source: UzA)

Uzbekistan and Vietnam celebrate 25th anniversary of diplomatic relations

17 January 1992 marked the date when Uzbekistan and Vietnam signed a Joint communique on establishing diplomatic relations. Today, the two friendly countries are celebrating a quarter century of fruitful relations with a special solemnity, IA “Jahon” said.

A solid foundation for the development of relations of friendship and mutually beneficial cooperation was laid during the official visit of the first President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Islam Karimov to Vietnam in March 1996. Over the years, the members of the Parliament and government of Vietnam paid several visits in our country.

Since 2007, the foreign ministries of the two countries have been holding political consultations, the last 4th round of which was held in March 2014 in Hanoi.

Our countries successfully cooperate within international bodies, particularly within the UN and its agencies. Being an active participant of the Bangkok Treaty, or the Southeast Asian Nuclear-Weapon-Free Zone Treaty, Hanoi with special enthusiasm supported the official initiative of Tashkent on the establishment of such a zone in Central Asia.

Overall, 20 documents were signed between the two countries over the past years, regulating relations in the spheres of trade and investment, taxation, aviation, science and culture, tourism and other areas. Intergovernmental Commission on trade-economic and scientific-technical cooperation has been established to boost bilateral ties. In December 2013, Hanoi hosted the sixth meeting of this Commission, the participants of which expressed a mutual intention to boost trade and economic cooperation.

There are 19 enterprises with the participation of Vietnamese investors operating in our country, 3 of them with 100% foreign capital. They operate in the fields of textile production, trade and service. The largest Vietnamese oil and Gas Corporation PetroVietnam is conducting exploration work in the Ustyurt region of the country.

Despite the geographical distance, Uzbekistan and Vietnamese have shown great interest in the study of the rich cultural heritage of the two peoples. Thus, since December 1995, the Friendship Society “Vietnam-Uzbekistan”, whose leaders visited our country in 2006 and 2008. In turn, masters of arts of Uzbekistan are frequent guests and participants of cultural events held in Vietnam. In particular, they took an active part in the celebrations dedicated to the 1000th anniversary of Hanoi in September-October 2010. In addition, in September 2012, Tashkent hosted the Days of Vietnamese culture with the participation of Deputy Minister of culture, sports and the country’s tourism Le Khanh Hai.

Cooperation is steadily expanding between higher educational and research institutions of Uzbekistan and Vietnam.

The fruitful cooperation between Uzbekistan and Vietnam in various fields is developing consistently in benefit of both countries and peoples. We are confident that the parties will continue to actively seize new opportunities and prospects for even more active cooperation on a mutually beneficial basis.



Amir Sargidjan’s Creative Lair

The House-Museum of Sergei Borodin is the first memorial museums of Uzbekistan, which was opened in 1981. Just after opening of this house, the tendency went for other memorial museums of writers, including of Oybek, Sergei Yesenin, Ghafur Ghulom, and others. Another feature is that Sergei Borodin lived and worked in this house. What interesting things can be found in the house of the People’s Writer of Uzbekistan, and why he wrote in his youth he wrote his works under the pen name Amir Sargidjan? Answers to these questions are in the UT correspondent article.

After the death of the writer, his widow Roza Borodina decided to grant the house with all the things which are now exhibits to the state. The government responded with gratitude and provided apartments for resettlement, because Sergei Borodin lived in this house with his family: his wife and sons.

Five rooms of the house-museum are open to the public. Two exhibition halls and three rooms of the writer: a living room, library, and study.

In the first exhibition hall the visitors can get acquainted with childhood and young ages of Sergei Borodin. He was born on September 25, 1902 in Moscow, but later moved with his family to the city of Belev, where he spent his childhood. According to some historical data it is known that the house of the Borodins neighbored with the estate of Lev Tolstoi. Moreover, there is evidence that the father, Pyotr Borodin personally knew the outstanding Russian writer.

Here the visitors can see the first books a young Borodin read: Krylov’s fables, tales of Pushkin and the Brothers Grimm, as well as his early works and sketches. The young man manifested his talent in only in writing, but in drawing as well. A big poster of the writer created by the People’s Artist of Uzbekistan Abdulhaq Abdullayev hangs in the center of the room.

