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September 7, 2015



Cooperation for the Consolidation of Peace. 2

Angren Special Industrial Zone.. 3

Domestic Manufacturers to ‘Shoe’ Cars and Agricultural Machinery. 3

International cooperation.. 3

Financial and technical cooperation with Germany. 3

10th Sharq Taronalari International Music Festival.. 6

A Festival That Links Continents. 6


Cooperation for the Consolidation of Peace

As reported earlier, President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Islam Karimov visited Beijing September 2-3 at the invitation of President of the People’s Republic of China Xi Jinping.

On the second day of the visit, on September 3, the head of our state took part in celebrations of the 70th anniversary of the Victory in World War II.

The Chinese people, despite the political, social and economic difficulties of those years, fought heroically and made an enormous contribution to the success in the Second World War.

The military parade, organized at Beijing’s Tiananmen Square and dedicated to the 70th anniversary of this significant date, has a universal significance for the entire humanity. It was attended by the heads of state and government from almost thirty nations, along with chiefs of international organizations such as the UN, SCO and others.

The parade has become a peculiar way of paying tribute to the memory of those who sacrificed their lives for the freedom of peoples. It also serves for the development of cooperation in order to cement peace and security in the world.

President Islam Karimov’s participation in the official celebrations in Beijing has been indicative of our country’s aspiration for peace and security throughout the planet and for the enhancement of friendship and cooperation between the peoples of Uzbekistan and China.

Within the framework of the current visit, President Islam Karimov met with President Xi Jinping.

The strategic partnership between our two nations has been consolidating consistently. Rather dynamic has been the bilateral cooperation in the fields of politics, economy, trade, manufacturing industry, finances, construction sector, science, education and culture.

China is one of Uzbekistan’s major trade and investment partners. The volume of mutual trade has been steadily increasing. In particular, the turnover reached 4.7 billion U.S. dollars in 2014. In the first half of this year, the growth on this front amounted to 11.7%.

There are 582 enterprises in Uzbekistan, which were set up in cooperation with Chinese businesses, while more than 80 of them are established for solely Chinese investments. In excess of 70 companies from the PRC have their representative offices working in Uzbekistan.

The Uzbek-Chinese joint high-tech industrial park – the Jizzakh special industrial zone, set up in 2013, produces mobile phones, sewing machines, building materials, solar collectors and other goods in high demand.

The Angren-Pap railroad, currently under construction by Uzbekiston Temir Yullari (Uzbekistan Railways) Stock Company in cooperation with China Railway Tunnel Group, is expected to become an important link for the shortest rail route between our two countries. It is anticipated to facilitate further expansion of trade and economic interaction between the two nations.

China National Petroleum Corporation (CNPC) is actively involved in the exploration and development of hydrocarbon fields in our country. Joint efforts are in progress to bolster the capacity of the Central Asia – China gas pipeline, secure systematic supply of natural gas to the PRC, deep reprocessing of natural gas at the Mubarek Gas Chemical Complex in Uzbekistan.

Production of tires for cars, agricultural machinery, as well as conveyor belts is being established in Angren, Tashkent region, together with China’s PoliTechnology.

The friendship societies Uzbekistan-China and the PRC-Central Asia serve as important mechanisms in strengthening the bilateral relations.

Interaction between the scientific-technical agencies of the two countries, exchange of students and cooperation between higher education institutions has been steadfast. The Uzbek language is keenly studied in China, while the same is true vice-versa. Reciprocal days of cinema, art exhibitions, festivals and other cultural events are organized regularly in our two countries.

In the course of the summit talks in Beijing, the parties discussed in detail the current state of bilateral relations and prospects for their further extension. They also exchanged views on regional and international issues of shared interest.

President Islam Karimov met September 3 with Prime Minister of the State Council of China Li Keqiang.

It was noted during the talks that the current visit would contribute to the enhancement of cooperation between our two nations and the consolidation of strategic partnership.

