Memory of the first President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Islam Karimov.. 1
Nursultan Nazarbayev pays a tribute of respect to the memory of Islam Karimov. 1
The Legacy of the First President of Uzbekistan. 2
Uzbekistan to be presented at World Robot Olympiad. 6
Uzbekistan updates procedure for cotton fiber sale. 6
Paralympics-2016: Uzbekistan wins two more medals. 7
Memory of the first President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Islam Karimov
Nursultan Nazarbayev pays a tribute of respect to the memory of Islam Karimov
The First President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Islam Karimov as an outstanding politician of modernity, a great leader with far sighted and strategic thinking, has won the high respect and authority throughout the world. State and political figures, many citizens of foreign countries have been deeply saddened by the news of the death of Islam Karimov and have expressed their condolences to our people.
President of the Republic of Kazakhstan arrived on 12 September in Samarkand in order to pay a tribute of respect to the memory of the First President of Uzbekistan Islam Karimov. Acting President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev greeted the guest at the Samarkand International Airport.
President of the Republic of Kazakhstan and Acting President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev laid flowers to the tomb of the First President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Islam Karimov and paid tribute to his memory.
Nursultan Nazarbayev noted that Islam Karimov was his close friend, they always found mutual understanding and supported each other, strengthened together the cooperation between our peoples, the First President of the Republic of Uzbekistan has ensured the current peaceful and prosperous life of Uzbekistan. President of Kazakhstan underlined that the death of Islam Karimov has been a big log for the whole region, including for the people of Kazakhstan.
He also visited the Complex of Forums in Samarkand and expressed deep condolences to Tatyana Karimova, wife of Islam Karimov.
A meeting of Acting President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev and President of the Republic of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev took place at the Complex of Forums.
The cooperation between our countries have been developing on the basis of the Treaty on eternal friendship between the Republic of Uzbekistan and the Republic of Kazakhstan in 1998, the Treaty on strategic partnership between the Republic of Uzbekistan and the Republic of Kazakhstan in 2013 and several other documents.
Our countries are productively cooperation within such international organizations as the UN, SCO, CIS, Islamic Cooperation Organization and many others.
Acting President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev conveyed gratitude to President of the Republic of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev for his visit to our country in order to pay a tribute of respect to the memory of a great son of the Uzbek people, the First President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Islam Karimov. It was particularly noted that this visit, happening on Kurban hayit days- a holiday of kindness and solidary, demonstrates the special relations of friendship and trust between Islam Karimov and Nursultan Nazarbayev. These relations have embodied the friendship of the two nations, good neighbourliness and cooperation and these close links will be steadily pursued in the future.
President of the Republic of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev underscored that the First President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Islam Karimov was a great public figure, a founder of the independence of Uzbekistan, having determined its political, socio-economic development, an outstanding son of the Uzbek nation and a world-scale leader. Islam Karimov has been a key figure in international fora, ensured peace and stability even in the most difficult situations, largely contributed to the development of cooperation between Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan. Nursultan Nazarbayev underlined that a steady elevation of the high level of relations between our countries has an important significance.
The parties also exchanged view on further developing cooperation between Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan in different spheres.
(Source: UzA)
The Legacy of the First President of Uzbekistan
The era of independence and national renaissance needed outstanding personalities, the true titans of thought, and it gave birth to them. Islam Karimov became such a personality for Uzbekistan as the founder of an independent secular state, by building a development strategy for the country heading to the great democratic future.
He bravely took on the responsibility of a pioneer in building a new state, and the heavy burden of the transitional period of national revival. The fate of his mission in dramatic conditions of the collapse of the totalitarian regime was obvious. The republic needed the courage for radical reconstruction and democratization of the nomenclative system of the late ‘80s.
Yet in 1990, Uzbekistan was the first among the former Soviet republics to introduce a presidential governance institution, which was not just brave, but wise in the conditions of instability that reigned the country in the late ‘80s. Perseverance and resoluteness of the first President of Uzbekistan prevented bloodshed in the region. This merit of the leader was later on objectively appreciated not just by the leaders of neighboring countries, but by the course of history.