For the first time Sergei Borodin arrived in Bukhara to gather information about the local people, their way of life and customs. Even then the national identity hugely influenced on him. He was charmed with the East, and even after his mission ended he visited Uzbekistan again and again. The stand in the exhibition hall has a unique photo depicting the scientist-archaeologist Vasiliy Vyatkin and Sergei Borodin. He suggested that the young reporter Borodin work as a foreman. All summer they spent in the excavations in Afrosiyob near Samarqand.

The museum preserves his numerous translations of his own works and of other writers. For this activity the writer was awarded with the medal ‘For the best translations.’ The photos and translations by Borodin with autographs of writers are put on display here, including Sadriddin Ayni, Sharof Rashidov, Oybek.

“Before the 1940s, Borodin wrote his works under the pen name Amir Sargidjan. As it turned out, the writer traveled a lot through the Caucasus as a young correspondent, where the locals called him Sergey-jan. Later, it was transformed into the pen name Amir Sargidjan,” informs the scientific secretary of the public council of the museum, Georgiy Ufimtsev.

In 1950, the writer finally moved to Tashkent with his family and in 1951 began to work on a book ‘Stars above Samarqand.’ Two of the most significant works in the life of Borodin were the novel ‘Dmitry Donskoi’ and the trilogy ‘Stars above Samarkand.’ Both works have been translated into various languages of the world. The exhibition in the second hall is dedicated to these books.

Every thing in the bright and comfortable living room is preserved as it was in lifetime of the writer. It has the paintings presented by friends and recognized artists of Uzbekistan, vases, dishes and sets from China, Tunisia, India, Japan.

During the life of Borodin he was repeatedly visited by writers, poets, composers, archeologists, scientists, and journalists. Here, Borodin drank tea with the outstanding figures of world culture, including Leonid Leonov, Birdie Kerbabayev, Mirzo Tursunzoda, Ghafur Ghulom, Chingiz Aytmatov, Pablo Neruda, Nazim Hikmet, and others.

Sergei Borodin’s library contains more than three thousand books of all kinds, including books on history and archeology, encyclopedias, collected works. Everything here is preserved in its original form: green velvet furniture and shelves made by the writer. Interesting chandelier hangs in the center of the room made of wood without a single nail, and owl sits on it – a symbol of wisdom and knowledge.

But the most mysterious is stored in the study of the writer. After the death of Borodin, Roza Yakubovna asked to make a death mask of her husband. The mask stands near a huge closet, which stores a unique collection of books with autographs of famous writers and artists, well-known Russian and foreign poets. For example, Anna Akhmatova, Boris Pasternak, Maxim Gorky, Irving Stone, Kamal Tahir and over two thousand others, with whom the writer met and befriended.

Range of interests of Sergei Borodin was varied. A special place is occupied by a large numismatic collection with a scientific description of each coin by the writer, for which he won a silver medal of the New York Numismatic Society.

The coins were not the only passion in his life. Sergei Borodin was very fond of traveling, and from each country he brought matchboxes – so another collection formed. And in every hotel he visited, the writer took the brochure or label reminding him of his place of residence. Now all collections of matches, brochures and coins are stored in the memorial part of the House-Museum.

(Source: «Uzbekistan Today» newspaper)


Denis Istomin defeats Novak Djokovic at Australian Open

Uzbekistan no.1 and world no.117 Denis Istomin overpowered Novac Djokovic, ranked no.2 in the world, in the second round of Australian Open.

Playing on Rod Laver Arena in Melbourne Park, Istomin clinched a 3-2 victory (7-6, 5-7, 2-6, 7-6, 6-4).

The match lasted 4 hours 49 minutes, as Djokovic led by winners (68-63), but made more mistakes (72-60). Istomin snatched 17 aces, while Djokovic settled for 14.

In the third round, Istomin will challenge Pablo Carreno Busta on January 20.

This is Djokovic’s first loss at Australian Open since 2014. The 29-yeard old Serbian has won Australian Open six times (2008, 2011-2013, 2015-2016).





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