The two sides exchanged views on the implementation of agreements reached at the highest level, comprehensive advancement of interaction in trade, economic, investment, cultural and humanitarian spheres.

Thus the visit of the head of our state to China was complete. Reverence to the memory of victims of World War II, manifested by Uzbekistan’s President, has become an expression of the noblest sentiments, while the fruitful and constructive negotiations with the leaders of China proved to be an important event for the benefit of our two peoples.

(Source: Press-service of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan)

Angren Special Industrial Zone

Domestic Manufacturers to ‘Shoe’ Cars and Agricultural Machinery

A ceremony to launch the construction of a rubber plant has taken place in Angren Special Industrial Zone.

Totaling $183.9 million, the plant will be built by the Chinese company Poly Technologies Inc. It will produce 100,000 running meters of conveyor belts, 200,000 agricultural and 3 million car tires per year.

The project is financed through a $27.6 million loan of the Fund for Reconstruction and Development of Uzbekistan. It also envisages allocation of preferential long-term foreign loans in the amount of $156.36 million. The Chinese company has scheduled to complete all construction work by January 1, 2016.

The groundbreaking ceremony was attended by a representative delegation of the Chinese company headed by President Zhang Zhengao, who held talks in the concerned ministries and departments of Uzbekistan. The Chinese side expressed the interest in further expansion of the tire production, the localization of raw materials, in the establishment of tire production for trucks and buses, as well as in the development of mutually beneficial investment cooperation in the oil, gas and mining areas.

During the visit, the Chinese delegation approved the master plan for a new plant with the assistance of an independent international consultant – the Australian company Asiatech Consulting Ltd., as well as the Chinese Institute of ChemChina.

(Source: «Uzbekistan Today» newspaper)

International cooperation

Financial and technical cooperation with Germany

Interaction in the field of financial and technical cooperation is one of the priority directions in the development of relations between the Republic of Uzbekistan and the Federal Republic of Germany. Partnership between the two countries dates back to 1992, when the Coordinating Bureau (now – the Representative Office) of the German Society of International Cooperation (GIC) began functioning in Uzbekistan. A year later the Uzbek-German cooperation was boosted by the German Development Bank (KfB).

Over the past years, the aggregate volume of money funds provided by the government of Germany to Uzbekistan within the framework of financial and technical cooperation reached about 314 million Euro, including credits on favourable terms and grants allotted by the German Development Bank – to the tune of more than 250 million Euro and technical-assistance resources – to the tune of some 64 million Euro.

A series of important projects were realized in Uzbekistan with Germany’s financial and technical assistance. Their implementation contributed considerably to the development of such sectors as vocational education, healthcare, agriculture, small business, transport infrastructure and telecommunications.

Starting 1993, intergovernmental meetings are convened annually to review the situation and development prospects of the bilateral financial and technical cooperation between Germany and Uzbekistan. As a rule, they are organized in the form of alternating intergovernmental talks and intergovernmental consultations.

In the course of the intergovernmental talks held in Bonne on 24-25 June 2013, the sides reached agreement on the appropriation to Uzbekistan by the German government of 16 million Euro worth of gratuitous assistance between 2013 and 2014. That sum included the funds needed to continue the implementation of a modernization program in regional multi-profile medical centers – within the framework of financial cooperation with the German Development Bank, KfB, and the funds directed towards the costs of a program, which was aimed at furthering the economic development in the regions across Uzbekistan, as well as projects to raise the skill levels in doctors and medical personnel and to increase the scope of financial literacy among the country’s citizens – within the framework of technical cooperation.

Active cooperation is maintained with a number of German organizations in the development assistance domain, including the improvement of professional qualification, the study of world experience in the implementation of governmental measures in different industries etc. In particular, since 2007, Uzbekistan, in partnership with the Federal Ministry of Economy and Technologies of Germany and the German Society InVEnt, has been realizing the Administrative Personnel Training Program. Within its framework, managers from indigenous enterprises work on probation in Germany in such directions as construction, farming, consulting, finances, investment, marketing, exports, logistics, processing of fruit and vegetables, and production of consumer goods.

