“Investment portal of Uzbekistan”

Citizens of 76 countries will be able to get an electronic visa to Uzbekistan (List)

Uzbekistan announces visa waiver for citizens of 45 countries (List)

Important Visa Information for Indian Citizens Travelling to Uzbekistan

August 29, 2016


POLItiCs. 1

September 2 declared officially day off. 1

officially.. 1

The Announcement of the Cabinet of Ministers of Uzbekistan. 1

economy.. 1

Feasibility study of Tashkent-4 passenger terminal developed. 1

investments. 2

Food Industry of Uzbekistan Stakes on Technologies. 2


Bukhara is the next destination. 3

International cooperation.. 5

Agreement between Uzbekistan and Cyprus in healthcare comes into force. 5

Astana hosts meeting of the Council of National Coordinators of SCO.. 5

Senate of Oliy Majlis of republic of Uzbekistan.. 6

Senators adopted news laws and legislative amendments in Senate session. 6

Society.. 6

Focus on Labor Relations. 6






September 2 declared officially day off

President of Uzbekistan Islam Karimov signed a resolution “On shifting day-off in connection with the celebrations of the 25th anniversary of Uzbekistan’s Independence” on 26 August 2016.

September 4, 2016 is declared officially work day. September 2, 2016 is declared officially day off.

(Source: Press-service of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan)


The Announcement of the Cabinet of Ministers of Uzbekistan

The Cabinet of Ministers of Uzbekistan informs that the President of Uzbekistan Islam Karimov is in-patient treatment.

The Uzbek Government said that some time will require for full medical examination and further treatment of the Uzbek President.


Feasibility study of Tashkent-4 passenger terminal developed

Uzbekistan Havo Yollari hosted a conference in connection with completion of development of the feasibility study of the project on construction of new passenger terminal at Tashkent Airport (Tashkent-4).

Deputy Prime Minister of Uzbekistan Batir Zakirov, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of South Korea to Uzbekistan Kwon Yong Woo, representatives of KOICA and Korean consortium, which took part in the project implementation, Uzbekistan Havo Yollari, Uzbek ministries and departments attended the event.

The feasibility study was developed in January-July 2016. During preparation of the document, the Korean side studied infrastructure of Tashkent Airport and aviation industry of Uzbekistan, perspectives of development of concept of construction of international passenger terminal “Tashkent-4”.

During the conference, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of South Korea to Uzbekistan Kwon Yong Woo handed over developed feasibility study of the project to Deputy Prime Minister of Uzbekistan Batir Zakirov.

Batir Zakirov expressed gratitude to the Korean partners for their contribution to the project and hope for further fruitful cooperation.

The Uzbek side presented a plan of further measures on realization of the project on construction of new international passenger terminal of Tashkent Airport (Tashkent-4).

Investment project “Construction of new international passenger terminal of Tashkent Airport (Tashkent-4)” is implemented within the programme of development and modernization of engineering-communication and road-transport infrastructure for 2015-2019. KOICA allocated grant for development of the feasibility study of the project.

Feasibility study was developed by Incheon Airport, Heerim, Yooshin, EY Hanyoung and Korea Transport Institute. The Uzbek and Korean sides also worked on optimization of the project cost. It is planned that construction works of the Tashkent-4 terminal will kick off in 2016.

(Source: «Business» newspaper)


Food Industry of Uzbekistan Stakes on Technologies

By the end of 2020, food industry of Uzbekistan has scheduled to implement 180 investment projects on modernization of production totaling over $596 million.

The industry enterprises are currently upgraded with the latest production lines by Austria, Germany, Poland, Republic of Korea, China and other countries. This ensures the production of high-quality products that are competitive in the international market. As a result, ‘Made in Uzbekistan’ branded food products are sold in more than 80 countries. In the last decade alone, exports of fruit juice have doubled, other food products increased by an average of 1.5 times, foreign exchange earnings have increased six-fold.