Unlike many of his colleagues, the leader of Uzbekistan led his people to independence without victims by establishing a sovereign state and ensuring an evolutionary and gradual path of national development, guided by the main concept of ‘do not destroy the old house until you build a new one’.
Taking hold of the situation and governance, not postponing the solution of complicated problems, not shying away from difficult problems of the transition period, the leader of Uzbekistan provided a specific response to the challenges of time. First of all, he developed a strategy of the ‘Uzbek development model’, which comprised five principles in line with the historical spiritual traditions and mentality of the people.
The five principles of the national development model built the foundation of independence, growing from theory into actual practice. They determined the constitutional status of the independent Uzbekistan as a humane democratic state with the rule of law and a strong civil society. There was a great historic opportunity of building a modern secular state with a great future together with hard-working people, which he pursued for 25 years of independent development. This is the major legacy left by the first President of Uzbekistan.
As Islam Karimov wrote those days, ‘the newborn needs a year to learn walking’. The independent Uzbekistan had to raise and walk on his own from the first day. The republic had no experience, though it had to address the most complicated issues and find optimal solutions from the very first days.
Any program and any plan begins with identification of the main goals. A national program starts with uniting people, the entire society. To be effective, it should involve all the components of public policy – economic, political, spiritual, international, and others.
Moral principles were important for young people and independent republic. They take roots in the family and shape the basis of patriotism. The leader of the republic tuned the society on fateful goals, helped the people to believe in their own strength, and the possibility of attainment of future victories in all fields. Setting priorities accurately, Islam Karimov led Uzbekistan to a new civilization.
The ideas of political philosophy of the first President laid the theoretical and practical basis for the strategy of Uzbekistan’s independence to move from a strong state to a strong civil society. This once again proves the fact that the difficult period of transition created the epochal personality, the founder and first leader of our country.
Thanks to the ‘Uzbek development model’, the country’s economy got free from ideology, and gained priority over politics. The state has become a major reformer, undertaking the initiative in carrying out reforms and full responsibility for their implementation.
A phased transition to a market economy and provision of strong social protection became a priority.
New stages of independent development demanded new ideas and strategies. The liberalization of all spheres of life became the gist of reforms in the country on the threshold and in the early years of the twenty-first century. The head of state identified it as the key pillar, the link of all reforms in the country.
Having set the toughest objectives and ensuring their implementation, the first President managed to bring Uzbekistan to a new level of welfare in the early twenty-first century. Addressing problems and rising reforms on democratization and modernization of the country to a new level, the founder of the independence developed a new program of enhancing democratic reforms and building the civil society.
The program was innovative in setting such goals as the priority of independence, ensuring the country’s security, further enhancement of market reforms, true implementation of democratic principles, a human factor, which assigned to define the main direction of all transformations, and others.
All of these priorities were the follow up of the policy of renovation and modernization of the country, which was consistently pursued since the early days of independence. In fact, it is a continuation of what the world is now knows as the ‘Uzbek development model’.
The first President’s philosophy is based on the principles of ‘Independence implies rights’, ‘The power is in justice’, ‘Do not destroy the old house until you build a new one’, which are based on the rule of law. When developing the priorities of independent development, the leader gave preference to the formation of the constitutional state, the legal culture of the people, and equality of all citizens before the law.
In his book ‘Uzbekistan: Independent Way of Renewal and Progress’, Islam Karimov said: “The constitutional state is inconceivable without the rule of law and justice, the priority of individual rights and freedoms, strong discipline, inner self-management and responsibility, respect for the laws and traditions”.
Developed with the direct involvement of the leader of the country and adopted in late 1992, the Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan incorporated all the innovations in the field of human rights and freedoms, including the fundamental provisions of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights – the sanctity of life, identity and freedom. The legal foundation of the ongoing reforms was build on its provisions.
The establishment and effective functioning of the national bicameral parliament, with the lower Legislative Chamber, which works on a professional basis, and the upper Senate, which represents the regions of Uzbekistan, ensuring a balance of regional and national interests, have been the pivotal mechanism of democratic reforms in state and public construction. The chambers are another merit of the founder of the independent state, who did his utmost to implement the constitutional principle of separation of powers, create an effective system of checks and balances between them, and strengthen the role of the legislative and representative authorities centrally and locally.