The Federal Ministry of Economy and Technology of Germany regards it as one of the best similar programs realized elsewhere in the CIS within the past decade. In 2010 and 2014, international conferences that brought together all the graduates of the Administrative Personnel Training Program, were successfully convened in Tashkent jointly with German partners.

At the beginning of 2011, the Federal government of Germany united the German Society, InVEnt and the German Development Service, DED. As a result, the Administrative Personnel Training Program that has been implemented by the German Society, InVEnt since 2007, was transferred under the authority of the German Society of International Cooperation.

In addition, Uzbekistan maintains partner relations with other organizations and institutions of Germany, such as the Center for International Migration and Development (CIM), the Federal Physical-Technical Department (PTB), the German Society of Investments (DEG), the Institute of International Cooperation at the German Association of National Higher Educational Establishments (DVVInternational), the Service of Senior Experts (SES), the Savings-Bank Fund on International Cooperation, the Fund of Economic Development and Vocational Training (SEQUA), the German Service of Academic Exchange (DAAD), and the Central Service of School Education Abroad (ZfA).

Interacting with its Uzbek partners within the framework of these organizations, the German side provides the institutional and consulting support to the Republic’s private sector, schools and lyceums, state organizations operating in such spheres as standardization, educations of adults in Uzbekistan, criminal and administrative law, raising of the level of professional skills in personnel of the Ministry of Labour’s social departments, and financing of research stipends for Uzbek scientists and stipends for students that obtain the second higher education.


The assistance policy pursued by the Federal Republic of Germany is aimed at raising the economic and social standards of life in developing countries. And the reciprocal intergovernmental cooperation is one of the main directions of this policy.

The German government determines the limits of cooperation and is responsible for its realization. It conducts the partner dialogue with developing nations in keeping with the principles, directions and topical aspects of cooperation. They jointly identify the fields, where the German government’s assistance is required most of all. The Federal Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Development of Germany (BMZ) not only co-ordinates this activity, for the latter to be in line with the governmental assistance policy, but also supervises its implementation.

Founded in 1948, in the form of a public legal corporation, the German Development Bank, KfB is part of the KfB Bank Group. One of the latter’s major tasks is the promotion of economic development in Germany, Europe and many countries throughout the world.

With the headquarters located in Frankfurt-on-Maine, the German Development Bank, KfB also runs branches in Bonne and Berlin. 80 per cent of its basic capital is owned by the Federal government, with the remaining 20 per cent being owned by federal lands.

The Bank’s supreme body is the Observation Council, consisting of 37 members. Among them are representatives from ministries and departments, Parliament, banks, trade unions etc. The Observation Council is chaired by a Federal Finance Minister of Germany.

The supreme executive body of the Bank is a board of directors, which is responsible for both the performance of KfB and management of its capital. Today, Ulrich Schreder is Chairman of its Board of Directors.

The Bank carries out its activity on a commission from the Federal government of Germany within the framework of the policy of the country’s assistance to developing nations that dates back to the 1960s. The KfB Bank finances development programs and invests in their economic infrastructural facilities by rendering financial and consulting assistance services.

KfB funds projects in the following main sectors: transport, power engineering, communications, agriculture, social infrastructure (including public health and education) and entrepreneurship.

In particular, the Bank supports investment projects designed to develop economic and social infrastructure, projects implemented in manufacturing and farming, as well as measures to protect the environment and natural resources. The projects of small and medium investment volumes that are realized in manufacturing and agriculture, as well as environmental projects are funded through the financial institutions operating in developing countries. In addition to financing concrete projects, Germany, in an effort to improve the general economic or sectoral framework conditions in developing countries, provides free financial support in the form of structural assistance and finances the importation of goods for civil use, which are required to meet the current needs (for example, in the form of commodity help).