The positive changes produce a positive effect on the increase in the standard of living and well-being of the population. For example, the consumption of meat and meat products was 31 kg, milk and dairy products – 183 kg, fruits, vegetables and melons – 107 kg per capita in 1990, while in the past quarter century these indicators have increased by 1.5 -2.5 times. Most importantly, the nutrition changes for quality products.

The establishment of the O’zbekoziqovqatholding company in early 2016 was a radical turn in the development of the industry. It is now entrusted with the widespread application of internationally accepted methods and principles of corporate governance, modernization of enterprises, channeling of investments into technical and technological extension, increase of processing of fruits, vegetables and other agricultural products, improvement of product quality and making it competitive in the international market.

Since the beginning of 2016, the head of state has adopted five resolutions and several other official documents, in line with which specialists have built a system that incorporates all processes ranging from cultivation of yields to their quality storage and exportation. Starting with this year, the work has begun with the introduction of the state order for the purchase of fruits and vegetables, potatoes, melons and grapes.

The O’Uzbekozikovkatholding company incorporates 188 industrial enterprises. In the first half of the current year, they produced industrial products for 2.1 trillion soums (currency rates of CB RU from 29.08.2016, 1$= 2984.45 soums) in comparable prices with the 9.1 percent growth YOY.

Enterprises have produced new kinds of products by 3.1 billion soums. $28.3 million was invested in modernization, technical and technological extension of production, as exemplified by recently commissioned companies like Angren Shakar, Mehnat Malt, Family Group, International Beverages Tashkent, Gold Dried Fruits, Sunny Fruit Production, Master Global Plus.

Partnered by ministries, agencies and local authorities, the company is currently implementing 1,085 projects, which envisage the disbursement of $201.5 million in 2016. As envisaged by the investment program, $53 million is invested in 43 projects, and $148.5 million – in 1,042 target territorial investment projects. Nearly 800 new food production facilities have been commissioned over the past period of the current year under the territorial investment programs alone.

The scale of construction of production facilities and modernization of existing enterprises has been expanding. The industry development program envisages the completion of 180 big projects totaling $596 million by 2020. The special focus is laid on the projects on storage and processing of fruits and vegetables. Most of them will be implemented in the countryside.

Improvement of quality and increase in the volume of manufactured products, as well bringing them up to the level of world standards ranks among the main thrusts of development of the industry for the next five years. To this end, it is planned to establish the companies, specializing in the production of packaging materials.

It is worth noting that the provision of food security and uninterrupted supply of affordable and high-quality food products for everyday consumption is the result of the implementation of the well considered policy of the Uzbek leadership, which is aimed at improvement of the living standards and welfare of citizens.

(Source: «Uzbekistan Today» newspaper)


Bukhara is the next destination

In the run-up to the 25th anniversary of Uzbekistan’s independence, the high-speed Afrosiyob train’s service along the Tashkent-Bukhara route has been initiated.

From the first years of independence, special attention has been paid under the leadership of the country’s President to creating a single national system of railways through the consistent development of railway transportation.

On the basis of long-term programmes and projects, large-scale reforms and creative work have been and are being implemented in this sphere. As a result, in the past 25 years, new railway lines were built, and the main transit sections were reconstructed and electrified. New routes were opened, new railways and train stations were built and existing ones were repaired.

The Navoiy-Uchquduq-Sultanuvaystag-Nukus railway laid through Qizilqum made it possible to link central and northern regions of the country. And a bridge built over the river Amudarya linked the Republic of Qoraqalpoghiston and Khorazm Region with other regions.

The Toshguzar-Boysun-Qumqorghon unique railway line, recognized as “the wonder of the century”, plays an important role in the socio-economic development of the southern regions.

The commissioning of the electrified railway line Angren-Pop along the Qamchiq pass and the Qamchiq tunnel, which is part of it, made it possible to link the regions of the Fergana valley with other regions of the country. This line serves as an important link of this new international railway transit corridor China-Central Asia-Europe.

Five years ago, on the eve of the 20th anniversary of the country’s independence, this high-speed train, the first in Central Asia and named Afrosiyob, started travelling along the Tashkent-Samarqand route. And then work in this sphere was continued in other areas. In 2015 the electrification of the Marakand-Karshi railway line was completed, and the Afrosiyob train began the rail service to Karshi.