The contribution of the first President in the revival of spiritual values and creation of conditions for the growth of national consciousness can hardly be overestimated. The focus of reforms on full provision of human rights, freedoms and interests, as well as strengthening of property rights was a decisive factor for the radical change in people’s outlook, the meaning and content of their lives.
The President prioritized careful attitude to the historical and cultural heritage of the nation, preservation and restoration of unique monuments of history, learning and augmentation of ancient and modern cultural values, the development of the Uzbek language as the voice of the national culture and identity of the people and respect for the national culture of the nationalities living on the territory of Uzbekistan.
“Spirituality is the precious fruit that ripened in our ancient and young people together with the love for freedom and sense of independence in a great family of the entire mankind,”
wrote Islam Karimov. “Spirituality comes with mother’s milk and father’s example, the leagcy of ancestors. The significance of the native language is high in terms of bringing people together. The proximity to nature, the extraordinary beauty of the native land feeds and multiplies spirituality. It becomes a powerful force when it is based on a deep understanding of the history of the nation, its culture. Our spirituality can not be measured and can not be exhausted, it is a universe for humans.”
He also pointed out to the impossibility of raising a personality, a patriot of his homeland without love and respect for his people, their traditions, language and culture. Patriotism, civil unity, interethnic consent is the ground the independent state of Uzbekistan was built on. It enables overcoming all difficulties on the way to a great future and prosperity.
The first President proclaimed the principle, which was implemented throughout all 25 years of the independence: ‘The reforms are not for the sake of reforms, but in the name of people’. Everything ultimately depends on a person, no matter what challenges the state and society face, and no matter what problems are addressed.
“The meaning and purpose of the reforms,” he emphasized, “is to create favorable conditions for each citizen of Uzbekistan to have an opportunity to open up as a personality, manifest his aptitudes, talents, make his life better, decent, and spiritually richer.
To achieve this, the reforms were aimed at revealing people’s abilities and creative aptitudes, that is, creating the conditions for citizens to feel masters.
Economic reforms were focused on the implementation of labor-related interests of working people, creating the conditions, in which an employee would feel a creative personality in a free economy, and free production.
The population was provided with jobs and income in the conditions of the balance of economic and social stability in society. Small business and private entrepreneurship as the area of employment and a source of income for the larger part of the population have become an effective instrument for the development of business and entrepreneurial skills in people, and their accelerated adaptation to market conditions.
That resulted in the emergence of a middle class in Uzbekistan, mobile and focused on their own resources, with confidence in the tomorrow.
Skills and experience of workers and their willingness to work creatively was the major factor of progress in the republic. A new formation of people, with a new outlook, new mentality and a new self-perception has been brought up over the years of independence. They are educated. They are not just the consumers of benefits of democracy, but their active creators and protectors, that is citizens.
Despite the complicacies of the transition period, the country has managed to preserve and improve the staff training system, providing access to all levels of education for all the population strata, regardless of the financial status, place of residence and nationality.
From the first days of independence, the education system of Uzbekistan abandoned old stereotypes, switching to radical reformation. Developed by the President, the Uzbek’ model of training of qualified staff, which is based on national traditions and advanced world standards, has been recognized both by local and international community. With a steady growing scale, this system plays a crucial role in building a brighter future today. It is aimed at educating the representatives of the young generation free-thinking, able of handling modern technologies, comprehensively developed, physically healthy. The further development of the system has already led, as predicted by the head of state, to the ‘explosive effect’ in all areas of society.
The President of Uzbekistan scientifically and perceptively justified the future greatness of the state with the spiritual, moral and well-educated society. That is why the education of comprehensively advanced generation with high spirituality and independent thinking ranks among the key priorities of the policy of independent Uzbekistan. A tremendous work has been done in recent years under the National Staff Training Program on raising the education system to the level of developed countries.
Uzbekistan has been maintaining a high level of health care contributions and improving performance in this field year by year. The formation of a national model of public health protection on the basis of equal rights of citizens for qualified medical aid, the priority development of primary health care, private healthcare, reformation of the medical staff training system, streamlining of the system of drug provision of the population was carried out with the direct involvement of the first President.
