August 15, 2014
Enterprises of Uzstroymateriali exports goods for US$42.94m in 1H.. 2
Uzavtoyul enterprises carry out works for 564.4bn soums in 1H.. 2
Investment projects in the power engineering industry. 3
Enterprises of Uzstroymateriali exports goods for US$42.94m in 1H
Enterprises of joint stock company Uzstroymateriali exported produces for US$42.94 million soums in the first half of 2014, which rose by 15.5% year-on-year. (Currency rates of CB from 15.08.2014 1$= 2340.19 soums)
According to the company, its enterprises increased production volume by 4.5% year-on-year in the first six months of 2014.
The enterprises increased production of cement by 4.9%, construction gypsum – 10.7%, dry construction mixtures – 32%, gypsum board – 2.9% and ceramic tiles – 10.1%, etc.
In the reporting period, the industry produced localized goods for 2.029 billion soums, which exceeds the forecast volume by 52%.
Largest enterprises of the industry used investments for 42.7 billion soums in the first six months of 2014, which rose by 370.8% year-on-year.
Investment programme of the company for 2014 envisages implementation of 16 projects for US$31.91 million, including attracting foreign investments and loans for US$9.12 million. Nine projects for US$18.22 million will be commissioned in 2014.
In the first six months of 2014, the industry used investments for US$11.65 million, including US$0.92 million.
Uzavtoyul enterprises carry out works for 564.4bn soums in 1H
Enterprises and organizations of Uzavtoyul state joint stock company carries out works on construction, repair and maintenance for 564.4 billion soums in the first half of 2014. (Currency rates of CB from 15.08.2014 1$= 2340.19 soums)
The company said that it is planning to commission 61 road objects with total length of 534 km in line with the programme of construction and reconstruction of roads of the Uzbek highway.
In line with the investment programme for 2014, the company carried out road repair-construction works at 534 km road. The agreements for 930.4 billion soums were signed, including with enterprises of Uzavtoyul to repair 233 km roads for 655.6 billion soums.
The reconstruction of 152 km roads was conducted. The works for 185.3 billion soums (+5.1%) were carried out.
The volume of capital repair works of general use roads, carried out by Uzavtoyul, made up 48.8 billion soums.
The companies carried out works on maintenance and repair works for 286.1 billion at the roads of international, state and local importance with the length of 42,654 km.
In the first half of 2014, the enterprise of the company purchased 264 units of new equipment, of which 217 units were purchased due to resources of the Republican Road Fund and 37 units – for own resources, leasing or banking loans.
Currently, total length of automobile roads make sup 183,685 km, of which 3,979 km are international roads, 14,066 km state roads and 24,509 – local roads. There are also 61,664 km of street roads and 79,367 km – economic roads.
Investment projects in the power engineering industry
According to Uzbek President’s address to the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan on the results of the nation’s priority directions of the 2014 Economic Program, several major high-tech facilities will be put into operation in manufacturing improved and boosted in the current year.
As a result of the measures taken in the country to reform the national economy, power engineering is increasingly becoming one of the main directions of investment activity carried out in Uzbekistan by international financial-economic institutions. At present, the-State joint-Stock Company Uzbekenergo is busy implementing 28 big investment projects to create new, power-generating facilities, as well as to modernize and reconstruct the existing ones. These projects stipulate the introduction of modern technologies for combined production of electric and thermal energy on the basis of steam-gas plants. It is also envisaged to raise the portion of solid fuel and water power-producing resources in the overall fuel-and-energy balance thanks to the reconstruction and modernization of the existing coal-fired electric power stations and hydroelectric power stations.
As many as 5 projects are now realized in the sector under the Investment Program, to build eight -steam-gas plants, whose total production capacity is projected to reach З,120 mWt. This will target the following important objectives: to make the functioning of the national power supply system more stable, to make the provision of customers with energy more reliable and to diminish the level of damage done by electric power stations to the environment. Uzbekenergo plans to bring to completion 6 large-scale investment projects by the end of 2014.
Using a credit facility from the Export-Import Bank of the People’s Republic of China, Uzbekenergo is now finalizing a project to diversify fuel needed for the production of electric power, “Construction at the Angren Thermoelectric Power Station of a 130-150 mWt power-generating unit with the selection of heat-and-power supply for the burning of high-ash, coal”. When completed, the project will make it possible to utilize, as a fuel, some 1 million tons of low-grade coal, storing up as a result of extraction at the Angrensky open-pit mine. For the time being, only 25 thermoelectric power stations in the world are capable of using such technology.
The project “Construction of a new thermoelectric power station with the total production capacity of 900 mWt, consisting of two 450 mWt steam-gas, units in the Turakurgan district of Namangan province” aims to develop power-generating facilities, introduce modern energy-efficient technologies and provide customers in the Ferghana Valley with electricity, while saving up to 820 million c.m. of natural gas a year.
It is planned to install, by the end of the current year, about 4.5 million electronic meters in the company’s electric network. This will presumably deliver a 1.8 billion kWt/h reduction in the consumption of electricity. To implement a given project, the company has attracted loans from the Asian Development Bank, the World Bank, the Islamic-Development Bank and other investors.
The attraction of foreign investments to the power-engineering industry has led to the creation of a number of modern enterprises specializing in the production of competitive import-substituting commodities. In cooperation with South-Korean, partners, ОАО Novo-Angren TEPS has set up an enterprise in the Angren Free Industrial Zone, to turn out. light-diode lamps for street lighting. In the Djizak Free Industrial Zone, work is under way, together with Chinese partners, on the installation of solar water-heating systems (collectors) and energy-efficient light-diode lighting appliances.
To reduce emissions of carbon dioxide to the atmosphere by exploiting more efficient power-generating technological equipment and increasing the portion o: renewables in the overall power balance, the State Joint-Stock Company Uzbekenergo has launched the construction of a 100 mWt solar electric power station in Samarkand province. The funds required to finance the realization of this project have been provided by the Asian Development Bank.
(Source: «Business» newspaper)