In accordance with the presidential resolution dated 26 March 2015 on measures to implement a project of electrification of the Samarqand-Bukhara railway line and arranging high-speed train services, work was started last year on the reconstruction of existing railways and the construction of new railways and on the electrification of the Samarqand-Bukhara railway line.

This railway line is 259 km long. This project of nearly 400 million dollars was completed in a short space of time – within just 16 months. More than a thousand railway workers, builders and specialists worked hard in any weather conditions, overcoming natural obstacles, and completed the work well and within the set time-frame. More than 220 units of modern equipment and mechanisms were used in the construction work, and 16.2 million cubic metres of earth work was carried out.

In the 146 km long Marakand-Navoiy section, earth-fill work was carried out, and a new separate railway line was laid. The railway bed from Navoiy to Bukhara was completely reconstructed.

The timely supply of railway ties, fastenings and longitudinal joints made it possible to keep the stable pace of work and to complete it within the time frame. It is noteworthy that more than 6 thousand reinforced concrete piers and other materials used in the electrification of the line had been produced at local enterprises. On both sides of the main line, metal guardrails were installed for over 500 km.

Along the line, 220 artificial installations were built, including one pedestrian crossing, four flyovers and four bridges. For the uninterrupted supply of trains with electricity, four electric power stations were built and fitted out with modern equipment in the territory.

In Kattaqorghon, a new modern railway station building was constructed and provided with equipment that meets the modern requirements. It can provide services for 100 passengers at a time. A 400 metre long concrete platform was built.

Also, as part of the project and in accordance with today’s requirements, the Bukhara railway station was reconstructed. Instead of an old and unremarkable building there, a completely new grand building meeting international standards was constructed. It can provide services for 300 passengers. The complex has a bright big waiting hall, ticket offices, a baby care room and a medical station. A VIP hall for meeting and seeing off high-profile guests and tourists was also built.

The project was completed by the greatest and dearest holiday, that is Independence Day, and on 25th August, the high-speed Afrosiyob train started travelling between Tashkent and Bukhara. Labour veterans, railway workers and members of the public of Bukhara and Samarqand as well as young people were the first passengers.

“Great changes that have taken place in the railway system in the years of independence are really wonderful. Several years ago, the Sharq high-speed train started travelling between Bukhara and Tashkent, taking 10-12 hours to cover the distance. Thanks to this new train, the travel time was shortened by half, which is very convenient for residents of Bukhara. Until now it took us two days to visit the capital city and return to Bukhara. In the past, we travelled on a carriage on the 600 km route in cold winters and in the heat of summer, and by the time we reached our destination we were tired and exhausted. Compared with those conditions, Sharq seemed a miracle to us. Today our trains are as fast as the rapid pace of our country’s independent development. They are even faster and more comfy. May our country’s independence be forever, as it gave us this happiness and raised our honour and dignity!” says Farmon Aminov, a teacher at the Bukhara engineering -technology institute.

“Despite the train’s high speed, there is no noticeable shaking or noise inside. I and my companion are having tea, and not a drop of it has been spilt. According to the indicator board, the current speed is 250 km per hour. We look through the window. Outside, like in a movie, images of our beautiful scenery are flying past. Thanks to independence, our towns and villages are developing, and our dreams are coming true. Our ancestors’ unrealized dreams have become a reality today thanks to the policy of our country’s President. People and their interests are in the centre of this policy. We are grateful to the head of our state for bringing distance places close together and for creating prosperous, peaceful and calm living conditions for the people,” says the chief of a department of the Navoiazot joint-stock company, Shuhrat Jorayev.

The train departed from Tashkent at 0800 in the morning of 25 August, and 2 hours 8 minutes afterwards it was met ceremonially at the Samarqand railway station. At 1030 Afrosiyob together with members of the public from Samarqand Region who had joined it started its first voyage to Bukhara.