Children’s sports have been boosting on the background of healthy lifestyle advocacy. Millions of young men and women are involved in three-stage children and youth’s competitions.
The credit for the development of the idea of national independence also goes to the first President. As postulated by the head of state, “Uzbekistan is a country with a great future!”
The idea incorporates political, moral and philosophical aspects, serves as a beacon towards the progress, determines the gist of the guidelines, particularly the concept of ‘the state with a great future’.
The Islam Karimov’s idea is featured by the centrality of humans. It is an interrelation of a trinity – spirituality, ideology and national idea. It is hard to disagree with it, because the ideology and national idea are based on spirituality.
This idea is filled with faith in the future, optimism, revival of the country. Our state and nation, just like the Humo bird on the national emblem, have always revived for a new life. It seems to provide the answer to the question: what do we go for future with?
… This is just a very small part of the legacy of the first President of Uzbekistan Islam Karimov. He provided a radical reform of the Armed Forces of the republic, empowering them to defend its territorial integrity. He developed and implemented the concept of foreign policy of Uzbekistan, which is based on non-interference in the internal affairs of other states.
Islam Karimov initiated the formation of civil society, focusing on the further development of the world’s unique and unparalleled institution of mahalla. He pushed a scaled constructive work on the radcial transformation of Uzbek cities and villages, including the architectural looks of the capital city Tashkent. There is a lot to continue…
The people of Uzbekistan will never forget their first President, who had won independence for them. People will always remember the leader who provided them with huge opportunities, helped to believe in themselves, open up, gain confidence in the future. They will never forget the great personality, who was delegated by the time at a turning point in history, and who led the country to spiritual and national revival.
(Source: «Uzbekistan Today» newspaper)
Uzbektelecom Company and Chinese investors have launched right three new businesses on the territory of the Jizzakh Special Industrial Zone
Established jointly with the Chinese company ZTT, Smart Vision has commissioned the production of videophones and IP-phones. Invested with more than $1 million, the company is capable of producing 500 IP-phones and 500 videophones monthly. It is planned to increase the localization level to 30% by the end of 2017. About 10% of production will be exported.
The joint venture Broadband Solutions was founded in partnership with Huawei Tech Investment Co. LTD for the production of fiber-optic telecommunication devices. It will manufacture equipment for telephone, Internet, television and radio networks, Quad modems, small stations to provide settlements and organizations with communications services and Internet access. The project’s total cost exceeded $3 million.
The third company was also established jointly with the Chinese ZTT. It will produce assembly and cable stuff for the construction of optical access networks with a variety of connectors, telecommunication distribution cabinets.
(Source: «Uzbekistan Today» newspaper)
Uzbekistan to be presented at World Robot Olympiad
As was previously reported, the Week of information and communication technologies ICTWEEK will be held from 19 to 23 September in Tashkent. In addition to the forum, exhibition and other activities within ICTWEEK, it is scheduled to hold competitions in robotics among children. The organizers of the event will be the first in Uzbekistan, the School of robotics RoboKidz and the Ministry for development of information technologies and communications of the Republic of Uzbekistan. The winning team and their mentor will travel to India to the World Robot Olympiad, according to the event website.
This was made possible thanks to the cooperation between RoboKidz and World Robot Olympiad. Now, having become the official representative of the WRO in Uzbekistan, RoboKidz has the opportunity to represent the country at the event.
Thus, a team comprised of two representatives, having won the national round of Robotics Olympiad, will have an opportunity to take part in the final stage of the World Robot Olympiad 2016, which will be held in new Delhi (India) from 25 to 27 November 2016.
Uzbekistan updates procedure for cotton fiber sale
The Cabinet of Ministers of Uzbekistan adopted a Resolution “On improvement of mechanism of sale and calculations for cotton fiber”. The resolution says that the sale of the cotton fiber for export and enterprises in the Republic have to be carried out by the JSC “Uzpahtaexport” for hard currency. In addition, contracts can be concluded through the Uzbek Republican Commodity Exchange in accordance with the annually approved parameters of the balance of production and supply of cotton fiber.
