“Investment portal of Uzbekistan”

Citizens of 76 countries will be able to get an electronic visa to Uzbekistan (List)

Uzbekistan announces visa waiver for citizens of 45 countries (List)

Important Visa Information for Indian Citizens Travelling to Uzbekistan

August 27, 2015


POLItiCs. 2

Salaries in Uzbekistan to grow by 10% from 1 September 2

24th anniversary of Independence of Uzbekistan.. 2

The Modern Appearance of the Old City. 2

economy.. 3

The Tashkent Plant is getting to produce modern trams. 3


Uzbekistan to spend over US$700m to three solar plants. 4

shanghai cooperation organisation.. 4

General Prosecutor of Uzbekistan will take part in a meeting of the SCO member states. 4



Salaries in Uzbekistan to grow by 10% from 1 September

President of Uzbekistan Islam Karimov signed a decree “On increasing the sizes of salaries, pensions, stipends and social allowances” on 26 August 2015.

The document was adopted at increasing income and life standards of population, as well as strengthening social support of citizens of Uzbekistan.

According to the decree, the salaries to workers of budget organizations, pensions, allowances and stipends to students will increase by 1.1 times (10%) on the average from 1 September 2015.

The following minimum sizes will be effective in Uzbekistan starting from 1 September 2015:

salaries – 130,240 soums per month; (currency rates of CB RU from 03.08.2015   1$= 2595,52 soums )

pensions – 254,730 soums per month;

allowances for disabled from childhood – 254,730 soums per month;

allowances for elderly and work incapable citizen without the required work experience – 156,310 soums per month.

The document said that the expenses related to increasing salaries will be covered by state budget and off-budget Pension Fund under the Ministry of Finance of Uzbekistan.

The decree recommended business entities and organizations increase the salaries of their workers in line with the minimal salary, set by the document.


24th anniversary of Independence of Uzbekistan

The Modern Appearance of the Old City

President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Islam Karimov reviewed the ongoing construction and beautification works in the capital Tashkent on August 25.

Owing to the peace and harmony reigning in our country, thanks to the selfless work of the people, Uzbekistan has been advancing on all fronts. Wide-ranging construction and beautification efforts are in progress across all the urban and rural areas of the nation, thus facilitating a steadfast elevation of the living standards of the population.

At the initiative of President Islam Karimov, our towns are being reinvigorated to a full extent on the basis of general (master) plans. It can be seen in the case of the contemporary appearance of Nukus, Urgench, Bukhara, Andijan, Ferghana, Namangan, Samarkand, Karshi, Termez and other cities.

On the eve of the 24th anniversary of our native land’s independence, the construction of new industrial enterprises, educational and medical institutions, cultural centers and sports complexes, roads and bridges, modern homes is in full swing in all regions of the country. As the good tradition established in the years of independence goes, the majority of these facilities are put into operation on the eve of the greatest and the dearest holiday of our nation.

The President of Uzbekistan Islam Karimov traveled August 25 along Tashkent in order to familiarize with the enduring creative and improvement works undertaken in the megalopolis.

Tashkent is a majestic capital; it is the symbol of our state that epitomized the latter’s beauty and charm in whole. Under the guidance of the head of our state, extensive construction and creative endeavors are underway in the city. As a result, it has been undergoing renewal, preserving at the same time its historical identity. Being erected with a close eye to the traditions of national architecture art and modern urban planning requirements, the apartment buildings, social facilities, hotels, roads and bridges as well as shady alleys create all the comfort and favorable environment for locals and visitors.

Built on the idea of our country’s President, a master plan has been elaborated for the reconstruction of Tashkent’s old city. In accordance with this scheme, large-scale construction works are carried out in this part of the capital. In 2013, improvement and beautification efforts were undertaken in and around the Khadra Square. In 2014, new roads were built in Almazar Shaikhantahur districts. A new modern bridge was commissioned in May this year at the intersection of Sebzar and Abdulla Kadiri Streets.

In accordance with the 20 November 2014 decree of the head of our state to build modern residential housing, 5 five-storey buildings consisting of 160 apartments were erected in the old part of Tashkent. The construction of ten more such houses with 246 apartments is currently in progress and they are projected to be commissioned by the end of the year.

Climatic conditions, requirements of health and safety, all the peculiarities of the national lifestyle of our people were taken into account in the process of designing these buildings. Modern technologies and materials were used in their construction and finishing works.