“The beginning of this Tashkent-Samarqand train service in 2011 and the creation of this great convenience for our compatriots help to develop tourism in our country even more. Today many tourists use Afrosiyob as with this train it is possible to come to Samarqand in the morning, look at tourist attractions and return to Tashkent in the evening. Undoubtedly, the initiation of this train service to Bukhara will increase the flow of tourists to this ancient and unique town,” says labour veteran from Samarqand, Zoir Ziyoyev.

Hitherto, train passengers spent 7-8 hours covering the distance between Tashkent and Bukhara, and now it is possible for them to reach their destination within 3 hours 20 minutes on a modern and comfy carriage.

“I was born and grew up in Bukhara. I have been living in Samarqand for 30 years already. In the past, railway transport passengers did not have such conditions as today’s. In those years, carriages were far from being their best. When I was a student, I had to travel even on a freight train. Although the distance between the two ancient cities is less than 300 km, covering this distance in the past involved big difficulties. The Afrosiyob train has brought these towns closer together, and it is a great gift for our people on the eve of the 25th anniversary of our Motherland,” says a professor of Samarqand state university, Shavkat Hasanov.

The train, going via prosperous towns and villages of Samarqand and Navoiy regions, where a festive atmosphere reigns, arrived at the Bukhara railway station at 1140.

Here, the train and its first passengers were met ceremonially by members of the public of Bukhara Region. Passengers disembarking from the train were joyous and happy and said words of gratitude and admiration. All of them congratulated each other and shared their impressions.

A ceremony took place at the Bukhara railway station, devoted to the beginning of the Afrosiyob high speed train’s service on the Tashkent-Bukhara-Tashkent route.

The first deputy hokim (governor) of Bukhara Region, M.Abdullayev; the chairman of the board of the Ozbekiston Temir Yollari (Uzbekistan railways), A.Rahmatov; and others congratulated all on this important event and the 25th anniversary of the Motherland’s independence.

It was said that reforms being implemented in the railway sphere of the country under the leadership of President Islam Karimov are giving their high results.

Participants in the event familiarized themselves with the new building of the railway station and with the conditions created there for passengers. A visit was arranged to tourist attractions of the town.

The same day, the Afrosiyob train made a return voyage from Bukhara to Tashkent.

In specialists’ opinion, as a result of the implementation of this project, the throughput capacity of the railway section rises by 36 per cent, and operational costs will decrease by the same amount. More than 200 new jobs have been created along the route.

With the beginning of the high-speed train service in this direction, the length of these kinds of railways in the country exceeded 700 km.

A deputy prime minister of Uzbekistan, B.Zokirov, made a speech at the event.

(Source: UzA)

International cooperation

Agreement between Uzbekistan and Cyprus in healthcare comes into force

An agreement between the Governments of Uzbekistan and Cyprus in cooperation in the field of healthcare and medical science came into force on 22 August 2016, the press service of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Uzbekistan said.

The inter-governmental agreement was signed in Tashkent on 5 April 2012. The document was signed within the visit of then Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Cyprus Erato Kozakou−Marcoullis to Uzbekistan.

The document also envisages creation of joint commission on developing recommendations, if necessary, to improve cooperation and control over execution of the agreement.


Astana hosts meeting of the Council of National Coordinators of SCO

On 23-25 August, Astana hosted a meeting of the Council of National Coordinators of member states of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, the press service of the Foreign Ministry said.

At the meeting of national coordinators, held for the first time after the Tashkent SCO Summit, representatives of member states exchanged views on the schedule of the main events in the organization for 2016-2017 and other issues on the agenda.

Particular attention was paid to the preparation for the next session of council of heads of states (Prime Ministers) of the SCO in November of the current year, as well as other collaborative efforts.


Senate of Oliy Majlis of republic of Uzbekistan

Senators adopted news laws and legislative amendments in Senate session

On 25 August 2016 the Senate of the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan continued its plenary session in Tashkent.