The Bank’s financial cooperation takes the form of long-term loans extended at favourable interest, and grants to finance projects and programs – for less developed nations. Besides, KfB allots credits at very low interest and with a long period of validity (30-40 years). Furnished with a firm interest rate, such credits are due to be repaid in keeping with a plan specified in a credit agreement.

Moreover, the Bank funds the provision of consulting services, which prove indispensable when making preparations for financial cooperation projects. In addition to budgetary appropriations, KfB earmarks its own capital within the framework of so-called combined and mixed financing. The Bank also uses its own funds in order to reduce credit rates and to finance projects implemented under its development policy.

The German Society of International Cooperation (GIC), as a federal establishment acting on the global scale and involved in international cooperation with a view to accelerating the pace of economic and social development, supports the Federal government of Germany in pursuing its development assistance policy. The company offers promising solutions to issues that surround the political, economic, ecological and social development in the globalized world. As well as that, it backs the processes of complex reforms and restructuring, including those unfolding in a complicated environment.

The main goal the German Society of International Cooperation is striving to attain is a steady improvement of people’s living conditions. Based in Eshborne, a town not far from Frankfurt-on-Maine, the GIC is a federal establishment, founded in 1975 as a private company. Its main customer in the field of technical cooperation is Germany’s Federal Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Development. There are other customers, too, including the country’s federal departments, foreign governments, and international clientele, such as the European Commission, the UNO, the World Bank and private companies.

The German Society of International Cooperation is a not-for-profit organization. The profit made in the course of its performance is directed exclusively toward the cost of projects that are intended to promote international cooperation and stable development.

Today, the company operates in more than 130 countries worldwide, including those in Africa, Asia, Latin America, the Middle East, Europe, the Caucasus, Central Asia and the Mediterranean region. In the Republic of Uzbekistan, the German Society of International Cooperation works out projects to orders from the Federal Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Development and other German state customers, including the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Germany.

Carrying out its activity in Uzbekistan, the GIC facilitates the realization of reforms in the fields of economy, education, ecology, law, healthcare and social life. The majority of its projects are parts of bigger regional projects implemented in Central Asia.

(Source: «Business» newspaper)

10th Sharq Taronalari International Music Festival

A Festival That Links Continents

Held every two years under the auspices of UNESCO and at the initiative of President Islam Karimov, the International Festival ‘Sharq Taronalari’ (Melodies of the East) has wrapped up in ancient Samarkand. Representatives of more than 66 countries came to the fabled city to take part in the festival. The event was covered by more than 200 local and foreign media outlets. The UNESCO Assistant Director General for External Relations and Public Information, Eric Falt, was a guest of honor at the festival.

Samarkand has been the center of exchange of cultures and traditions for centuries, and they still live in the folk art. Having turned into the center of musical art, it helps to unite different nations with different languages, religions, customs, and generally promotes the unique samples of national music and song art of the East. The inclusion of the festival in the UNESCO list of international cultural events demonstrates its political and spiritual significance.

The President of Uzbekistan Islam Karimov addressed the guests and participants of the festival with a welcome speech: «I believe no one can deny the idea that music is an immense divine power which constantly motivates us for kindness, awakens the most gentle and sincerest feelings in any person’s heart.

I am sure all of you will agree that the magical art of music is capable to bind the people of various countries and ethnic groups, languages and beliefs to one another without any translation, and unite them towards the achievement of common objectives. This year marks the jubilee celebration – the tenth International Music Festival Sharq Taronalari. Since the foundation of the festival in 1997, the geography of its participants has considerably expanded, and their number has doubled from 31 to 66, and I think that the fact speaks volumes. The participation of renowned masters of arts and creativity teams from dozens countries of the Asian, African, European and American continents, different regions of the East and the West in this year’s music festival suggests that our festival has been gaining popularity and recognition around the world, increasing its prestige and credibility. The success takes roots primarily from the humanistic ideas of Sharq Taronalari, which are close and clear to all people. So, we are surely pleased that the concept of ‘the spirit and philosophy of Samarkand’, which is filled with a deep sense and was born owing to our festival, further strengthens the bonds of friendship between nations, promotes the development of cultural dialogue and preservation of traditions of classical music.