The attention paid to creating the necessary conditions for the people can be seen already at the entrance of the apartment building. On the recommendation of the President, the height of each rung of the ladder is understated from the conventional 15 centimeters to 12 centimeters, while the slope is reduced from 27 to 21 degrees in the angle. This creates additional convenience for people, especially for the elderly.

When constructing apartment buildings, we should take into account human interests and the national mentality of our people, Islam Karimov said. In order for people to be satisfied with their lives, it is necessary to create favorable conditions and amenities, especially for our women.

The head of state gave recommendations on the creation of additional facilities for the population in the residential area, as well as on landscaping of the surrounding territory.

Our country has been making remarkable successes in all spheres. The Uzbek people live in these comfortable and modern homes. That is the very goal of our efforts, namely, the dream and aspirations of people, Islam Karimov insisted.

The ongoing creative and improvement works will help to further improve the welfare and living standards of the population.

(Source: Press-service of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan)


The Tashkent Plant is getting to produce modern trams

The Tashkent Plant for Construction and Maintenance of Passenger Cars is getting prepared to implement several interesting projects in the near future. One of the projects comes to the production of modern Uzbekistan branded trams.

The project is conventionally divided into two stages. During the first stage in early 2015, the plant specialists embarked on the upgrade of two old trams Tatra T-3M. They are currently completing welding works on the car body, have reshaped the cabin, front side of the roof, the side of the body. The interior design is improved by new cladding materials, comfortable passenger seats, as well as large viewing windows. Once the Tashkent tram car fleet is upgraded, it is planned to begin the construction of the first domestic trams in the second phase.

Meanwhile, the specialists manage their routine work too. From now, it will also focus on new export perspectives. In the coming years the plant is going to become a significant player in the passenger car maintenance market in Kazakhstan.

“The other day the plant has completed the depot repair of the first passenger car for the Kazakhstan Sary-Arka Company. We renovated the car body, the undercarriage, water and heating systems, doors, step boards, electrical equipment and interior. The contract with the Kazakh company has become a kind of a pass to the new market. Our partners were able to estimate the high level of our work and a willingness to address the most complicated technological problems. After delivering the cars we held successful talks on expanding cooperation with Sary-Arka,” said a representative of the plant.

He told about meetings with other big Kazakhstan companies that expressed interest in the joint work. The efforts would enhance the export capacity and increase the inflow of foreign currency into Uzbekistan.

(Source: «Uzbekistan Today» newspaper)


Uzbekistan to spend over US$700m to three solar plants

Uzbekistan is planning to direct US$700 million to construction of three solar power plants in the country.

Earlier, Uzbekenergo said that it is planned to construct solar photovoltaic stations in Samarkand, Surkhandarya and Namangan regions with the capacity of 100 megawatt each.

Uzbekenergo announced a tender for construction of solar power station with the capacity of 100 megawatt in Samarkand region under turn-key bases in 2014. The results of the tender will be announced in 2015.

According to estimates, the first heliostation in Central Asia can be constructed by 2017, which will produce 200 million KWH of electricity a year. The project cost is US$275.8 million and finance due to the loan of the Asian Development Bank for US$110 million, resources of Fun for Reconstruction and Development of Uzbekistan and Uzbekenergo.

Two solar power stations with the capacity of 100 megawatt each will be constructed in Namangan and Surkhandarya region. The construction of stations can be started in 2017. Total cost of construction of the stations will be about US$450 million.

Uzbekistan is planning to construct several solar power stations with the capacity of over 2 gegawatts. The projects will be financed due to resources of Uzbekenergo and loans of international financial institutions. The potential of solar energy in Uzbekistan is estimate at 50.9 billion tonnes of oil equivalent.


shanghai cooperation organisation

General Prosecutor of Uzbekistan will take part in a meeting of the SCO member states

On August 27-28 the delegation of the Republic of Uzbekistan headed by the General Prosecutor Ikhtiyor Abdullayev will participate in the 13th session of General Prosecutors of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization that will be held in Astana. It was reported by the Uzbek Foreign Ministry.

Current event will be held in accordance with the decision of the 12th session of general prosecutors of the SCO that was held on 8 October 2014 in Tashkent.

The agenda of the forthcoming meeting is to discuss topical issues of interaction of the competent authorities of SCO member states on combating cybercrime and illegal use of the Internet space, illegal transference of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances through the border.


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