Storage and release of cotton fiber for export and local enterprises should be made only at cotton terminals. Cotton terminals also serve as a place where foreign buyers and enterprises of the Republic check the quality and quantity of cotton for final acceptance.
The document approved:
– Regulations on the procedure of sale of cotton fiber and the calculations to be made by JSC “Uzpahtaexport” with the territorial branches of JSC “Uzpahtasanoat”;
– Regulations on the procedure of sale of cotton fiber on the stock exchange through the Uzbek Republican Commodity Exchange (UZEX) to enterprises of the Republic and for export;
– Regulation on certification and weighing of cotton fiber.
The document also approved an updated list of cotton terminals of JSC “Uzpahtaexport”.
According to the Resolution, the contracts on sale of cotton fiber for export and enterprises of the Republic concluded prior to the entry into force of this regulation, shall be executed in accordance with the legislation in force at the time of their conclusion.
Theater Premieres
Fall time… Actors are back from vacations, with inspiration and renewed vigor they are working on productions. UT correspondent inquires what do prepared theater troupes for spectators and what to expect from the new season.
The Tashkent State Theater of Musical Comedy (Operetta) has opened the 44th season. Two premieres are expected: the national musical comedy ‘Charmed with You’ by stage director Gulruh Najidova, and musical comedy ‘The Twelve Chairs’ based on the novel by Ilf and Petrov. In addition, the theater is recruiting in the studio those who want to fulfill themselves in the arts. Young people aged 16-25 will have the opportunity to be trained in singing by the People’s Artist of Uzbekistan Zinaida Solovei and the Honored Artist of Uzbekistan Dinara Minyaeva. Mahmud Rashidov will teach acting, Valeriy Yuldashev – stage speech, and Feruza Isayeva – choreography.
The Samarqand State Russian Drama Theater troupe is also working on the productions. In the 99th season the theater presents two new performances. For the grownups the theater premieres the play ‘Be Healthy’ – psychological family comedy by French playwright Chenot. Funny story about how due to the alleged death of the writer the people around him showed their true colors. Events in the fight for the inheritance developed by the laws of the genre, in which, as we know, there is always a grotesque, expression, improvisation – all that for which we love theater. And for the little ones the theater prepares the classical production of ‘The Snow Queen’ by Schwartz, which will be premiered in the New Year holidays.
The new format, in which will be presented not productions, but modern adaptations with well-known heroes of plays, will soon appear in the State Theater of Young Spectators. This kind of evenings the theater plans to present for the grownups as well. For example, the highlight of the program will be the protagonist of ‘Shumbola’, which falls into an unusual comical situation, but different from those in the play. In addition, the adaptations will be accompanied by modern songs and dances. A couple of months later theatergoers can see the long-awaited premiere of the play ‘Ur, To’qkmoq’ (Beat, the Baton), staged basing on the beloved folk fairy tale.
In mid-September at the National Puppet Theater the young spectators and their parents enjoy the already popular play ‘Semurg’ based on the work of Hamid Olimjon and Zulfiya about the courageous hero who overcomes the challenges and frees his homeland from the enemy. Director Iroda Turdieva has already started working on the production of the fairy tale ‘Puss in Boots.’ In addition, it is planned to restore the performances ‘The Thumbelina’ and ‘The Star Boy.’ The theater management holds talks on participation in the International Festival of Puppet Theaters, which will be held in St. Petersburg next year. It should be mentioned that the theater troupe worthily represented Uzbekistan in many festivals in Germany, Egypt, the United States, Russia and other countries.
(Source: «Uzbekistan Today» newspaper)
Paralympics-2016: Uzbekistan wins two more medals
Uzbekistan national team won two more medals at Paralympic Games in Rio de Janeiro.
Ahror Bozorov won the bronze medal in powerlifting. In the weight category of 80 kg, he lifted 207 kg.
In 400 m freestyle swimming Dmitry Horlin was third with the result of 4:06.63.
Currently, Uzbekistan won 23 medals at Paralympic Games – six gold, four silver an 13 bronze medals.
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