We know well and highly appreciate the commendable contribution to the noble mission of the true masters of culture and art, the active participants of the festival, international organizations, UNESCO first and foremost, as well as our people, who have been wholeheartedly supporting this musical forum.”

Since the dawn of its independence, the Uzbek government has been attaching importance to the preservation and revival of national values, development of Uzbek musical art and further promotion of its fame worldwide. Anniversaries of great ancestors are celebrated nationwide, and their scientific and spiritual heritage is thoroughly studied. The international community has recognized the huge role of Bukhara, Khiva, Termez, Shahrisabz, Karshi, Margilan in the world civilization. Their history dates back to millennia. Samarkand is fairly called the ‘heart’ of the Great Silk Road. It was included in the UNESCO’s World Heritage List for the paramount importance of its material and spiritual values. Unique monuments of ancient architecture, heritage of scientific and art schools, national handicrafts centers in the ancient city are known throughout the world.

According to ancient sources, the Central Asia’s oldest musical instrument was found in Samarkand. Perhaps, this is the reason why Sharq Taronalari Festival is symbolically held in this city on one of its oldest monuments – the majestic complex of Registan. As noted by the People’s Artist of Uzbekistan Munojat Yulchieva: «The music forum ranks among the greatest achievements of our independence, as it opens up great opportunities for creativity, and introduces many nations of the world with our art. Its title, vector and subject have incorporated the true folk tunes, collected folk heritage from the whole world, and have given the chance for the peoples to get acquainted with different musical traditions.»

Every two years, artists and folk groups from all over the world come here to present the traditional musical culture of their nations. This year, singers and musicians from Europe, Asia, Africa, Latin America and the CIS have demonstrated their mastery on the stage under the arches of the majestic Registan. Artists from Portugal, Costa Rica, Peru, Slovenia and Ecuador performed in Samarkand for the first time.

Each day of the festival presented unique patterns of the eastern music art at the Registan Square, in the parks and palaces of the city, and in seven districts of Samarkand region, which won the hearts of thousands of fans. The participants from Costa Rica sparked a furor. Representatives of Azerbaijan rank among the permanent participants of the Samarkand festival. Each time they enchant the guests with the deep and soulful performance of the traditional mugham (a classic folk song). The performances of musicians from Peru and Madagascar appeared gambling and temperamental. The participants from Finland showed an interesting performance. The female orchestra from China looked very touching. It is worth to mention the performances of the participants from Italy, Great Britain, India and others, who have proved the high mission of the Sharq Taronalari Festival, which again and again reveals new facets of musical traditions of different countries, enriching and developing our vision of folklore and its modern interpretation.

In short, each participant surprised, amazed and pleased the audience. The name of the winner was announced on the last day of the festival, August 30, at the closing ceremony. It was a truly tough challenge for the jury to select a winner among so bright and original performances. At this year’s festival, the jury was headed by a Professor Gen’ichi Tsuge of Tokyo University of the Arts. The famous musicologist, researcher, professor of music theory Otanazar Matyokubov and People’s Artist of Uzbekistan Munojat Yulchieva represented Uzbekistan in the jury. A Jiangsu Group of Women’s Orchestra of China was announced the winner of the Tenth International Music Festival Sharq Taronalari, and the holder of the Grand Prix and a cheque for $10,000.

“There are perhaps hardly any people in the world who might be happier than us at this moment, it is impossible to convey our excitement through words,” said the Jiangsu Women’s Orchestra singer Zhang Jing. “We are very happy to win the main prize of this renowned and prestigious festival. We express our sincere gratitude to President Islam Karimov for initiating the wonderful events like this, for the attention to the development of art and culture, and huge contribution to strengthening of peace and harmony throughout the world. We are looking forward to performing on this beautiful stage once again. May the melodies of ‘Sharq Taronalari’ glorify the peace, friendship and kindness forever!”