The second day of the plenary session started with consideration of the Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan “On labour protection” in new edition. The law is aimed at further improving labour safety, strengthening the responsibility of the employer and employees for the implementation of the requirements in this area, defining the powers of public authorities to ensure proper monitoring of working conditions and safety.

The document also regulates issues of attestation of employees on work conditions, audit of labour protection management system, etc.

It sets mechanism on participation of public and professional unions in conducting public control in the field. It also sets their rights.

Senators also considered the Law “On introducing amendments to legislative acts of the Republic of Uzbekistan”, in accordance with which several legal acts are amended, aimed at further improving existing legislation in social, political, economic and judicial spheres.

In connection with the adoption of the resolution of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan from 21 December 2015 “On additional measures to attract foreign investors to the joint stock companies”, amendments were introduced to the Law “On joint-stock companies and protection of the rights of shareholders” , aimed at wide attraction of foreign investors to joint-stock companies, creation of favorable condition for their participation in corporate management, in accordance with which the share of foreign shareholder(s) may not be less that 15% in charter capital of the company.

Also in accordance with the amendments to the Laws “On normative legal acts” and “On Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan”, the national legislative database is given a status of an official source for publishing normative legal acts, which creates additional conditions for timely informing the public about the latest legislative changes and news, using the modern ICT tools.

During the two-day session of the senate 10 issues, including 6 Laws, aimed at steady deepening democratic reforms and formation of civil society, were considered. Their implementation will serve as a solid factor in further improving the quality of life of people, strengthening stability and welfare in the country.

The sixth plenary session of the Senate of the Oliy Majlis concluded its work.

(Source: UzA)


Focus on Labor Relations

A delegation of the International Labor Organization (ILO), representatives of the International Organization of Employers, the World Bank, International Finance Corporation, UNICEF, UNDP and EU have taken part at the “Round table” meeting “Status and Prospects of cooperation between the Republic of Uzbekistan and the International Labor Organization.

The event was organized by the ILO, the World Bank and the Council of Federation of Trade Unions of Uzbekistan. Speakers told about the normative-legal foundation set up in the country, which meets the requirements of international standards, about government decisions and programs in the sphere of rural economy. They focused particularly on the measures being undertaken in the Republic on the implementation of the ILO conventions, ratified by Uzbekistan and explanatory work conducted among the population on the principles of international and national standards of labor. There are about 15 large-scale events conducted annually in collaboration with international organizations and devoted to the sphere of labor and social protection.

Head of the organization Guy Raider had highly assessed the activities of Uzbekistan in this direction in his speech at the 105th session of the ILO. He stressed that the experience of the Republic deserved to be disseminated among other countries, since it has a positive impact on reforming all sectors of economy, including agriculture, raising the level of the population’s well-being and improvement of the labor legislation. Currently the national specialists and the ILO experts study jointly the system of undertakings realized by the Ministries, departments and civil society institutions. The organization regularly assigns its representatives to missions for evaluation of performance quality at all levels.

In the course of discussion representatives of international organizations had positively assessed the activities on the prevention of child and forced labor in the country. The ILO Regional Director Heinz Koler thinks that “Uzbekistan today is an example for other countries on the introduction of labor standards. The Republic has achieved a breakthrough in these directions in recent years.”

A working group on the elaboration of a country program on decent labor for 2017-2019 was set presently in this country. The guests were familiarized with the condition of realization of key components of the action plan for the period 2016-2018 on the perfection of labor conditions, employment and social protection of employees engaged in rural economy. Representatives of the World Bank informed the Uzbek side about rendering assistance in the implementation of the action plan. In this connection Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the United States in Uzbekistan Pamela Spratlen noted that the USA remain committed to further fruitful cooperation with Uzbekistan both in the field of labor relations and other directions. The diplomat underlined that the level of awareness of Uzbekistan population about international and national labor standards was rather high. “It is very important in this respect the government of the country pays great attention to these issues,” said P.Spratlen.

The foreign participants expressed their readiness to continue their fruitful cooperation with Uzbekistan in the successful implementation of the current and outlined projects in these directions.

(Source: «Uzbekistan Today» newspaper)





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