The first prize was taken by a Japanese group of Shamisen, the second prize was shared by the representatives of Poland and Estonia. Masters of Arts from Costa Rica won the third place. An Aykulash Yulduzlari group from Karakalpakstan was awarded a UNESCO’s special prize.

Exhibitions of national musical instruments, handicraft products and historical costumes were organized as part of the Sharq Taronalari Festival. The traditional scientific and practical conference on the ‘The similarity of musical cultures of the East’ aimed at seeking for the ways of preservation and development of musical culture of the East. Speaking at the conference with a welcoming speech, the UNESCO Assistant Director General for External Relations and Public Information Eric Falt emphasized that the events taking place in the framework of the Sharq Taronalari International Festival are making an invaluable contribution to the preservation of non-material culture of human civilization. Uzbekistan has done a tremendous work in this field in the years of independence. In support of his words, the representative of the international organization awarded the Minister of Culture and Sports of the Republic of Uzbekistan Bahodir Ahmedov a special certificate stating that ‘Askiya’ is included in the Representative List of Intangible Cultural Heritage of the Humanity as a unique kind of folklore of the peoples of Uzbekistan.

From now on, the prestigious list of heritage includes five species of Uzbek national culture – Shashmakom music, the cultural space of Boysun district, the holiday of Navruz, Katta Ashula, and Askia.

“The scientific and practical conferences under the International Music Festival Sharq Taronalari help to strengthen the links between science and music education, which is an important component of upbringing a harmonious personality,” believes the President of Min-On Concert Association of Japan, Professor Hiroyasu Kobayashi. “We appreciate the work Uzbekistan has been doing on promoting the instrumental and performance arts, especially among the younger generation. The preservation of classical music traditions for future generations ranks among the key objectives of the scientific forum. It is especially symbolic that this event takes place in Samarkand, one of the key crossroads of the Silk Road, which also promoted the cultural enrichment of peoples.”

The conference participants noted the involvement of talented representatives of the younger generation, who conduct a comprehensive research in musical art of the East, as a distinctive feature of the forum.

The forum was attended by scientists and art historians from almost 30 countries – Azerbaijan, the United Kingdom, Germany, China, South Korea, Russia, the United States and other countries. They made interesting presentations on the history, theory, practical demonstration and prospects of musical traditions of the East, held master classes and discussions on instrumental and performance art.

The festival was crowned by a big gala concert with the participation of masters of arts and young performers of Uzbekistan. A unique 3D-mapping illumination and music show was a sensation of the festival. The participants and guests could see a shortened 7-minute version of the scaled historical performance. For the first time in the world Uzbekistan has launched a regular 3D illumination and music performance, which has become a hallmark in terms of educating and involving the audience in the cultural and historical heritage. Projected on all the three madrasahs of the Registan, the illumination and music performance was based on historical facts and events. The music was composed by well-known composers Alisher Ikramov and Dmitri Yanov-Yanovsky, and performed by the Youth Symphony Orchestra of Uzbekistan and the Sogdiana chamber orchestra.

“Such shows are very popular in New Zealand, they are demonstrated in several sites in Adelaide and Canberra. However, all of them focus on entertainment, leaving the cognitive component aside. Uzbekistan has gone the other way – it has built the show on the history for the first time in the world: there are no inventions, there is much to learn about great historic personalities and evolution of the unique culture of the East,” said the festival participant Nikola Paseni.

The full 20-minute version of the show will be presented in the current tourist season and, according to experts, promises to become one of its major trends. The creative team of more than 100 leading domestic and foreign designers, historians, 3D-mapping specialists, directors and cameramen is currently finishing working on it.

(Source: «Uzbekistan Today» newspaper)

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